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File: 77 KB, 627x591, 1694205999207675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56059717 No.56059717 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to NFTs? Are they still a thing?

>> No.56059724

Aew > WWE

>> No.56059733


>> No.56059738

They were a dumb fad that lasted for less than a year then people figured out you can screencap it and save it on your computer.

>> No.56059745

art changes hands all the time and people dont talk about it. the fine art market has billions in trade volume and /biz/ doesnt talk about that. its similar to NFTs

>> No.56059757

>It took a year for people to figure out NFTs could be screencapped.
The absolute state of consumers.

>> No.56059933

Can't imagine watching the cucked bullshit they call wrestling today.

>> No.56059937

If you're not trolling you are so oblivious to what is going on

>> No.56059939

Seethe kiddos

>> No.56059966

Yes, NFTs area still a thing, however the whole sell dumb monkies for a shit tonne of eth to scam the retards has died down.

>> No.56059986

The picture isn't the NFT you absolute retard, the recipe is the NFT. You know the quote "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient."? Monkey.png is a device to transfer money from the retards to the non-retarded.

>> No.56061721

nobody ever thought you can't save the art and repost it. The token is what matters, the art could literally be a turd (and often was) so long as the project had interested participants.

The people right click saving were giving free advertisement. Like so you think Nike cares if you saved and do reposted their logo even though they own the rights to it,?

Ironically it's the anti AI squad, who were hating on NFTs prior, that got pissy when MidJourney right clicked saved them en masse and they wanted to pretend they have exclusive rights to shit they upload online. Maybe if they had provenance to price authenticity they wouldn't be so scared of having forgeries of their art genned.

>> No.56062813

Yep, and I'm still routine for more

>> No.56062843

Aren't nifties inherently racist? Why are all of the monkeys dressed as black men? Why aren't their army black women monkeys?

Really makes you think

>> No.56062887
File: 61 KB, 556x536, iwanttoraff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly none of you autistic faggots understood "figuring out you can save it on your computer" was a fucking joke Jesus Christ

>> No.56062940

Only brainlets still think nfts are dead

>> No.56062974

It didn't take a year retard, people said this from the beginning. But no, that's not how it works and it's not why it failed. There was just generally no trust in the concept

>> No.56062995

nfts are a good idea
i remember that cryptokitties were popular few years ago.
makes sense that nfts blew up to

>> No.56063025

I bought it then, thou it's fast loosing it's value just like the whole market

>> No.56063091


>> No.56063231


>> No.56063237

It was a medium for laundering money with the bonus of a little pump n dump scheme until nft networks were getting hacked and then they fled back to physical art

>> No.56063339
File: 2 KB, 125x87, 1692585775080092s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep calm OP, with the introduction of AI into NFT there's a recovery process going on, especially with AGII packed with an AI generator to boost creativity by transforming concepts into mesmerizing digital artworks.

>> No.56063357

It's still in my collections, with silk and cloudbreaker which I'm staking on XOXNO platform to earn Ride tokens.
I bet NFTs gonna pop off once the bear market's gone.

>> No.56063411

This. A thing must live before it can die.

>> No.56063640

Stop speaking in parable

>> No.56063747
File: 1.41 MB, 1125x1575, 92180F63-455A-4FFD-B5EF-5A66F1E95585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am making NFTs for a trading card game. and no one will even buy them.

>> No.56063767

I don't know but RWA tends to be taking the attention now. ArkeFi and AllianceBlock have just launched their Real tokenized art, cars, and collectibles. I think these are where the focus is right now.

>> No.56063801

>Only brainlets haven't realized the monkey is actually mine.

>> No.56063833

>I bet NFTs gonna pop off once the bear market's gone.
the entire crypto market included

>> No.56064054
File: 159 KB, 639x796, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ran out of greater fools to sell their monkey jpegs to

>> No.56064078

the cheapest monkey jpeg still goes for $40K+ you dummy dum

>> No.56064155

because there's no liquidity. every time a burst of liquidity appears the price has only gone down.

>> No.56064209

even the cheapest monkey jpeg currently has a 43K offer on it. all the owner has to do is click "Accept" and he'll get 43K worth of ETH instantly in his wallet

>> No.56064347

expand your mind beyond art and see what nfts really are.
then look to buy collections like metakeys or larp pass

>> No.56064349

kekking at jpg buying retards

>> No.56064358

Still a thing and popular within CT but the bears killed hype at the moment.
It's easier for normies to understand collectables vs crypto so it'll be back

>> No.56064433

when the bull comes back NFTs will as well. People are too greedy and they’re essentially shitcoins but somewhat more justified

>> No.56064438

Sure they will. I just bought the Shibe Society NFT using CryptMi. It was pretty easy and convenient.

>> No.56064439

yes, and it was twice that a couple of months ago

>> No.56065550

Is that why AGII is pushing positively with the NFT generator on its platform to assist retarded creators?

>> No.56065569


Who still fucks around NFTs when there are low cap to look out for.

>> No.56065573

both absolute fucking trash there is not point anymore

>> No.56065605

Don't be left out of this anon, normies are using RIDE to mint holoride's first NFT collection Cloud breakers

>> No.56065635
File: 3 KB, 250x133, 1692809159268327s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These new use cases are helping to drive adoption and excitement for passive income. For instance is the Gen-2 NFT QWT and RIDE staking, to earn rewards. Don't sleep on it.

>> No.56065719

Okay and how much did he buy it for? 200k? Top kek
I believe NFTs will be the future, as they will start to be used for concert tickets, IDs, etc., and I wouldn't be surprised if gen alpha willingly pays for .jpegs because browsers, by default, won't let you save images anymore; you'll be able to download an extension on your computer, but there won't be one for mobile which is what most people already use.

For example, consider how now people subscribe to "streaming services" when you can find literally any TV show or movie online for free, hours after they've aired/been released, with medium effort. But those are the keywords: "medium effort." People don't want "medium effort," they want "NO effort." And they will--again, literally--pay for it.

But that's another 15 years down the line at least. Until then, your jpegs are worth uhhhh ZERO.

>> No.56065780

Unironically, right click and save