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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56066605 No.56066605 [Reply] [Original]

They really engineered a flu in a lab just so they could stop the economy for a couple of years and stop the middle class from home ownership

>> No.56066615
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why do you care, aren't you a working class white

>> No.56066618


That's part of it, yes.

>> No.56066621

Nah, they just got extremely lucky... like you wouldn't believe. This is the kind of shit that gets me thinking about the simulation bullshit some nights...like what are the fucking odds.

>> No.56066631

Covid was manufactured to suppress Link

>> No.56066637

also dont forget that unfortunately covid might be making a comeback any time, its such a terrible disease... gotta keep your boosters up to date!

>> No.56066641

Covid was totally planned and you can tell because of a serious lack of congressional inquiry into the origin and intention of the virus from our beloved politicians on capital hill. The question is why?

Here are a few of my ideas

1. squash the rising anti-globalist populist movements(trump/ukip/marine le pen)

2. rattle the global economy to give a pretext to save it from it's inevitable collision into the proverbial debt ridden brick wall

3. Big government subsidies to industry

>> No.56066644

Every thread on /biz/ is:
1- a larp
2- weak bait
3- a scam
4- rage farming
created by different spambots for other bots to take a large dump in.
/biz/ officially fucking dead - lowest post counts per day ever, highest bots counts per day ever!

>> No.56066652

>They really engineered a flu in a lab
Nah the whole thing was just a larp.

>> No.56066697

Don't fall for wild conspiracies without real proof, man. Gotta keep it based in reality and evidence.

>> No.56066720

i'm really excited about the possibility of funding a virus that binds to melanin and i think we're actually close to these things being possible in hobby labs.

>> No.56066735

how did they quash everything when they weren't in power?

>> No.56066739

>1. squash the rising anti-globalist populist movements(trump/ukip/marine le pen)

really makes me think about the U.S. anti-lockdown trucker protest that was scheduled to happen the same exact week the ukraine war kicked off

>> No.56066749

fauci's own people were telling him in email that the likelihood that covid evolved naturally was next to nil.

>> No.56066767

It was actually created by me in my dark apartment inseminating bats, sorry for the inconvenience it caused you guys

>> No.56066853
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Why did trump going along with it bros?

>> No.56066874

as is the duty of the POTUS

>> No.56066880

It's called white pussy. Maybe you should Google it son

>> No.56066999

the "they" have become so retarded off drugs and growing up sheltered they don't know what is going on or being done or for what reasons.

Also viruses don't exist.

>> No.56067008

Vote for him again

>> No.56067016
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The fuck is your obsession with a fucking house?

>> No.56067017

Same reason he j6’d the magatards.

>> No.56067647

ITT: retards can't accept the fact that some negligible chinks accidentally leaked a bio-weapon onto the world. shit happens. bet it won't happen again tho LOL