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File: 60 KB, 1024x762, sergey-nazarov-eric-schmidt-smartcon-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56063000 No.56063000 [Reply] [Original]

>$1M daily transaction fees
>$21M additional miner reward

>$800k daily transaction fees
>$3M additional block validator reward

>$100k-$200k in daily transaction fees
>I will not spoon feed this metric
>Staking has not been accounted for in this summary

21 BTC = 1000 LINK = undefined ETH

1 BTC = $25,877.88
1 ETH = $1,634.89
1 LINK = $6.24

Chainlink is severely undervalued. Prove me wrong.

>> No.56063004

>BTC miners


It's really that simple

>> No.56063015

what value does it provide at a discount that should be properly valued?

>> No.56063019

>I will not spoon feed this metric
yes faggot, because LINK does not make even 10k of fees a day...

Also comparing your Shitcoin, owned 50% by the scam entity vs BTC ETH...

>> No.56063024




it's not undervalued

it is worth exactly how much people are willing to pay for it

now kys bagholder retard

>> No.56063029

Now compare inflation rate

>> No.56063037

you own LINK

you do not own LINK

you own LINK

you own LINK

you own LINK

>> No.56063059

GM based kings

>> No.56063060

GM hope your linkies are extra stinky this morning

>> No.56063279

this is right you know
miners have incentive to hold at a point in the 4 year cycle due to the halving being in the code
link nodes have no incentive to hold and dump everything
this will continue for as long as sergey is using the premine to subsidize and real staking isnt out yet

you can seethe about it all you want but this is working as described in the whitepaper and is the team suppressing the price themselves
that is always the risk when investing into premines, the team has got you by the balls
and yes i do own link

>> No.56063285

>$800 daily revenues

>> No.56063371

you can really feel the impotent rage in OP

>> No.56063469
File: 2.88 MB, 2322x1266, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based

>> No.56063495
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>you can really feel the impotent rage in OP

>> No.56063654

>no incentive to hold
security, reputation, and number of chainlink staked are all super linearly positively correlated

>> No.56063671


Its value is 3.5B billion and they make $50k of revenue annually, none of which flows back to holders. Link is massively overvalued

Meaningless buzzwords, zero value

>> No.56063687
File: 707 KB, 1080x810, 1691851733651046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invents a link daily transaction volume

Are community advocates finally losing it?

>> No.56063726
File: 112 KB, 2299x2127, chainlink-network-growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling generous, and since you seemingly have a learning disability, I'll explain in more detail.

Super-linear staking requires a successful attacker of DON nodes to have a LINK budget quadratically greater than the combined LINK deposits of all DON nodes in the network.

Therefore, the LINK token is directly correlated to security and reputation of nodes.

I hope this helps clear up your confusion.

I'm sorry but what is your source that proves I am wrong? I'd be interested in seeing it, but of course it doesn't exist.

>> No.56063790

No one cares about your library of thousands of infographics and unlimited buzzwords. No one uses link. Also, chart

Why dont you shove a superlinear dildo up your ass

>> No.56063822
File: 201 KB, 1664x702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk anon, seems like SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) cares. SWIFT also uses LINK. It seems you might be getting a little bit aggravated? Perhaps it's time to step away from the computer and spend some time on personal reflection.

>> No.56063831

haha, that's a good impression of OP, thanks anon

>> No.56063863

ESL retard

>> No.56063876

but miners are dumping, lying retards

>> No.56063956


also interesting how this thread >>56063088 gets 404'd by the tranny jannies. don't believe me?


>> No.56063979

they might not have written anything, but the picture of OP was funny, so give them a break

>> No.56063994

It’s organised censorship of Chainlink. I don’t know who is paying off all these websites/organisations to shut down the spread of information about Chainlink, but it is happening.

>> No.56064584

Why so angry anon? Touch grass

>> No.56064660

Chainsink is not comparable to btc or eth.
It would be like if Sato shi and vitalik both gave themselves 65% of the supply and dumped it every month for newrly 7 years straight.
Lol lmao even. Maybe link would be able to accomplish something if he was a diamond hand chad like Satoshi. Too bad hes a fat weak instant gratification paper handed nigger who cant stop himself from dumping a gorillion link at $6 cause he ran out of funds due to his disastrous spending habits

>> No.56065156
File: 134 KB, 1509x2048, 1665385812044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna quill myself
after years I still see links here, I only tried it once and now it's everywhere, I'd better stick with diet until I die

>> No.56065258

when real staking comes out yes, got a timeline for that release yet cause i havent seen one

has the halving happened already? then read my post again

>> No.56065268
File: 373 KB, 745x680, 1693661172979317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conference is literally called Smart "Con"

>> No.56065322

>link is massively overvalued
Yep, so is every coin in the top 100. Does this surprise you? Show me one project that has the utility or potential that chainlink has.

>> No.56065437

What utility? You mean subsizing price feeds for scam ponzis out of your own pockets?
Locking up your ability to sell for a fake 5% yield while the inflation rate is 14%?? Even a 5th grade math student can tell you that's a retarded position

>> No.56065529

Tell me you are nearsighted without telling me youre nearsighted. Tell me youve done 0 research into the oracle problem without telling me. The need to bootstrap and start from a point of centralization has already been discussed. Youre either an idiot (ngmi) or youre a snake. If its the former, I hope you grow. If its the latter I hope you lift your head to see whats coming as the sound of the lawnmower approaches.

>> No.56065555

>I will not spoon feed this metric
which metric? the 1% of gmx fees?

>> No.56065562
File: 749 KB, 1898x1154, snb1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi is Sergey
Nakamoto is Nazarov
No linkers can rope, no one will miss them.

>> No.56066432
File: 412 KB, 1363x1524, 1694294514204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 years later
>still " they just need a little bootstrapping guys!"
Lol lmao even.

>> No.56066465

Swift uses it on sepolia testnet you shitlord. It doesnt accure any fees atm and wont for another seven years while on testnet

>> No.56066539

chainlink has no product. dont try to convince me version 0.0001 of staking is a product.

>> No.56066969

Did you even read the whitepaper where they told you how many tokens would go to this very thing? No? Hmm

>> No.56067020

Data feeds
Proof of Reserve

>> No.56067215

Nah but what i did read is the 7 years of constant advocate spam calling for 1k eoy in 2 more weeks.
looks like you didnt make it very far

>> No.56067427

Because it isn't processing 100k in fees? 100k in total since ccip started perhaps but not 100k a day.

>> No.56067486

Holders are paying for those services

>> No.56067658


>> No.56067685

CCIP fees right now are about $1000 a day while institutional usage is mostly on test net. Data feed fees are about $100k a day and Chainlink data feeds secure about $8 trillion value.

>> No.56067728

What does the token actually *do* tho?

>> No.56067807

Cool office meme. You are so original and artistic!

>> No.56067989

WTF ethereum is so big

>> No.56068099

it actually has a product unlike chaingay

>> No.56068291

you mean billion right

>> No.56068298

Sorry you banked it all on 1k EOY.

>> No.56069385

>>$1M daily transaction fees
>>$21M additional miner reward
That can't be right; Bitcoin transaction fees are only like 2% of total miner rewards.
The other 98% is bootstrapping subsidies.

>>BTC miners

Bitcoin miners are being 98% bootstrapped right now.
And they will continue to be bootstrapped until all 21 million Bitcoin are in circulation.
Neck yourself.

>> No.56069715

Faggot fuddie

>> No.56069762

you have to account for costs
BTC mining costs

ETH validating costs (quite low)

LINK node gas costs (quite high)

>> No.56069825

>miners have incentive to hold at a point in the 4 year cycle due to the halving being in the code
The halving has literally nothing to do with an incentive to hold, retard.
The halving is merely a 50% drop in subsidy.
But even after three halvings, 98% of block rewards is still subsidized.

>> No.56069838
File: 31 KB, 364x379, 1615873148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink is
... not needed.

Thanks, bye.

>> No.56070094

Projects are focusing on using new oracles like SupraOracles for their smart contract feeds. It's fast, reliable, and increases txn speed in mere seconds. Looks like a better solution to the oracle problem

>> No.56070235

>sing new oracles like SupraOracles for their smart contract feeds

checked, good morning thanks for the reminder. I always talk myself out of accumulating more link because im already staked, but never hurts to have more link because of where we are going

>> No.56070707

Lol, pajeetcoin is not the new oracle replacement, name one reputable partner on the same scale as SWIFT