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56032837 No.56032837 [Reply] [Original]

It's a completely unwalkable dystopia on the decline where if you're not rich they'll let you die in the street and the youth have to go armed to school to protect themselves.

>> No.56032891

So you're saying I can invest in sociopaths and slave labour?

>> No.56032911
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The issue is with a detoriation of trust, consume, productivity and demand fall at the same time, first local deflation then county then state and finally federal. Welcome to the age of Anarchy and deflationary catspirals

>> No.56032921

>europoor seethe thread #7262627

>> No.56032932

kys obese third world mutt

>> No.56032949

ya dude black people moving into your neighborhood is why the country is declining /s

>> No.56032956

You thing you are going to get away? This phenomena is global, thanks to the 1993 started globalization under the hegemon lord Billy "suck on my cigar" Clinton his two treasury secretaries and his central Bank chair Alan "the wrinkles" Greenspan in friendly cooperation with Larry Fink, Mortimer Buckley, and the rest, selling out the future of the west to a communist shithole named China, that if one would have been versed in geopolitics and geoeconomy would have been see. Instantly as a crap shot

>> No.56032975

There are no black people and the relationship between property value and economic stability to ethnie is pretty obvious, not even a need for "unpolite" (((science))), common sense and observation is enough

>> No.56033001

yea im sure your fat ass is real into walking

>> No.56033196

Yeah that the problem. The fact that you can't sustain an existence like a 13 century peasant. Not the 3rd world invasion forever ruining the country. Not the 100% infection of every facet of the country by a race of rat faced parasites. No, that's fine. You can't walk from your hovel to your wage cage then walk back without it taking 2 hours.

>> No.56033235
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The only real reason to invest in burgerland rn has to be purely because elon lives there and every single one of his best inventions always gets there first. X.com? Token and page first found in usa. Cybertruck? those of us who bought it are going to get it first. You get the gist of it

>> No.56033333


>> No.56033343

Just came here to see what the quints were wasted on.

>> No.56033344

>Cybertruck? those of us who bought it are going to get it first. You get the gist of it
lmao you got scammed

>> No.56033351
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I have to recognize those quints.

>> No.56033371

I'm Australian and I currently think outside of my own country, NZ, and a few islands of stability like Switzerland and Iceland, that the US is one of the better countries to invest in right now. China seems to be going full retard, Europe's a stagnant piece of shit, Japan's... Japan, India's still way too poor and unstable, and most of the rest of the world is hardly worth talking about anymore.

>> No.56033389
File: 432 KB, 790x1988, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.56033420

how bad is the chinkification in oz/nz?

>> No.56034782
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>> No.56034799

excellent usage of quints
it's something we can all get behind
Lol indeed

>> No.56034826


Well wake me up when the housing market collapses. I'm not seeing that yet.

>> No.56034829
File: 315 KB, 762x381, TIMESAND___USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56034880

The US is generally a strong market. The problem with the country is that it is ONLY a market, there is not much else to the country. People have become these strange isolated bug people with headphones in who are scowling and never talk to anyone, especially young people for all we shit on boomers. Also the attitude of American women is cartoonishly bad in comparison to women from other countries. They are also much more fat.

>> No.56035499

Depends where you look at

>> No.56035547

>if you’re not rich you’re homeless
You’re retarded. Bums are all junkies with EBT cards they use to buy shit and trade for drugs at 50% value. This country is so socialist it’s not even funny anymore. Literally everything is free. Section 8 and “affordable housing” exist to destroy nice things and reward losers. You’re a faggot, a nigger, and a Semite.

>> No.56035824
File: 29 KB, 500x500, WhatsApp Image 2023-02-20 at 6.47.56 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm colombian and shorting XOR (Makoto my beloved) to eat my dude, and trust me, colombia is way more dangerous than your precious america

>> No.56035828

You have syrians and north africans lmao
European caliphate soon