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56035400 No.56035400 [Reply] [Original]

I'm inheriting $100,000 dollars from my grandparents next month. What should I invest in? No meme responses please.

>> No.56035417
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>> No.56035420

Sorry for your loss asshole

>> No.56035427

can I email you and get in contact?
I have an idea that everyone knows about and no one is good at yet they charge a lot of money for it

All you need to do is buy land near the ocean

>> No.56035428

Chainlink’s Link token
You’d literally be a 100-multi millionaire within a few years

>> No.56035432

10% in Bitcoin, eth
5% - 7% in gold
Keep 5% for u
Most of it in passive income

>> No.56035433
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>$100,000 dollars from my grandparents

i literally cannot comprehend this. all 4 of my grandparents were completely poor, and we had to help them in their final years

fuck you you privileged nigger faggot zoomer

>> No.56035437

>buy land near the ocean
>100k only
Ok mate

>> No.56035438

Toilet paper and isopropyl alcohol, next pandemic is starting in two more weeks.
Now what's the name of the person attached to those tits?

>> No.56035451

you retarded?
Its totally doable

>> No.56035452

>seaside property for 100k
Biz really is a bunch of kids, isn’t it?

>> No.56035456

id fuck her till i died

>> No.56035465

The world isn’t just USA. You can get something near the ocean in Central America for that much

>> No.56035479


>> No.56035509

hey retards
near the ocean means 20 or less minute drive
100k covers down payment and renovations

>> No.56035512


>> No.56035516

A high-yield savings account

>> No.56035521


>> No.56035526

The meme that keeps on giving

>> No.56035550

Bruh this has been getting posted every other day with a different theme on here for years...
If you've been here long enough , biz is full of poorfag. Richest niggers here are probably some tech retards making low 6 figs at BEST

>> No.56035558

Use it as a down payment on two rentals

>> No.56035576

put it all on random stock options and then kill yourself if you lose everything. that is financial advice btw

>> No.56035592

Same lol. All of mine were Nigerians.

>> No.56035616

That's a man

>> No.56035632

>What should I invest in?
Unironically, start a pot farm in a state where it is legal. You'll be filthy rich in no time at all.

>> No.56035641
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>> No.56035743

Put in T bills for 3 years and then buy stocks, coins, real estate at 50-90% off. Thank me later

>> No.56035751

US treasury money market fund yielding 5.3% for now. After the stock market crashes later this year or next year then invest half in VTI for long term hold.

>> No.56035774
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Consider VINU Vita Inu OP
Shit's green since last year, never got affected by a single bear market, it 2x's once a month and it's kicking every dogcoin ass

>> No.56035782

>Put in T bills for 3 years
What if it drops to 0.0001% after a month?

>> No.56035792

go find a blue chip stock that has hit low RSI on a high time frame chart and BUY.

>> No.56035794

High interest savings account

>> No.56035805

BTC and real estate

>> No.56035807

Then your T-bills appreciate a lot in resale value dumb nigger

>> No.56035811


>> No.56035818

Do you have a source to back up that claim?

>> No.56035834

Why is she walking like a duck?

>> No.56035841

How new are you? Be honest and maybe I explain duration

>> No.56035952


>>56035516 what these anons are saying.
Put it in a high-yield saving account, and figure out what to do with the money in the mean time.

Crapto is a scam, a bull run might happen sometime in the future no need to lock your money in this early
Real Estate investing is not something you do passively, you need to put in a lot of work and have experience.
Stock market trading can be done, but realistically takes atleast 1 year to be below average trader. If you have the gambling gene you should probably give up trading.
Gold is for hedging against inflation, it itself doesn't make you money. You have too little money for metals to make any sense.
Chainlink sounds cool, but I feel like the value capture doesn't happen at the oracle level, it usually happens at the outerlayer, no one cares about internal protocols and what they do, also this all hinges on defi being used for somthing other shitcoin scams and nfts.

w/e I am just procrastinating, and I know that your neet ass didn't get 100k, and this thread is just a pretense for your shitcoin scam. Carry on.

>> No.56035974

These call center pajeets need to come up with better ads to shill their ponzi

>> No.56036639

Foreign high dividend-yielding commodity stocks (mainly energy (oil/natgas/coal)) + foreign gold miners just in case
also store some for long term savings as physical gold/silver

>> No.56036715

All in Chainlink unironically

>> No.56037023

>> Oracles it is.
LINK >> 60%
Waiting for SUPRA TGE next year

>> No.56037161

there is a bunch of retarded youtuber cliques on here too, trying to figure out what to do with their youtube money...

>> No.56037375

semi-rural land

>> No.56037385

that girl should fix her lordosis

>> No.56037393

Buy 600 XMR

>> No.56037408

All in on black

>> No.56037427

Mating call for Chad

>> No.56037441

>What should I invest in?
Put half of it in your pension fund and the other half in a brokerage account on a low US dividend aristocrats ETF or a handful of blue chip dividend paying US large caps and reinvest the dividends. Take a couple of grand and have a cheap walking holiday somewhere interesting. If you buy crypto you are a retarded fag. If you follow my advice you WILL be VERY grateful to me in the future, say a prayer for me then.

>> No.56037453

You know NOTHING pleb. The pot industry is a fucking NIGHTMARE.

>> No.56037459

>on a low fee US dividend aristocrats ETF or a handful of blue chip dividend paying US large caps

>> No.56037533

Idealically, i'll advise you take into consideration the likes of ETH, XRP, Woo, RIDE, and KAS; the low-cap which is Ride has the capability of doing multiples in the long-run.
For now, I'm just earning more rewards on it from staking its NFTs which is Cloudbreakers

>> No.56037543


>> No.56037672

Fucking kill yourself you bottom feeding scam artist either that or you are actually fucking retarded.

>> No.56038390

Wait for Bitcoin ETF or buy before then or you can just route your funds through SpoolFi for yield farming in USDC.

>> No.56038661

What passive income are you going to get from 80k $? Fucking retard with the worse advice.

100k all in into Bitcoin. Wait 2 years and collect your 4x

>> No.56038675

I am literally my ancestors. Thus in just getting back the money that I have accumulated through previous lives.
You don't have anything to ibherit because you and all of your direct lineage are niggers

>> No.56039227

Buy 80K worth of BTC, 10K into ETH, 5K into QANX, 1k into DOT, 1K into GLMR and the remaining into Shitcoins

>> No.56039346

Wait for SUPRA, TGE happening Q1 2024

>> No.56039441

build 20k cash emergency fund if you dont have one
50k sp500 fund

im torn between saving the last 30k for a down payment on somewhere to live and 15k ETH 15k BTC. probably get landed before crypto

>> No.56041125

Keep it with BTC or projects that have strong backups like XRP, CYMI and QNT

>> No.56041176

nothing as you will probably lose everything because you didn't earn it

>> No.56041207

ICP. Please pump my bags

>> No.56041238

60% BTC, 40% ETH

>> No.56041284
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This guy gets it.

>> No.56041852

This might be the worst advice in this thread
Congratulations on that

>> No.56041881

Fun, kas, ocean, rsr, inj. The recipe to be rich by the end of 2024

>> No.56041912


>> No.56042416 [DELETED] 

OCEAN and INJ i can go with but the rest don't fit into my spec. NXRA and LBR fits me more

>> No.56042598

Not when I've gotten an AI-driven platform at the forefront evolution, amplifying the potential of AI within the crypto landscape. AGII is a top notch

>> No.56042648

Smart choice! AI is trending

>> No.56042811

Sold all of it for AGII, I anticipate future staking rewards on its ecosystem.

>> No.56043127

ADA and CYMI will do just fine, but also remember to keep half of your inheritance as savings for the bull market

>> No.56043183

OP don't listen to these retards. Put it in some boring mutual fund and don't touch it until you're 60. You can gamble your own money on crypto, put your grandparents money away for retirement.

>> No.56043194

this is called a windfall event
go ask the bogleheads

>> No.56043294
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Invest in my new business, a chrome extension that can summarize any web page.

>> No.56043347

You have a nice list of alts

>> No.56043988

Throw them into COIN, CYMI, or RNDR These are some of the gems I hold. The right pills if you truly dislike memes

>> No.56044225

Put 10k in a high yield savings. This money is for emergency funds. If you have any debt that can be paid off do that. Now take the rest of the money and buy 2 4 week tbills. Have one tbill continuously roll over. Have the other tbill always expire so that you can buy another tbill and add the interest earned from the other tbills. Now wait patiently and see what happens. If the market looks poised for a run buy. If it looks like a crash is imminent wait for the crash and use the cash to scoop up whatever. If you have some terminal illness blow all the money on toot and whores.

>> No.56044260

Literally this

>> No.56044772

I would recommend putting a portion of this into what anon suggested at the end. Investing in training, clothes, a tan, good haircut and grooming and a bit of coke and you can have very good times with women.

>> No.56045183

It's honestly not a bad time at all to get into BTC. dollar cost average for the next 6 months and then sell in December 2025. Easy money.

>> No.56046138

Based chud. Add RAIL and SCRT to that list.

>> No.56046263 [DELETED] 
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BTC is old news. its not even on the ERC-20 chain. It's basically been deprecated at this point in favor of younger, more attractive coins. Don't even bother with this BTC crap. But Scorch Coin, the next evolution of tokenomics, that's where you can make mad gains. Read the whitepaper anon, you won't regret it

>> No.56047070

Take gaming tokens serious, been quiet for some time now, green dildos expected

>> No.56047580

unless you want to give age, investments, income, debts everyone is just guessing.

generally pay high interest debt, build an emergency fund, then invest

>> No.56048228 [DELETED] 
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If you're looking to capitalize off of the gaming token pump, Scorch is the only option. Other tokens have been silent, as you said...but Scorch is just getting started. The Scorch dev's white paper is a must see and their plans for game integration are revolutionary. If I was a betting man I'd be going all in on Scorch right now

>> No.56048690
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You should go for post quantum cryptography projects. It is the next meta dumbfag.

>> No.56050482


>> No.56050593

That's if he didn't invest in Qanx. He shouldn't spend it on Asian pussies

>> No.56050657
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Not telling you to do the same because it could be over, but when my grandma died I aped the inheritence into ETH at a time where the market was similar to now. All while people on 4chan were saying how ETH was a dead duck, now I laugh at niggers and wageys on the way to the driving range each morning while yelling "With a car, you can go anywhere you want."

>> No.56052594

Buy stablecoins and stake it on yield protocols through yield aggregators like SpoolFi and Beefyfinance.
In the bull market, you will have enough liquidity to buy alts

>> No.56052805

Yeah the solid ones are the best
I prefer the first one because of its measurable risk management system

>> No.56053201

Then what

>> No.56053223

I was lucky my grandmother even had shit for my father to inherit. she was spending her money on voodoo shit to curse my mom as she died

>> No.56053386

Due to the inflation that's going to remain persistent, Precious metals should be 10% of any portfolio imo