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56060793 No.56060793 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, games on steam are literally printing money. It's insane the amount of half assed garbage that ends up netting huge profits simply because its sold for like 5$.
Overall i think the most important factor is to have an audience ready to throw money at you. Let me explain. Some of the best selling indies of this year are like "this game series is dead, so we are making our own game inspired by it". People fucking love that trope. See pizza tower for wario land.
Or it can be a niche of some other type. See pseudoregalia which made some brazilian dude king of the favela. It's just a trashy platformer, but since the protagonist is a furry, retarded furries started throwing their money at it.
You gotta satisfy a specific audience.
I really think i should pay some third worlders to develop a game for me.

>> No.56060807

What’s the cost of developing an indie 2deep4u game?

>> No.56060815

Make it about poop

>> No.56060817

Yep. That's why I am 80% done with two small horror games that will go on steam. It's taken over a year because I care so much about quality due to my AAA background. Once you get a few hits going you literally have an infinite money printer. Tons of work though.

>> No.56060824

I am also gay

>> No.56060936

>You gotta satisfy a specific audience
Main character: adolf hitler

>> No.56060953

Cooking Simulator 1942

>> No.56060977

We need a new Conker's Bad Fur Day

>> No.56061016

So excited for Conker's Schlechte Führer Tag

>> No.56061284

I think developing that type of game is a bit of a gamble. Theres tons of games like that already. Its hard to replicate even a fraction of the success of undertale when its full of autists churning out games like that all the time.

>> No.56061572

Your post seems to contain a few logical errors and fallacies:

Hasty Generalization: The statement begins with the assertion that "games on Steam are literally printing money." This is an overgeneralization based on anecdotal evidence and does not consider the vast number of games on Steam that fail to make significant profits.

False Cause Fallacy: The statement implies that the profitability of games on Steam is solely due to their low price, suggesting that "half-assed garbage" makes huge profits because it is sold for a low price. This oversimplifies the factors contributing to a game's success and assumes causation without sufficient evidence.

Anecdotal Fallacy: The examples provided, such as "pizza tower for wario land" and "pseudoregalia," are anecdotal and do not represent a comprehensive analysis of the gaming industry on Steam. Drawing conclusions from isolated cases can be misleading.


Avoid making sweeping generalizations about complex topics like the gaming industry.
Be cautious about attributing success to a single factor. Success in the gaming industry is multifaceted and depends on various factors like game quality, marketing, and audience engagement.

In summary, it's essential to use sound reasoning and avoid logical fallacies when making statements or arguments about any topic.

>> No.56061675

Anyone know how that Only Up! game got popular? I suddenly started seeing every streamer playing it. I know the entire toolset they used it would unironically take me a day or two to put together all the base functionality (I know the exact character controller they used and clumsy way they model swapped it), maybe a few weeks or a month to layout the level and add a menu. It's frustrating to see because it would be so easy for me to do but I'm just clueless to how it became so popular. I've seen other shitty climbing games that looked just as bad disappear immediately after release even after getting a tiny amount of traction, and I feel like if I released a shitty climbing game like that it'd get 2 downloads at best and fall into obscurity.

>> No.56061700

It’s just good rage bait content for streamers like get over it

>> No.56061709

I understand that, but there's a million similar shitty games that are just as capable of being good rage bait content, so why didn't they get popular? Why this one? What did it do differently? Was it just luck/timing? Something they did to market it?

>> No.56061716

American Indie game devs get absolutely cucked by taxes and fees. After everything, game devs can expect to actually make 33% of their sales as profit.

>> No.56062637

Get daz studio
Make a match 3 game with 20 or so levels in unity
make a porn scene for each level in daz
sell game at $3.99
Rinse repeat the process to keep releasing shit tier coomer fodder that people will continue to buy

>> No.56062971

i think the big cost is marketing
otherwise you need it to go viral which is a lottery

otherwise you target your game at autists and most of them are cheap wand will just pirate it

>> No.56063143
File: 47 KB, 460x215, SubhanAllah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A game built around killing is*aelis
>Finally get to play as the hero

>> No.56063257

I suggest looking up videos "how to market a game on steam" by that old white man, theres tons of solid advice. Aside from that you should try making your game unique in some way that is immediately appealing just looking at a few screenshots.

>> No.56063264

>otherwise you target your game at autists and most of them are cheap wand will just pirate it
Autists are the audience that will buy your game and advertise it for free
Very few people will bother pirating a game that costs 5-10$

>> No.56063308

t. game dev that sold 10k copies
Its all about the Get over it clones. If you can make a decent copy with your own interesting twist it will sell like cupcakes. Jump King added a pixel artstyle and unique jumping mechanics. Some other games are just Jump King, but 3D or instead of characters jumping with their legs they have a jetpack or a pogostick. The foundation is the same everywhere, you just have to add your own unique mechanics that Youtubers can use on their click baity thumbnails. If you add a unique artstyle along with it you get a guarantee return on your investment.

>> No.56063905

Worked for binding of issac

>> No.56063959

Hello, chatgpt!

>> No.56063965

Absolutely based

>> No.56064144

Based AI bro, please keep those coming

>> No.56064166

Damn that's nice. I was going to post the same thing but would've taken too much effort.

>> No.56064254

There's a ton of games like every game. You almost cannot invent anything original.

>> No.56064612

Should I clone Uncharted Waters like Stardew Valley cloned Harvest Moon?

>> No.56064617

this peaked in the early 2010s indie game wave. Wait another 5 years and make a rehash of braid or fez and collect millions