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File: 8 KB, 250x230, 1694263627778784s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56064388 No.56064388 [Reply] [Original]

TRX is up 139%. Biz failed to even mention this coin.

>> No.56064393

139% of 0 is 0

>> No.56064394

>please buy my bags now
Gtfo nobody cares about crapto shit

>> No.56064401

oh wow a 2x you must be so happy

>> No.56064405

you fucking faggot

>> No.56064408

trx is a nigga coin

>> No.56064410

>believing shit you read on biz

sure is summer in here, still.

>> No.56064420

are you a nigga?

>> No.56064430

yuh lil nigga you finna double up on dat trx or wut

>> No.56064449

yo nigga i is speakin to u

>> No.56065213
File: 34 KB, 800x450, rookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers on this board.

>> No.56066236

i bought trx for 20 sats in 2017 then sold at 19 cents

made a ton off of it

glad i never touched that shitcoin again

>> No.56066769
File: 1.05 MB, 2208x2048, 1680543397706117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there to shill you guys XRP. Most didn't listen. I rode the KASPA bandwagon. Most didn't listen. I told you about TRX. MOST didn't listen. Now I'm talking about POND and NOBODY is, once again, listening to me.

People say there is 0 alpha here and it's all shit but then they turn their backs once the good shill gets mentioned. Faggots.

>> No.56066773

yeah? show us something you got that went up 200% or more.

>> No.56066785

Please take your medication as soon as possible.

>> No.56066787
File: 151 KB, 647x869, 1679524891477768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except $TRX is not 0 it's 0.079 as I type this post. Please check carefully next time!
That is pretty good!

>> No.56066788
File: 107 KB, 720x1280, JokerPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is this absolute street shitting pajeet. Why aren't you fucking a goat, sandnigger? Your kind is not welcomed here.

>> No.56066795

can you blame us how were any of us supposed to know this kind of complete garbage would pump... xrp has a pass because it was practically on the spotlight for a while but still...

>> No.56066797

XRP only pumped when they won the SEC case, which I doubt you'd have been savant enough to really predict. Kaspa is another one whose hype train has already gone. TRX is one is another exception. As for POND, we don't know for sure whether they're actually going to deliver their supposed "decentralized infra" or not because these guys have a very inconsistent track record so far.

>> No.56066800

Stop playing with my feelings. I'm in a very sensitive spot right now.

>> No.56066809

never heard of this shit. it likely has never had any threads on biz before so how do you even expect me to know about it when the catalog is being flooded daily by other projects

>> No.56066810
File: 108 KB, 1125x1133, 1677866803195028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you MUST be a SAVANT to know XRP was going to perform well!
The whole crypto world was waiting to absolutely slurp that shit up if they won. And so they did.
Talk to me once Oyster drops and enclaves/TTE's become the new standard for defi.

>> No.56066815

Wow 90% of shitcoins didn't make it/became irrelevant after two months but these good projects with solid fundamentals got big and made people wealthy??? Who would've thunk!

>> No.56066816

>implying that shit's ever coming out
>implying they're not just stalling for as much time as they possible can to look "legit" while planning their rug soon
this is why you fags never make it

>> No.56066820
File: 157 KB, 373x339, 1617680487079981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should gamble all your savings on stake. you should do it right now dont even think about it too much. just go for it. do it. dont forget one more spin could be the turning point between poverty and a life like no other filled with wealth.

>> No.56066833

what is this retard thread even about? TRX did +0.1% today
i can only imagine this is some telegram pajeet shit about a complete shitcoin that happened to take the same ticker
god damn i fucking hate binance telegram youtube tiktok pajeet culture. bottom feeders, the lot of you

>> No.56068094

pajeet scam