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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56045641 No.56045641 [Reply] [Original]

What if most of the workforce just decides the rat race is pointless? What will the impact on society be

>> No.56045645

most people are too in debt to stop working.

>> No.56045649

Stagnation and degradation.

>> No.56045661

what if all of those people say "fuck it" and stop wagecucking and paying their debts?

>> No.56045667

they'll have to live below the poverty line on welfare and when that runs out, they'll starve to death.

>> No.56045673

you'll all starve or murder each other within a month

>> No.56045675
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I stopped working three years ago and im currently living off launches and only launches.
>Here's how it works
You buy a shitcoin, make the x3 and then dump close to the ATH (that's the only hard part). For all the night owls here, 7/11 is launching 4pm UTC today, have a good one 0xc46c407570eff0e9a5f6afcf623039436c1e4497

>> No.56045676

Then other societies eat you alive. There’s literally billions of people in China and India hungrier than you. Corporations are soulless ambivalent entities that will happily pay them less to complete more work than you,

>> No.56045678

welfare doesn't run out lol.

>> No.56045680

i just told you to fit that fucking toilet in the other thread.

>> No.56045684

Look at this chump.
Welfare does not run out he says unironically.
Hi from soviet union.....

>> No.56045687

It's literally funded by the taxpaying workforce. If everyone stopped working, who exactly do you think would pay for welfare?

>> No.56045697

>he doesnt know the government prints money for free

>> No.56045710

because there is a workforce with purchasing power which then buys products at inflated prices, which in return goes back to the government through taxes, making the system stay afloat.

>> No.56045712

I thought they only did that for themselves and their jew friends. But it would make sense that they do it for poor blacks/illegals, since they want them to fuck up the country so badly

>> No.56046074

complete collapse. the people who get paid the least actually do the most.
you just need this to happen with minimum wagie or truck drivers and society goes POOP in 1 week

if high end positions like software devs and managers quit however, nothing substantial will happen even for years...

>> No.56046120
File: 97 KB, 597x678, iB0VQJT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
That picture perfectly resembles western society. The welfare leeches (including elderly and children) are not even in the picture, they are about 4x the workers.

and btw NP;NW

>> No.56046188

lower end position are slaves through low income and being forced paycheck to paycheck
which is slavery pretty much. Combined with inflation they can never escape. it's like feudalism

the only reason they don't stop is because they can't they are like slaves, if they stop they get thrown to the streets and die slow painful deaths with torture from some food posioning or some shit

in the past death would be quick but now it's without torture too. in another thread there was this anon who said he bought a gun so he could kill himself if he ever got so low that he had to work in warehouse job again. I can totally understand him

>> No.56046333

Immediate collapse of all systems and halt of all infrastructure.
Its how India got its independence from Britain.
Even if you just have like 20% of able bodied men not working its over. As thats most of the real jobs that actually maintain civilization.
Nothing would happen if all movie critcs and game journalist women and fags stopped working. Like 100% of them just never work again.
If you lose 20% electricians and plumbers and firefighters and still mill workers and such its over.

>> No.56046364

>welfare doesn't run out lol.
unless you're on SSI disability (for severe disability), it absolutely runs out. "welfare" in the USA is basically the TANF (temporary assistance for need families) program, which is capped at 60 months of benefits. and it's not offered to single men or single women -- it's for families.

>> No.56046380

Inflation is how welfare "runs out".
When $1000 doesnt buy you what it bought back in 2007. its one problem.
Hyperinflation is how you get into the starving when $1000 slowly becomes just a week of groceries or third of monthly rent.
(as someone that lived trough collapse of Yugoslavia)

>> No.56047869

just declare bankruptcy

>> No.56047903

What do you mean becomes a third of rent. It already is a third of rent

>> No.56047975

That only worked before gloabilization. Nowadays they'll just bring in 1M third-worlders to enslave and replace you. Kind of like how the Kings of France imported a bunch of Swiss Guards to protect them from the locals who wanted to guillotine them.

>> No.56048809

> Kind of like how the Kings of France imported a bunch of Swiss Guards to protect them from the locals who wanted to guillotine them.
Yet they still got guillotined in the end.

>> No.56048899

True, but they did successfully suppress those pesky peasants for a couple centuries.

>> No.56048953

What if nobody shows up to class tomorrow and the teacher cant make the homework due?

>> No.56048970

Printing money creates debt. And debt is only worth anything on the condition that it will be paid down eventually.

>> No.56048997
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larger version of pic

>> No.56049042


>> No.56050520

I suppose this is how the Aryan/Vedic high castes of ancient India made it into what it is today. I suppose rich people want their children to live in Neo India.