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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 581x596, success factory employee of the month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56053563 No.56053563 [Reply] [Original]

Who is Kayser Adem? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was Dutch. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that was fudded out of LINK by him, but to hear ChainlinkGod tell it, anybody could have worked for Adem. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick @geoxadem ever pulled was convincing the world his Porn Addiction didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.

>> No.56054449

I love how much he freaks out about biz.
Like dude, if you're doxxed as a "crypto investor" in a druggie shithole like the netherlands, biz anons are the least of your worries.

>> No.56054764

Is he the reason your investments didn't make it?

>> No.56054833

Paid link shills trying to intimidate victims ITT.
Why do janitors allow these "Doxxing - Calling for real life violence" threads to stay up? Curious.

>> No.56054898
File: 79 KB, 400x400, 1671404307909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jannies jannies help me help me i spammed biz with low iq fud until an autist got annoyed and posted my personal details from publicly available info linked to my twitter handle because im a literal mouthbreathing retard!

>> No.56055288

Why do linkies pretend to be this guy on a Moldovan Cow tipping forum? Its as cringe as Lee Goldson larping

>> No.56055312

who cares about some brown-eyed nobody?
i guess this is what seeing your alt do an unrecoverable -90% against bitcoin does to people.

>> No.56055390

He is going to be skinned alive in October as a sacrifice to the one trur lord of this realm

>> No.56055396

literally who?

>> No.56055407

More like jannies are in on your scheme. That'd explain everything.

>> No.56055930

yeah for sure bro
the jannies are obviously desperate to silence the fudcuck sisterhood which is why they only have 6 fud threads in the catalog at any given time (and Adem K bragged about contributing to this on twitter as well, all while having his geoxadem handle linked to his embarrassing porn addiction posts)
there's no better way to put it than fuck around = find out

>> No.56055966

this people dont realize how bad the crime has gotten in current year

>> No.56056683
File: 181 KB, 887x749, DFB4858B-EF39-42AD-8AF8-9B33E7CE7510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And crime for sure is getting worse and I can promise you that it will find a way to Mr. Kayser and his Family one way or another.
once someone is doxxed and dragged enough hate on his Persona anything can happen on the internet, you never know whos lurking and holding a grudge.
From simple Swatting to antagonizing local gangs to pay him a visit at 2AM and drill around in his kneecaps, literally anything is possible, even kidnapping can happen and ending up in pic related.
Makes me wonder why Adem is doing that, maybe he is suicidal?
Like why would anyone draw so much negative attention online? especially in places like 4chan, thats really just asking for trouble.

>> No.56057206

Lmao Adem you’re gonna get flushed down the toilet in little pieces by some Ngubu. The worst part for you is they will probably think you’re rich, so when you can’t pay they get extra chimpy.

>> No.56057224

literally who is this faggot? QRD please
I gather he's associated with LINK but I don't into crypto, I not /SMG/ only
why is this faggot's face being spammed?

>> No.56057226

la creatura...

>> No.56057306

Chainlink "investors" have lost alot of money and they're looking for someone to blame that isn't themselves or the chainlink team.

Just religion shit honestly.

>> No.56057426

thats not what is happening at all.
Adem Kayser is a Porn Addict that made it his Life Mission to antagonize Chainlink investors and spam the board for years with low IQ FUD making himself a lot of enemies. hes one of these people that apparently love negative attention and because he wasnt careful he got doxxed and soon he will become a victim of a violent crime.

its kinda funny tho how autistic people like Adem believe that the internet is some safe space and that they are untouchable.

>> No.56057571
File: 839 KB, 999x999, 1694189440417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found OP. Imagine being so butthurt you spend your time writing whole biographies seething about some literal who muslim jeet because he hurt your feelings. Kek baggies

>> No.56057608

Thought experiment: would you care at all if link wasn't down 90%? No, you wouldn't.

Just like 0 bitcoin maxis care about an entire multimillion user subreddit being dedicated to a decade long fud campaign. Basically amounts to

Your investment is shit, so you need to find someone to blame for your failure, or admit you're a retard that shouldn't handle his own finances. You're choosing to believe in boogeymen.

>> No.56057630

>brown link fudder
The absolute state of fuddies

>> No.56057632

>someone took the time to make that image
lots of projection going on in there.
personally I dont care at all, I just find it funny that some autistic porn addicted Loser is gonna get murdered soon for his shitposting.

>> No.56057637

Isn't chainlink hiring literal Nigerian rubic rangers for its community advocate program that spams this board?

>> No.56057657

>gonna get murdered soon for his shitposting.
By who? The wall street bets refugees on /biz/ that top bought link bags from the 2017 og marines in 2020-2021?

>> No.56057686

>By who?
could be literally anyone, once you are doxxed and made enough enemies its only a matter of time

>> No.56057820
File: 461 KB, 2048x1365, 1694191274891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personally I dont care at all, I just find it funny that some autistic porn addicted Loser is gonna get murdered soon for his shitposting.

>making death threats because some guy said "price bad lol" which is 100% true
Kek @ unhinged baggies projecting all their failure on basedthomas. News flash thomas didnt make the price dump 90% and doxxing him wont make the price go up. This is just another way for baggies to disassociate and skirt away from personal accountability by using a boogeyman cope.

Its looking more like linkies are gonna be using their vast wealth to buy commissary honey buns for tyrone from their prison cells.

>> No.56057869
File: 560 KB, 1125x1837, C6F636CD-34EF-4FBE-B8C8-2FB92DC10C64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you definitely care and as a reminder, no one is going to do shit. Youre a massive pussy

>> No.56057877

Look at this incel begging people to do his bidding. What a bitch

Next time listen when they say dont marry an investment

>> No.56057921

so put it to the test, post a picture of your face, your full name and adress.
Why not?
what are you scared of?

>> No.56057936

Let's do one of those anonymous smart contract assassination things. Enough people put a few bucks in we should be good to go.

>> No.56058015
File: 39 KB, 696x449, 1694192762066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the guys making death threats on 4chin
Kek You guys are clowns just look up the sheriff chitwood situation that happened with pol chuds if you dont know about it already.
These are the type of guys who larp as chads. In reality they are fat virgin neckbeard losers

>> No.56058024

>these are the guys making death threats
who made death threats?

>> No.56058101
File: 664 KB, 2048x2048, 1694193549047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several of you chuds in this thread
Your posts are being saved and collected btw and I have a very sizable link stack bought at .20 which will make sure Thomas is well protected post singularity from you vile incels.

I fud or shill depending on my mood, but I think thomas is a healthy voice and based. You nulinkcels are so cringe literally no different from rabid emotional trannies trying to dox and harass people for misgendering.
Thats why I will stick up for a based shitposter like thomas. Seriously go back to your twitter discord echo chambers. If you get upset at someone for calling water wet, you dont belong here

>> No.56058123

Linkies hitting an all time low. Thomas is so far in your head. He literally OWNS you. All because you married your investment. What a loser

>> No.56058249

>Several of you chuds in this thread
never happened, its all in your head.
>larping as oldfag
you ok?
nobody cares about that projecting loser Thomas, hes a lolcow that people already harrass for fun. no different than Chris Chan.
are you that new to the internet?

>> No.56058294
File: 664 KB, 1125x1619, 3BAE3798-9E45-4165-A55A-4767A512A8DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nobody cares

You clearly do. Hes fucking hilarious. He bothered your ilk so badly they want him actually hurt. Linkies are so broken from the team destroying them. They need a scapegoat

>> No.56058312

>You clearly do.
about as much as I care about Chris Chan or any other lolcow, hes not important.
>they want him actually hurt
would be a funny meme

>> No.56059081


>> No.56059103
File: 139 KB, 1170x1060, 1694011773555539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56059846

they keep talking as if linkies will be the ones after his keys or that they have to lift a finger when this guy is already fucked
here's the cold hard facts of it, which he is trying to ignore:
>the netherlands is a junkie / gang infested shithole
>being a known "crypto investor" puts a target on your back
>junkies and gangs are not above getting creative with hardware to get your keys
if i was this guy i would just shut everything down honestly
but he's just too stupid to understand what is going on and he's too desperate to get attention on twitter so he'll just end up being an example i guess

>> No.56059898
File: 1.41 MB, 1399x1622, E5D7D1E7-2B5F-415E-8AD1-8A000DA4C9E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder that pic related works for a pyramid scheme company irl and has a suicide inducing porn addiction
>he calls other people hopeless losers

No Adem. You are a biz lolcow. Literally one of the biggest losers that has ever posted here.

>> No.56059973

yeah i dont think there has been any direct threats against him though so no one is going to jail fuddie, sorry
(actually maybe he will because he works for a literal scam / pyramid scheme / ponzi company you should look up the success factory)
his info was all linked back to publicly available stuff based off of his original twitter handle so yeah, he wanted attention and got it
simple as

>> No.56059974

Fuddies are seething so hard lmao. Can't wait for Ari's contract

>> No.56060662

>direct threats
Because all the cowards here want someone else to do their bidding. Daily reminder you want violence against a random internet persona bc he made fun of the cult youre in. THATs how pathetic of a man (err boy) you are. Do more pushups and become a real man, not the coward you currently are.

Keep waiting. Maybe it’ll come out before Link releases a fully working product. When youre doing blowing ari, tell him to take his mask off so he can breathe better

>> No.56060669

>dad walks into your room
>sees screen compilation of random dudes jerkoff habits
>jesus christ my sons a homo…goes out for smokes, never seen again

Bro theyre doing amazing things in therapy these days

>> No.56060677

>s s s somebody puhhhhhhleazzzzzze make him stahhhhhhhp!!!

BAHAHAHAHAHAH. Bro your T levels are sub 200. Get help man

>> No.56060694

Adem will be kidnapped and castrated

>> No.56060715
File: 654 KB, 1125x1472, 12CD1F92-BC68-4BC6-ACF2-8CAB55C96707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56060726

you sound scared, you should be

>> No.56061335


>> No.56062136


>> No.56062153

Keyser Sogay

>> No.56062195

>"If you get upset at someone for calling water wet, you dont belong here"
>proceeds to seethe about a porn addict getting called out for his mental illnesses

>> No.56062301
File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, 1679962357314694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56062593
File: 64 KB, 581x596, ademkayser employee of the month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56062648
File: 5 KB, 189x250, 1693349958458555s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Thomas protector. 2021 top buyers keep forgetting that we have more LINK than they do.

>> No.56062758

Help! Help my autism has brought consequences!

>> No.56062896


>> No.56062921


>> No.56062945

>one autistic coomer and 18 months of sideways price action was the only thing that could kill Link marines
Wasn't my guess but it's been funny anyways

>> No.56063011

in reality link was dead when 2021 rolled around and it became clear link truly topped during defi summer in 2020. 2021 was their last opportunity when it became clear it was never coming back.

>> No.56063080

>Several of you chuds
nope just a guy who reads the dutch newspapers and as such recognizes what >>56056683 pic related is
whats reported in the news is already worse than hollywood dramatic depictions so you know reality is at least 10x worse

i am not threatening thomas in the least but he should be scared for being doxed in the randstad
anyone here can go and buy some weed on every second street corner and let it slip where a crypto bro lives and that news will make it way to someone, so i do not realize how insane thomas is to keep poking the anonhive after beign doxed

>> No.56063166

holy shit who spends time doing shitty images like this

>> No.56063799
File: 348 KB, 500x301, Malfoy_Potter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he your boyfriend Potter?

>> No.56064640


>> No.56064705

Holy sheeit
I don't know this guy but seems based
He got linkchuds so mad that they created a doxx thread

More reasons to keep trolling stinky linkies
I didn't know how much of assblasted they get when you fud their shitcoin bags


>> No.56064714

>Adem cuck damage control

>> No.56064762

Based thread. Did that OG anon ever call the internet police?

>> No.56064907

be a shame if the thread was bumped

>> No.56064933

>Adem gonna FREAK

>> No.56065198

bump for Adem lolcow

>> No.56065325

>posts on twitter
>posts on /biz/ mere minutes later, screencapping the twitter post
>"I'm definitely not adem guys! "
Kankerzielig ventje ben je hahaha

>> No.56065665

takes your meds schizo
btw damage control on what? wheter people here has his personal info or not, it doesn't change the fact that he touched linkies nerves.
again, more reason to keep shitting on an already shitty token just for the keks

>> No.56066004

only one getting shit on is that cuck Adem (who will soon be murdered by local negros btw.)

>> No.56066623


>> No.56066647

GM based kings stay based & redpilled

>> No.56066706
File: 190 KB, 391x633, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone give me a rundown of who this guy is? im out of the loop

>> No.56066786

some cringe mason flashing meme diamonds IM IN A SEKRET CLUB KIDDOOO

>> No.56066790

hes like the chris chan of /biz/
>third world import leeching off of Netherlands taxpayer euros and spending his entire day spamming /biz/ with low IQ LINK FUD

>> No.56066854
File: 44 KB, 461x518, ademchrischan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.56066884

Like that guy who had his balls blowtorched that was grim af. Crypto seems to attract violent crime which is weird considering public ledgers and all that

>> No.56067070

Hes the permanent tenant of all of /biz/ linkies minds.
Honestly its impressive how hard he seemed to have riled them up.
Since all the twitter posers secretly lurk here, thomas is clouted af in the chainlink community, id say hes right behind chainlinkgod.
Its well earned based thomas 5d chess. I wouldnt be surprised if he doxxed himself

Reminder chris chan has made 6 figures+ from becoming an internet celebrity, and he would of made more if he wasnt so autistic.

>> No.56067087

Damn anon, did the internet police not pick up?

>> No.56067100

So I'm in the Netherlands next week again. Gonna skin a spammer

>> No.56067165

lol source?

>> No.56067176

you won't do anything
enjoy your incel power fantasy

>> No.56067196

just reading up on this and it's hilarious
>obnoxious brown board spammer / e-celeb wannabe gets his details posted including some really embarrassing shit
>pretends that he has something on biz when he's basically the biz version of chris chan now (minus any actual fame because its just like 20 people tops who are even aware that this loser exists)
>now he's glued to biz more than ever, filled with bitter rage because he cant accept his "find out" result in the "fuck around" equation
did i get that right?

>> No.56067197

Who said i reported anyone? Just screencapping posts to archive. So you better act civil and watch what you say, just think, how sad would it be to be in prison while your link moons ;)?
I really dont like how this board is scapegoating thomas like this so thats why im sticking up for him.
Hes an OG and very likely behind the schwab posting phase which I was a big fan of.
Who know maybe if were lucky well get a sheriff chitwood situation pt2 with some /biz/ neckbeards being exposed for the world to see.

>> No.56067212

You don't know what that word means. And yes I'm going to kill him

>> No.56067213

kek ok adem.. err I mean OG, archived next to your vast coomer collection no doubt

>> No.56067227

See you next week Adem. Your life ends, the life of your family as well. your head goes into my collection

>> No.56067240

>incel revenge fantasy
Federal Regulations require you to blog post a book length explanation detailing why you chose a path of violence incel

>> No.56067251

You don't know what that word means, I'm not what you think. You die, you dad, you brothers you mum die too. See you next week

>> No.56067307

The FBI needs to to explain your reasoning for thinking the way you do incel. Have sex.

>> No.56067315

>umm im going to cry to the intetnet poleebs because ebil 4chan hackers found my porn diary entries and made fun of me!
comedy gold
biz is actually alright sometimes

>> No.56067326

>chris chan has made 6 figures+
so you are saying Chris Chan made more money than Adem the Porn Addicted Subhuman?

>> No.56067335

. can anyone provide his dox? how much crypto does he have _? is it over 21 bitcoins?

>> No.56067344

>if were lucky well get a sheriff chitwood situation pt2
thing is Adem Keyser is not a prominent Sheriff in Florida, hes a basement dwelling porn addicted Loser that literally nobody gives a fuck about.
I honestly doubt the Police would give a shit if something happened to Adem.
Like why would they even bother investigating?
its essentially a crime without victims.

>> No.56067538
File: 193 KB, 1577x1682, 1672551650363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus he works/ed for The Success Factory - a literal scam company
he's just a couple skin shades shy of running refund scams on old people

no one's gonna help this guy
he's basically a cockroach

>> No.56067626

he's gonna need to bring in the big guns to help him
he should bring in...
whoever this guy is

>> No.56067723
File: 46 KB, 607x814, missingcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Success Factory"
I feel like the joke is writing itself here
>no one's gonna help this guy
would anyone even notice hes missing?
according to his nofap forum history all his friends abandoned him when he became a professional coomer and was fired from the Success Factory.

>> No.56067795

would anyone notice that he's missing? i dunno
kleenex stock prices might take a hit i guess

>> No.56068214
File: 515 KB, 1125x1162, 1694318702874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Im not thomas and I have more link than you. When we make it I will personally sponsor thomas and francisco to attend the yacht party along with a team of the best private security. I am his patron

>> No.56068335

>I am his patron
you are that mouthbreather on that milk carton LMAO

>> No.56068361
File: 80 KB, 243x250, Chadthomas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link baggies are STILL seething about our bro.

Lol. lmao even.

>> No.56068404


>> No.56068555
File: 732 KB, 1080x2340, 1686377851329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chimps out on twitter and biz during all his waking hours since his name and face were posted because of his terrible opsec
>starts getting scared because being an identifiable cryptobro isnt good for your health
>"im gonna... uh... take a break now guys!"
it would have been funnier if he deleted his account a third time but eh, still gold

>> No.56068580
File: 875 KB, 1000x1006, 1694325293064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He trolled /biz/ more then i could ever schieve. He is the king of trolling and baiting /biz/ baggies.
When in the history of crypto projects has a community gotten so butthurt at someone telling the simple truth that they stalk and dox them? Kek the amount of asshurt generated by this humble turk is amazing. King of /biz/ nominee for sure.
Thomas if you read this which i know you do, stay based king

>> No.56068592

>terminal levels of cope
ah yes, getting doxxed by some random 4chan autist and freaking out about it ever since is the peak of trolling

>> No.56068599

lmao @ the slowly rising panic among the Tunisians

>> No.56068693
File: 85 KB, 775x849, 1694327638122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure hes quaking at some fat chuds knowing who he is.
Plenty of people are doxxed, there are lots of politicians and celebrities who have their name and address on the internet.
Fat chuds can only sit in their basements and write incel manifestos. Only loser incels have the time to sit online and seethe about some random guy halfway across the world in the first place

>> No.56068696

Some Romanian.

>> No.56068700

>Only loser incels have the time to sit online and seethe

>> No.56068746
File: 236 KB, 634x650, 1694328608715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry im just not gonna go digging through porn sites and some guys social media accounts because he riled me up so hard. Shitpost here? Yeah im all for it. Seethe

>> No.56068819
File: 227 KB, 516x546, 1676960805934.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>many lengthy posts about how he worships and defends a third-world porn addict whose life revolves around fudding link
wow this poster is definitely not adem
no way

>> No.56068921

>adem cuck in full damage control and literally shaking
top kek

>> No.56068946
File: 445 KB, 1577x1682, 1693866666346681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao defending some mutt mouth breather this hard
You are going to die slow, Adem

>> No.56069172
File: 123 KB, 1080x1746, 1693587771730321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56069212

Wtf is this thread? It's full of bots, right?

>> No.56069288

that was the only thing the avocados could come up with to create an illusion of organic engagement
sad really

>> No.56069521

Lmao at the damage control

>> No.56069557

you guys dont get tired ? seriously ?
nobody is buying your shitcoin, i fucking hate linkies so much you keep spamming this board with your useless token THATS NOT GOING ANYWHERE AND IS NOT NEEDED

Janies please ban them forever, they are hurting the quality of the board postings

>> No.56069565
File: 1.31 MB, 640x360, haters.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serg coming for the haters

>> No.56069773

>all this damage control by adem frantically switching IDs and creating impersonations of people "defending" him
Look its really out of /biz/ control now kid. You are not a sheriff, you basically are a nobody. Enjoy getting your kneecaps drilled. A sad state the netherlands is in, but you will find out if the moroccans are really your "brothers" lmao
>federal regulations
>in Europe
>for a non-US citizen
Just lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>> No.56069816

Buddy, don't talk about ID switching when you can't even switch up your posting style a little bit.

>> No.56069901

Unhinged seethe from the mouthbreather. I don't need to id switch to dunk on that inbred brownoid.

>> No.56070020

you literally just switched ids again you incompetent avocado

>> No.56070043

daily reminder that no alt has ever recovered from this level of infightning, fud, and chart.

>> No.56070238

I did a little bit of further research and its actually hilarious how easy it is to dox him and it surprises me how no anon had posted the info yet (took me like 10 minutes to find).
If someone really wanted to cave Adems skull in it wouldnt be hard to find him and I messaged some people on facebook already that apparently know him and I told them to watch out because "Adem is a pedophile" kek.

>> No.56070306

Wow dude you're le based hackerman. Too much of a pussy to face him yourself?

>> No.56070320

the level of femininity in link bagholders knows no bounds

>> No.56070360

Mr janies sers ban link they are hurting the qualiti of board postings sers

>> No.56070372

I dont hold any crypto but seeing this annoying looking shitskin for the last 2 days on the frontpage made me curious to look him up

>> No.56070399

Take your meds

>> No.56070401

>Too much of a pussy to face him yourself?
I dont really care all that much to travel thousands of miles to visit a refugee shitskin in person, there is easier ways nowadays to fuck with people.

better clean your room adem, someone is coming to visit you soon kek

>> No.56070877

Actual schizo you can see rhe amount of posts I had

>> No.56071075

hey Adem just coming through with a bump

>> No.56071076
File: 122 KB, 316x316, 1694365821369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats just typical cidf shill projection. He samefags like crazy while accusing you of doing it. I wouldnt be surprised if it was a literal jew who got trained to be a prroessional agitator

>> No.56072151


>> No.56072564

Adem, I hate the price action of Chainlink as much as the next guy, but fucking hell man, be less obvious.

>> No.56072586

>no you

Convincing argument there Mr. Avacodo

>> No.56072672

No argument, just genuine pity.

>> No.56072987

L baggies W basedthomas

>> No.56074000

its over

>> No.56074145

Look at those dick sucking lips

>> No.56075585


>> No.56075753

kek this thread is hilarious

>> No.56076545

lets get that rat adem back on the front page haha

>> No.56076551

Reminds me of the clg thread

>> No.56077267

Kek this thread is hilarious

>> No.56077303

I’m making fake screenshots rn detailing him as a pedo trying to talk to 14 year old girls, will send to his family shortly before he can delete anything

>> No.56077323
File: 8 KB, 225x225, devilish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and Adem deconstruction pilled
dont forget to inform nearby schools