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File: 217 KB, 1080x1552, Screenshot_20230908_184600_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56060317 No.56060317 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some hopium bros. Is it over for me?

Post your folios

>> No.56060349

Convert all BTC to ETH and add more to MATIC

My folio is
70% ETH
5% RWN

>> No.56060352
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I took the BTC pill

>> No.56060357
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How much will I have September 2024?
Go for a whole coin while it's cheap OP

>> No.56060421

OP here. I've been debating to just dump $9k-$10k into bitcoin to finally get to to 1 Bitcoin or just DCA over the next year. What do lads?

>> No.56060456

With BTC you may do a 2x in a few years. Put it on ETH and a bit on MATIC because polygon is the most promising chain apart from ETH

>> No.56060479
File: 184 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230908-160620_Delta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does $130k sound?

>> No.56060489

I'll eventually get more ETH and MATIC. Just want to join the 1 BTC club first

>> No.56060566

It's just a number. It's a retarded way of thinking. Think about your holdings as % of your portfolio, don't look at how many tokens you have

>> No.56060731
File: 32 KB, 1327x392, folio 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys that have posted are pretty conservative. in the current market you want to have a conservative portfolio, so nicely done.

you have a good portfolio for weathering current storms w some promise of arb
op basically same. you don't have much allocated to grt and matic which aren't expected to moon or keep up with your bluechips during this shit market.

pretty balanced portfolio w bluechips and memes. i like it. this is a very good strat during more bullish markets.

i preach, but i don't exactly practice that. i'm kinda risk on all the time. picrel.

>> No.56060743

i take back what i said about not practicing what i preach. link is my bluechip. the other stuff is funny money. and boy is it funny. mog sucks.

>> No.56061585
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Folio right now

>> No.56061607
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>> No.56063476 [DELETED] 
File: 546 KB, 1180x1419, Art_of_Juan_Gimenez_94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any thoughts on my folio, fellow crypto dude bros?

> INJ 500
> FTM 20,000
> ARK 5000
> PEPE 300,000,000

>> No.56063490 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 848x1200, Art_of_Juan_Gimenez_76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you add or remove anything?

i'm looking at things in the 150-200 position on CMC that could do 10-20x listed on chinknance

>> No.56063517 [DELETED] 

Just lost my job at the plant, how do I into crypto? Severance package will leave me with about 1k to play with after bills are paid.

>> No.56063528

50% BTC 50% SonicButtFinance

>> No.56063708


>> No.56063719

how much have u lost on juno? i bet a lot

>> No.56063773
File: 188 KB, 1080x1352, asd2251ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me. How does it fell loosing half a mil on a meme coin. Even better. How does it fell loosing 6 million on FUCKING STINKYLINKY ?

>> No.56063786

180k link. Goal is 200k.

>> No.56063850

About 10k woth of ETH, with over 30% of my portfolio in Defi projects inlcuodng LBR, NXRA, and RDNT. I am that guy who thinks ETH will flip BTC so `I prefer stackingETH.

>> No.56065196
File: 107 KB, 750x1334, folio oct2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you become numb to it.
didn't have that many linkeez at peak.
you'd get a kick out of what i was holding then.

>> No.56065227

Not a bad one but WTF is RWN? I sell of that shit for CYMI and CHZ. Kek

>> No.56065364
File: 20 KB, 474x402, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it over for me?

>> No.56065375

Dear God... LINK is your blue chip?

>> No.56065396

Heavily invested in LSDFi. I am a maxi kek! I aped hard on LBR before the project V2 now I'll be hard on SPOOL till they launch their V2.

>> No.56065545

>How does $130k sound?
I'll take it

>> No.56065558

70% BTC 30% cash

>> No.56066148
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BTC - 50%
ETH - 20%
ATOM - 20%
KAVA - 10%

So far I'm thinking that ATOM might unironically make a comeback this next bull run simply because they're finally starting to get their shit together now that Kava has decided to become their main hub for USDT liquidity.

This could potentially result in defi developers taking an interest to build their own on-chain dapps within the ecosystem since it supports ETH smart contracts natively while also having Comsos' SDK backing them up at the same time.

More projects = more utility = its price could pump if they play their cards right. Let's hope it all goes smoothly or else I'll literally never touch anything related to Cosmos ever again.

>> No.56066155

how did i do?

>> No.56066160

replace MATIC with a white man's coin such as AVAX and you'l be good to go. The GRT might make it but you'll have to wait a long-ass fuckin time so don't expect any short term returns. Overall it's looking solid so don't gamble your money in retarded memecoins and you should be fine

>> No.56066165


>> No.56066168
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>> No.56066176

>harrypotterinu garbage
>mog shitcoin
Holy shit this is a new low. I knew you LINKtards were low IQ posters but this is just subhuman levels of complete and utter garbage. Literally and unironically, what the fuck were you thinking with this portfolio?

>> No.56066179

Heavy on BTC and then I've got some in CYMI where I use to make payments on CryptMi for rewards and I still hold. RDNT, ACOIN, and ID are my major alts.

>> No.56066181

Sell LINK and ICP. Accumulate more BTC & ETH and you'll be fine.

>> No.56066184
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>> No.56066238

I miss this time so much

>> No.56066471

I can see why you would suggest selling the ICP, but why the fud against Link?

>> No.56066713

>all coins in the top 100 already
Why not just buy shares in apple or tesla

>> No.56067126
File: 75 KB, 1125x1224, 169421322898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plan is to make 300k in 4 or 6 years, is it possible with these? Should I sell at the next bullrun or hold on for more years? Should I trade some crypto? I plan to DCA $150 each month in some crypto since I need the rest of the money for house and food and everyday life

Should I believe in the future of OCEAN that the purpose is AI and selling data?

>> No.56067592

Nope because you're a shill, jeet

>> No.56067644

1.2 BTC
0.5 ETH
500 ATOM

>> No.56068521

I haven't lost nothing because I haven't sold, and wont sell for a long time.

God tells me to invest in coins and I'm just his vessel.

>> No.56068550

What should I go for next?

>> No.56068559

How are you bastards so poor lol

I hold 16k link

>> No.56068593

lmao G R fucking T. you like getting dumped on by the devs I guess. a cuck is born every minute

>> No.56068627

It's eternally over

>> No.56069831

Got for undervalued gems moron
>> $16m market cap
>> Privacy focused token