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File: 11 KB, 237x212, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5602727 No.5602727 [Reply] [Original]

Now that you have financial freedom why not physical freedom anon?
- No need to pay rent
- Can go on adventures anywhere, anytime
- If you have a remote job, you can install 4G signal boosters and WFH on the beach.
- For me, surfing, snowboard and rockclimbing
- Embracing the sweet sweet beautiful bounty of nature

>> No.5602750

id rather buy a plot of land and build my own house, then grow/hunt my own food

>> No.5602798
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tell me this doesnt look sick

>> No.5602825

>not using your land plot as a docking station home base for your traveling home

>> No.5602897


>park van overnight
>get hassled by police

>> No.5602906
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 88ae3e9b702b61969846a0dbe33c5afb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5602936

Being homeless is not fun. I don't why the van people are trying to convince everyone that it is.

>> No.5603031

' Straya?

>> No.5603052
File: 66 KB, 640x360, luxury-rv-with-car-carrier-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious question - how does parking works with those things. Can you just stay on any generic paid/free parking overnight or you have to look for special places for mobile homes?

>> No.5603094

fuck off hippie

>> No.5603118


Tell me you didn't post 2 tiny fuckin pictures

>> No.5603127

If you have a Ford Transit, the largest cargo van, you can just freely park in residential neighborhoods because it looks like a utility vehicle. Worst case scenario, Walmart parking lot. Its all an adventure
If you want to be bougie and get a RV, you pay bougie prices to park in RV parks. I would not recommend that.

>> No.5603138

being a worthless faggot hippie that lives off welfare is disgusting

and don't act like you are not a lazy af mooch

>> No.5603179

you can park in most walmarts for up to three days, and most places its both legal and fine in the states

>> No.5603181
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more biz style

>> No.5603235
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lol, just got promoted at a tech based law firm. Made 6 figures in crypto and starting multiple businesses. totally a mooch.

I just have a different viewpoint on the meaning of life. Whats the point of working so hard if you dont enjoy it

>> No.5603245

I plan on it, but a used diesel short bus is my choice. Sprinter vans are cool but expensive and the used ones are usually owned by trades ppl who beat them to shit and want 2/3 of the price they bought it at with 200k miles.

Short buses are a lot cheaper, have lower typical mileage, can run on vegetable oil, have tons of windows, and you get good room and can stand up in them. Plus girls might think they're cute rather than a white windowless rapevan.

>> No.5603294

No toilet/shower and it’ll get cold as fuck in winter. I like central heating. Plus you can’t have kids in that you fucking gyppo.

>> No.5603309
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I can respect the more free flowing lifestyle but I want to settle down in one place but make it worth my while.

>> No.5603329

sure bud, 300K starting and math phd amirite?

even if you aren't larping 99% of the people that live like that are human garbage

>> No.5603380


>camping for 3 days on another's private property is legal.

unless this is some specific Wal-Mart policy, you're full of shit

>> No.5603394

portable compostable odorless toilets

westbasto portable air heater that drains a tiny amount of fuel from your tank. super comfy

>> No.5603422

This is my dream, anon. Don't want to make it a permanent thing and live out the rest of my days in a van, but I would love to float around the country for a few months at a time and see all the sights I've always wanted to visit, mostly national parks. Would be comfy as fuck.

>> No.5603459

sure, no need to believe me, doesnt really matter.
Just want to set people free. Society is just that, its an artificial set of agreements that humanity has set upon itself for the sake of progress and stability. Man is not meant to stare at a blue screen for 8 hrs a day

>> No.5603488

its a walmart specific policy, its actually really easy to be a grey nomad, most places really dont give a shit

>> No.5603527

not in denver. fuck denver.

>> No.5603530

>human garbage

>having you living expenses paid off
>not being a slave to jew morgages or rent
>spending more time outside
>not having tons of junk
>eating health
>traveling and actually enjoying life
>not getting raped by hotels when traveling

Sorry, but fuck off kike, you aint fooling anyone. As long as you aren't panhandling there is nothing wrong.

I plan on urban camping in nh and nyc

>> No.5603546

lifes for living my dude. follow your heart. you're only young once. dont live a life full of regret

>> No.5603571

If I make it to lambo land, I plan on hosteling around the world for at least a few years before settling down.
If I make it to bugatti land, I plan on getting in one of those EU citizenship-by-investment schemes and settling down in the Azores for maximum comfiness

>> No.5603622

People have integrated stand up and sitdown showrs inside and solar outdoor showers.

Ppl have used everything from woodstoves to induction heaters. Since it's small if you insulate it good u dont need much.

Also there is always ymca and planet fitness

>> No.5603643

>having kids

>> No.5603652

You obviously haven't met the semi rich people who do it with those expensive mercedes sprinter vans.

Tbf they are probably a minority.

>> No.5603654


>> No.5603665
File: 313 KB, 1600x1060, Kaya-Michael-Van-Life-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally true forgot to bring that up

>> No.5603719

normally the rich kids have a bus with a little satalite dish on it and leather seats, if you know RVs you know what im on about

>> No.5603768
File: 111 KB, 1080x810, Roadtrip-Travel-Inspiration-Upgrade-Volkswagon-Bus-Van.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw these hippies they look miserable

>> No.5603878
File: 1.77 MB, 2048x1365, GOUr79K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this in University next year.

--- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4K5ecelDzo&t=136s ---

>Will save a lot of money since I'll be working as well
>I'm going to be living in the lowest crime, most beautiful city in the country, roman architecture everywhere, green lush areas abide, lots of rivers, beautiful people city isn't multicultural.
>Will have a home gym and workout in the morning by the river, I'm on day 4 of the wim hof method and already endure 1 minute cold showers with ease.
>Will have kitchen, stove, little wood burner, big white bed, speaker, kayak, gym curl bars/rings, solar-panels, batteries all inside the van.

And the best part :

>Looking for zen/bhudist temples so I can spend my nights meditating and getting wisdom/making braingains with the monks vrakkk

Hold me brahs..

Also if you want to learn : https://www.reddit.com/r/vandwellers/

>> No.5603886
File: 38 KB, 480x360, camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thinking more along the lines of this.

i traveled around the country in a decent 37ft RV trailer with some friends. It was kind of a trip to see the disparity between people with nice things a shitty things in all the RV parks and campsites we stayed at. Like you'd frequenntly see a $800k RV parked next to the shittiest RV you've ever seen that has a family of 6 living inside of it.

>> No.5603952
File: 10 KB, 275x183, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect my man. godspeed. that sounds like a journey.
There is so much to see and learn in this world

>> No.5603961


Also no way I would do this for the rest of my life, I'm planning on maybe also doing it after Uni, like this google guy : https://frominsidethebox.com

Already planning a cross tour across europe to spend my summer in the north of italy, only problem is the fucking refugees I have to avoid, europe is like a minefield, at least germany and france.

This brah

>> No.5603985

I want a leyland olympian to stare down at plebs from

>> No.5603997


Also all the cryptogains I'll be able to make with my income.

Godspeed brah

>> No.5604040


>> No.5604061


Ugly ass van

Look at my guy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wksm1xI1Ms0 , last time I saw him he was rock climbing in the north of spain the madman

>> No.5604064

>freedom is the opposite of evolving.
theres got to be a 1% out there that doesnt have shit philosophy about off grid or nomad living.

>> No.5604130
File: 174 KB, 657x546, vanlifecyrussutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright then Plato whats your amazing philosophy. Please blow my brainlet mind

>> No.5604167

That faggot fucking chad could be smiling in a pile of shit and I'd still be kinda jealous. Post what rv people actually look like lmao they all look homeless and poor

>> No.5604200
File: 143 KB, 1080x1350, mavistheairstream-1497895246258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw that vid. looks dope. some people just dont get it.

I like this aesthetic as well

>> No.5604205
File: 35 KB, 960x313, bussen-hope-i-iran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a friend did this a few years back.
wealthy as fuck but split up with fiancee, went full on turbo hippy
bought a merc sprinter had me paint/draw over it
drove from London to the Himalayas
made a shit ton of contacts.
now has a Spice Import shop in Copenhagen i think
kek. found it
this guy

>> No.5604278
File: 3.11 MB, 2500x1666, img-7087-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of a similar layout but building some shoji paper japanese doors do make it more comfy.

>> No.5604357
File: 57 KB, 900x675, GB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>London to the Himalayas

Fucking respect man.

>made a shit ton of contacts.

Pic related should be required viewing for any teenager on how to best live your life.

To white for me

>> No.5604457


Also those spices look tasty as fuck

>> No.5604510

not shilling, but they are

>> No.5604588
File: 45 KB, 920x600, vanlife-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats awesome. there's always some type of market that can be created.

Just gotta find your niche

>> No.5604643
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, 2E650597-2D66-47C9-9DF4-20D026C44B3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delete this im still accumulating
And yea tech-nomad is the way to go

>> No.5604737

that guy knows what's up. fucking good cook
was manager of the groucho club for a time also before advising others how to run a business.
he went full on hippy though.

that van was sparse as fuck. zero mod cons.
shower was a bag on roof with a gardening hose

>> No.5604774

damn, he was committed hun.

>> No.5604825

where do you shower?

>> No.5604925
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 53c9b46790f488b8b0da2fa7176308dc--van-camping-van-living.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in the planning stages. I'm doing the whole conversion myself, got the electricity mapped out, roof rack, solar etc all planned. Now I just have to 3D model it before buying the van.
I plan on 24 hour gyms, friends and emergency portable shower attached to water tank in the van

>> No.5605152

Are you going yo convert it to full electric ? I saw a dude who conerted a vw samba full electric with huge solar panels on top, but I think it was like 10h of recharge for 150 miles

>> No.5605292
File: 43 KB, 564x376, qgx9q21mk9hy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw the electric is for DC and AC power. So i can have a wetsuit dryer, 50 in TV, PS4, charging station for laptops as well as a few other amenities.

>> No.5605312

Just a brotip. If you keep a woman like that in a van line that, she will fuck everybody and then eventually leave you.

>> No.5605344

btw, just google RV

>> No.5605406

Will, is that you?

>> No.5605409
File: 66 KB, 600x450, trailer park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes millions trading shitcoins
>Buys a trailler

>> No.5605429

I know a van guy that has 100k plus followers. Its one of those old VW ones. The truth is it rarely leaves his moms drive way. All he does is take local road trips and acts like he actually lives in the van lol. Ive been more places than him in the past year alone.

>> No.5605463

You are making a good little nest anon, but I don't know about the ps4, that seems like counterproductive.

>> No.5605475 [DELETED] 

pump and dump discord
50% gains
next pump soon! :)

>> No.5605483
File: 439 KB, 545x365, screen-shot-2017-10-21-at-11-58-28-am.png.size.xxlarge.promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly I believe in true love. I know for a fact any chick that I will invite on this journey will be with me thick and thin.

My standards are pretty high so I'm not really concerned about that. no thots. seriously.

>> No.5605513
File: 129 KB, 735x625, india-space-program-ufo-shit-in-space-comic-trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prajesh be gone

>> No.5605520

i know 2 of these fuckers.
buy a VW and show it off in the summer.
1 has a surf board but never surfs
1 converted it to a coffee shop wank machine

>> No.5605526

what even is this picture

>> No.5605568
File: 322 KB, 600x400, SoulCamper-26-mxg0vxnwxph7z6mkof9ef7bryy6fpotrb2r05x2aao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically, there's not going to be adventures every day. There are going to be nights where I just wanna chill. Thats where the 700AH AGM Deep Cycle batteries will come into play. 5 days of power baybee!

>> No.5605622

he actually has a decent girl. Its a good way to get good pussy cause the girl will date you just to get your followers.

>> No.5605623
File: 836 KB, 940x627, DSC00610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao flexin for the gram

>> No.5605629

good luck anon, not for me. But you seem like the kinda guy I'd meet snowboarding and go for some runs with

>> No.5605630

>living the dream
>living in a walmart parking lot
Only one of these is a reality

>> No.5605636
File: 172 KB, 800x800, Illuminati-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't use fiat
>won't get a mortgage
Why won't these neets fall for our plan?

>> No.5605734

Kek im laughing my ass off that guy who thinks its nice to stay on walmart parking lots

>> No.5605744

this isn't Reddit hun
the fuck you spouting on a\bout?

>> No.5606011

Probably instagram. Once you have money you can live the good life and have suckers pay for it all. Just get those followers

>> No.5606019
File: 1.01 MB, 653x600, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bro, those are the girls you DONT want. Nice wholesome kindhearted girls is where its at

>> No.5606055


>implying those aren't models
>implying that isn't staged

>> No.5606092

lol keep thinking a unicorn exists while jerking to cuckporn.

>> No.5606113

How expensive would it be to pull this off? I'm sick of staring at screens all day

>> No.5606162

Want financial freedom? Get a Lambo or buy a wife? Wait no more! GET IN https://discord.gg/ZHtnrdq

>> No.5606192

Sigh, you kids aren't thinking bigger.
Fuck a shitty stinky ass van, get a boat on the coast of california.

> same cost
> way more space
> don't have to shit or shower in public places
> most marinas have facilities included, like gym
> can surf or travel the coast or hitup islands

Not a sailboat either, bitch. A power boat. 40ft

>> No.5606236
File: 154 KB, 1000x667, vanlife-couple-spain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey friendo. this world is a massive place. THink about how many pole walk by you on the street each day, each with their own life tapestry, history dreams, aspirations and goals

just because something isnt real for you doesnt mean its not real for other people ;)

>> No.5606257

wow I can smell them from my computer screen

>> No.5606376
File: 615 KB, 1080x720, Van_Me-and-Jann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can choose to stay bitter or you can choose to be happy and thankful for what you have and just how beautiful life is. your choice

>> No.5606446
File: 9 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you are the best thing /biz board seen this year,
>keep on dreaming don't let dead inside faggots on here question your decisions

>> No.5606464
File: 27 KB, 600x600, eddie-murphy-if.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taxman can't audit you if you literally have no home address, job, bank account, or bills.

>> No.5606498

He's probably an aussie they have slow internet.

>> No.5606503
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>> No.5606529
File: 281 KB, 800x800, MDRUM_Van_Life_Luxury-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright bois. I'm out. hope all of youse can find true happiness one day. live your life and be free. peace

>> No.5606541

This. Why convert a van when an rv has a kitchen/shower/shitter already?

>> No.5606566
File: 131 KB, 1242x1099, 9F0BFBCE-3AC8-4333-B22A-A5B3EFC84C49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello police I would like to report a theft
>what was stolen
>my house

>> No.5606588
File: 231 KB, 960x960, tumblr_onmzihwNNv1vih7pio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon. we're all gonna make it

>> No.5606615

hahahaha and how do you cash out without a bank account, dummy? YOU NEED THE BANKERS

>> No.5606626
File: 32 KB, 400x400, bCps4HFV_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing $20 RV parking to monthly marina fees, license fees and harbor maintenance fee on the cost of 40ft power boat.

niga seems like you never owned a boat in california

>> No.5606630

>Please buy my van bags
>t. Pajeet

>> No.5606673

where is trucker+doggo dgb trader anon.
wish he would clear it up

>> No.5606684

Great idea OP.

thank you

>> No.5606695

If you use your financial independence to stay in the US...
Well, then it's your fucking fault

>> No.5606705

clearly you haven't either, as there is no license to own or operate a boat. Marina fees for a 40ft would be around $800/mo, includes water electric and usually cable, use of all the marina amenities. But is also completely optional, as you can hook up to a moor and anchor out, and take a dingy to the shoreline for practically free.

>> No.5606744

blackwater tanks are nasty and good rvs are expensive and are still made with nothing but fiberglass, plastic, and particle board.

Also they aren't discrete, only options would be walmart or campgrounds.

>> No.5606792

>what is btc atms
>what is real life in person crypto exchange meetups
>what is local btcs.

>> No.5606853


my mommies house

>> No.5606868

>license fees such registration, insurance etc
>you will not find $800/mo for 40ft in California
>cost of ownership of 30ft in monthly expenses around 1k-1.2k monthly here

>> No.5606892


Rvs are for old boomers who lack sense of aesthetics, you won't find me dead in one of those, they're like walking commie blocks.

>> No.5606945


>> No.5606980
File: 51 KB, 575x390, f6f278f12134633cd518c4d441f982b2--retro-bus-retro-campers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5606991


say what...?

>> No.5607115
File: 59 KB, 500x667, d681a7dad4b15d4a5413f99d9cf4af83--school-bus-conversion-skoolie-conversion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5607161

>building a deck around a tree

Going to be a stump in about 2 years

>> No.5607194
File: 105 KB, 721x1282, 74e333a78f14696ebaa3b8af316870dc--school-bus-house-school-buses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5607289
File: 88 KB, 736x589, f5918921855de6514e98e9615d26e574--school-bus-rv-school-bus-conversion (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5607356

>24 hr gyms.

THIS. You literally can have clean shower and toilet for less than $30 rent per month. The rest of your money on fuel for your van.

I did this for 2 years: parked my van at the company I worked for overnight.. company ran 3 shifts and I was an engineer just out of college.... parking lot was gated and secure to... had a P.O. box for my mail and in some cases had mail directly forwarded to me at the company mail-room.

Ate mostly canned tuna, salads, and did stirfry on a hot plate once a week. Also bbqed at the local park.

I saved A TON of money. Took me about $600 of initial investment to make the van comfortable.

>> No.5607358
File: 977 KB, 957x545, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last post. These 2 dudes are my inspirations. Vans could be better but they got the right mindset


>> No.5607442

This post seriously. Make the bank in crypto, and then buy yourself a nice van. Deck it out like OP pic, and travel around. You can live in the Wal-Mart parking lots for free across the entire country (they actively encourage anyone to live in their parking lots in RVs and shit - check their website and look at your local walmart).

Life is easy if you're just a little bit intelligent and take risks.

>> No.5607688

I get that they're more discrete but most vans aren't aesthetic in any way.

>> No.5607741

whats the shower situation like?

>> No.5608170

Oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.5608269

> being so faceblind you can't recognize forced smiles

>> No.5608332

plastic bag on roof with spray attachments hippie
all you need.

>> No.5608452
File: 84 KB, 736x736, 4f49b604b187fb1f7b8e545481008999--awesome-showers-shower-set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

build one

keep on hating. youre gong find a girl that matches to who you are as a person, so keep that in mind. most people wont find love, but its out there

>> No.5608548

Lol’d irl during my wagecuck lunch break.

>> No.5608589

> youre gong find a girl that matches to who you are as a person
Bingo. And you don't yet understand who and what you are as a person.
Good luck.

>> No.5608646

Do you have any idea how how much it costs to even dock your boat in Orange County or anywhere else in California?

>> No.5608729
File: 1.04 MB, 3840x2160, yap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yapluka 72
i'm gonna slap a big xrb logo on the side i think.

>> No.5608740

I'm finding out who I am everyday, theres always more to explore no matter if you even the Dali Lama. I have a pretty solid grasp of myself, but I can always get better

alright so whats your viewpoint then? Girls cant be trusted? Love doesn't exist? Please elaborate. Im curious

>> No.5608854

Not trying to shill or spam links but this crypto discord group is hella good. Ive made some solid returns. We collectively actually make decent profit check it out if you want: https://discord.gg/87nFsbA

>> No.5608900
File: 1.07 MB, 1226x854, Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 3.08.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's with this asian QT.

>> No.5608930

You would reject my viewpoint if I took the time to carefully explain it.
It is better for you to remain the way you are.
Keep finding things out Mr. Dalai Lama!

>> No.5608949


>> No.5609055

I'm open minded and I love to learn other viewpoints.

Bring it on. Being mentally pliable is how you grow as a person. I'm not tied to any particular philosophy.

>> No.5609083

sprinter 4x4 is the only legit option for me.
Good MPG, but will also be able to get to the alpine locations where I love to ski.

Though I wouldn't add the retarded outrigger shit it would have to be full stealth.

>> No.5609150

She admitted she doesn't always sleep in her van. She also doesnt travel alone shes with her boyfriend or something like that.

She also uses her parents address for most communication reasons.

>> No.5609239

Fuck the banks!

>> No.5609480

>can’t have kids
Nice, just bought 100k.

>> No.5609498
File: 140 KB, 680x680, 1426781669890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She admitted she doesn't always sleep in her van.

Well... that's to be expected.

>She also doesnt travel alone shes with her boyfriend or something like that.


>> No.5609562

Lmao, that girl would rather be in a plane or some shit. Like chilling on the miami beach, then flying over to cali beaches, then to nyc rooftops. Not this van bullshit.

>> No.5609618


>cashing out

Spotted the normie. I bet you hold ripple, faggot.

I will hold my crypto until the banks cash it out from me.

>> No.5609766
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a cuck if you want to live in a van. Just put down a mortgage on a house and rent it out. Then you can travel by luxury SUV like a full Cadillac Escalade when you have the money(this is biz of course, how are you not getting rich through this shit).

If you want to keep a girl in your van, you have to be a sex god.

>> No.5610419
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>living in a tiny box
>no kids
>stink like shit
>get murdered by a nigger at night

Good go- I mean guy.

>> No.5610478
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>buying anything with wheels made in America
>buying an Escalade of all things

>> No.5610569


>> No.5610637

>Now that you have financial freedom


>> No.5610683

I'm reading this thread from my van here in Colorado, I bought this thing to ski bum in Breckenridge but I'm chilling before I make my way up there. Based on a quick glance of this thread no one has any idea what it's like

>> No.5610716

Whats it like? Im going to embark on 6 months. Super excited

>> No.5610756

Maybe not an Escalade, but a Suburban or full RV bus driven by a chauffeur.

>> No.5610782

ur a neet who needs to get a job

>> No.5610845
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beach showers

>> No.5610849

I'm thinking this too.
Posting from Starbucks while I'm studying to get a god damn job during my last year in uni. I sleep in my suburban.

A lot of people (who don't do it) seem to think sleeping in your car is so great and adventurous until you actually do it for a while and then it's bullshit. And no. You're not getting girls into your car/van/whatever unless you are a model and hung like a horse. Then they're still generally not coming into your car but they're inviting you to stay at their place.

>> No.5610888
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>> No.5610919

Make sure you do a small trip to make sure you like it and that your Van has what you need. I did mine over the summer to a quick trip to Wyoming for the summer eclipse with a couple of friends.

The best feeling in the word was sitting down in a restaurant and deciding we wanted to go to South Dakota/Mt. Rushmore and so we did. From then on I realized just how enjoyable freedom can be.

For the van, make sure you are organized and know your van. I drive an old Vanagon so I knew coming into this trip something would break down. In the end it was the alternator, a NAPA store wanted to charge me $300 to get it fixed but I searched VW repairs and found a guy that'd do it for $160. I probably would've paid the $300 if I didn't know how easy it is to do in my van.

>> No.5610928

If you get a suburban you'll be in for like 15 mpg. But it's overall pretty good. Blends in well too because it's not a van, nor an RV. Just a "normal car" but you're able to sleep in with a TON of room. I put in ARB fridge in mine. Suburbans have a power plug at the back so you can just plug it in and have reliable food storage.

>> No.5610936
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>> No.5611023
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>> No.5611065
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>> No.5611075



just b urself

>> No.5611109

What part of the country you in bro? Also I'm a junior in college studying so I can relate with the ignorant peers, I'm not paying $200/day to sleep in a nice hotel in Telluride when I'll be skiing outside not in there.

Not sure about the girls thing, I was gonna download Tinder here and see how the scene is. my van is like a "cute"/"hipster" VW so I feel like they won't be grossed out, my friends back home think it's entertaining at least.

>> No.5611228

more like /ant/ style

>> No.5611385

>showering in the first place

You realize that cleaning removes your natural phereomones, and on top of that most shampoos, soaps, and conditioners have xenoestorgens in them?

It was rough the first month I decided to not bathe. I smelt like complete shit. However as soon as my body was rid of the toxins I felt a surge of testosterone.

Immediately, I noticed other males scowling at me, almost jealous and intimidated by my overwhelming aromatic masculinity. Girls flock to me now and want to know what keeps me smelling manly and my hair smooth and moist.

>> No.5611450

I'm currently in Las Vegas, but live in Utah. Utah was too cold so I drove south for winter break.

>> No.5611572

What's Las Vegas like? I've heard good things about Reno especially nature-wise but have only heard people talk about "Sin City" Las Vegas

>> No.5611573

I use my financial freedom to be a professional racist and promote white identity and counter-semitism. I'd get bored and feel suffocated if I just retreated from the world.

>> No.5611643

For sure. This is OP on a phone I'm doing it right though. I got a Ford Transit high top extended wheel base. There's going to be solar., batteries as well as a50 in TV. I also am going to put a top notch memory foam bed in there.

I'm mostly excited for the freedom

>> No.5611832

Create a legacy. Create a family. Help people. Changing your view won't change the existential rot inside you.

>> No.5611847
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No Delica love?
>four wheel drive
>pop top bed
>easy to parallel park
>looks sick as fuck
>normies will be impressed that its right-side drive

>> No.5611868

Disney land. I don't like it. I'm not in a mood for going out and socializing though so my opinion probably isn't the best for this right now. If you have money to burn then at least the city has fantastic eating options, but they're out of my price range for right now. There's mostly tacky stuff and casinos, women nearly naked in public, but they're old or ugly. American sin city is kind of shitty in my opinion. At least from what I've seen so far. Go to Bangkok or something and you'll find much better sin stuff.

>> No.5611910

vancouver poster detected

>> No.5611935
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Until you get out on the road, you don't realize how badly 4wd + suspension is needed.

Real freedom is posting up in public lands with a water filter, rifle & hippie babe wife.

>> No.5612033
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I'm from the midwest, and never saw one in my life until I visited Portland. Something about the Pacific Northwest I guess?

>> No.5612139


>> No.5612167

>Made in America
My Tesla says fuck off pleb

>> No.5612221

I saw one in Utah once. Thought it was cute because
>little Japanese van
But then I got back in my Suburban and realized how much better overall the Suburban is lol.
>more room
>more power
>reputation for reliability
>cheaper parts if needed or for maintenance
The heater is godly too. Middle of winter I'll start sweating if it's on full blast and the windows are up.

>> No.5612277

I slept at walmarts a few times during a long roadtrip this summer and it was comfy as fuck. Nothing makes you appreciate late capitalism more than waking up and having 9000 options for breakfast.

>> No.5612541

More room & cheaper parts is a plus. The Delica also runs on Diesel and I'm not sure if every city gas station would have that.

Thing is, it's 100% a trophy car... basically my hipster/hippie version of getting a lambo w/ crypto earnings. I'm ready to pathetically sink my savings into upkeep, waxing it with a diaper like Cameron's dad from Ferris Bueller.