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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56062841 No.56062841 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when reddit was fudded out of link?
If you're too stupid to understand whats going on right now with the Fud, than you are reddit. I hope you are fudding link cause I am. This board has become a shit infested fuckfest of pajeets, twitter screenshots, and and normie fest doomer bullshit.

You think its special to be a neet loser, virgin freak these days? You're kidding yourself. Go on twitter, facebook, whatever. (You) are the normie.

And thats why I fud. (You) are reddit. This board literally smells like antiwork. Get your shit together. The non-normie thing to do is get a job, get laid, and play the system now. Everyone and their mother is quitting to be an entrepeneur, gambling stocks, acting like a finance bro.

This is why I fud link. Because (you) don't deserve to make it anymore.

>> No.56062898

Ummm sweaty you can’t fud someone out of something 95%+ down, Reddit is buying cheap bags at this very moment and most redditors will have double your stack or more by the time (if) LINK sees its ATH again

>> No.56062899
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Doubling my bags right now.

>> No.56063869

wow they lost ONE investing opportunity? where 95% of the people are at a loss!? they sure must be hating themselves now! stupid faggot loser neet go outside for once in your life

>> No.56063875

I don't FUD LINK, because spending your time trying to deceive others is sinful.