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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56044624 No.56044624 [Reply] [Original]

>Diligently pay insurance premiums
>Suffer a legitimate loss
>File a timely claim
>Complete enough paperwork to fill Lake Superior three times over
>Wait literally weeks for a response
>Claim denied on a fine print technicality
Remind me again why this scum sucking industry is allowed to exist in its present state?

>> No.56044650
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>> No.56044675

Um sweetie, if it was a legitimate loss why were you denied? Do better

>> No.56044685
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because we allow it to. This is the future we chose, we could have prevented this.

>> No.56044720
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We're supposed to help OUR people, goy!

>> No.56044949


I was recently in a car accident. Guy hit me from behind, not my fault. I was not injured. Got out, we got a police report and exchanged information.

Now I'm dealing with his insurance which has to pay for the repairs and my car rental while the car is being repaired. HOLY SHIT what a terrible experience this is. The insurance company stalls, delays, denies. They do everything they can to avoid you and pay as little as possible. You call and you email and they call you back days later. My adjuster has gone on "vacation" 2 times in 2 months.

Now I see why people get hit from behind and pretend to be injured. Fuck these assholes so so much.

>> No.56044962

>skimp on insurance
>end up with shitty company that denies claims
I have never once had a claim denied by the two companies I always go to for insurance no matter their rate.

>> No.56045688

Fun fact: Insurance is actually haram in islam. Another piece to the puzzle on why they try psyoping you into hating them so much ay?

>> No.56045691


>> No.56045705

>The insurance company stalls, delays, denies. They do everything they can to avoid you and pay as little as possible.

Yea, they don’t even try to hide it anymore. It’s literally their job to annoy you into not caring anymore so they don’t have to pay

Some retard ran into my GFs parked car (thankfully she wasn’t in it) and almost totaled it. The insurance company took weeks to get anything done before (((selling))) the claim to another insurance company, who we had to wait a couple more weeks for. And then they tried to underpay us. It was only after an incredible amount of persistent calls/emails that we finally got what she was owed

Fucking nigger faggot insurance kikes

>> No.56045729

legalized mandated scam industry

>> No.56045745

Insurance is a scam.

>> No.56045749

Insurance is a form of gambling which is haram, like interest based loans or speculation

>> No.56045762

I don't understand, is insurance mandatory?

>> No.56045763


>> No.56045786

In most places, yes. You can't get a license plate without it in most states. And I'd rather have coverage than rely on some uninsured, over leveraged idiot to pay me for ruining my shit.

>> No.56045792

>lake superior
Do you live in the upper peninsula anon?

>> No.56048365

Thanks for playing

>> No.56048384

>his insurance
your insurance policy is for your car. if your insurance wants his insurance to pay for it, the wagie claims specialists at your insurance should be the ones doing all of this work.

>> No.56048421

Fun fact, insurance companies are the most profitable businesses in the US. It's why every commercial break is some retarded car insurance company, they're the only business that can afford to pay any price for a 30 second Talmundvision spot.

>> No.56048481

cucked bro

>> No.56048601

Why didn't you read the fine print before paying the premiums retard?