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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56050927 No.56050927 [Reply] [Original]

>Owe loan shark ten grand by the end of the month (gambling debt)
>I have $1750 in the bank and rent is late one month
wtf do I do?

>> No.56050997

ask your mom you faggot

>> No.56051012

She wouldn't know how to handle this dude. Please I need some serious advice

>> No.56051024


>> No.56051028

I need to come up with over eight thousand dollars by the end of the month

>> No.56051115

Bro just fucking bail. Move. Go halfway across the country and set up there.
You are going to get evicted anyway if the your dope dealer / loan shark doesn't kill you first.

>> No.56051140

What if the shark finds me? He made me give him all my information before I took the loan from him

>> No.56051154

Loan shark? Kek get a fucking gun and tell him to fuck off.

>> No.56051159

go back lying bait poster >>>/reddit/

>> No.56051158

Every time I hear someone lost it all from gambling I cant help but laugh. Why couldnt you lose it all from something cool like a heroin addiction? Gambling? You retarded pussy. All you had to do was stop gambling before it was all gone. I bet you even put your last dollar in and was like "alright.. This is my last chance" and then I bet you kissed the machine and waved your hands over it or some kind of corny shit like that. And then when you didnt hit the jackpot I bet you was like, "well, thats that." and walked out of the casino with nothing like the jackass you are. Holy shit thats hilarious. Im laughing just imagining it.

>> No.56051166

I'm a felon

I was drunk, not proud of it. I know I fucked up


>> No.56051198

Bro you should try marijuana. Not even kidding. It wont cause you to make poor decisions, it just makes you happy and relaxed. And you dont feel like shit the next day. I gamble like once every 2 years just for fun. I had piece of shit friends who would always talk me into buying moor beer for the parties back in highschool so even when Im drinking I have that little voice of rationality in the back of my head. Hopefully this is the only time you make this mistake.

>> No.56051225

It's ok bro this is just a bait thread obviously, I thought it would catch on more than this

>> No.56051277

Suck dick for money

>> No.56051290

Got any kneepad recs?

>> No.56051310

Take a very long trip to Mexico

>> No.56051415
File: 353 KB, 1440x1681, 1694123674204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, then borrow money from a Mexican loanshark and commit loan shark fraud by pretending to be the loan shark you originally borrowed money from. Then default and hide while the new loan shark kills the old loan shark thinking he was you.

>> No.56051440


>> No.56051442

I'll give you 10$ to suck my fat schlong

>> No.56052023

You will have to make the money by swallowing gallons of cum from wealthier men.

>> No.56052089

>Mexican loanshark
I'd advise not taking money from a loanshark that 100% has connections to the cartels

>> No.56052113

Why do people who get in trouble with loan sharks never contact law enforcement? Lending may be legal but murder isn’t. Best of luck friend.

>> No.56052153

Gamble the $1750

>> No.56052159

Put everything on black

You only have to win 3 times and all your problems are solved. 12.5% chance.

>> No.56052176

This is actually genius and hilarious

>> No.56052191

>stopping gambling right before you hit big

>> No.56052220
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Do nothing, get a small pond stack and gtfo, leave the country

>> No.56052258

no country will be a fit for his level of poorness

>> No.56052263

>mentally ill anon posts another LARP thread
/biz/ is ded

>> No.56052276

>heroin addiction
>cooler than gambling
Youre crazy anon. The adrenaline from making risky bets is infinitely cooler than slumping in your chair and drooling all over yourself like a retard. I bet you smoke weed

>> No.56052282

Denounce US citizenship.
Run to Mexico
Get New Mexican identity
Re-enter border as an illegal
Transport to new york
Check into Rosevelt Hotel on new York tax payer dime

>> No.56052319

Cope and seethe, he will get mauled

>> No.56052323

Holy fucking based kek

>> No.56052324

That's not gonna work, even if it pumps

>> No.56052344

Good idea

>> No.56052352

Sorry to knock another perfectly good Indian scammer crypto shill thread off the catalogue dude. /biz/ had been dead since 2021

>> No.56052402

you sound like you baghold a failing shitcoin, link perhaps

>> No.56052689

You can get an AR, a 60rnd drum, and 1000 rounds for self defense.

>> No.56052696

I'm a felon so I can't purchase them

>> No.56052731

Any firearm made before January 1, 1899 or any firearm that uses ammunition no longer readily available in commercial channels is considered “antique” and is legally not a gun under Federal law.

You might be able to get a lever action, but I haven't priced them lately.

>> No.56054836

Kill him. Simple as

>> No.56054919

find the highest paying job you can get full time. save as much money by living off as little as you can manage. Maybe you can scrape together 3000 by the end of the month if u work full time and sell stuff you have. Then beg the the loan shark to give you a break giving him half the money to show ur good for it. Pay off the rest and move on. Tfw only good advice here.

>> No.56055119 [DELETED] 


>> No.56055121 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 638x638, 65014587589439117755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right - if it's antique enough you can get it no prob. If you ask me, they don't make 'em like they used to - like Scorch. It's the tried and true method of doing things the OG way...much like my portfolio which includes only the most battle tested of shitcoins like Scorch, Doge, and SHIB

>> No.56055124 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 638x638, 64047532535708251414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill who?? You sound dumb. I'm not responding to nonsense. Instead I'll give you the link to Scorch Coin and then you can make a couple hunnie yourself. Get in early on the greatest crypto ever. Scorch is the future. Join the movement. Scorch to the moon

>> No.56055127

>not giving them a fake id from a russian forger

>> No.56055138

less because of green 0

>> No.56055258

Get another 10k from another loan shark. Put everything on red. Win, pay everything back. If not repeat with another loan shark (now get 20k), until you win and can repay. Its literally impossible to lose, stastically.

>> No.56055337

god i hate the j@n J2n

>> No.56055581


>> No.56055635

The J2N are a group of nerds that just can't accept the fact that we Scorch chads are here to stay. They will probably end up FOMOing in later, but by then we'll already have hit the moon. Buy Scorch now and join the greatest community on the planet. Don't be a J2N, don't be a fool, become a Scorch chad and make history. See you all on the moon.
[Scorch website link

>> No.56055658

Wait 2 more weeks till link hits 1k

>> No.56055868

The answer is simple my friend, you must DCA into Scorch Coin over the next couple months, this will ensure you own lots of it. After the 1k link is reached and you have enough Scorch Coin, sit back and relax as Scorch takes over the #1 Market Cap spot from Bitcoin, as it's destined to do

>> No.56057409

If you're gonna die either way you may as well try leverage trading.