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56027253 No.56027253 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't anyone sounding off about this? If these ridiculous new tax rules are voted in with these massive spending bills then using defi protocols and certain wallets would effectively be banned with a punishable offense in the US if they don't comply with severe new KYC & reporting requirements. This is arguably way worse than then what this admin tried to do with crypto in the infrastructure bill a couple years ago.

>> No.56027335

What types of wallets would be banned?

>> No.56027347

I don’t know what you’re talking about anon. A wild pack of niggers stole my ledger nano x so I have nothing to report

>> No.56027348

>make 500 wallets
>all of them hold .2% your value
Wow that was hard, sorry fednigger I only have 5k crypto

>> No.56027373

Anything that has the ability to swap crypto to crypto/stables, or purchase crypto with fiat would be classified as a broker, thus subject to rigorous new reporting rules to the IRS or be forced out. Metamask and Exodus wallet are an example. They're trying to force non custodial wallets and swap sites to KYC so they can trace every transaction to get their cut like they do with exchanges. They also want to lower the report threshold again from 10k to like 250 bucks.

>> No.56027383

((((they)))) won't stop until Crypto is fully banned.

Btw you should worry more about CBCDs my niggas. How the fuck will anyone buy crypto and evade anything once cash is gone and you ONLY can use money directly from (((central banks))))

>> No.56027391

Woah that's scary, just sold everything thank you fednigger

>> No.56027423

Cbdc isn't happening in the US but possibly Europe.

>> No.56027437
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You're delusional and naive my guy... CBDCs WILL happen throughout almost the entire world.
I can see japan and parts of asia not adopting CBDCs (cause japan works with cash like crazy everywhere) , but in Canada, US, Europe and even Africa most people dont even carry cash anymore.

So the adoption will come and you cannot stop it.
Maybe time to go to Senegal or Ecuador

>> No.56027560

they dont even care they just want to break crypto. my bank just stopped crypto purchases and its all worthless anyway. everyones reporting losses and they want to impose "taxes" on massive losses. its just tactics at this point. fed hates crypto. idc if a ledger is hanging in the obama library.

>> No.56027573

Unenforcable, DeFi will just ban mutts but they can still access it via VPN then just wash via XMR. Regulation is a meme.

>> No.56027627

>2 more weeks because....BECAUSE IT JUST WILL. OK??!?

>> No.56027663

>no argument
Concession accepted

>> No.56027718

The point is to make way for ONLY institutionalized KYC custodianship by the time a CBDC is ready to be rolled out when normies get more acclimated to using digital payments as fiat continues to fail. The other front is where the likes of Blackrock et al push for the commercialization & centralization (entrapment) of Bitcoin trading/ownership like they did with trading paper gold vs physical gold. They know they can't outright ban and fight crypto so they're going to first contain them control it over time. It's a long chess game of encirclement against the cattle.

>> No.56027738 [DELETED] 

They have to nip decentralized finance in the bud before it gets too difficult to enforce blanket KYC with state controlled digital currencies. Doing that through tax regulations is way easier than an outright ban or strong arming legislation because 99.99% will comply over being threatened with a felony over tax crimes.

>> No.56027757

Vote Desantis if you do not want this. Trump is pro-this shit.

>> No.56027783

There's no chance in hell he gets the nomination.

>> No.56027815
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Nice fud glownigger

>> No.56027823

>99% of crypto transactions are made on CEX
>CEX requires KYC info.

It's been a decade since crypto isn't tax free, nor anonymous for that matter.

>> No.56027826

It's being stuffed into a Defense bill, it's going to pass at some point.

>> No.56027896

They can't ban p2p. Why are you retards overreacting and why are amerimutts so afraid of p2p? Its almost like you faggots don't understand what crypto was made for.

>> No.56027964

what? that in life there are only two absolutes: death and taxes?

>> No.56028105

>dude just renounce your U.S. citizenship and never see your family or friends again because you don’t want to pay taxes on your $300k pregnantbuttinu investment
But yes it’s fucked. Proles are not allowed to get rich.

>> No.56028116
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Luckily for everyone here, you don't have to report losses if you never turn a profit.
Checkmate, Feds.

>> No.56028195

>expects an argument for his LE CRYPTO TAXES posting
Kill yourself and then go back