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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56059101 No.56059101 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread >>56032965
Bullrun is coming in 12-16 months. Any job right now is effectively paying 10x-35x per hour if you put the money in smart plays.

Get a skill/job. Do it and teach it. Save some cash. Buy something you think will be worth more in the future.

If you’re astute and not arrogant, you’ll start making content around your field. You don’t need to put your name/face on it but the dividends are significantly higher if you do.

An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.

This thread is for:
- Answering questions about finding jobs that pay well despite being not having a significant barrier to entry
- How to bullshit resumes/interviews in order to get these jobs
- Leveraging job experience to job hop every 2-4 months to get better positions
- Overemployment

If you absolutely can't find. a job, go become a barback at a restaurant or a bar. Don't work fastfood.

>> No.56059135
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Cybersecurity, gem or coal?
A pentester role is a dream but I'm not sure I can pull it off.

>> No.56059154


>> No.56059417

I can't find anything.

>> No.56060065

Putting on a trip just made for this general and its lurkers. I'm a designer that specializes in making personal logos for people among other things like business cards. If anyone is interested in having a personal logo to their name or a a complete brand set (logo, biz cards, etc), please reach out with your email and we will talk about the process and how much I'll charge. I'll solely use this trip code to respond to people so people know it's me.

>> No.56060111
File: 154 KB, 958x960, selftaught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gem, it's a growing sector with high demand. The problem is that they can't
evaluate people skills except from certifications. Take your OSCP and find your job.

Also if you are young try to partecipate in ctf competitions, build skills, have fun with while
doing it. They are not just games, they teach a lot if you take the right angle.

I'm 20 and i'll have my first job interview this 9/11 (lol), i got this interview thanks to ctfs.

Aside from small seasonal jobs this is my first real job interview for my first real job, wish me
luck guys. If i don't get the job i still have contacts for other programming jobs, i'll save money
invest and buy my security certifications fuck it

>> No.56060134

>dark brandanon has entered the chat

>> No.56061329

>ctf competitions
I actively participate in ctfs and find them quite enjoyable and based. Once I'm done with my life shit I will just get a VIP on htb and practice literally 24/7. Right now I mostly practice on tryhackme. Also I'm 21 and graduating soon, I consider it mostly a waste of time but I guess having a degree helps with jobs and I don't have a debt.
>got this interview thanks to ctfs.
Was it an offline ctf and someone approached you later or simply high rank? Did you put it in your cv?
Good luck with the interview anon.