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56040329 No.56040329 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work hard and save up money
>Have 130k saved up at 25
>Find out about investing only a couple of years ago
>"Waiting to invest is costing you a lot"
>"Time in the market beats timing the market"
I've started investing into the SNP500 two years ago but my cash that I save up keeps growing faster. For the past couple of months I've just invested 3k per month. At that rate it takes me over three years to put my money into the market even if I don't earn anything over the next years. I'm too scared of putting it all in as a lump sum investment. Am I stupid for doing it like this? What's your approach? I just feel like the market is pretty overvalued now. Almost reaching new ATHs despite these interest rates.

>> No.56040618

Might crash, might not. Boomer investing is just slow and boring as fuck.

Buy BTC, ETH or LINK. Sorted from less to more risk

>> No.56040684

No, you're doing it right.

You should keep the cash somewhere that pays you interest on it, though.

>> No.56040760
File: 128 KB, 1494x1100, Recession 07-07-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it will crash and we will have a real recession, not some manufactured recession due to covid lockdowns coupled with mass hysteria. there's a great chance of a recession by May 2024 according to historical recessions followed by yield curve inversions.

>> No.56041060

Except now it's all priced in. Planned economy. Enjoy.

>> No.56042210

>priced in
lazy coping meme

>> No.56042293

centrally planned economy. capitalism larp for to big to fail boomers

>> No.56042312

DCA into BTC and stop worrying about it, it's a bear market right now.

>> No.56043273
File: 101 KB, 1200x545, 170-monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you save cash and invest in ponzi stocks, I buy Monero. I think deflationary assets are one of the few mathematically good solutions to the fiat problem which plagues stocks and all of mankind.

>> No.56043319

So I guess you're shorting SPY right now?

>> No.56043377

Buy BTC, but not ETH or LINK. Those two are shitcoins, especially LINK.

>> No.56043629

Dubs confirmed. POS is for retards, POW is for people with at least two braincells to rub together.

>> No.56043686

>heh, let's see if he puts his money where his mouth is. gonna epic troll him no matter his response.

>> No.56043731

The coin that's shilled with anime waifu here constantly? That seems like a solid investment.

I would say buy gold, but that's printable, land is insanely overvalued, silver has the same issue as gold, crypto is volatile and offers no protection from market crashes or inflation. Investing in solid companies is all I have and it's pretty shit, but less shit than everything else.

>> No.56043787
File: 66 KB, 669x669, 1676685686709418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should've stuck with guns and cars...

>> No.56043839

Neither of those pay dividends and what am I going to do? Stack them out in the yard and watch them rot? Spend days dealing with retards to sell them again? Better off owning utility companies.

>> No.56045174

So I should wait for the recession and buy in then?

>> No.56045289

Anon. It's the s&p. If that shit goes to zero don't worry about your money. It's worthless. Just go all in you pussy.

>> No.56045299

The fact that you don't means you've got zero confidence in that bullshit.

>> No.56045300

Maybe not to zero but we could stagnate for a decade

>> No.56045317

>We could have discounts for a decade
Again if it crashes the money is worthless regardless.

>> No.56045385

>land is insanely overvalued
True, but it's really the closest thing to a safe haven in the event of anything more than just an economic crash though.
Able to physically defend and barricade it, can get batteries/solar to go off grid and be energy independent for at least the next 20 years or even charge an electric car to avoid volatile gas prices, can grow/store your own food to avoid eating the bugs or food price volatility.
It basically gives you the option to minimize risk for your physical well being, buying yourself precious time and comfort even if the grid goes down from a storm, or people start getting desperate. 3 days without food/power and people start to riot, but for someone with land who took the time to minimize risk? They might not even notice the power went out.
Even if nothing happens, you've still removed your ongoing expense of an electric/gas bill, and reducing your own expenses is just as good as getting a return on an investment.

>> No.56045397

The market spends the majority of its time at ATH’s actually, there are way more instances of it being near ATH than there have been crashes over the past century. No matter what the price is there will always be random idiots saying the sp500 is overvalued. You can never know

>> No.56045884

I'm not worried about a quick crash, but I don't think I can wait until 35 to break even (had I invested in 2000, that would have been my fate)

>> No.56045969


>> No.56046107

Dollar cost average into equities like the SP500, or VT, or VNQ, or defensive sector ETFs, or some combination of these. Its that simple. Or, just stick with money market funds and/ or a bond ladder if you're too scared to invest. Not a bad time for it with good interest rates now desu

>> No.56046253

Just keep DCAing. Maybe put some limit buys at -10% and hope for a correction.

>> No.56047445

whatever you do NEVER buy crypto or u will be like those losers where who say they were rich 2 years ago and now broke

crypto is 100% SCAM
it's value is 0

only invest in value, never invest for ponzi scheme "trust me bro" quick scams like crypto

think what ur investing it and does it have real value? like shares of a real company like amazon have actual value but crypto is pretty much 0 value

>> No.56047521

>sorted from high risk to disaster.
Yes this is a good way to lose it all.

>> No.56047633

>True, but it's really the closest thing to a safe haven in the event of anything more than just an economic crash though.

Yes, but buying one of the most expensive things you will ever buy at an inflated price point is unwise. Waiting a bit until the full effect of higher borrowing costs hits the market costs you 6 months to a year but will likely save you years on a mortgage.