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56063470 No.56063470 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomers will be at their prime age during the post depression economic boom while millennials will have spent their entire adult lives dealing with the 2008 financial crisis and the following economic stagnation AND the upcoming decade long depression

>> No.56063484

Demoralization pepe

>> No.56063485

>post depression economic boom
>he doesn't know

>> No.56063516

It's true

>> No.56063566

>upcoming decade long depression
When is this going to start, Two More Weeks™?

>> No.56063573

bullish on crypto/gambling/terminally online escapism

what do you think zoomers will do with their money as they get to any considerable amount? put in in a bank savings accounts? "save" it? kek

>> No.56063579
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Society has already ended. I steal from Walmart all the time because I'm half black and can get away with it.

>> No.56063603

You are bot wrong.
Millenials had it harder than Gen X and Boomers.

But we could have played some cards, buying Bitcoin or Tesla stock early.

We millenials, need to smart up financially just to be able to retire at 65.

Those are the rules, but we have the green light to speculate like crazy on the markets, because it might be the only way to make it

>> No.56063620
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Boomers are gona ensure their cash holdings print them tons of cash in their final 10-15 years

>> No.56063785

only they missed out completely on the housing opportunities (which aren't coming back until rates go back to zero for many years) and missed out completely on early crypto, the last major wealth creatioon event we're going to see in the digital age.

>> No.56063814

>houses can only be bought during times of zero interest rates
Oh sweet child, enjoy your salad days.

>> No.56063823

You really have no idea what is gonna happen. It's more likely gen z will be drafted and decimated in world war three then enjoy some utopian economic upswing.

>> No.56063911

There's a difference between being rewarded modestly for helping get a successful enterprise off the ground, and not being able to afford even a modicum of decency if you don't hitch yourself to a rocket. If you're dealing with the latter, you're dealing with a dysfunctional economy. Hammer the nails that stand out and build shelter already.

>> No.56064114

thats the only time people will start selling their houses
nobody is getting a mortgage until rates are sub 4, so good luck trying to buy a house without paying more to finance the seller's new one.

>> No.56064119

Zoomers are so based
Us millenials are cringe af, honestly the worst generation ever.

>> No.56064121

Zoomers are mutts and there opinions and lives mean nothing.

>> No.56064159

I'm 26. Am I a zoomer or a millenial.

>> No.56064184

same. and im poor.

>> No.56064238
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LMAO zoomer here, gonna hope the boarded to Mexico and not give a fuck.
Lmao, lol even. Turds bro.

>> No.56064242
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this is still the boomers fault for doing a horrible job as parents, we are going to be screwed for at least 30 years, I better hang on as long as I can to duck race and make enough money to get out of here in one piece

>> No.56064243

Wrong boom buddy

>> No.56064247
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>what do you think zoomers will do with their money as they get to any considerable amount? put in in a bank savings accounts? "save" it? kek
I will buy some land in whatever fucking country I can buy machine guns without filling out paperwork.
Fuck spending tens of thousands of dollars on some fucking beat to shit Full Auto from the 80s.

>> No.56064260
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>Zoomers are mutts and there opinions and lives mean nothing.
Woof woof you fucking faggot.

>> No.56064264

i mean they're right math wise.

when the average income was 15k and the average house was 1 to 2x the average income 15% interest worked fine.

now that the average house is 5 to 7x the average income anything over 3% is not tenable for the vast majority. really it's not even possible at 3%, prices will have to drop or wages will have to rise sharply. Only one of those things has any real chance of happening and it's not wages rising.

>> No.56064579
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Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.
Ah, the loser Generation.
1997 master race.

>> No.56064677

Like the boomers, some generations just get lucky. Timing is everything.

>> No.56065282

Zoomers are already adults and they can't handle it.

>> No.56065295

Gen X dealt with the 2008 crash not millennials

>> No.56065324

What will fuel the post-depression economic boom?

>> No.56065348

How will gen z enjoy a utopian economic upswing if they were decimated in world war III?

>> No.56065360


>> No.56065377

Average rate through the years is around 5% or something. You are wrong in thinking the past decade of artificially low rates is the norm. Wait all you want. There won't be artificially low rates again. Rates will stay high. Prices are what must come down. No one cares what the rate is. Its the monthly payment amount that matters.

>> No.56065391

>prices will have to drop
That's the point. Rates are a little high though returning to the norm. Prices will be forced to move. "PRICE IS FIRM. I KNOW WHAT I GOT." boomers and their ilk will capitulate on price in the next few years.

>> No.56065428

Last year millennial here (born 1995). I got stuck in the middle of everything.
>graduate high school in 2013 during the middle of the Obama stagnation recession
>choices are to either join the military and die for Jews or go to college
>go to college
>have some friends that talked about bitcoin in 2014 that wanted to buy shrooms and didn’t think much of it
>graduate in 2017 broke as shit with no job lined up
>Bitcoin pumps to $20k and I miss out

>> No.56065438

Because the workers that remain will have more bargaining power.

Things like unions exploded in popularity after WW2. After that women were pushed into the workforce for dilute worker’s power.

After a WW3, the same thing will happen again but with immigrants instead of women. The problem is that a lot of exurbs and rural areas in America are so shitty that even immigrants don’t want to go there.

>> No.56065454
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this is just fucking wrong.

millenials got the easy money 2010-2022 recovery. the crypto boom. Only the oldest early 1980s millenials really got screwed by 2008.

meanwhile zoomers got covid ruining their hot years, followed by an inaffordability crisis and likely huge upcoming recession right as they begin to enter the workforce. society has also become way more degenerate for zoomers making things that traditionally brought happiness (marriage, religion, community) harder to have.

The problem aformentioned problems zoomers face will only just get worse and gen-alpha will be even worse with, with many becoming quasi-serfs as they get replaced by technology/ai.

t. 1993 millenial expert

>> No.56065461

People from those rural areas will also have the highest casualty rates in the war because the money the US government prints for enlistment bonuses goes further there.

>> No.56065487

We got fucked big time (again). And nobody will even remember us for repairing all that shit.

We truly are 'The Forgotten Generation'.

>> No.56065663

Oh yeah graduating out of highschool into a 10% unemployment rate has no effect on millennials

>> No.56065755

>two recessions
>housing market collapse
>8 years of Obama
>most anons experienced this before they turned 30
F for all those crushed dreams.

>> No.56065825
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>He hasn't been living like an ascetic monk for the last 15 years

>> No.56065895

No, dumbass, the middle to early millennials were all dealing with stunted opportunity to start careers. Like, I graduated college in 2010 and had absolutely 0 money until 2014 and wasn't even making appreciable money until 2016 or so. The 2010s were an absolute fucking waste. An entire decade down the drain.

>> No.56065923

prices are way up compared to previous times of low rates. to offset them, sellers are going to for even higher prices the few that are selling, prices are incredibly unlikely to come down without another few years of high rates.

>> No.56065931

they also got the last great transfer of wealth in bitcoin though,

>> No.56065946

The thing is you have to have money in order to "invest" in cryptocurrency.

>> No.56065977

bitcoin was once ~300 and popular enough that everyone knew about it

>> No.56065989

>le 2008 meme
You ficking faggot millenials weren't home owners, you weren't affected by 2008. If you were you probably could find a job outside of college maybe if you tards worked a regular job in the meantime you'd have money. Money to buy the generational dip you were given, you could have invested in anything and made fucking killing. Stop giving us that bullshit that you guys had it hard. You hard it harder than the generations before you which had it easy af.

>> No.56066001

It was less than a dollar, too. And someone once spent 10k BTC on two pizzas. Hindsight is 20/20 and nobody ever thought it would get as big as it did. Also lol at dismissing $300 as a trivial amount of money, too. I was stressing about buying a $10 can opener in 2011 motherfucker.

>> No.56066006

millennials are fucked because instead of inheriting generational wealth as their enter their 50's (as boomers did), they will have to wait another 1-2 decades, as boomers spend on their money on travel and medical procedures to slightly extend their lives. so instead of generational wealth at 50, it will be a pittance at 65.

>> No.56066015

>you have to buy a full bitcoin at a time!
get filtered retard. also you could have mined a full btc on a laptop back then

>> No.56066025

And you have to have money to buy a laptop. What part of having no money do you not understand?

>> No.56066038

rofl dont act like not having a computer back then was the norm. sounds like you are some dumb thirdie.

>> No.56066058

You have no perspective outside of your post iphone era world. This handwave of "oh you could have just bought bitcoin and made it" shows it. Bitcoin wasn't really happening until 2016 or so. Only the most dedicated spergs were mining as well.

>> No.56066066


>> No.56066111

They'll just bail out the homeowners like they bailed out the banks. There will be cries over a "cost of living crisis" with a complicit media towing the line to justify more QE.

There's no way they'll let the people go into negative equity because people would be rioting on the streets. It would be chaos, and everyone feels entitled nowadays for the government to "intervene".

The housing market needs a collapse but they won't let it happen.

>> No.56066147

So zoomies will be 35 when the decade-long depression ends? And that's their prime age? kek

>> No.56066157

Shut the fuck up, balding shitskin.

>> No.56066169

Millenials has to be the most cursed generation
>Come of age just as the economy collapses. Everyone goes to college as there's no other option and gets into crippling debt
>exponential housing price increases all throughout their youth, making sure a middle class lifestyle is perpetually out of reach
>get to family forming age and covid happens, now we have high inflation and high interest rates on top of everything else. Housing prices won't come down though
>will pay for the comfortable retirement of the largest and wealthiest generation in history, will never retire themselves as there is no generation under them to pay for it
>first generation where tinder replaced normal dating, destroying and commodifying relationships
>will die broke and alone, being the first generation to find itself a minority in their native countries surrounded by foreginers who hate them

>> No.56066194

>doesnt even deny it

thirdies need to leave this discussion

>> No.56066208

No, I'm from Arizona, which may as well be Mexico, but it still counts. Nice argument, retard.

>> No.56066244

kys commie

>> No.56066424
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Salty millennial fag lmao

>> No.56066426

Boomers are dying, tons of inventory hitting the market over the next 10 years, you're already starting to see it

>> No.56066431

Boomer Zoomer

>> No.56066454
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'no' housing is a derivative of wagie income, propping up SFH would drive increased wage demands

>> No.56066497

>But we could have played some cards, buying Bitcoin or Tesla stock early.
how exactlt does a person whos not already rich get lucky and make it off what you said? are you a retard? you think a poor persom had a couple thousand to let sit for 5-10 years? holy fuck you moron

>> No.56066509
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>tfw ‘99fag

>> No.56066510

you are by definition a milly but exude zoomer-like characteristics. literally the worst two of all the kinds. sorry for the cards you got dealt bud.

>> No.56066518

>millenials got the easy money 2010-2022 recovery.
you couldnt be more wrong lol

>> No.56066542

I'm 30 and I don't know
I seem to be the very last one who knows every Linkin Park song by heart, remembers saying faggot in front of teachers, and calling the house phone and awkwardly asking if Steve is home
28 year olds seem to be on the other side of this equation already, I think I'm of the last millennials

>> No.56066555

>people would be rioting on the streets
They know there's zero danger of this after the shit they got away with during covid.

>> No.56066558

same im also a 93. we are def the tail end of millenials.

I would say if you dont remember 9/11 happening you are a dumb zoomer

>> No.56066560

this kek

>> No.56066590

don't worry, just elect bernie and he'll fix everything

>> No.56066630

> upcoming decade long depression

Interpret this as you may.

>> No.56066662
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The entire "generations" categories are just another psyop to split people into different groups. There is literally nlt a single thing that msjrs you similar to someone else just because you were born within 15 - 20 years of each other. Even the age gaps within the generations themselves are retarded. Think about it. Boomers are 1945 to 1964, wtf is that gap? GenX is 1965 - 1980, wtf is that gap? GenY is 1981 - 1996, wtf is that gap?

Fucj the entire idea of generations. It's just a massive coping mechanism to blame other people for your own failures in life, or the actions of individuals.

>> No.56066665

>he didn't get really weird with his teenage years and early 20's
>he didn't have a ton of fun despite everything falling to shit around him
>he didn't get laid and have a kid despite it being a terrible idea since you can just coast on gibs for it
I know it's all a shitpile ratsnest but I'm enjoying it all the same.

>> No.56066678

Firmly zoomer, tail-end of the millenial generation is 28 going on 29 this year. Younger than that and they don't remember 9/11 which has been the standard for determining if someone is zoomer or millenial for a while now.

>> No.56066688

Is the zoomie hate normal? I know millennials got a lot of shit too, do the younger generations always get so much hate?

>> No.56066703

it's all getting inherited and they're not going to get sold for cheap. the world is incredibly wealthy now and american houses are cheaper than anywhere else. foreign buyers are paying cash for these things.

>> No.56066715

Younger generation has historically always been shit on pretty hard going back as far as we have records of media at the time. I don't hate the zoomers and think they're playing the hand they were dealt as best they can but they're about to get handed the "blame all the problems on them" torch from the millenials as is tradition every 20 years or so. Gen X caught shit from the boomers that raised them, Gen Y caught shit from the same boomers and their own parents, Gen Z will probably be more of the same.

>> No.56066731

given each generation has gotten more gay and less white i think it's perfectly normal.

>> No.56066755

I almost feel like it's built into human nature, hate often leads to feelings of resentment and then leads to supercharged self, drive and purpose. Interesting how much good comes from the darker aspects of humanity.

>> No.56066770

It's just easier to blame the young because they're emblematic of change and the thing about change is half the people think it's not enough change and the other half think it's way too much change so everyone has something to bitch about. It's the same reason why the torch gets passed every 20 years, when the young aren't young anymore that change isn't change anymore it just is.

>> No.56066774

I refuse to be a victim

>> No.56066829

the world has only got objectively worse in all areas though outside of a few technical and scientific innovations.

>> No.56066883

We hit diminishing returns about thirty years ago is the simple truth. In developed countries even the poorest of the poor have a quality of life that would make royalty of barely a thousand years ago jealous, even in undeveloped countries having A/C and a cellphone and a computer on top of meeting basic needs isn't that far out of reach for most anymore. You can't really have degeneracy without excess and if we're being honest people have been gay for a long damn time the only real difference nowadays is they can be open about it instead of being in the closet their entire lives or justifying it on some prison rules shit. Like half the "gay" kids from the millenial generation that I knew and grew up with weren't even gay and didn't end up being gay they were just fucking around and that's something that gets ignored to a big extent too.

The kids are alright. Maybe a little soft but life is still cruel enough to sort that out on its own. Did for me and I'm not much older than them.

>> No.56067155
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>> No.56067893

>be boomer born in 1955
>graduate college in 1978
>first job out of college pays 15k/year
>homes are 50k (3.3x salary)
>have to borrow at 10% interest rates
>96% of first payment is interest
>s&p is $100
>10 years later s&p is $270 (+270%)
>give birth to millennial

>be millennial born in 1990 to boomer parents
>graduate college in 2012
>starting salary out of college is 45k
>housing price is 230k (5.1x salary)
>get to borrow at 3.5% interest rates
>58% of first payment is interest
>S&P is 1350
>10 years later S&P is 4200 (+311%)
>complains about how much worse they had it

Millennials have been more spoiled than Boomers

>> No.56067951

imagine the threads of troon weaboos whining about how they can't afford non-irradiated water.

>> No.56068082


>> No.56068121

kek, he's ngmi

>> No.56068168

>Job out of college 45k
Oh and you forgot for an entry level job a boomer needed highschool a millennial need a fucking master of science

>> No.56068284

Wow. This thread is 99% markov chain bots, also known as "AI"

>> No.56068825

as a millenial I only needed to work for 4 years until I could retire. just lol at anyone who can't find an infinite money glitch in 2023

>> No.56068857

that chart ignores rental income

>> No.56068870

>2010-2022 recovery. the crypto boom

Most millennials were entry level or mid level at that point. And not a lot of people actually benefitted from crypto. Maybe a few thousand got rich but millions lost money

>> No.56069024
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Why lie?

>> No.56069327

Zoomers are not 10, most of them are in their 20s already.

>> No.56069335

If you didnt make it during the 2017 and 2020 crypto booms then you're probably retarded and don't deserve to

>> No.56069358
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>> No.56069982

There's not going to be another boom

The postwar wealth us and Canada enjoyed on the backs of Europe's war ravaged industries was bound to turn and dissipate at some point

We now witness a return to mean

>> No.56070063

You're such a stupid faggot. I've seen you posting here before. Just fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.56070318
