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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56049991 No.56049991 [Reply] [Original]

>neet for years
>get an associates degree
>start at $36/h
I thought you guys said the system was broken

>> No.56049999

>neet for years
>open up /biz/
>post lies

>> No.56050004

most people here are literal drooling retards and dysfunctional. interviewers can pick it up instantly.

>> No.56050026

it's not as bad as most here say, it's just everyone wants a comfortable middle class life and that's getting harder. But if you look at most of human history to put it in perspective, people did not have comfortable middle class lives.

>> No.56050081

if you aren't a complete retard then it's not that hard to get a job that pays $60-80k. moving beyond that is challenging. life doesn't get easy until you're making $120k in suburban areas, $150k in cities, $175k in high cost of living cities.

t. $100k poorfag desperately trying to find a $120-130k job

>> No.56050093

this. this describes me pretty accurately
I have a bachelors in mechanical engineering and cannot find work

>> No.56050211

just take mushrooms and socialise, it'll rewire your brain so you stop being a cripple mong

>> No.56050244

you haven't even tasted the system yet. wageslave for 5 years and save money and you'll see you'll never ever buy a house with your wage. if you are lucky you'll get enough together for a downpayment on a 30 year debt slavery contract with a bank (mortgage). great job you are now a slavie wagie like all the rest.

>> No.56050929

What’s your job and what is your degree in?

>> No.56051004


>> No.56051035
File: 102 KB, 750x911, spurdo-jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56051056

Respiration therapy

>> No.56051151


>> No.56051162

professional kneepader

>> No.56051238

>be pre-industrial subsistence farmer
>work only half the year on your crops
>spend the rest of the year doing whatever you want
>be modern wagie
>work 40 hours at minimum in order to live
>even then barely scrap by and live paycheck to paycheck
wow im so glad we live in our great modern era haha

>> No.56051252

BA$£D 1pbtid caller-outer

>> No.56051333

It does seem that way when some people here talk about how many jobs they applied to and still couldn't get one, assuming they weren't just baiting.

I have pretty bad social anxiety and am probably autistic and have still had no trouble finding a job. I take .5mg of xanax before the interview so I can get through it without talking really fast due to nervousness.

I'm talking about 9-5s that require a college degree as well, not some retail thing where they would hire you as long as you didn't seem like you were insane or a drug addict.

>> No.56051364

what job and what degree

>> No.56052853

Accountant at a private bank, accounting degree

>> No.56053015

Does anyone even make $36/hr? At that point isn't it usually salary?

>> No.56053101

I unironically think I'm pretty smart and functioning, but I literally wouldn't even know where to apply to get $60-80k

>> No.56053192

I can’t fathom making less than 300k/yr

>> No.56053198

i did the same thing

6 years later i make $51 an hour with an AS

>> No.56053204

I’m one of these and also a drug addict

>> No.56053339

Where do you live? Thats a huge factor. $300k in San Fran is like mid level whit collar professional .

>> No.56053346

kek baggie

>> No.56053363

Blue collar jobs & trades

But yeah if you're white collar, it's gonna be a salary

>> No.56053448

UPS pays that much for overtime.

>> No.56053454

Northern VA

>> No.56053997

bot post

>> No.56054114

Am I dumb af?

I have a bachelors in communications and can't even break $30 an hour.
How the hell did you do it? Do you have special certs and what was your major?

>> No.56054138
File: 81 KB, 600x400, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't discard the drug addict route you could make it work for several years

>> No.56054247

>that pic
Always makes me kek. I grew up there, and saw people like that on a daily basis. Washingtonians are fucked in the head, there's something deeply off about this place

>> No.56054252

I make nearly that much working in the trades with no degree. Might pivot soon and try claiming to have a degree, HR departments are incompetent

>> No.56054294
File: 186 KB, 984x1024, 1692195868346017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology is always and only a force multiplier, the output from one manyear as only increased yet the material reward gained through one manyear of labor has declined, this has comeabout through gross theft via debasement, stop simping for your slave master little statist

>> No.56054375

Quads of undeniable truth

>> No.56054461

OP just left the post and kekd.


>> No.56055441

Mushrooms idk about, but mdma under the right circumstances and taken responsibly can be incredibly therapeutic for social anxiety.

>> No.56055625

Druggies ARE drooling retards

>> No.56055640

You are correct. I believe that MDMA has tremendous potential for the treatment of social anxiety. There is a great deal of research in this area. It is important for people to use MDMA with caution and in a safe set and setting, with experienced therapists. It can be an incredibly beautiful and transformative experience.
As for Scorch Coin, this token is a revolutionary investment opportunity with the potential to bring real world value to the blockchain. The Scorch ecosystem is poised to disrupt the financial industry and create the most vibrant and dynamic blockchain platform ever seen

>> No.56055875

MDMA has been shown to enhance social interactions, making it an ideal treatment for social anxiety. Similar to how the internet has allowed us to connect with other people, Scorch Coin will allow us to engage in financial interactions easily and safely across the blockchain. By creating a vibrant and dynamic platform, Scorch Coin enables us to build connections with others and facilitate transactions, much like how MDMA brings people closer together and allows them to connect emotionally in meaningful ways

>> No.56057233

i make more...and if i was salary i would be making like 30% less because no overtime/shift differentials etc..

>> No.56057278

What job?
>OP will not disclose the job because it's a larp

>> No.56057326

All off my family/friends, even the ones who know I'm a fuck-up, consistently tell me how "smart" I am (as a component of their, "Why can't you get it together?" speech). I've had one get close to offering me a job at his company, but always with a kind of caveat that indicates that he doesn't really want to.

The only conclusion I can come to is that the perception of "intelligence" has nothing to do with whether someone wants to hire you or not. My guess is that they want someone who will "get with the program", whatever that happens to be. I guess I'm too disagreeable.

>> No.56057343

That's right brutha fight da powah.

>> No.56057369


>> No.56057372


lol just every other post on biz. Wonder how many rupees these jeets get to spam biz with these fucking demoralizing threads every day.

>> No.56057398

That's just life. What are you going to cry to mommy and 4chins about it your whole life? Quit being a whiny bitch.

>> No.56057416

I make $35.xx hr. New contract is at the end of the year. Should be over $40hr. Work for budweiser as a machine operator.