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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56047240 No.56047240 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking kadena (KDA) is

>> No.56047373

Has anyone moved their KDA to a Ledger yet? How awkward to use is the web wallet?

>> No.56047452

The biggest scam no one even cares to talk about. Kys trannies.

>> No.56047509
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>> No.56047636
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>she doesn't roll her own cold wallet with dice

>> No.56047761
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Poser. I did. you clearly don't understand what hardware wallets even are or how they work.

>> No.56047880
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>> No.56047892

Embarrassing statement to make while looking at a zoomed out chart.

>> No.56047966

>Embarrassing statement to make
And I'll do it again.

>> No.56048033
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My buy average is 35c and sell average is $18. Unfortunately I reinvested all my profits in rugpulled bonds of a a service-disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) owned by a black service-disabled veteran on a rugpulled Estonian chicken NFT market so I don't have any profits. Fortunately I am still one of the richest and cutest posters on /biz/.

>> No.56048379

What statement?

>> No.56048716
File: 203 KB, 1024x1024, kda ---- chainweb sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non anime poster here
fuck all you anime fags
you are 90% of the reason this coin cant pump
community so offputting

>> No.56048764
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This board is about 50 organic people and 1 guy with 50 personalities.

>> No.56048844

Why do you only post flat bitches?

>> No.56048847


>> No.56048894
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>This board is about 50 organic people
Depending on how you define organic it can be counted as much less than that. If someone only leaves more mainstream sites to post about how his coin is good is he organic? Only posters that mostly post off topic bannable posts in between extremely well researched posts can be considered organic posters in my opinion.

>> No.56049530
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what's a good entry? why is there no metamask? I guess I could use my ledger but I hate them what's a make it and sui stack? What made it drop 98.9%?
Price predictions EOY and EOY 2025?
Explain in your own words why this is the best alt

>> No.56049558
File: 873 KB, 1906x1347, Kanon.full.2728762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's a good entry?
>why is there no metamask?
It doesn't use EVM so there's no copypaste cloning of tools from other chains.
>what's a make it and sui stack?
>What made it drop 98.9%?
Supply and demand during bullrun. People pumped it, and people dumped it.
>Price predictions EOY and EOY 2025?
>Explain in your own words why this is the best alt

>> No.56049640
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I guess I will [redacted] your [redacted] with my [redacted]

>> No.56050367
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>Explain in your own words why this is the best alt
I don't like most of the things the team does, am concerned about incompetence and then falling behind in terms of developers joining the ecosystem. Reasons being historical actions, current trajectories and wild speculation.
Yet I maintain the stance that there is no chain on the market that deals with the future of scaling the way kadena does (that being multi chain/layers with bridges) while maintaining the security needed for a decentralized settlement layer.
At some point I expect enough development to happen on the chain that the kadena team gets so overwhelmed with people trying to build on top and on chainweb to the point where they have to give in or change their approach on how they deal with the greater community.
Either that or no one continues to hear about it, historically that is what kept happening to them. Even funnier would be if their past communications or actions were to cause enough drama to overshadow the technology.
>why is there no metamask?
This is a standalone chain with its own contract language, the idea is, or used to be that people should not write contracts in solidity because of it's obscure nature once deployed and of the risk it poses from being Turing complete in an environment that makes it unnecessary (gas prohibits it by default).
But in some of the latest live amas from the founders, it was talked about how they could make some chains run on EVM, very rugpull-esque for them to say that.
Essentially what I am trying to say, is that I am feeling fear, uncertainty and, dare I sad doubt.

>> No.56050384
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Closer to her heart.

>I guess I will [take to heart] your [kind advice and share it] with my [beloved friends and family]
You're so nice!

>> No.56050399 [DELETED] 

>Closer to her heart.
I am going to start saying this unironically whenever someone questions me about it in real life. My past responses only landed me in jail and I don't want to go back.

>> No.56050423

You go to jail when you say you're gay?
What country are you in?

>> No.56050439 [DELETED] 


>> No.56050451

נהדר לראות כאן כמה בני ארץ

>> No.56050501
File: 278 KB, 546x575, x8WnRYj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like I'm dangersugly uneducated. I just tried to look up palestine on google maps thinking it was a large country next to them but nothing showed up, just a blank blue placeholder pointing me to the west bank. I always thought it was a normal country.

>> No.56050542

With things like Israel/Palestina, it's best we not have too many opinions. It's not our border and it's not our war. I'm also looking forward to Taiwan becoming Chinese and chip manufactures lowering prices with child labor forces.

>> No.56050559
File: 185 KB, 2048x1366, F5ZyFuja4AAQ6zi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to visit Taiwan before the Chinese turn it into a parking lot

>> No.56050574

I'm almost at 0.1petabyte seeding so far this year.

I personally think it will be fast. Some areas may get heavy fatalities if at all, but I assume China is massive enough to rush B cyka blyat on the headquarters of Taiwan and all leadership is at loss.

>> No.56050626
File: 9 KB, 225x224, holy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palestine used to be larger :^)

I don't seed.

>> No.56050692

I'm a good girl. One torrent had very bad uptime and took me a long time to download with people begging for seeds, now it has 100% uptime.

>> No.56050807

Coinfession; I seed a few rare torrents indefinitely.
I wanted to be cool and say I don't seed.

>> No.56050821

I don't seed 90% of what I download either. Gotta spend your bandwidth and storage space where it's needed the most, old stuff that you yourself were interested in and could barely get anything for.

>> No.56051595
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I'm very close to getting my two cities out of debt, mostly funded by tomboy central