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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56064053 No.56064053 [Reply] [Original]

>be 23
>graduate with a BSc. in Computer Science
>have multiple internships and job experience in software engineering under my belt
>apply for jobs
>receive couple offers ranging from 36k€ to 47k€
>even the highest paid offer of 47k€ would mean around 2500€/month net
>average two room apartment costs almost 1200€/month
>average home price is 600k€ and you will have to pay at least 30% down (180k€ good luck saving that up without rich parents) and then 2500€/month for 30 years
>electricity at 30ct/kWh
>gas is 2€/liter
>a fucking pizza costs almost 15€ when eating out
>a decent döner that doesnt taste ass costs 8€ minimum now
>retirement payments will be 1200€/month max after paying in for 45 years

This country is economically doomed. There is no way even higher educated people can build wealth here. The only ones profiting in this country are government employees raking in 3500€ -4500€/month net without paying social contributions or income taxes while they barely passed high school and instantly get approved for any loans they request with 0€ downpayment and then when they reach age 60 they receive a 5000€-6000€/month retirement payments.

>> No.56064067

Why do you make this thread daily across different boards? We get it, your life sucks. Too bad. Shouldve been smarter

>> No.56064068

Europe is the wealthiest continent in the world, if you don't like germany go live somewhere else in Europe and stop complaining retard

>> No.56064097

just move to the US.

>> No.56064098

Good. Hope it gets worse for you, a lot worse.

>> No.56064112

same here but in the netherlands. idk how people of my age are surviving. I made money off crypto and im still all in. if i didnt i wouldve lived paycheck to paycheck and i make more than the average income

>> No.56064133

also just take the job for $47k euro and live with your parents and save and invest everything. You're fucking 23 and just finished school what did you think you'd get the world on a platter immediately? I went to college and never made more than $38,000 in my life and I'm much older than you are. You have to start at the bottom, retard. Once you get real experience only then do you have value, only then. 10 years from now you will be making a whole lot of money but you have to pay your dues first. I know professionals that started their career out of college making $28K now many years later they make 10x that. So stop fucking bitching.

>> No.56064167

Just change your name to Yashmir and try again.

>> No.56064170

Fuck off with this fucking thread already, why do you have to keep making it? you're just as bad as that bong loser who used to moan all the time on a weekend. NO ONE CARES, plus your drivel isn't even accurate, try going outside

>> No.56064173

this is what you get for backstabbing France two times in 40 years

now kys and livestream it disgusting germ

>> No.56064183
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ayo hol up

>> No.56064201
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>it's another first worlder complaining episode

you have life in easy mode and still manage to fail at it

>> No.56064216

ah, it's this thread again. complaining is a favorite german pastime, you can engage on the munich tier rent claim, but be aware that op is very immature, so it might not be worth your time

>> No.56064230

a bachelors degree was useless already 10years ago, what the fuck did you think?

>> No.56064284
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Same here but in sPain, I must be in a city to work and cant save enough to raise a family with a room for each.
If I put a down payment of 120k and want a home with 4 rooms, I need a mortgage (look up mortaja in Spanish) of 300k so will eng up paying 700k total over 30 years at current rated.

My nominal pay is 39k but that means I take 24k home.
Guess I'll need a second job unless I figure how to predict the future at some 4%/month return.
But that will mean I earn 600 euros more and pay another k in taxes.

Kinda disappointed with all of it.

>> No.56064296

Kys fag
Go cry on redit

>> No.56064305

>There is no way even higher educated people can build wealth here
Crypto is tax free after one year and he's still complaining. Low IQ detected.

>> No.56064322

>have multiple internships and job experience in software engineering under my belt

you have absolutly 0 expirience as a work drone.
nobody in their right mind will give you more then 50K€ unless its the financial sector. But you dont even have applicable expirience for that.

If you want cash sign any job that leaves you time to work freelance and earn 6 figure that way.

>> No.56064400
File: 345 KB, 998x956, 1694275003506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont you do a masters and exit EU after?

>> No.56064462

seems like the proper way to go is to employ yourself as a small business and just work work work

>> No.56064467

Where do you even go that cost of living isn't prohibitive unless you WFH?

>> No.56064503

Obviously things aren't that bad if you can afford to bring in 1 million migrants per year and fight climate change. Just go work 50 hours a week, give half to the gubberment so they can do nothing but make your life worse, live in a pod, watch the sports all, eat crickets and be happy mein Freund.

>> No.56064515

50k was a respectable starting salary for an engineer 10 years ago. Now though it's pretty laughable. You can make that much in a trade, easily.

>> No.56064643

kek i gave up on "careeer" a long time ago. and i got a bunch of bitcoin too. im now just enjoying my life.

T.belgian (where its even worse in terms of taxes).

I worked as a devops engineer for a few years.

>> No.56064659

Your income is going to increase as you go through your career, retard.

>> No.56064761

1. leave europoor
there is no step 2, just profit, literally.

collectivism has failed. im surprised people in europoor arn't rising up with pitchforks based on how shitty their governments have been in the last 5 years.

>> No.56064792

Gay marriage is legal in the US. Find an American friend, get "married" and then apply to US jobs

>> No.56064847

>average two room apartment costs almost 1200€/month

>> No.56064856

Werd doch selbst Beamter du Hurensohn, richtig peinliche Aktion. scheiß codemonkey hat sich verkalkuliert und flennt jetzt rum du widerst mich an.

>> No.56064881

Interships don’t amount to anything - it’s just another thing they convince you needed to get a “good job”. As other people have said: you’re young, take the job making 47k. You can work it for a few years, get a couple of raises, and move onto other job paying way more. That’s the way it works. All these stories about kids making six figures right out of college are usually nepotism hires, or the boss wants to fuck them. Just cut your teeth a couple of years, be happy your making more than a living wage, and move up. You’re going to also learn very quickly at your job that you probably don’t know shit about actual corporate software development.

>> No.56064932

Swiss, Guernsey, Lichtenstein just to name a few

Problem is, that is a hard thing to get into

>> No.56065015

War on capital must be waged. Land Value Tax and ban on rent would fix all your problems.
House affordability is your only problem, really. If you could afford your own, nice place, wouldn't you be happy? Instead, fat landlords do as they please, as parasitic as they ever were - enough.

>> No.56065050

Yeah this is good advice. USA or Australia would be good for this poor underemployed Kraut.

>> No.56065146

>Europe is the wealthiest continent in the world
Are you fucking retarded? Even with the beaners America outperforms Europe as a bloc so much that this is a laughable notion.

>> No.56065155

>Crypto is tax free after one year
Cries in britfag. I hate our soul sucking government so much. Why do they insist on no social mobility in this God forsaken island?

>> No.56065652

>This country is
What you said applies to the world

>> No.56065730

national wealth =/= quality of life

>> No.56065774


>> No.56067322

get a roommate Eurotard