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56060738 No.56060738 [Reply] [Original]

Every single attempt I’ve made to improve my life has made me worse off. This is not a LARP or a troll.

When I was 19 and in college I noticed I was an ugly weirdo that got zero pussy. I began going to the gym, I was training consistently 4 days a week, I was squatting 3 plates for sets of 8, I was getting pretty strong and people in my life were starting to notice.

Then I destroyed my back picking up a weight. Just a random popping sensation, I had an MRI and they found a herniated disc. 9 years later and I still have sciatica down to my toes and can barely tie my shoes.

I worked my ass off to get an engineering degree, suddenly engineering pay is stagnant, nobody i graduated with makes more than $75,000 4 years out of school.

I graduate college in 2019 and house prices proceed to double during my first 4 working years while pay completely stagnates, I don’t even make $70,000 in a location where $100,000 isn’t enough to afford a home.

I avoid COVID for 2 years, then I get it and I lose my sense of smell, and it’s still gone to this day. I lost one of my 5 senses and it’s never coming back.

My life is pure hell, nothing I do ever helps, I can’t ever improve, I have had nothing but abject failure in every avenue in life. I do not know what to do, I don’t even get out of bed on the weekends anymore.

>> No.56060758

At that point just put everything you have into link and hope for the best

>> No.56060770

For starters, stop posting like youre on reddit you piece of trash holy fuck.
>not getting vaxxed
I got covid once and it was nothing but a sore throat because of the vax. My neighbor was antivax and lo he got bedridden for 2 weeks with severe lung scarring. He can still smell though.

>> No.56060771

Because you believe you are cursed. Also read a book by Dr. Sarno to fix your back.

>> No.56060773

I'm less educated than you, earn less than you, likely more injured than you, got zero pussy in college and feel lucky just to eat twice a day and have a place to sleep at night.

>> No.56060798

none of this is enough to amount to being cursed. ive had worse shit than that happen and never whined about it like a faggot. just become a pothead or something, that might help.

>> No.56060819

Are you vaxxed (boosters included)?

>> No.56060826

Try ne
>born in Brazil
>alcoholic father who beat my mom since I was kid
>grow up go to school
>gets bullied for several years
> now don't have peace during the week because bullying and not even in the weekend because of my father
>turns 18 becomes a depressive neet
>finds about biz at 21 years old and makes good money with memecoins
>buy a house at 23 years old and move with my mom leaving my abusive dad
>still feels like shit
I hope jesus really exists

>> No.56060832

Every fucking day they post these long winded 1pbtid fucking demoralisation threads. And every fucking day a gaggle of retards respond and start depression posting.
Are they all bots, or just OP? Am I the only human here? Is your resource allocation really warranted? For what end?

>> No.56060833

I bought Request network in the 2017 bullrun, down 90% from entry. I bought Algorand in the 2021 bullrun, down 95%.

I made a mistake not getting vaxxed because I thought I was cursed and would be one of the unlucky ones that got myocarditis. Instead the actual virus fucked me up badly.

I’m a 28 year old virgin

>> No.56060842

I got once without vax and 3 after the vaxx, lost smell after the vaxx
We are almost the same but you got cocky, try to fix that disc with nutrition (/fit or vitc , a, a bit of e, good oils, less salt, try to mix sugar with a bit of stevia, jelly, fishtail, chicken carthilage, beef bone broth)
Get the real chinese or the asian fungi lingzhi, only the asian has the best nutrients

>> No.56060850

The spinal thing kind of sucks but the rest sounds like you have a really unhelpful negative perspective on things.
Thats whst you need to try to change anon, try to believe in good things a bit more, find goals that mean something to you (not easy for most people though) and make honest attempts to achieve them.

>> No.56060851

If you are a real person. All of your problems are mental. The very fact you came here to post this thread, is everything that is wrong with you. You can spend your life looking down or looking up. It's 100% a mental choice that you make. Everything else is pure cope.

>> No.56060857

kill yourself immediately

>> No.56060858

>I made a mistake not getting vaxxed
And you are a confirmed larp with this. No one regrets not getting the vax. Report back to your superior Mossad board monkey. Time for a new IP.

>> No.56060869

only cope is that god exists and everyone who suffered in this world gonna will be saved thats it

>> No.56060882

Sorry to hear that anon, i know how stuff like that can fuck up our brains forever.
For me what works is to kind of accept that im broken beyond repair in some ways, but it made me stronger in other ways that i can try to use to succeed.

>> No.56060888

>spend life dwelling in devil's playground
>think you'll go to heaven
Atheists have the funniest expectations

>> No.56061100

>3 after the vaxx,
Kek. Maybe get a better immune system. I worked in the hospital full of covid patients and never got covid after my 3 vax. Only got it once about a month after vax. After the 2 boosters, nothing.