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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56065206 No.56065206 [Reply] [Original]

A business and finance thread about the Qredo Network crypto project and the QRDO cryptocurrency token.

>> No.56065263

I find it weird a thread with an active avax discussion was deleted.

>make new Avalanche threads (even if FUD who cares just gives more opportunity to BTFO him)
What btfo? All you did was say "fud" and close your ears. You had an opportunity to debunk and didnt take it. You are lying to yourself.

>> No.56065266
File: 412 KB, 1984x2972, cornellos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to mention that this will run as an Avalanche Subnet and that buying AVAX is the top priority.
you also forgot to add the Avalanche logo to the AVAXchan you stole, please correct that. maybe then we allow your thread.

>> No.56065269
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Allegedly Autistic retard here. I have been filtering avax threads since it was triple digits.

>> No.56065275

Your double digit shitcoin is going down faster than you can say double spend. You don't own basic AI promps.

>> No.56065279

>I have been filtering avax threads
>makes an AVAX thread
based retard

>> No.56065284

This is less than my partnership with mcdonalds that involves me paying them to eat their burgers.

>> No.56065294

They will run an Avalanche Subnet and to do that they will purchase AVAX tokens and stake them on the P-Chain.

>> No.56065300
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Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC (Karma2003)
>exCo Director of IC3 joined up with Ted Yin and invented Avalanche Consensus
>close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with BTC
>is for decentralization and Censorship resistance
>el33th4xor farms gigabrains from top unis for Ava Labs

Avalanche protocol:
>third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW & Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>highest Nakamoto coefficient
>Node hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking on nodes & delegating to nodes
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned (also when Subnets, Blockchains & other assets are created)
>9% APY + delegator reward% + Subnet Rewards
>only requirement to receive the rewards is 90% node uptime

>subnets can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>"Blockchain as a Service" to tokenize all the Assets in the World
>Chainlink Subnet is in the works but also 1000s of other subnets from gaming to finance to CBDCs to payment providers everything is possible on Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn additional rewards from them all!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>C-Chain (EVM) Subnet is constantly improved
>C-Chain mirrored the best parts of the entire ETH ecosystem and improved on many ideas giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

>> No.56065303

>They will
Always remember that you must have no expectation of profit from the work of others. Especially me. I do not work for you. I have never worked for you. I will never work for you. If you want good things to happen you must make them happen yourself. Always and forever. Get to work

>> No.56065316
File: 1.34 MB, 700x401, network.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must have no expectation of profit from the work of others
to run a Subnet AVAX has to be staked, AVAX is hardcapped and deflationary so there is only a limited amount of it in existence.
What happens when most AVAX is locked up in Staking? What happens when Supply is low but demand is high and increasing?
can you figure that out?

>> No.56065323

>What happens when Supply is low but demand is high and increasing?
I assume they can just septuple print more.

>> No.56065336
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>but but muh bug from 3 years ago that was patched on day 1

literally nobody cares, The Bank of America says most Real World Asset tokenization will happen on Avalanche Subnets.
Avalanche is also mentioned in the recent SWIFT report.
Looks like nobody but you cares about this outdated FUD.

>> No.56065358
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1600, lucky star windows xp anime izumi konata_www.wallpaperhi.com_95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My deposit to a chink scam exchange finally was accepted and they don't seem to have robbed me. I can now stop arguing with shills to keep my hands busy. I was worried for a while there

>> No.56065365
File: 50 KB, 851x1280, günneddown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My deposit to a chink scam exchange
>using centralized exchanges that arent Kraken
thats just asking for trouble.
Looks like low IQ people cant figure out Avalanche and they cant figure out self custody.

>> No.56065387
File: 248 KB, 800x600, f524eb5d9a81f48182f89d18f25f2e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using regulated exchanges to buy privacy coins.

>> No.56065398

>thinks chink scam exchanges have any privacy
like I said, low IQ

>> No.56065412
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>Thinking I gave KYC information or even needed to provide a fake name to an unregulated exchange.

>> No.56065462
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It is interesting to see how poorly VC shitchain shills understand crypto. He doesn't seem to be aware it is possible to buy any without corporate approval.

>> No.56065477

just mine BTC and bridge it to Avalanche

>> No.56065512

bCore is a scam and bridges are inherently insecure.

>> No.56065530

BTC.b is bigger than the Lightning Network
>and bridges are inherently insecure
not the Avalanche Bridges tho, those are made with SGX technology.
its unhackable.

>> No.56065542

>Intel shill
Kill yourself.

>> No.56065563

>seethes because the tech works

>> No.56065588
File: 411 KB, 710x444, 6909479a3364f381290e14496664fc6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I successfully withdrew a known amount of Zencash from tradeogre. Goodnight

>> No.56065596

dont forget to buy some AVAX

>> No.56065610

What are you buying?

>> No.56065645

probably AVAX

>> No.56065672
File: 203 KB, 850x1277, 1665701032102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have your own threads.

>> No.56065678

this is an AVAX thread tho
see >>56065279

>> No.56067347

Just letting you all know while you're all sleeping before this thread dies that I got 4 epic items today. Pleasings no bump.

>> No.56067393

I'm proud of you anon.

>> No.56067664

lets bump this AVAX thread again

>> No.56068756

/biz/ is an AVAX board, simple as.

>> No.56068778
File: 272 KB, 894x845, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right. Nobody on /biz/ makes any money after all. It is weird how the posters who keep a general up 24/7 also bumped a thread they were posting in when it was on page 10 twice.

>> No.56069098
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That's very impressive, I'm sure you'll be sufficiently equipped soon enough to be able to seduce a qt elf girl.

>> No.56069184
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