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56055206 No.56055206 [Reply] [Original]

Rate me up big dogs.

I don't think I'm going to be adding any other coins to the folio, will probably just stack link and BTC until the bullrun. Although I might buy a couple small cap gems just to add to the moonshot odds. Nexa is looking pretty kino.

>> No.56055210

sell the rose and go with LINK 4.4k

>> No.56055266

It's an ok folio. It would be better if you converted rose to eth though.

>> No.56055348

>Please buy my bag
Lol baggies

>> No.56055365

These are both respectable suggestions, but the gravity of TEE-based smart contracts has not yet been appreciated. If you look around you'll see that devs are starting to notice, but normoids have no chance. They're still stuck on ZKP, which is fine, many good use-cases, but insufficient for big dog work due to costs. Long story short ROSE is STILL ahead of the curve and there's virtually no competition that can hold a candle to it in the same realm. But I'm not here to shill ROSE, just defending my bags.

>> No.56055590

The thing is nobody cares about the tech. Eth has a higher chance of pumping 5-10x just because more people know of it.

>> No.56055903

Fair, bobody cares about any tech just because of the tech, it's about the adoption and use-cases it enables. Oasis has cornered a market that people don't even know exists yet. They will use Oasis simply because there's no choice not to. And if you don't think this is true, then tell me how to process confidential data on-chain on Ethereum. You can't, ETH is fully public, and ZKPs won't help.

Web3 is extremely young and we are in the infrastructure building phase. Everything we see around us on the internet will be on web3 in coming years/decades, and Oasis is securing a place in that world. So 5-10x in the short term doesn't really matter when you see the bigger picture. It's about who is going to be a critical piece in the web3 infrastructure.

>> No.56055921

And to be fair of course I think ETH will be a part of that infrastructure too

>> No.56056486
File: 196 KB, 1080x1628, Screenshot_20230908-094913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me pls
Do I need a third coin?
Do I need a different second coin?
I bought arb because it's a new coin and I bought Bitcoin because it's Bitcoin

>> No.56056537

Agreed. Sell the rose maybe the radiant too

>> No.56056775

Daddy's money? How can you be that deep in 5 figures and not know what you're doing. Godspeed.

Not selling the flower token for the above reasons. Can't sell radiant because I am balls deep under water on it. Bought it during the KAS hype when the PoW UTXO chains were popping off. Hopefully it's not dead.

>> No.56056794

with 9k you can't afford muh diversification meme
go all in on link and pray for the singularity

>> No.56056817

Sell all alts and accumulate BTC only.

>> No.56056830

ARB I don't really like because the token isn't used for much of anything and it's going to get diluted a ton in the future. You have a lot of bitcoin which is fine if you're okay holding for a long time. If you have cash still I would add eth and consider trading the arb for something else.

>> No.56056834
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wow great advice
pic related

>> No.56056842

you people who think btc and eth are safe havens are going to get so rekt, and well deserved.

>> No.56056855

sell it all for link

>> No.56057454

Lol, what is a safer haven than BTC and ETH? I'll wait.

>> No.56057467

I will preemptively say that LINK is the only thing that comes close.

>> No.56058265

Not daddy.
My wagie money

>> No.56058275

Well the arbitrum isn't as long term hold as Bitcoin.

>> No.56058280

I'd drop the BTC and put a little bit more into LINK, and if you're a believer in ROSE I'd put a little in CELR too. The amount you're playing with is too little to justify having half of it in BTC.

>> No.56058603
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Please OP. I am begging you on my knees, hands together in prayer, that you fucking open your eyes. Liquidate that shit. Buy Kava instead, see everything it has coming up like Kinetix and shit. Buy BNB for all I care. But drop those LINK bags.

>> No.56058693

Kind of mid choice tbqh
Never heard of this


>> No.56058723
File: 24 KB, 362x314, 1544546994856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go all in on link
do you linkniggers ever get tired of being such obnoxious shills? desperately shilling this shitcoin has pretty much turned into fud posts 24/7 because you have zero subtlety

>> No.56058731

Why not buying a bit of ETH? It's also getting its own ETF next year so I wouldn't sleep on it right now

>> No.56058734

CCIP just needs some time to settle down and bring in the cashies. It's a slow burn piece of innovation, anon.

>> No.56058735

Dump the LINK.

>> No.56058740

sell everything but btc and put that money on eth.

>> No.56058747
File: 142 KB, 1000x676, 1507267812740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get on your knees and beg for my liquidity to enter you ecosystem's tight defi pussy then you'll have to beg even harder like a little bitch, anon-kun.

>> No.56058750

You should read this kava bro: >>56055590

>Le bridge to eth
>Le stargate
>Le kinetix usdt liquidity
Nobody. CARES.

>> No.56058761

Fucking retard.

Fucking RETARDS. Jesus christ this board is terrible.

>> No.56058767

>I'd drop the BTC
kill yourself right fucking NOW

>> No.56058774
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You and I both know it was a massive flop. That's it.
People will care once defi starts to grow on Kava and suddenly Cosmos is appealing once again.

>> No.56058781

You have a decent bag, but you can consider adding low caps like DUA and LIT, anon. Try diversifying.

>> No.56058861

muh BTC will remain dominant forever because... because it just will ok

>> No.56058888

this kind of sentiment is a form of capitulation
you're saying the whole space is a scam so just cynically try to make money off of greater fools with hackneyed theories like name recognition
and you're right in a way
but in another way, you're wrong, and you should be heavily invested in chainlink

>> No.56059015

Sold off my LINK for RAIL, no regrets.

>> No.56059034

Sell your Rose for bitcoin.

Sadly it appears you've been duped by biztards thinking that privacy coins are going to be the next narrative. Multiple countries are fast track banning privacy coins from CEXes already. As soon as CEXes don't have privacy coins anymore, vast majority of institutional+normie liquidity is gone, thereby killing off most privacy projects (Monero will be just fine though).

>> No.56059063

I think BTC and eth are too close in mcap to make any big difference in profit.
Which is why I bought Arbitrum. Other options I was thinking of is Solana

But I see your point. Maybe I'll just buy BTC and eth and keep it safe

>> No.56059134

It won't be bad to take advantage of AGII's AI driven solutions, its at the forefront of evolution, amplifying the potential of AI within the crypto landscape.

>> No.56059153
File: 152 KB, 624x624, 1692941793438380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i dumped that shit so hard bros in 2021

>> No.56059171

No Qanplatform. NGMI big dog.

>> No.56059183

I dumped it for Ocean anon, alongside AGII. AI projects are really making the trend, the cutting-edge platform integrates AI generators like OpenAI's GPT 4, GPT 3.5 and GPT 3 are the game-changers.

>> No.56059185

You MIGHT touch 6 figure hell briefly if you hold to the top. But youll probably fade along the way, then round trip the rest, so you'll end up with like 10-15k profit in 2 years

>> No.56059199

muh dawn song

>> No.56059202
File: 207 KB, 1080x1318, Screenshot_20230908-124059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over?

>> No.56059206

With 9k you shouldnt even be holding btc or high caps. Diversify it into only mid and low caps. Gonna be major diminision returns next cycle.

>> No.56059383

What are some good mid caps?

>> No.56059566

chainlink (ticker: LINK)

>> No.56059865

This anon is correct. BTC in a 9k folio is bad. You need to outperform BTC if you want to get anywhere. I mean, why would you spend your time on crypto and this board, if you don't think you can outperform bitcoin. At this stage of the bear, you want to find the next Gfarm2 aka GNS.

I would hate to sell any ROSE atm, but if you can't earn more money, your ROSE stack is too large.

GET is my small cap conviction bet. But there is so many. Smart anons are wise to API3. PRQ is not as bad as they tell you. PNK can blast from here. Just suis of stuff like RLC and OCEAN. Aarweave. This board is sleeping on Aarweave.

>> No.56060582

Based portfolio anon, I've got big hands on Rose as well. I'd also throw in low cap gems like Itheum and Ride for the long term.

>> No.56060955

Thanks for the advice big dogs. It's tempting to at least cut my BTC stack in half, but I don't even know what else I would go into honestly. If anything maybe ETH. I understand this isnt a moon mission folio, but it's comfy. This folio is guaranteed profits and I like that, I'm not really greedy. I'm starting to value consistent gains over big gains and just adding to the pile. Plus I'm half BTC maxi, I do deeply believe in BTC. IDK, thanks for the thoughts, I'll think about it.

>> No.56061713
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>> No.56062854

>Sell all alts and accumulate BTC only
I wouldn't recommend going all in on BTC
>Buy Kava instead, see everything it has coming up like Kinetix and shit. Buy BNB for all I care
This makes sense, I love kava for its good staking rewards, BNB is solid in-between, and for the mid cap, I'd say Ride, seeing as it has shown innovation by merging metaverse, VR and blockchain for in-car VR experiences.

>> No.56063104

Just hang on to your BTC, conversions or swaps are a taxable event (unless you have an equal capital loss you can show, like vehicle sale).

>> No.56063373

AI token. Top notch

>> No.56063695

Yes, WAVES, precisely...

>> No.56063704

Checked, and I’m all in LINK, but almost the whole space is a scam. I worked in blockchain for two years and didn’t encounter one entity that wasn’t a scam in some format, and I worked very closely with big names like Polygon (tons of scammy stuff going on). Mostly they got tons of money from dumping on retail and are sitting on 8-10 figures with no fucking clue of how to build something useful and are all pretending to be successful entrepreneurs.

The only reason I still hold any crypto after working in the industry is because I never worked with anyone from Chainlink and it often seemed like they were off in their own sandbox, so part of me thinks maybe they’re legit.. but frankly I still question. It would not really surprise me if they were another massive scam.

And yes, I worked for a scam and a con-artist. I was sold a package of lies when coming on and then saw progressively worse and worse scamming behavior and a constant mistreatment of retail and “customers” and that’s why I got out.

>> No.56063765

>What are some good mid caps?
Here you go ~ Kava, Ride, KDA, Cream, Hive, to mention a few
>AI token. Top notch
It's data marketplace is smooth as butter, brimming with opportunities to cash in, just like the data farming gig I'm already into.

>> No.56063870

Small cirle higher risk. You need to diversify more. BTC good. NXRA, PENDLE, and CTSI will satisfy your bag anon.

>> No.56063873

It's amazing to know AGII stands as an innovative AI platform addressing the increasing need for AI-driven content creation in the Web3 era.

>> No.56063947

>but frankly I still question. It would not really surprise me if they were another massive scam.
well they're not

>> No.56064423

No fading ETH for anything. Thad Dude has the potential of flipping BTC with no cap.
I might consider staking them also. The number of ETH investments/ staking is growing. StakingRewards and SpoolFi are also building and ETH index yield. Worth watching out for also.

>> No.56064943

No thought of SUPRA? Ngmi.

>> No.56064965

>It's data marketplace is smooth as butter, brimming with opportunities to cash in, just like the data farming gig I'm already into.
You shouldn't snooze on AGII, it's going to champion transactions within our AI-driven marketplace to create a thriving economy.

>> No.56064970

how does 0.17 btc + $0 from the shitcoins sound?

>> No.56064993

I will fucking substitute Rxd for NXRA without thinking twice.

>> No.56065025

DYOR on RIDE, given its tech, the Auto industries is its niche as it brings metaverse-in-car to reality, recently partnered with Laura-Marie Geissler

>> No.56065102

Why not some sort of privacy tokens like Rose.

>> No.56065103

Not a bad one I must say but you need at least a cryptopayment project like CYMI for simplicity in payment options as full adoption is growing daily.

>> No.56065129

Look around, AGII is already attracting partnerships and adoptions, with its AI-driven platform, the staking rewards that's in anticipation will get bags filled.

>> No.56065164

You need oracle too, SUPRA will get bags filled.

>> No.56065167

End game is to always accumulate more BTC but don't be retarded anon. He has 4.5k in BTC right now let's say in the peak of the bull market BTC goes 10x from here (not realistic at all) he'll have 45k whereas the risk of investing in another shitcoin LINK/AVAX/ROSE/KASPA/ETC are all inherently higher they also have way higher odds of going past the 10x which is required when you're playing with 5 figures to low 6 figures.

>> No.56065203

I love this because of it loyalty rewards program. The best I have seen so far

>> No.56065256

ETH still sucks and chads are scared of having an eye on it. surprisingly, RIDE keeps mark in the blockchain space when it comes to the Tech space, they are standing strong with their in-car VR and CInema tech. It's worth the wait.

>> No.56065277

I'm really obsessed with AI tokens after seeing what AGII is bringing to the table.

>> No.56065328

No RIDE? Don't you want to have adventurous experience fag? Wait until IAA Mobility takes place and holoride cinema is finally available to all holoriders.

>> No.56066268

Good port. I would advise you to diversify more though. Some strong Defi, Payment, LSDfi, and more. PENDLE, CYMI, ACOIN.