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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5603300 No.5603300 [Reply] [Original]

This will be my last post ever on /biz/
I'm going to end it in approximately 3 hours. Just wanted to say goodbye before I an hero. It was great posting here for the past few years but I'm afraid I didn't make it.
I fell for the tron phising link and lost my entire stack of crypto in one fell swoop. A total of 26 ETH gone in a second. It took me years to save that amount. Before you say its your own fault... I know. I should have double checked the links but I messed up and now it's over. It's been fun shitposting with you guys and hopefully you all don't make the same mistake as me.

Godspeed anons. All the best

- James

>> No.5603332

I was in the same boat - had $300 left and turned it into 7k trading xrp on margin this week. You can make it back

>> No.5603333

>Trump becomes president
>killing yourself
Why would you do that when you are about to witness the fourth turning?

>> No.5603343

what happened?

>> No.5603346

Best of luck in the crypto afterlife bro

>> No.5603379

Brah you just lost some internet money, not really worth dying over.

>> No.5603391

I explained already.

I have nothing left my friend, mentally and financially

Nice digits

>> No.5603411

Bounty is a company run by a highschool drop-out and a lawyer. They don't have a working blockchain product. They don't even have a dev team. I bought in at $0.06, and then a LOT more at $0.18. I just sold everything. It has nowhere to go but down once people realize the concept not only doesnt work but has no backing to it. I suggest you do the same.
You might get another little pump, but don't wait too long on this, don't get too greedy.

>> No.5603429

It was my entire life savings

>> No.5603430

Go watch it’s a wonderful life and tell me you still want to die

>> No.5603439

Just earn some money again and put it into a 10x coin, then another. Not hard

I hope this isn't an elaborate begging thread

>> No.5603457


OP even if you lost all your money please don't an hero. You are clearly a financial wizard and know how to save your money. There's no reason you can't build your portfolio back 10 times stronger

>> No.5603481

Hi james, if you're serious, I can give you 3 eth to start over.

>> No.5603485

I refuse to believe anybody who browses /biz/ is retarded enough to give away their private key

>> No.5603501

You'll kys too after the midterms /pol/

>> No.5603509

>A total of 26 ETH gone in a second
Mate, that's only 1.3 BTC...

>> No.5603558

Maybe I got a little too big for my boots

I mean, I don't know, I am suicidal as shit right now. I would appreciate it greatly but would feel bad for you having less for my mistake

It was my life savings.
20k isn't nothing

>> No.5603574

Watched it. I don't want to die anymore, I want to invent a time machine and go back and murder Jimmy Stewart. Fuck that guy.

>> No.5603600

You can make 20k in one year flipping burgers man. It is not worth this.

I owe 30k in student loans and I am not necking myself

>> No.5603601

Do it man you would LITERALLY be a life saver

Op please dont die on us. You made 26 eth. You can do it again. Like bro. 3 eth, for example, in basic attention token until its 5$ a coin will make you your money back. Like bro. Keep working and saving pay checks. People are scum. Someone stole your money. But you LIVE and you LEARN. You made 26 eth. You van do it again. If anything,itll be easuer the 2nd go around. Ive been robbed of all my lifes savings multiple times too....ive always bounced back man. And everytime i do(this is my 4th)...it gets easier. Much love op. I hope you go consult a family member or close friend and just try to calm down and hash out a plan for getting back on track

>> No.5603623


dont do it, get 1 eth and go in on link and become a hodler. it is 100% not worth ending your life over 20 thousand dollars. go clean your room, make your bed, take a hot shower and go for a walk. you need to replace these negative thoughts. i wish you health and a long natural life.

>> No.5603672

It wasn't nothing! It took me thousands of days to get that amount

I mean, I like to think so but I literally lost every single cent to some scammer. A scammer and I fell for a phishing link after years of crypto.

>> No.5603683

Killing yourself over $20,000 seems a bit much. I mean why not write down a bucket list of shit to do before you end it all. You're already dead, right? So there's no problem in doing a few last things before you kill yourself. Suicide is just a bullet away and can be performed any time.

>> No.5603692


its not too late.

scrap whatever money you can and go all in on chainlink. you will be a millionaire end of 2018

goodluck, linkmarine

>> No.5603701
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Godspeed you!

>> No.5603721

That's not that much money even if it is your life savings. You can make it back.

>> No.5603732

It was a lot of money to me, man.

>> No.5603753


1. go on welfare, stop wagecucking right now. Destress your life. If I lost my money that I actually worked fulltime for, I would lose my mind too. GO. ON. WELFARE. NOW.

2. Get some tiny amount of spending money and invest it in some coin you still kinda believe in and hold it. just hold it.
Just stay alive for the ride with us LINK holders. Do it just because it's interesting to see if it will work out.

>> No.5603755

Don't be such a douche and talk about the story more, sounds interesting

>> No.5603758

Mate, go for a walk tomorrow morning, for like 3 hours. You feel better afterwards.

Then make a plan. Learn something online for free which can make you money like a programming language or something.

Or just monitor the CC market, give good advice, post referral links or a wallet ID so people who make profits from your advice can reward you. Start again. Anyway this CC market messes with your brain, is it merely for your mental health try to stay away from it as much as you can

>> No.5603766

I wish you all the best in making it anon
I did have Chainlink before this happened

>> No.5603786

dude don't off yourself. literally

come on mimblewimble was not yet developed. you're still early.

>> No.5603789

I know it's not nothing dude, I'm sorry for what happened. I can't imagine the pain and I know that. I'm just saying that you can build that back even by wagecucking for like. Potentially not that long. Dying will rob you of everything.

Look. You could have years ahead of you to learn how to do phishing scams yourself. And protip! If you kill yourself the phishing man who got you will have won completely.

>> No.5603797

It IS a lot of money. But who gives a FUCK. it's not worth killing yourself over you absolute cuck

gamble on some shitcoin or something. im a poorfag but if you are genuine i will help you out to get going again. dont be a dickhole

>> No.5603818

My guess is you are still young. You will survive, it's not that big a deal. There is more to life than 20k.. like the others s aid that's a year at a minimum wage job.

>> No.5603819

Anon, anyone can turn $100 into $1000 quickly in this market. There's still a shit ton of money to be made. If the bubble pops and you haven't made it, THEN an hero, but it's too early to call it quits just yet.

>> No.5603835

ITT - A bunch of Pajeets circlejerk to try to get some money. LOL.

>> No.5603840

I lost about the same in CFD. Already made it back. You can do it Anon.

>> No.5603843

Secondly OP, if you can lose out on $1 bitcoin in 2011 then how is it any different from losing 26 ETH? It's the exact same thing, just again.

>> No.5603850

I fell for the tronco phising scam. That is all there is to it. I googled the link and clicked the first one and it turns out it was a scam by some Russian. No luck in recovering anything

I am still wageslaving now anon. I spent YEARS of my life earning that. Gone in a second. That is what gets me.

I know you are trying to help but 20k is a big deal to me, friend

>> No.5603854

James if you are genuine, take up the 3 eth offer, prove to him your not a scamming cunt, and start over. Seriously you'll be laughing in a few months ya fucking jew

>> No.5603890


give the link please.

>> No.5603889


>> No.5603932

If you are that much of a cuck where you decide to kill yourself over 20k while living in the USA where you can get help easy then go for it. Try living in Africa or sweden.

>> No.5603934

This is 4chan my friend. It was likely a troll. I would probably take it and at least try but I doubt it was serious. I just can't think straight about losing 26 in a second. One click and gone forever

>> No.5603960

I'll give access to private call channel to help, only 60 people, drop an email

>> No.5603962
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First of all man, I want to say I am very sorry for your loss. I know that is devastating, and from where you are right now, you feel like there is no hope.

That said, you need to take a step back and think about things, because you are not in a position to see clearly. 20k, life savings or not, is not worth the entirety of possibility for the rest of your life. You were in this because you could visualize a life that was different for yourself. A possibility. That possibility is still there, along will all the other possibilities life holds. Crypto is just beginning.You've done it once, you can do it again-- if not to the same degree, still to a degree you could be happy with. I have bought and held, and turned 900 in 20,000 by just sitting on it for 8 months. Anything you put in mindfully has a very high probability of the same.

Suicide will always be an option. It will be an option tomorrow, next year, a decade from now. If you give up now, you are destroying the possibility of a life truly, deeply worth living. What a shame it would be throw it away because of shortsightedness in your grief.

Just hang on, anon. You're smarter than this.

>> No.5604007
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Put it this way, you're alive in the most amazing time ever. This could potentially be the turning point of humanity toward a very different and bright future:
>crypto is bringing a lot of people out of poverty.
>scientists are researching how to reverse aging and to give everyone indefinite health (sens.org)
>the most underdog losers have become winners by taking some initiative, partnering with the right people, or starting out as being cleaners or cold-callers for a company they'd love to work for
Do whatever you need to do, but don't cop out now.
Here's a vid that may provide some inspiration. These is some no-bullshit inspirational shit going down.

And lastly, if Nakamura and his team could develop the blockchain and give NEETs like me an exciting opportunity to participate in this incredible moment in history, what other innovations await us, that could dramatically improve your life? Don't sell life at the ATL, go long and HOLD, anon.

>> No.5604009

How much was your initial investment? Keep in mind that you've only lost your initial investment, not 20K.

When you're saying that you are into it since 2013, actually it seems unreasonable that you only made 20K. Since your statement "I've invested 1000 days to get it" implies that you've been trading alot.

>> No.5604019

Thanks for the offer but I never day traded

>> No.5604043

i hope you're just shitposting but if you really kys you're going to hell bro.
not even memeing, search for NDE and what happens to people that nearly die and then come back to life after experiencing the afterlife.
God is real and suicide over money is not an option

>> No.5604048

That looks like Northwest Washington! Chuckanut drive! It's gotta be.

oh...don't do it mate.

>> No.5604053

No, I never traded I just spent Btc over the years and then bought ETH

>> No.5604100

Are you unemployed? What are you living off?

>> No.5604116


search for people who died and then were vanished into hell
i'm not joking.

>> No.5604136

No full time wageslave

>> No.5604159

And another important question: how old are you?

>> No.5604176

I'm crying for you

>> No.5604226

>killing yourself over 20k

LMAO do it.
I'll give you 30k USD for your body right now.

>> No.5604245

There is a valuable lesson to be learned here- don't send your entire life savings to some random address you click on silly billy.
In fact, don't keep your life savings in crypto at all if losing it gets you this upset.
I don't know how old you are but at 25 I was a total loser 50k in debt. 10 years on I have a nice house a reasonable stack and a perfect life. Learn from this and get back in the game.

>> No.5604282

Ok. My email is: jtorty@protonmail.com
I don't know how to trade but I guess I can try man


Don't cry anon, people die everyday

>> No.5604285

Being on zeros is bad but u have to realize most people are in negatives carrying around debt on interest

>> No.5604311

Ok so if you're saying that you are a wageslave and you've spend a thousand days to accumulate the money you've lost, doing nothing other than buying bitcoin one time and then changing it into eth and then loosing it, it seems to me that the loss of the ETH is not the source of the problem you have.

But what ever problem you have, it can be fixed. I promise you that

>> No.5604313
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>> No.5604350


>> No.5604356

just wageslave for a few months, live off basically nothing and put everything you earn back into crypto. You'll have $20k+ in under a year OP I promise.

>> No.5604456

I don't know about thatr

>> No.5604480

Same thing happened to me
Lost a shitload over the summer
Now (in a few months time) I’m Back up to 250k on 2.5k investment
You can battle back extremely easily

>> No.5604500

How did you do it anon
I feel its too late now

>> No.5604502

Kill yourself faggot. Anyone who loses money in this market is a bag of shit.

>> No.5604551

You lost 20k? I can't not believe you're not larping, I make 12k a year at best with a regular job.

Fuck man, don't suicide over 20k...

>> No.5604553

Why the fuck do people say stupid shit like this to depressed people or people that have lost everything

Why would just just act like money is worthless when its maybe the second most important thing in life next to healthy relationships with other people

>> No.5604560

Don't do it James. You're in shock. That happens when something completely unexpected shatters the vision you had for your life. Take a few weeks to process it. Your brain is adjusting to it and it will get better. I promise that a year from now you will be so thankful that you chose to live.

>> No.5604591

What's the point of killing yourself?
You lost a shitton of money and it's depressing, but what does this loss actually change in your day-to-day life?
You had it invested, so you weren't relying on it to survive. It's a major setback, but your life isn't over.
Think of the number of people who go from nothing to millionaires. We have another thread about nigger extraordinaire Ian Balima who made 2 millions this year for making dumb crypto videos marketed towards dumb people. No reason you can't make it too.

>> No.5604625

Stream it faggot

>> No.5604630


Yo lets talk on Discord man. Get some actual people around you. discord . gg / cJRT3Vt

>> No.5604678

OP i lost 50k last week, but got back on the horse and made 30k of it back, we're all hurting out here

>> No.5604769
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So be it. If you do, there's no turning back.

>> No.5604800

If anyone is feeling generous then yeah as some have said, then yeah I will try start again from there. Part of what gets me is that I have literally nothing now. Every single last cent I had went to some fucking Russian scammer for what? I probably am still processing all of this but 20k isn't nothing to me, as I said. It took years to save that and the fact it was a stupid phising scam that I fell for only makes me more defeated.

ETH: 0x35a74EfB54e3b283a8E1611F3A7125DD7bB76eF8

I'm probably going to think but if you want you can email me at: jtorty@protonmail.com

I am going to try and start again but I have nothing right now and would appreciate any advice on how to make it back or something, man. Even if I make a quarter back atleast I won't be so defeated.

Anyway, thanks for all of the advice and help guys. Some of it made me rethink but I still am considering it seriously, to be truthful

>> No.5604875


You guys literally are getting shilled by a Pajeet. You should all gas yourselves out of the gene pool, faggots.

That's why you will mainly live unfulfilling, white knight beta numale autistic lives.

Just kys LOL (you won't though because he is a very very clever Pajeet).

>> No.5604922

Empty address, no proof.
Guys, if you're sending out free eth anyway, send some to me too, my address is AjitPai@verizon.com

>> No.5604924

I'm no Pajeet

This is genuine and happens more often than you think in crypto and business/finance. Whatever though, you have made up your mind

>> No.5604939

You're doing the right thing by taking a step back to reconsider, anon. You will be so thankful you did. You will come back from this.

>> No.5604953
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Others in this thread have already said this but I'll hope you take time to read this.

While it may feel like it, losing 26 ETH is an incredible shit amount to wipe yourself out over. I you think about it, adjusting for inflation, your parents probably put more than a million in just providing for your existence.

It's only money at the end. Would you really price a life at 26 ETH? Can you even measure worth of life in money at all?

Don't do it dummy and get some help if you need it.

You got this OP

>> No.5604960

>lacks empathy, thinks about money more than life
Spot the Jew

>> No.5604963

My other address private key was literally compromised in the phishing scam.

You can go on the tronco ether address (the scam) and see my coins sitting in their wallet still

>> No.5604975

>posts his address
>"if anyone is feeling generous"
>the address has no transactions
>posting from multiple IPs
Fishy as fuck.

>> No.5605023

Show us the compromised address and sign a message with the private key.

>> No.5605027

good luck anon. i hope someone helps you start back out

i would help you out if i could, gl in future

>> No.5605056

>It took me years to save that amount
is no one going to comment on this retarded sentence?

>> No.5605063

it might be legit cus i saw people on plebbit talking about their private keys being stolen too

>> No.5605089

Hahahahahaha i lost much more investing i ethermons and forgettig passwords and im not even mad faggot. Just found shako in d2 its the best feeling

>> No.5605094

>Begging or asking for 'free money'/crypto is strictly forbidden. Encouraging beggars, or posting any kind of 'free money' offer is also strictly forbidden.

Saged and reported.

>> No.5605098

In any case, he can at least gain some credibility by showing the address so that we can see the transaction from it to the scammer, and of course prove that he owns it by signing a message with it.

>> No.5605114
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>gonna kill myself guys
>ok, ok, if you send some coin I'll try again, here's my address.

>> No.5605142

How could it take years for you to accumulate that Ethereum? If you bought it more than a year ago, you would have very easily been able to buy 26 Ethereum.

>> No.5605147
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Pajeet begging lol

>> No.5605157

You had 26 eth which means that you made better investment decisions than 99,99999% of people. In a year or two you will think about this and laugh.

>> No.5605188


>> No.5605200

>no proof
>anonymous forum

Spot the dumb fuck retard. Man I'm gonna start doing this too if this is all it takes to get free money.

>> No.5605218

What you see during NDE is what you expect to see. If you believe in hell and think you should be there that's what you will experience

>> No.5605231

OP someone scammed you. I scammed myself. I liquidated all my btc into bcc... slowly making it back.

Don't do it. You know what I mean. I didn't do it a few years back and I'm sincerely happy. No guarantees but let me shill you on this lifecoin.

>> No.5605260

this, it's a scam

>> No.5605261

>1 post by this ID
>OP an heroed already

begging is against the rules

>> No.5605274

Hopefully you make it

Ignore the other idiots, they are so cynical

I lost crypto in a similar way and understand your pain

>> No.5605275

>kys yourself over 20k
No, James. This is not how it ends.

>> No.5605294
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Hey, I am not gonna say you don´t do it.
But if you feel like killing yourself you should do it in the most spectacular way possible so you dont look pathetic.
1- Write a manifesto thingy.
2- kill a generally agreed bad guy
3- suicide by cop.

Not telling you to kill the president or anything.
Some people like him.
But there are people no one likes and that no one will miss in both sides of the aisle.
There must be at least one person on earth you hate.
Take them down in a fiery explosion.
Make this the new school shooting.
Start a trend.
Be a legend.
Have your last revenge upon this world and get the last laugh.
What do you have to lose anyway?
Do a last favor to us forced to stay in this miserable world.

>> No.5605327

Can I transfer it to KCS?
Or is that overbought

>> No.5605343

>But what ever problem you have, it can be fixed. I promise you that

dont say retarded shit like this. it's not true. Some problems cant be fixed. Maybe losing 26 ETH cant be fixed, but he should still not kill himself.

>> No.5605357

Are you going to an hero for 26 eth? And 20 years old?
I divorced my wife two years ago, she lives with my child in the house we both are paying since we took a loan 50% each, but I can't live in it because she has the child custody. I have to rent an apartment and I have to pay child support too.
And I am a wagecuck, so imagine my situation

>> No.5605385

How does it feel to live so miserably? When the black gunk that has stagnated at the pit of your chest for the past decade rises up and begins infecting everything that ever mattered? When that strange, twisted pleasure is all you have left?

>> No.5605402

Killing yourself over losing out on an extremely risky investment you made is all kinds of stupid. I could have posted much worse.

>> No.5605404 [DELETED] 

Can you spare an ETH or two? I’m trying to get into crypto but I’m a major poorfag. :( Would really genuinely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.


>> No.5605413

can you at least give me your ssn? :3
i would be less undocumented

>> No.5605420

Don't be retarded.
This. I sold my eth stack at $40. I had 34 eth. I don't care because I bought other coins that made up for my loss. People make mistakes in crypto. You just learn. Go grow some weed or take out a loan and go gambling if OP really an heros over this he was never going to make it.

>> No.5605440

A poet

>> No.5605474

people make money, people lose money.

everyone has a bad deal, you didnt even have a bad deal yet, you got unlucky.

Straighten your fucking back, keep your head up, and look forward instead of backward. Nothing is stopping your from making all of it back. You clearly know an opportunity when you see one; has that changed? no

ur gonna make it, unless you stop yourself by an heroing

>> No.5605486

> if you feel like killing yourself you should do it in the most spectacular way possible so you dont look pathetic.
>2- kill a generally agreed bad guy

I've never read anything more pathetic than this in my entire life, no joke. Not even the cuck threads on reddit beat this.

>> No.5605514

Hey OP, I'm gonna send you 20 bucks later. I know its not much but it's all I can afford to spare. Hopefully you can somehow earn it back.

I know its probably not going to change how you feel since you lost 26 ETH but its a start...

>> No.5605547


true man, some kids never get to live beyond age 10 because they die of cancer. The hell do you have to complain about OP?
Honestly getting angry here. Some soldier gave his life at age 18 and died for you. Stupid bastard.

>> No.5605550

that's a dope picture where'd you find it?
i'll trade you 1 joint for 10 pictures

>> No.5605661

Dude, this is most likely just a scammer. Don't send him any money, spend it on hookers and blow. For real. Don't give in to this "gonna kill myself, but if you wanna send ETH, please do"

>> No.5605691
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>1 post by this id

>> No.5605711

It sounded genuine to me. You can tell when someone is a Pajeet or not
Plus the tronco phishing thing just happened so I can believe it

>> No.5605747

I would send you something but I'm bagholding ripple op

>> No.5605889

Bro, bro listen to me, bro. I just lost $400,000 in Monero because a shaddy exchange cucked my order. It's not the end of the world. You can recover from this. You lost less than 25k, you can make it back in a week if you play your cards right.

>> No.5605961

Well i did consider killing myself a while ago and this is what i came up with.
I figure out i rather do something brave with my last act after i took the choice to ake the cowards way out. Balance thing i guess.

>> No.5606021


>> No.5606135

>$20k loss
>killing yourself


>> No.5606137

It's not terrible, I'm making it all back on CFT which just got pumped into having twelve consecutive pregnancies.

>> No.5606168
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bullshit story or no, good luck and i hope you kys doesn't hurt lots of ppl (hopefully you dont tho, i like shitposting)

>> No.5606208
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There's a lot to live for that you can't see from inside the place you are in your head. Take a small sliver of gains and talk to someone, anon. Your sense of justice has been corrupted, but there's good news-- you have a sense of justice. That means that you have a light that burns inside. It also that you care about yourself enough to still value meaning.

You have something to say. Say it with life. No one can hear you over gunshots.

>> No.5606320

Op, if this is a larp and you are just fishing for money, I will find it, and I will curse all your future lives in the multiverse.

Anyway, biz keeps making me proud.

>> No.5606752
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>> No.5606835

Do you know how many times the world's billionaires fucked themselves? They learned and made it back and then some.
Don't be a financial virgin.
Become a financial chad.

>> No.5607043


what a noob, killing yourself over <20k.

Stop being a pussy.

>> No.5607274

OP you still here?

>> No.5607326
File: 53 KB, 552x416, 1ai76n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niga u not serious
>i'll send u trons my niga
we all gona make
>hello ? dont fucking be this guy kelvin come home we love you and will fucking adopt you

>> No.5607544

It's only after you've lost it all you are free to do anything.

-that square jawed nigger from fight club

>> No.5607596

Feels anon.

>> No.5608127


>> No.5608143

Finally a solid Crypto group Yall are missing out.

>> No.5608159


There is nothing brave about killing somebody who cant fight back, somebody that OTHER people decided FOR YOU that he's a bad guy. rofl. You are an absolute cuck. The levels of pathetic and delusional on you are beyond the roof.

>> No.5608296

Did you send him anything?

>> No.5608655
File: 349 KB, 640x360, 99Wh4qe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your sense of justice has been corrupted, but there's good news-- you have a sense of justice

Hmmm. Ok.

Let me tell you my story and let me explain why it came to this.


Not to long ago a teacher of mine died of cancer. He was the best teacher I ever had.
I admired that man.

Cancer took him. Treatable cancer. He even had the money to pay the treatment but... there are no supplies. No medicines.


The leaders of my country are killing us to make petty points.

These people are objectively EVIL. They deserve to DIE.
All of them.
No one told me they were evil. I saw it with my own eyes. I see it every day.

I decided that if I got sick, I will not go gently into the dark night like my teacher did.
I will take as many mother fuckers with me as I can.

Is the only thing I could do.

>> No.5608688
File: 202 KB, 1024x1365, Feels hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn. My name is also james.

>> No.5608758

>had money
>has no money now
>still alive
>still young enough to make lots of money in lifetime
>people live on far less money and comfort
>didn't buy a hardware wallet with all the gainz
You're weak and stupid. Maybe you can't fix stupid, but you can fix weak. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.5608866

I lost 20k once. Yeah, it sucks, but it's not worth killing yourself over. Do you know how many people survive in this world on literally nothing? Why don't you just take a deep breath and think about all of this for a moment?

>> No.5608933

This. Think of all the real pajeets living in shit. We got lucky when we got born, most of us at least right?

>> No.5609049

killing yourself after those dubs

>> No.5609063

Have some pride you pussy, pull out some credit card $$ and get back in the game.

>> No.5609513

I'll give you 5 ETH to not kill yourself OP.

>> No.5609537

welcome to cryptoworld my friend

>> No.5610188

nah nigga

>> No.5610227

godspeed anon

>> No.5610325

Hey, I am going to kill myself as well. 0x2Ea693a4ebF4c962a07Db27d1DCF23C8eD080764

>> No.5610480

Can we straw poll this

>> No.5610815

so you lost around 20 grand. are you saying your life is only worth 20 grand ? pathetic, pick yourself up to make money you have to lose money.

>> No.5610985

Why not do this then