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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5602859 No.5602859 [Reply] [Original]

We can assume that most people making money off of crypto are either
>right wing (lumping in conservative, neo-conservative, 1488, nationalists, etc.)
With these people making money, we should assume that most will eventually take their gains and diversify their portfolio by tapping into the normie stock market, building companies, and getting into venture capital.
Once this happens, we will see an economy driven by libertarians and conservatives. No more Silicon Valley cucks pushing their California SJW nonsense.
Politicians funded by these men.
Women impregnated by these men.
Media owned by these men.
The future looks bright.

>> No.5602914

truly the best timeline

>> No.5602932

>something something I care about politics

>> No.5602981

I really fucking hope youre right anon.

Pick one


>> No.5603006
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MFW crypto makes capital flight and tax avoidance incredibly easy, bankrupts welfare state.

>> No.5603022

Why don't you care about politics?

Politics care about you, so you should care.

Unless you are a woman, if you are one, please keep avoiding politics, we don't need more lefties

>> No.5603040

>Literally a neo-nazi
cool, these are def. the people i want to represent me and my interests....

fuck outta here

>> No.5603091

With right-wing people being into crypto, we can safely assume that crypto is a form of rape.

>> No.5603110

Hitler was the greatest man to ever live.

>> No.5603129


>> No.5603131

Not to mention when the socialist hellhole regime fucks up the economy and inflates the fiat currency beyond imagination, crypto is still there to hold value and help you either pay for stuff or leave the country alltogether

>> No.5603232
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>> No.5603236

'right wing utopia'

bet you'll still never be within 1 foot of a woman without making her deeply uncomfortable

>> No.5603288

Damn threads like this makes me want to dump everything into Ripple

>> No.5603299

Strong and rich men attract women.

>> No.5603352

Sorry anon you're never gonna make it.

>> No.5603357
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Hitler was a SJW SOCIALIST

Lauren southern sets the record straight

>> No.5603389

>Not an entirely socialist concept

Full 1917 Tankie here, bring back daddy Stalin and Fidel so we can execute righties on the wall again.

>> No.5603475


I think she has evolved since then though.

>> No.5603531
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>Laura southern
Get out

>> No.5603570

Edgytarian reporting in to confirm

>> No.5603631

I wish comrade

>> No.5603699

Politics are a smokescreen. Shackles that keep you from thinking beyond.

>> No.5603723

*tips fedora*

>> No.5603774

Lefty here, I got in in 2013 and am comfy in 6-figures.

Yes, BTC was founded by some libertard, but meanwhile, most tokens are created by companies (which simply want to make money, not create some demented utopia) and lefties like the money skeleton.

>> No.5603837

>politics limit you...

...said the poor Russian farmer while being shipped to Siberia for trying to use his harvest for himself

>> No.5603870

I'm a leftist fuck and made millions in crypto from 2016 to now, fuck off

>> No.5603902

>still thinking that caring makes any real impact

>> No.5603980

If 4chan is the right and Rebbet is the left. I think crypto has a strong following on both sides of the isle.

However we do know liberals are notoriously bad with money, they likely panic sell and make up most of our gains.

So liberals will invest and get shit out of the other end wile conservatives become successful.

>> No.5604099

What a shame you're neither of those

>> No.5604156
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Based Commie

>> No.5604338

this but unironically

>> No.5604347

Commie here. EAT the RICH
Took me 3 years to make millions from the stupid rich fuck.

>> No.5604373

Dammit, don't use the word utopia. Leftists use that word as their end-goal scenario. It is defined as "an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect."

Literally an imaginary thing that can never be achieved

>> No.5604379

I dont understand this meme...whenever i bother to talk hard right wing politics with women, they make offended faces at first and 5 mins later they want to fuck...

>> No.5604529

I am snek, destroyer of parasites and communist authoritarians

>> No.5604673
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>he isn't a communist investing in crypto
Take the real redpill anytime

>> No.5604702

And for a liberal its the exact opposite. They see the bitch tits and skinny jeans and they want to fuck but 5 minutes after talking to one, they want to flee, thats when the rape happens.

>> No.5604719

good women are attracted to men who take responsibility for their own lives and thrive
If that means women who like gibsmedat street fiends wont go after me, I'm happy

>> No.5604901

I also think capitalism is inherently immoral, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try and do well for my time on earth, in the system I already live in

>> No.5604983

Liberal as fuck here with small business and invested into crypto.

>With these people making money, we should assume that most will eventually take their gains and diversify their portfolio by tapping into the normie stock market, building companies, and getting into venture capital.

Yeah i'm sure all the people on this board with their great knowledge outside cyrptos will do something positive with their money.

>> No.5605161
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I'll buy you a ticket to Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea. You don't have to live through this capitalist nightmare of abundant food and personal freedom, anon. /biz/ is here for you.

>> No.5605313

Ever find it odd that righties love talking about Venezuela but conveniently forget Uruguay exists?
I do

>> No.5605333

I hope somebody more moral and even more commie than you takes away everything you own because reasons


>> No.5605384

Hippity hoppity, imma steal your property

>> No.5605439

the only property of mine you can hope to get is in the form of supersonic jacketed lead projectiles, faggot

>> No.5605459

>Tfw you become the meme

>> No.5605502

Lol you don't think people in silicon Valley are investing in crypto and blockchain, the biggest tech revolution since the dawn of the internet??? Are you retarded?

>> No.5605530
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> crypto is the greatest wealth transfer in history
> mainly white money floods the price
> koreans and shitskins dump on whitey brainlets

White money is done, enjoy the communistic future

>> No.5605545

I think they are to busy tuning AI to delete conservative posts from youtube, twitter and facebook.

>> No.5605561

Daily Signals Daily GAINZ! Join now! https://discord.gg/ZHtnrdq

>> No.5605644


Enron made sure that the joke
would be on California.
I remember the conversation
I had with Ken.
At the end of it he says 'Well,
Dave, old buddy,
let me just tell you.
It doesn't matter really to us
what kooky rules you
Californians put in place.
I got a bunch of really
smart people down here
who will figure out how to
make money anyhow. '

but you noblemen go ahead and swerve

>> No.5605669
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This, Venezuela is trying to use crypto to avoid the US's economic imperialism and challenge the Wall St monopolies on the global market.

>> No.5605776

Seriously. It's like they haven't even looked at the tech people behind crypto and who the early investors were

Hint: It's not rednecks from Texas and Alabama

>> No.5605835
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>> No.5605882

many silicon valley tech sector workers are invested into crypto ya doof.

>> No.5605976

Actually, its rednecks from Texas and Alabama. Depends on how far back you wan to call early adopters though. I would say rednecks got in around 800s.

>> No.5606084

Hmmmm monopolies are counter productive, it blocks innovation. I don't see how being fidel blocks innovation. If you want to go for a better, more optimal partner you just break up with your current one. Am I missing something or this tweet is retarded ?

>> No.5606089

I love star wars

>> No.5606133
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>> No.5606143

Back to /pol/ with you retard. and go neck yourself while you're at it.

>> No.5606176

He's right. Look at countries like Japan that care more about culture than politics, this is a country that was run by the same political party for over 50 years. You're a barbaric short sighted uncultured niggers compared to them for letting your life be run by the ass of society that is politics

>> No.5606210

>crypto investors are conservative

Yeah maybe on fucking 4chan you autist

>> No.5606212

Rightwing Utopia?
Haha Haha Haha Haha Haha Haha Haha Haha
You forgot the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Wallstreet?

>> No.5606307

>being this ignorant

Attractive women (the few out there) aren't attracted to sjw lefties, anon.