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56052073 No.56052073 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeets and other 3rd worlders do not reply. This is not for you. Move along.

1st world bros: can you feed yourself for, lets make it easy, 2 meals a day with only $6? How would you do it? You're not allowed to buy 9 metric tons of Rice at $8000 so each meal works out to 3 cents either.

>> No.56052084

Both Del Taco and Jack in the Box have tacos for $0.50. So just eat a dozen tacos every day.

>> No.56052094

Milk and cereal, rice and beans, pasta and butter, rice and butter, etc. plenty of cheap meals you can make yourself

>> No.56052097

Imagine the wet, sloppy, explosive shits…and the smell

>> No.56052108

this is exactly the kind of reply i'm looking for. you could also toss in a Jr Bacon cheeseburger to spice things up. it's only $2.40

>> No.56052120

The secret is to live near an amusement park and purchase a season pass that includes a meal plan on every visit
I miss Cincinnati solely for this, I'd stop after work, hit the first place in the park, eat, and by the time I'm done I can use it again, get it to go. Free food every night and I started to accumulate a fridge of the shit. It cost me $150 lmao

>> No.56052121

I was with you till Milk and cereal. Gallon of milk where i am $8. Box of cereal is $5. You'd have to give up eating for two days to afford these things.

>> No.56052142

that's actually very clever anon. i've been lying to places that it's my birthday for free shit. It's usually "free small meal on your birthday"type of deals. no verification. everyday is my birthday!

>> No.56052146
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>> No.56052149

Easy. I managed $2/day in one of the most expensive cities food wise. It's beans and lentils. You are going to survive, but it's not fun

>> No.56052171

Banana, caned tuna,pastas,rice, tomato sauce, iced green peas
You can literally live for 5$ a day so 150$ /month MAX and you'll get extremely lean. If you do some calisthenics & jogs on the side you can have a god's body.
>Actually met an homeless guy doing just that he was doing cali all day and eat tuna/rice/peas. He was natural and was literally a model at 35yo with long blond hair really strange meeting he wanted to be free from the society

>> No.56052189

Where the fuck do you live? Gallons here are less than $3

>> No.56052197

Los Angeles

>> No.56052200

Are there any other parks not located in shitholes that would allow this? Last time I went to Busch Goy Gardens a meal was like $30

>> No.56052283

>>56052073 >>56052084 >>56052094 >>56052097 >>56052108 >>56052120 >>56052121 >>56052142 >>56052146 >>56052149 >>56052171 >>56052189 >>56052197 >>56052200
reddit thread, OP is a redditor

>> No.56052295

i told you to move along pajeet. this thread isn't for you. this is only for 1st world posters! do not redeem!

>> No.56052297

meal1: bowl of oats + milk + egg + fruit/veggies
meal2: rice/lentils + beans + veggies (frozen) + nuts for the fat

>> No.56052314
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+ egg drop soup with frozen vegetables, add some fresh bok choy if you like
+ chicken rice
+ japanese curry and rice

basically eat like a broke college student

>> No.56052316
File: 332 KB, 888x2290, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.56052321

I would have posted a big titty african but I'm tired of jannies deleting the image and the thread dying. I chose what I chose, pajeet. deal with it.

>> No.56052369

>can you
but you will wither and turn into a skeleton.

>> No.56052385
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>can I eat with $6 per day
yes, but your diet would be limited to rice and lentils and whatever fruit/vegetables are in season

anon if you're that poor you should consider going to a food bank and getting free canned food

>> No.56052476

>le epic r*ddit meme
Kill yourself niggerfaggot.

>> No.56052605

I bought $165 in groceries last week.
1 bottle apple juice 1.95
Bakery cookies 3.87
Daves bread 6.79
Tortillas 2.43
3 boxes of cheerios 7.27 (coupon)
Various crackers and chips: 17.95
Cheese shreds 5.69/2 lbs
Cheese blocks 5.69/2 lbs
Turkey breast 4.46/1/2 lb
Sliced provolone 9.47/1 lb
1 lb chopped frozen spinach 2.90
Frozen tots 5lb 6.31
Cilantro bunch 1.65
Cucumbers 5.80
Ginger 8 cents
Green Bell peppers 2/2.89
Green onions 1.65
Grapes 3.90/2.4 lbs
Avocado 4/3.88 (coupon)
Mango 1/98c
Carrots 10lbs/6.79
Spring mix free for promo
Parsley 1.45
Shallots 1.16/2
Zucchini 1/1.40
Lasagna noodles 2.43/lb
85%Lean ground turkey 4 lb/7.70 (coupon)
Lamb chops 2lb/8.09 (coupon)
Sirloin steak 2lb/13.66

Thats more than two weeks worth of food for me. I eat about half a pound of meat every day, and I am probably going to need to buy more eggs or bread at some point, but you get the idea.
I could stretch it out to a month if I tap into my frozen beef and chicken supplies.
I am working to eliminate my work lunch restaurant trips. I was averaging $30 a month at Chipotle last year.

>> No.56052651

Also I paid for delivery and a tip for the total

>> No.56052653

I spend $71/mo at chipotle. It provides me with 8 protein dense lunches and 13% of my meals for the month. If every meal were that cheap, that's only a $533/mo food budget. Are you really that poor?

>> No.56052732

? caturday is a /v/ tradition predating reddit

>> No.56052756

I told you not to participate you fucking 3rd world faggots. get lost!

>> No.56052775

You can eat for 90 cents a day easily.


>> No.56052802

OP posted a reddit video. OP is from reddit.

>> No.56052886

(thanks for the bump Sandeep)

>> No.56052914

I make a little over 180k. I just enjoy quality food and I want utility from my spending.

>> No.56052995

Where the hell can you get a season pass with meals for $150? The last park I was at it was almost that for a day pass with meals every hour and a half

>> No.56053021


>> No.56053439
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>> No.56054028

1 bag of lentils costs a little over a dollar and it has 1700 calories. Spread that over a week and you're already off to a good start. I'd also buy milk, oats, brown rice, and sardines (a little over a $1 a can). I could easily eat on $6 a day.

>> No.56054460

Why is Chiopotle so popular, do you guys not have Freebirds?

>> No.56055683

Chiopotle is popular because they deliver consistent, good food quickly. I have never had Freebirds so I can't say if it is good or not. In a world of volatility, consistency is king. Much like Scorch Coin, you can always be sure to get a good deal because the team is always working towards the common goal of delivering a safe, easy to use crypto asset to the masses

>> No.56056196
File: 1.95 MB, 3024x3024, 4-way_Cincinnati_chili_from_Camp_Washington_Chili_in_Cincinnati_OH_USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cuisine you've got there.
Captcha: Daag0

>> No.56056419

I eat $4/day but I'm on a diet.

>> No.56056621

Yes, spaghetti is cheap as fuck.

>> No.56056690

A lot of motels have "free continental breakfast" with your stay. It's not like the cornflakes police is going to ask you for proof that you're staying there. Hit a different motel every 3 days or so.

>> No.56056695

a lot of cheap homemade food is not that good for you or it doesn't taste good. Most do not reheat or freeze well either which is a pain because you can't make batches of food. I think chicken soup can do all these things pretty well, just add some dried pasta or rice into it and it is a complete meal.

>> No.56056717

It's pretty easy but you end up being miserable after awhile because you end up eating the same five ingredients over and over.

>> No.56056724

Drink a half gallon of V8 a day. $4. Good stuff.

>> No.56056744

can't you buy the chicken feet&neck at a cheaper price usually? the parts they feed dogs . Make a stew with them to get some protein

>> No.56056793

I lived off a $900 a month graduate student stipend in 2013 so maybe this doesn't quite work out, but here's what I did:
>no breakfast, no necessary because I don't to manual labor
>lunch is a banana, and a hard boiled egg + peanut butter burrito. sometimes I'd splurge and buy some saltines to throw in there
>dinner is any kind of 1 dollar pasta + bag of frozen veggies + 2 bouillon cubes. lasts for 2 meals

the dinner used to cost $1 for the pasta, $1 for the veggies, and the bouillon was like a few cents so basically negligible. I don't remember the exact price for the lunch but it was around 3 dollars on average. I actually saved enough money that on weekends I'd sometimes buy some bulk frozen chicken breast or ground beef, or very occasionally some ice cream or whatever I could find on sale in stuff that was expiring that same day. I think these days pasta and veggies would probably run you $4, and eggs have gotten way more expensive, but I think you could still squeeze by on a $6 average per day that way.

also I never had to do this, but you can find frozen pizzas anywhere from $2 to $6 dollars, and those are typically around 1400 to 2000+ calories. if you shop around I bet you could get down to $6 average per day just on frozen pizzas, assuming you have a method to cook them.

>> No.56056871

You're not drinking the whole gallon and eating the whole box in one meal you braindead faggot
>8oz of milk ($0.50)
>1.5 cups of cereal ($0.80-$1.20 depending on size of box)
>$1.70 breakfast at most

>> No.56057083

Sure. Oats, chicken (bone in/skin on generally the cheapest), broccoli, potatoes. I was eating for around $3/d on this diet in college, shouldn't have more than doubled in the last 5 years

>> No.56057096

>bulk rice, bulk chicken, bulk veggies, bulk peanut butter

>> No.56057116

Easily, but it would get boring.

>> No.56057501

Ground beef and eggs. Ez. I'm doing it now lol.

>> No.56057556
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The ingredients are covered here, but few have gone into the details. Here's my take OP. I did this in college and I went back to doing this a few years ago to restore my health. It's not only cheap and simple, but it protects your body because it's a whole foods diet and avoids anything processed.

Breakfast is based off a two week grocery schedule.

-24oz bacon $7.99 (looks expensive but it will feed you for 14 days. Take 2 pieces and rip them in half so you have 4 pieces of bacon with your eggs.)
-4 dozen eggs $11.96 ($2.99 per dozen. Get jumbo cage free brown. The quality is worth it here and egg prices have come down. Scramble 4 eggs over your cooked bacon every morning.)

That's a better breakfast than you will get at any restaurant for $19.95, and you're getting it every morning for two weeks. That's $1.42 per day.

Dinner is based off a one week grocery schedule because you will have to make this in a crockpot once a week.

-1pd of brown rice ($0.99)
-1pd of lentils ($0.99, optional)
-5pds chicken thighs $9.95 ($1.99 per pd)

Put the rice and thighs in a crockpot along with 2 liters of waters (yes, it's a lot, but it will make conchee (rice porridge and is excellent for you kidneys and chi)). Cook on high for 4 hours. Optionally you can also cook 1pd of lentils with this for health, but it tastes better as just rice and chicken. Either way, you now have a huge amount of food that you can space out over the next week. $10.94 for 7 dinners, at $1.56 per dinner. Use Mae Ploy and/or Sriracha sauce to make it taste better than any Chinese restaurant.

This is more than enough to not only sustain you but make you healthier than the vast majority of people living in the western world. Those two meals put you at $2.98 per day.

Use the other $3.02 per day to buy a bag of spinach and carrots to space out over the week and get whatever fruits you like. Alternate chicken thighs with chicken breast every other week for variety.

>> No.56057918

damn anons you dont even know the good secrets. First, act like a hawk on the postmates promo codes. your market will influence how many of these you get, but generally unless you live out in the country youll be given 3-4 coupons a month, something like a flat $25 credit, or a huge discount, think $20 off $35 and things of this nature. Use the mexican markets in your area, they usually offer free bones and extremely cheap fruits/veges. You can use these ingredients to create extremely healthy and delicious bone broth for like $1 a gallon or cheaper. Stock up on certain meat sales, $1 chicken breasts, $.69 pork cuts, $2.50 and less for beef cuts (hint get the shanks and make some soup). Add in some rice, beans, lentils, and youre all set. I regularly make a massive pot(4gal or so) of beef / chicken stew, and it ends up costing about $15-20 or less depending on the sales.

>> No.56057999

cheap meals become easier and easier as your skill in cooking grows. Its also best to use homemade ingredients, even the more complicated ones...Ill use what I made the other night as an example...Got a top round for about $2.50ish a LB, toasted paprika, garlic, oregano before adding some oil and cooking some onions down, towards the end I added some bell pepper before pushing it all over to the side of my pot and adding the seasoned beef(seasoned with homemade smoked hatch chilli salt and pepper. Browned that bitch and after the flip I tossed all of the veges on the beef and layered some tomatos on top then added lime juice, ACV, worcestershire, added some extra water(i forgot the beer) and covered it all to slow cook for like 5 hours to become tender. Once it was tender I shredded the meat, mixed in the veges (which i added more to later on so they were firmer) and ate that shit on some torillas / sourdough bread. Fucking EZ restaurant quality meal which cost like $15 to feed 3 people for 2 days or so and minimal time in the kitchen cooking.

>> No.56058035
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>Spend 6 dollars to buy 1 (one) LINK token
>Use the rest of my energy and concentration meditating and finding inner peace knowing that it will soon be worth 1000 dollars
>Ascend past worldly desires like food and water
It's that fucking easy.

>> No.56058058

You can really elevate your meals by treating the ingredients right, and adding an extra step or two when adding them into the food...for instance, I didnt just toss my spices in, I toasted them first, I didnt just add hatch chillis, I smoked them, then dried them in a salt/msg mix (which transfers the smoked hatch chilli flavor to the salt, created gourmet salt, something that would cost you like $10 an OZ, and cost me like $1 to make about 1/4 a lb. I also made sure to brown the meat, which some heathens refuse to do. The more little "kitchen" devices you have the more you can create (easily) too. Im talking things like an air fryer/convection oven, smoker, BBQ, different pots/pans, etc. If I am willing to work a little on my food options for a month, I can generally make meals for myself for under $1 meal. This doesnt work if youre waiting until the last minute to purchase your ingredients. The biggest thing thought imo would be to find the shops in your area that have "waste" think fat / bones / meat trimmings that no one wants and no one will pay for, those shops will usually give that away to you for free. Each time I go to one of the mexican markets where I live I walk out with a 10-20lb bag of beef bones that are perfect for making bone broth with, with beef to do it right it unfortunately takes 1-2 full days of cooking on the stove to complete...but its definitely worth it. Thank you all for listening to my ted talk.

>> No.56058078

Kitty kot :)

>> No.56058713

Eggs, oatmeal, Chicken thighs and rice. Maybe a little over $6 but that's very easy. Also only drink water.

>> No.56058779

>Wife doesn't like beans
>Wife doesn't like pork
>Refuses to eat anything older than a day (no meal prepping)
>I hate soup
I'm destined to be poor

>> No.56058850

Absolutely if you buy groceries. Rice, baked beans, Oatmeal, chicken etc.

>> No.56058890

My work has free food, the cafeteria has snacks, fruit and drinks at all times and breakfast, lunch and dinner is served every weekday, occasionally I go in there and put some stuff in Tupperware and bring it home, I usually eat out on the weekends, haven't paid for food for home in years.

>> No.56059032

...from reddit.

>> No.56059509

>the parts they feed dogs
i wouldn't go this far for frugality

>> No.56059534

just meal prerp you fucking mongoloid

>> No.56059552

Del Taco's cheapest taco is $1.00 and it is the snack taco, so it only has 120 calories.

>> No.56059585

Six Flags parks. I used to live in Vallejo and I ate there twice a day for a year for $150. Saved a ton of money and invested it.

-Sent from my Mercedes S 500 4MATIC Sedan using Tapatalk

>> No.56059593

It's $0.50 in the app (same with Jack in the Box) and who cares if it's only 120 calories? A dozen of them is probably an even 1500 with the little bit of calories from adding hot sauce.

>> No.56059597

You can accomplish the same thing by going to the dollar store to buy ketchup, then dilute it with water and drink!

>> No.56059608

fucking hell, why do poors make children.

>> No.56059658

>How would you do it? You're not allowed to buy 9 metric tons of Rice at $8000 so each meal works out to 3 cents either.
>Guys can you be frugal? You're not allowed to be frugal though
Bulk purchases of cheap ingredients with long shelf lives is how it works, sorry.

That said, food is the primary thing you should be willing to spend extra on. Every aspect of your life - your physical health, your mental health, your resistance to sickness and disease, your LIFESPAN - is directly influenced by the food you eat. Buying cheap junk is fucking yourself over. Even at $20 a day you're only spending a little over $7k a year and that's a tiny amount to pay for a healthy body and a healthy life.

If you can't afford to feed yourself high quality, healthy food, then your first priority should be making enough money to do so. Start investing once you have money left over AFTER making sure you're providing the best fuel for your body.

>> No.56059666

And how did you know that it was a "reddit video"?

>> No.56059679

for 6$ a day you can actually eat healthier than the average american

>> No.56059689

Cheap canned fish, anchovies in water are stinky but taste good

>> No.56060151

I probably could live on $6 of food a day since I don’t eat much, but I’d have to be careful to get the necessary nutrients with a smaller amount of food. Also, the cost of everything is higher in NJ so I probably would have to be a little more frugal than most.

>> No.56060166

>can you feed yourself with $6 a day?
>3rd worlders do not reply
>1st world bros
really stretching the meaning of 1st world citizen there, OP.

>> No.56060179

No I couldnt because I would be eating bullshit. I dont do that anymore. My breakfast alone costs nearly 6 dollars, Im never going back to the way things were before

>> No.56060548

it was to keep out the replies that would just be:
"$6? I can feed my entire village for $2.50 aka 80,000 Indonesian coin/token"

>> No.56060551

Excellent advice
Also OP if you seriously are in dire straits go to a food bank, they throw out around 40% of their food so you're doing them a favor.

>> No.56061203

pay 100 people 6 cents to vomit a little bit into a bag and then go into a fast food restaurant and pour it on a family with an exaggerated BLEASAAHHAHAHHHHH sound and take their food and book it

>> No.56061253

I spend $30 just on my daily lunch.

>> No.56061266

rice/potatoes/pasta+meat+frozen veggies

>> No.56061326

yeah, buy a 5lb bag of rice and just eat rice

>> No.56061348

You could achieve the same thing by catching a bird or stray cat and blending it up, and that's free

>> No.56061351

Potatoes are my go to cheap calories. Nothing better than a baked potato.

>> No.56061366

I am socially anxious and find it easier to use an app to engage my fellow citizens compared to just walking in and ordering something. Chipotle has online ordering and predictable results, with frequent enough health inspection to actually catch food poisoning

>> No.56061384

I actually tried the frozen pizza route at one point. 3.67 for a generic 14" pizza that fed me for a day VS 12.00 for a Costco pie that lasted two days. I had to switch to real food because that diet goosed my blood pressure and I was at risk of health problems.

>> No.56061388

>3rd worlders do not reply.
I'll reply if I want to you fucking troon. What are you going to do? Kneel for a nigger? Import more pakis? Chop some 8 year old kids dick off?

>> No.56061396

>first world ytoid thread
>ID is literally Tim
You can't make this up. Timmies can't catch a fucking break

>> No.56061400

desu i spend less for probably some basic stuff like cereal and bread with cheese. I don't cook big dinners but i'm unhealthy btw

>> No.56061503

See this pic: >>56052316

>> No.56061515

I am from Kazakhstan, I will be able to feed myself on 0.5 dollars a day

>> No.56061558
File: 691 KB, 633x692, knepad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can even do it for -15$ a day. I m sure that OP consider cum a full meal anyway. buy some good kneepad

>> No.56063329

Ketchup is loaded with HFCS. V8 is pureed tomato, carrots, beets, spinach, watercress, parsley, lettuce. No HFCS. It is also sold at dollar stores.

>> No.56063363

Enjoy the ''covid'' aka malnutrition

>> No.56063452

This is gold!

>> No.56063492

I eat well on far less than that and my food isn't poisoned, I cannot believe how compliant americans are that they are ok with this and then cope about 'europoors'

>> No.56063574
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>How would you do it?
Soup. Basically pic related (vary meat selection as needed) and add a bit of your favorite seasonings. As show will make 5 or so very large amounts of filling soup for a single person.

>> No.56063592

>Alternate chicken thighs with chicken breast every other week for variety.
fuckoff with that dry shit thighs all the way

>> No.56063605


>> No.56064487

>sees someone post a video
>first thought is I BET THIS CAME FROM REDDIT
>le epic internet sleuth mode activate
this is massively embarrassing behavior
why would you admit to doing this shit?

>> No.56064549

I eat a sandwich and wash it down with a cup of water every couple days or so. Other than that I drink a couple redbulls every day which comes out to around $6-$7 a day. I don’t like eating my money, rather invest.

>> No.56064796
File: 561 KB, 1200x961, 371339837_284693644185092_4571054226220540967_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop eating, lmao, lol even.

>> No.56064893

Wait until she finds out that the food at the grocery store could have been there for a week before you bought it.

>> No.56064931

My groceries often cost about $50-60 or less a week. I buy
>1.5 doz eggs
>whatever name brand bread
>the big rice
>frozen chicken breast
>frozen vegetables
>peanut butter
>snacks like chips and salsa or trail mix here and there
>Maybe a can of iced tea to chill with at the end of the day
>3 eggs, yogurt, peanut butter and pretzels
>a single banana
>1 cup chicken breast
>1 cup rice
>1 cup frozen vegetables
Might snack a little when I get home

>> No.56065186

buy chicken that is close to expiration, frozen vegetables and rice - you can meal prep and freeze it all for under 2 dollars per meal

>> No.56065242

I'm curious how much you guys all spend on food as a percentage of income. I'm probably in the realm of 2%

>> No.56065249

>how would you do it
Save 42 dollars, go to store for groceries, fast a lot.

>> No.56065859

OP destroyed.