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56067998 No.56067998 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I visit this board, I became more convinced that you guys won't make it. You certainly don't deserve to, you guys are absolute lowlives who have no depth to you at all and would probably just eat hooker shit all day if you had a lot of money. You have no taste or aesthetic sensibility. But even still some people make it if they are absolute garbage human beings if they have some special quality like intelligence or connections or talent, and you don't have any of those. None of you seem to have had the brain cells or attention span to have read a single book on economics or finance, let alone regularly read periodicals. You are all essentially into crypto because it isn't gate kept like securities or futures (and both of those are accessible for anyone serious enough to look into them and make a decent effort to get into to them), and your research of them is the absolute minimal because you are too lazy and inept to do any meaningful research with your time. You guys remind me of the people on the slots at Vegas who literally piss and shit themselves playing because they won't move

>> No.56068017

>you guys
Op not read. Gtfo

>> No.56068032

>I watch special and unique porn and buy special and unique crapto and when I die I will be totally unmourned in a special and unique non service

>> No.56068059

Not really, but I dismiss the
>You goys
Bots. Get a new catch phrase

>> No.56068062

What's ironic is you cocksuckers are spiritually the same as bots

>> No.56068069

Not really. New catch phrase, get one, show some creativity, you are a boring me

>> No.56068080

You have no attention span to even read a book, of course I'm boring you. You need to watch cartoons for entertainment because you haven't emotionally developed past childhood

>> No.56068117

Just finally finished Heidegger and are putting my notes into a summary with my own thoughts on it. So it's really just that I ignore the "you guys" faggots writing like yours, same as the yall and other easy identifiable shitter and reddit ops

>> No.56068118

>read a book
Isn't BTC currently sitting at almost 3,000,000x from launch? How is investing in that a mistake? Aren't there also Shiba, Doge and Pepe millionaires all around? Did they also make a mistake investing in crypto? Would they had more chance making it investing in the Q's? Or in FX? Or penny trading? Hmmmmmmmm

>You got a single fact to back that up?
You smell like a mega seether

>> No.56068127

Crypto is a pyramid scheme that failed to be a useful tech. A database that can not scale without sacrificing security or its raison d'être, distribution, worthless. Also failed to build trustless oracles, so crypto in its existence is wort less than 40 year old tech.
>Ib4 muah ponzi gains
There were people that made money on tulip pump and dumps too

>> No.56068163

>just finished Heidegger
That's not even a work unless you are suggesting you read his corpus

There are, in all probability, more millionaires from lotteries

>> No.56068203

>crypto muh ponzi
But.... we already knew that? Can normies please stop repeating that shit? Everyone that's in crypto for more than a year knows that... it makes easy money, simple as.... that I don't give a shit if it's ponzi money.

>probably more lottery winners
Here weeeeee gooooo, the uniformed cope comes out, you don't have neither the data to back that claim neither the experience in those circles to even infer any statistic. I don't have cold stats either but I do have experience and you're 100% wrong. I've met more actual millionaires being in crypto (proven to not be LARPs) that I would have ever have otherwise jfl.

Have you ever met a lottery winner irl?
Me neither faggot

>> No.56068226

I have met more people irl who have made money in casinos than I have who have made any money in crypto

>> No.56068228

>It makes easy money
>Therefore you should buy my bags
Gtfo the biggest fools are holding bags, no bigger fools than venture crapitalist and boomer funds buying dog baggie shit

>> No.56068237
File: 441 KB, 1988x2048, 1678477787829679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the gayest faggot post i've seen on this gay faggot board.

>> No.56068308

You know what, fuck you nigger, I ain't letting off that easy

(Can't link, google it faggots)

According to this 4m addresses held .1eth+ in early 2022

(Can't link, google it faggots)

According to this we got around 32k millionaires in 2023 (I'm counting BTC holders cuz I non retard eth millionaire is probably rotating)

0.8% around 1% of crypto investors potentially millionaires

What are the numbers for lotteries?
That's what I thought faggot (not even looking this shit up)

You retards only exposure to crypto is Reddit and Biz.... of course no one is making money in neither.... I would never invest in anything biz shills that's literally suicide.... you can cope and seethe but non-retards with proper contacts are constantly making money.

I made 80x on dork lord just the other day... but of course you have no idea what that token is most likely since all you hear here is "buy link" (by the way these are probably paid shills from the link team in case you haven't noticed).

Even if you looked at the chart now you would just call it a scam I bet. But why do I care? I was early in it and I cashed out. Will you see articles about this token? Probably not, probably never.

How I was I aware of this token so early? If you can't answer that question then you literally know nothing about crypto, you're the tip of the iceberg my nigger, the flashy stuff that shows on Reddit and news articles.

>> No.56068325

based beta decimator

>> No.56068342

Can you explain how you find projects like that?

>> No.56068352

Nigger, I don't want or have anything to do with crapto. The tech failed after December 2022. Stay in your pump and dump shitcords and shitter bubbles, where one can ignore and block you

>> No.56068374

Man you really are clueless

>> No.56068385

Shitter and shitcord are the same shit incestuous (((community))) I have all crapto twitter blocked so non of your incest ponzi shows up in my feed

>> No.56068410

Man you really are clueless

>> No.56068416

Ohhh are you one if the telegram retards or the weibo idiots, maybe even one of the even more incestuous crapto (((social media))) doesn't matter where your incest circle scams each other. Go back

>> No.56068420


>> No.56068422

No. Ignoring. You won't find bigger fools than the fools that bought in 2021

>> No.56068508

>You guys remind me of the people on the slots at Vegas who literally piss and shit themselves playing because they won't move
I know this myth really appeals to you but you must realise it's bullshit. Made up by someone. I get that it contains just the right amount of shock value to liven up the end of your banal, repetitive outpouring, but it's hollow, empty, false and ultimately unfulfilling, much like you, your life and everything you've ever achieved