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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 1200x768, BRICS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56036491 No.56036491 [Reply] [Original]

Why do USA skum talk about "bringing manufacturing back" when china and BRICS makes more business sense.

The USA dollar is dying so it makes no sense for any country to do business with USA or other USA CIA backed countries.

Time to get money out of USA countries and put in BRICS countries unless you want to lose all of your money

>> No.56036506

> what is Bitcoin

>> No.56036507

What? the point their making is that us consumers would buy from us manufacturing

>> No.56036521
File: 64 KB, 249x249, DigiPepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRICS countries are fascist charades of success and progress when it's really mostly just poor people with guns to their heads, smiling for the dictator who reports false claims about his own economy while the needle drops.
>India tho
India is just siding with the people it doesn't want to be invaded by. I'm pretty sure they don't really like you, or their situation at all. Who's really giving them a choice?

>> No.56036524

>dollar is dying
>dollar is dying
>dollar is dying
>dollar is dying
>dollar is dying
>dollar is dying
>dollar is dying

>> No.56036536

Indians are scammers they play all sides but they love Former Soviet cock too like that indian actress who got married to her tajikistani manager.

Now if only Russia wasn't an embarrassing rump state and could actually command the CSTO the way the USSR could command the Warsaw Pact.

China is strong now but their demographic pyramid is badly inverted and can't be fixed.

Brazil has always been a meme.

South Africa is one CIA coup from balkanizing into a western 'white' half and a bunch of negro kingdoms in the east divided along linguistic lines.

The USA has a lot of problems but it speaks that none of these countries actually manage to exploit them, they are a joke, only the USA can take down the USA.

>> No.56036550

nobody said it's dead, they said it's dying
dying is a process

>> No.56036736


Brazil was considering joining NATO during bolsonaro and can swing against BRICS any day.

China wants to keep it's currency devalued to keep it's role as the world factory and promote exports while discouraging imports. Local stock market is pretty much all insider trading and Xi decided that the economy is secondary to him keeping control of the party ruining entire sectors of the economy for political reasons. Also no kids and too much real estate which can't be fixed by immigration (just china is far too big). Without counting that Xi's wolf warrior policies made enemies of just about every asian nation (border disputes with Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, India, Brunei)

Russia is literally going Venezuela style bankrupt within 2 years if it can't end the war in Ukraine as it's economy is deep in the red in war costs and sanctions while the only people willing to lend money to Russia demand loansharking rates.

South Africa since black rule has seen it's currency go from stronger than dollar to 20 for 1 dollar and they can't even keep the power on anymore with many hours of blackout.

India has potential but bad politics, mass corruption and high taxes, limited infrastructure are holding it back. Also their conflict with china and Pakistan isn't going away any time soon.

>> No.56036757
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>> No.56036789
File: 180 KB, 1079x1392, photo_2023-08-24_05-39-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's bunch of monkey prics, why would anyone take them seriously?

>> No.56036805

ok we'll take all the factories and technology back, you can trade in whichever currency you finally agree is the new reserve, we'll take the short term hit while replacing your fossil fuels with our fracking then we can shut each other out with very heavy sanctions levelled both ways in a new cold war and see who comes out on top in 50 years.

>> No.56036821

The US has nothing to offer the world except the dollar right now. If we have manufacturing then we can sell our products to them for their money

>> No.56036826

well and a total monopoly on technology, heavy space launch and a fuck you sized military that stands alone as being able to operate effectively anywhere on earth

>> No.56036837

Monopoly on technology? Even apple gets produced in China lol. I'm posting from a huawei with no Google services.

>> No.56036854

Good luck when workers don't want to work for less then 30 dollars per hour.
You can't bring it back

>> No.56036862

China does not have a monopoly on anything but labor of which there is no shortage of. BRICS wants to create a secure token but clearly can't do it and obviously they can't get on a shitcoin or Satoshi will dump on them. Satoshi will be famous soon and he will rule the world via the only secure hash token that exists - Bitcoin, which will 5x when it happens.

>> No.56037152

Brazil and India may be good investments, if you can invest in anything Russian please tell me how. China is a communist shithole and you as a foreigner have no property rights. South Africa was nice before Mandela. Argentina will be great again with Milei if he wins, the Arab countries if you don't buy the "future is electric" propaganda. But anyway there are non bric countries with a lot of potential like Indonesia and Georgia.

>> No.56037331

Sure, go make business with Banana land, the country that's losing a war, Pajeets, the communist dystopia and niggers, that will kill the dollar right now... go go go!

>> No.56037412

It's Bahrap now

>> No.56037425

>The Saudis have entered the chat
>nice petrodollar you got there
The Saudis and Iran being granted entry is a pretty big deal. While I don't disagree with the assessment that BRICS is a bunch of monkeys, they are gaining momentum. Weaponizing the USD in the way it was done against Russia has scared a lot of countries.

>> No.56037455
File: 89 KB, 887x570, SA1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South Africa was nice before Mandela
Sure it was...

>> No.56037458

The USA has more oil than any other country in the world, the fall of the petrodollar is the collapse of Saudis being relevant at all because America will frack and flood the market.

You guys are always so pathetic, not realizing the current system is designed to 'float your boat' and the minute you fuck around the rug gets pulled because people are just being nice to retards like you.

>> No.56037472

Its not hard to have growth year after year, even in a global downturn, when your population is over a billion people and 90% of them live in poverty. You build a subpar road out there and give the people shoes and you instantly improve the productivity of the village by 1000%

You really have to wonder how hard Xi is shitting the bed if all the Chinese maths geniuses can't even fudge the numbers to make the aforementioned process look good on paper.

>> No.56037703

No one gives a shit about your low IQ scam pile packed with poorly educated frauds trained by Russia on social media to blame the west for your own cultures utter failures. If you hate the west so much stop using the internet, mobile phones and electricity. Doing business in some retarded communist and essentially lawless dictatorship is not worth the risk, India and South Africa are a fucking joke. South Africa can't even keep the electricity on. The overage IQ in India goes not even make the 90s and Hindu ultra nationalism and pseudo dictators is not going to pay dividends. Brazil is the ONLY one of the Brics worth a shit and that's because it is a democracy Don't even start on Russia. There is no economy there, just a dictator
>Time to get money out of USA countries and put in BRICS countries
I lost money on my last investment in a Russian telecoms company. Never again.

>> No.56037721

OP does not realise that the EU and USA along with the G7 like Canada account for a massive majority of the worlds food exports and feed him. Russia told him to hate the west and love the corrupt failing state dictatorships of the brics on his mobile phone and his relative read it to him and helped type his message to us. Once he gets a microloan for a bicycle his business selling plastic bags of polluted water to street children will surely thrive.

>> No.56037751

>Time to get money out of USA countries and put in BRICS countrie
that's what buying XMR & BTC means

>> No.56037786

OP I sincerely hope the population of the BRICs read your wonderful post and fucking stay in them, along with (you).

>> No.56039638


Not really sure yet what them joining BRICS really means besides maybe having some joint investments trough the BRICS bank and some conferences where every nation is invited anyway.