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File: 153 KB, 598x856, Screen Shot 2023-09-07 at 10.38.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56047972 No.56047972 [Reply] [Original]

it's scared

>> No.56047990

*chain goes offline*

>> No.56047995

Daily reminder that Sergey helped companies that were shorting link and when questioned about it he said
>uhh… we’ll let people see that we’re the best option in the future, turn the other cheek n sheit

That’s not how the real world works. In real life if you don’t punish a nigger publicly when he tests you, 100x niggers will learn they can take advantage of you. Companies that shorted link needed to be made an example of. Sergey decided to let it slide and now every company knows they can short link and get away scot-free

Schmidt would’ve probably sent celcius’ CEO to Epstein island to be raped by pigs or something, but Sergey is not hardened enough to do that

Bearish, if you ask me

>> No.56048038

>this is expensive
Lmao, the sheer screeching and crying from the crapto grifter who are realising they will need to PAY UP is delicious.

Seems like he's actually starting to take things seriously now judging by the impotent seething in crypto twitter.
They will pay up or be forced into irrelevancy.

>> No.56048056
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sergey is a fucking cuck
he honestly thought everyone would just surrender to chainlink without a fight
the only solace is that, on a long enough time line, link will probably win out. but we have to wait 10+ years, marines. 10+ years....

>> No.56048065
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>founder of a chain known for failing regularly
>retweets fud by an oracle known for failing regularly
>against an oracle known for never having failed once

>> No.56048080

You're at the stage of VCs publicly acknowledging and fighting Chainlink on Twitter, seething about having to pay up.
They're realizing they're about to get left in the dust by Tradfi.

>> No.56048084

You fudfags and your headcanon.

Isn't it enough that Vitalik, BIS, Solana, ... are all fudding Chainlink?
Can't the one place that was early on Link just kind of go against the mainstream and actually support Chainlink instead of inventing these elaborate scenarios?

>> No.56048091

i don't think i'd give a shit what these garbage product vcs think when i'm work with the biggest financial institutions in the world. these dipshits are probably just fudding link to dump their own product on retail interest.

>> No.56048110
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>Isn't it enough that Vitalik, BIS, Solana, ... are all fudding Chainlink?
even more bullish now

>> No.56048128

Sirgay wasn't aggresive enough and got taken for a ride by scum crypto VCs.
This is fact.
It also appears to be changing fast.

>> No.56048144

this, chainlink is a fucking elephant in the room and all these VC scamtards and midwits are sitting around drinking hoppy IPAs and larping as big brains and sweating as they pretend the elephant isn't there

>> No.56048163

hedge fund market maker psychopaths

>> No.56048169

>got taken for a ride by scum crypto VCs
Are they the ones who keep dumping Bitcoin on all Link news?

>> No.56048180

in this case the elephant has a small baby elephant next to it named Chainlink Pull-Based Oracles That Will Actually Work Getting Released Soon.
The fact that we all know that chainlink pull oracles will soon render Pyth completely obsolete shows how deeply disingenuous they are

>> No.56048184

kek do I trust a jeet or scientists like Ari Juels, Boneh, Dahlia

That said, these fudfags were allowed to thrive because Sergey was too much of a pussy to let link run to $100. He's 100% behind the suppression to please his swift masters

>> No.56048186

You’re barking at the wrong tree, boy. Sergey allowed link to be shorted and fudded. Take up your complaints to him.

You have to be quite naive to think good tech is the only thing required to succeed. See: Betamax.

>> No.56048197

>Sergey allowed link to be shorted

>and fudded
unfathomably rich coming from one of our resident 30pbtid fudders

>> No.56048205

>He's 100% behind the suppression to please his swift masters
I'm inclined to believe this.

>> No.56048207
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Just trust us sers
We give good deal sers
Much cheaper than Chainlinks dear

>> No.56048282
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I would, but I'm afraid the forces of FUD are too strong... I cannot resist...
fuck chainlink...
token not needed...
I...I'm sorry......

>> No.56048294

Here you go lazy faggot

Celsius shorting LINK on FTX:

They sent 1.55 million LINK from Aave to FTX in order to short:


>unfathomably rich coming from one of our resident 30pbtid fudders
You’re proving my point. Why link FUD has become so widespread? Who’s going to stop the fudders? Not Sergey that’s for sure, he doesn’t care. He’s all about muh tech and hiring low performance marketing people such as Adelyn and that Chris guy that keeps posting selfies of himself running.

>> No.56048317

>Celsius shorting LINK on FTX:
You know you can't see trades or positions from CEXes on-chain, right?

>> No.56048415
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Kek. I'm curious. Answer me succinctly:
How would you have felt yesterday evening if you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch?

>> No.56048500

i don't understand; chainlink ate my lunch

>> No.56048579

>the shorting is Sergey’s fault!

>the price suppression is Sergey’s fault!

>the fudding is Sergey’s fault!

You people require urgent institutionalization.

>> No.56048600

I've seen these people blame Sergey for "purposely releasing news just before Bitcoin dumps".
There's no limit to their insanity.

>> No.56048606

On June 28 2022

Here Celsius sent almost 1 million LINK to FTX when the price was starting to have a breakout at 11h12am

1 hour later the price went up to $7.2 and then started going down to $6.7...

Here they sent 600k again at 02:34pm in the last hour and the price went down from $6.87 to $6.66 if they already sold.

Isn’t this one of the “coincidences” linkers talk about? You can find more info on Twitter, don’t be a lazy homo.

In summary, Sergey:
>Worked closely with Nexo and Simeon while they shorted Chainlink into the ground
>Stayed silent while Zeus Capital spread FUD during the worst performing period in LINK's history
>Worked closely with Alex Mashinsky and Celsius even after the institutional lending fiasco
>Worked closely with Bancor and remained silent as they rugged
>Headlined SmartCon 2022 with Sam Bankman-Fried
>Partnered with tons of rug pulls like Lady Luck Token and MOAB Token
>Hired horse rimmer while he rugged LinkPool holders
>Dumped while knowing many were shorting

Why are you talking about food in a Chainlink thread? Sergey, is that you chubby man?

>> No.56048619

If you don’t defend your project when someone fuds it that’s your fault. It ain’t fair but that’s life, kids.

>> No.56048673
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>June 28 2022

>> No.56048699

You want Sergey to get in twitter shouting matches with Chris Blec?
Off yourself.

>> No.56048721


>> No.56048751

Yeah, people short link because Sergey doesn’t do anything about it. These magical dumps are the result of it.

How about Sergey hires a competent marketing and pr director instead of a useless chinkoid (at least he fired her) and a closeted faggot that thinks he can keep running away from his homosexuality? Shit, even advocates are complete shit, take a look at that coward chainlinkgod, Blec called him out publicly and clg blocked him.

Chainlink is all good tech and shit marketing. What good is awesome tech if no one uses it?

Chainlink is the next Betamax.

>> No.56048804
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so most centralized chain of them all recommends most centralized oracle solution out there??????
Shocking turn of events OP

>> No.56048818

I mean even here. The chans have a disproportionate impact on links overall sentiment. Is it too hard to hire a couple of pajeets to bust FUD and slide it off the catalog? You need like 2 or 3 people tops, like less than 50k a year in order to get a positive impact on the projects image. Sergey prefers to spend hundreds of thousands in retarded marketing and dumb roasties.

Sergey is retarded with anything related to marketing, that’s something you can’t deny. He either doesn’t care about marketing and the token price or is a complete retard at PR and hiring for marketing.

>> No.56048834

I just cant get over Basedlana and how dumb whole grift is and now they fud link lmfao, fucking chain less decentalsied than anything else in crypto and still slower than central server/aws
Now they recommend "offchain 400ms 1000 assets solution" like it fucking matters if this is endgame we should just let google run oracle services from google cloud and be dont whit it
Vcs man....

>> No.56048865

They’re quite confident they can FUD link without any consequences whatsoever. Why could that be?

Almost as if they know no one at chainlink will do anything

>> No.56048887

Alright Fransisco don't give yourself a heart attack

>> No.56048891

>people short link
That's Bitcion dumping on Chainlink news/pump.

>> No.56048915

The only one getting a heart condition is Sergey is he keeps eating like that


>> No.56048956

people on biz were talking about this exact model in 2017, it was the obvious end-game for oracles then, and it's the obvious end-game for oracles now.

you can have your network of off-chain oracles or data, but all that matters is that you can prove the data sources were accurate at the time they were used or averaged. you don't need any blockchain link for this, you can just sign the data like you already do when making a transaction and validate it on chain, with lower fees and lower overhead.

take it to the final end game, and every bit of data that can't be gathered on-chain through dexes or pools inevitably comes from one or many centralized feeds. having those feeds have their own known root signing keys means there's now no path to exploit the data that wouldn't also affect the underlying data itself.

off-chain signing, on chain validation, zero blockchain middlemen is literally the end game of oracle data.

>> No.56048967
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Chainlink token not needed doe

>> No.56048978
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You all look like this

>> No.56049004

it doesnt need to be marketed. you should have taken profit literally at any point about 15 dollars bro..
im sorrth that you didnt.

>> No.56049106

>it doesnt need to be marketed
Is that you Sergey?

>> No.56049136

>10pbtid fuddie complaining that Sergey isn’t doing enough to stop him

Literal schizophrenia

>> No.56049193


>> No.56049279

You're low IQ and a giant retard if you don't understand that Sergey is doing SWIFT's bidding, and the banks it serves. The banks want this to go smoothly and ramp up slowly, so they gave Sergey "runway" to dump BTC after he releases news. The timing is too coincidental for it to be anyone but him. He has been doing this for years because they created a 10-15 year plan and they're not ready for a moon mission. Again, there's no way you actually believe the banks want normies buying LINK for dirt cheap and running it up to outer space

>> No.56049307

Who’s dumping btc when link news come out?

>> No.56049313

dont u guys get it
if you are hoping for a link moon mission, you are siding with the most evil people on this planet
which makes YOU evil
and guess what, there's no honor among thieves with these banksters. they will sell you down the river just to make an extra 1% profit.

>> No.56049315

>so they gave Sergey "runway" to dump BTC after he releases news

this is correct. It's not done because they aren't ready for the moon mission though. This is done so that more people can buy heavier bags, to make the distribution more healthy, to make the final system resistant to attacks.

>> No.56049357

>chainlank bad
>give me money instead

>> No.56049878
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Refute it then.

>> No.56049927
File: 499 KB, 774x1866, Screenshot 2023-09-06 14-18-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solana replacing XRP and now fudding Link? Pretty based if you ask me.

>> No.56049955

I dumped my Solana for Injective.

Yeah, sure, go ahead and fud me out of my bags, go ahead and laugh at me. All I can say is study the hype narratives ongoing, price action over the past couple of years, and tokenomics before countering me with a "philosophical" argument about why I was wrong.

>> No.56049971

read this in a pajeet accent

>> No.56050047

I've said this so many times here and it doesn't register. This is why CL will never succeed with Sergey at the top. He's a coward, just like all his cult members and sycophant cult team members

>Isn't it enough that Vitalik, BIS, Solana, ... are all fudding Chainlink?

and it's working



you're in denial. All 3 are his fault. But only a man would understand that

as opposed to blaming "Bulgarians"? Look in the mirror



>incel revenge fantasy

cringe. Reality is "fud" to you

the banks don't care nearly as much about any of this as people in crypto think. Sergey has already set the expectation of not being anywhere near any banks using this. For a sociopath like Sergey, him saying he doesn't know when it will happen means probably decades, if ever. Probably the latter once they look into him

>> No.56050105

Try reading the post below yours in a Pajeet accent as well lmao
Make sure to not give the streetshitter any (you)s either

>> No.56050219

Soilana is a bigger shitcoin scam than even Chainlink.

>> No.56050251

Yes, they short LINK, then dump BTC.

>> No.56050485

Sergey. He has a ton of BTC to dump as soon as he releases any sort of positive pump worthy news. People blaming anyone but him and his SWIFT overlords are retarded, they've made it known they want this to slowly build up over a long time period

I don't agree, they made sure that the token is slowly worth less and less in a time period where most crypto doubled or tripled at the least. If the token was $20 even, maybe you'd be right. No, they made sure to kill sentiment and morale

>> No.56050539

>legacy oracles
LMAO literal seething poojeet. PAY UP RICE NIGGER

>> No.56050847

>Chainlink is the next Betamax.
we have no moved on to the stage where the fudders admit it is technically superior but will fail because reasons
truly bizarre if they think this line of fud will suddenly have engagement

>> No.56050904

>muh shorting
shorting isn't malicious, it's just a transaction
go back to your gamestop generals

>> No.56050948

>wasn't aggressive enough
Aggression wouldn't have achieved what we have achieved by Sergey's tactics. He got them all hooked and now he has them over a barrel. It's checkmate. Perfectly executed, impeccably timed. I applaud the man.

>> No.56051762

get liquidated, fag

>> No.56051934
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AVAX and LINK will CRUSH these Söylana NIGGERS

>> No.56052099
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now we know who is paying shills

>> No.56052464
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>ITT: fudcucks screeching, crying, and samefagging to try and be relevant (they have literally never been relevant so this would be an entirely new experience for them)