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56031163 No.56031163 [Reply] [Original]

I have a friend who went to college and is now in 100K debt with a job that pays 40K/year. Are colleges still worth it at this point? Should one just go learn a trade?

>> No.56031224

Just work for 2.5 years and pay it all off. Why do people make such a big deal about these things.

>> No.56031549

just work in anything and job hop until u find what you want u don't even need to learn trade
u can also lie 100% and make shit like u have a degree, nobody checks, as long as u can do the job, fake it

>> No.56031558

i went to college and 5 years later i have a boring $100k/year accounting job.

>> No.56031763

100k with interest and probably a 10-20 year term will be at least 50-60k interest plus tip, maybe more. good luck paying 800-1000/mo on a 40k salary. after taxes thats about 28-30k net, subtract housing, food, rent, car and you will have 4-5k left over. good luck thanks for playing

>> No.56031805

>Dropped out of College at 20 with zero debt
>Got a govt job making 84k/yr
>Saved up 130k by 26

I honestly don't know how people are okay just paying back tens of thousands of dollars. Imagine what you could have done with that money, how much you could've invested and profited off it. I don't know how the average person sleeps knowing they owe that much money

>> No.56031912

Depends on the major. Most all engineering fields, finance, nursing, and operations research remain profitable.

The key is to use college as an opportunity to network and gain specialized job experience. I was a liberal arts fag and it was only helpful in that I needed a degree and certain courses/experience to get into grad school since my field doesn't have an undergrad equivalent and a degree is required.

>> No.56031925

is this a tech job? $84k sounds like GS-11 or so, which i can't imagine most people landing without a degree.

>> No.56033583

That’s cute and all but she can’t do her job while she’s pregnant (even in early stages) or exposure to chemicals can have her baby deformed, even loud noises can make it permanently deaf. Not to mention the physical work can make it born too early. Women of childbearing age should not go into the trades…

>> No.56033618

Why the fuck would you want to bring kids into this doomed fucking world?
Are you retarded? If I were a chick, I'd have my tubes tied at 22 and fuck guilt-free. Imagine even being a parent in 2023. What a selfish piece of shit you'd be.

>> No.56033625

College is not a meme. I lived with my parents and commuted to university and there was no room/board expenses. It costed like 40k for a 4 year and my parents paid it.. even if they hadn’t I lived with them even after uni so I could’ve paid it in 1 year and been done and gone on with my life. Nice thing is since nobody is ever gonna retire anymore, an office job is doable in your 70s.. yeaa tradie not so much

>> No.56033655

Because the gift of life the greatest gift anyone can receive? Life isn’t even that bad it’s not like we’re little rats hunted by dinosaurs anymore, humans have achieved apex predator status. Like in the past we were afraid of wolves coming and eating us while we slept, now we can sleep in peace in comfy beds. Idk what your problem is.

>> No.56033660

Just fyi this isn’t true at all for many many jobs

>> No.56033673

>humans have achieved apex predator status
Not over other humans.
If you're comfortable, it's because someone else is suffering. Eventually, they'll outnumber you and have enough power to do something about it in their favor.
Tick Tock, anon. Clock's a ticking.
I give it maybe to 2040, if you're lucky.

>> No.56033686

I probably consume less than I produce for society. I’ll admit there are people above me leeching off my work, and above me (welfare queens, immigrants getting welfare) but I highly doubt I am leeching off of anybody else. I just happen to be smarter and more productive than the majority of people.

>> No.56033708

Also the only one who is gonna be outnumbered eventually is you. I’m having kids and they’re having kids. You’re talking about tied tubes. Whatever.

>> No.56033719

You can’t reason with breeders anon they’ll always find a way to rationalize bringing suffering to the world

>> No.56033768

you sound like a complete piece of shit inside and out, unironically. you will not be missed.

>> No.56033909

lmao like you need nothing for living the 2.5 years