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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56027206 No.56027206 [Reply] [Original]

Like 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the next generation, with 90% losing it the generation after that.


>> No.56027241
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parent spends so much time making money they don't have time to spend with their kids, much less teach them how to effectively make money. so the kid ends up either resentful or financially inept, or both, along with being entitled and lazy because they grew up amid wealth.

>> No.56027276

Its like hitting the lottery twice. You are making the assumption that the child has the same circumstances as the parent, and that time has stopped since the parent became successful. Add on top of that the fact the child likely had a financially comfortable and complacent upbringing. A kid getting handed a $60k car in high school is not going to have the same grit as someone who had to work for a $5k beater.

What you ultimately end up with is a kid who can afford to take risks and have a lot of cushion, but a lot of the time they aren't hungry enough or they are not opportunistic enough. Very easy to see how the money is lost as a lot of these kids either inherit their money or completely burn out.

>> No.56027282

There's also a 50% chance that an heir will be a woman so odds really aren't good for retaining wealth.
Just imagine if families held onto wealth over many generations, that would be a terrifying amount of power no? Glad that hasn't happened.

>> No.56027301

Most White wealth throughout history was lost due to various wars/revolutions and depressions.

In the modern day boomers squander their wealth away on expensive vacations, trucks, muscle cars, rv/campers, boats, etc. Not even comparable. Boomers are absolute subhumans

>> No.56027307

too many heirs for the amount of money, they didn't earn it so they don't value it. gotta buy stuff

>> No.56027325

it gets lost because most wealthy people in the world are newly wealthy and there's a difference between making and preserving wealth

making millions is easy, keeping it over 2+ generations is difficult

>> No.56027336


>> No.56027356


>> No.56027376

Also this. Slap on divorce settlements, multiple heirs, taxes, and medical bills and its all gone very quickly.

>> No.56027451

this. People born in excess never appreciate the value of money. I myself was an example. I should of gotten rich a long time ago.

>> No.56027456

Nami is a draw boys >>56027263

>> No.56027465

well I'm born into decent wealth (father $10m+ old af 67) and I've been gifted about $500k so far and he's made it clear that he intends to leave it all to me.

The 500k consists of an apartment and $100k in index funds. This has not made me splurge on random shit, simply because I am a loser who has nothing to spend it on :(

>> No.56027509
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power is shared by people, not by generations
it's more than assured that not all your offspring will want to continue with your shit even if you die, i mean, i don't think my grandchildren will want to keep playing duck race even if it pays for their college

>> No.56027623

Back in the day wealth was mostly land-based and dividing it amongst 10 kids diluted the fuck out of it.

Today, people have way less kids, but it's much more liquid. So eventually someone makes a dumb investment decision and it's gone instantly.

That's why even though your great-great-grand-pappy invented the spork you have wageslave at Walmart.

>> No.56027639

Humans learn to auto-regulate their spending to last around a lifetime regardless of amount. If you grow up in a family with 80 billion dollars, you will learn to spend 1 billion dollars a year so that you will run out by the time you're dead, unless you can earn more (and many can't/won't).

>> No.56027702

women is the answer. as some anon pointed out already, if you have a daughter she will gift all the money to save dolphins or give it the drug addict chad to become a succesful musician.

having a son isnt very safe aswell. having a faggot son is the same as having a daughter but without grandkids.
now all depends how stupid your son is. look at hunter biden. it comes down to what is he willing to spend on to get laid.

>> No.56027735
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>> No.56027776

you dont maintain generational wealth by giving it to kids, you set up a trust that physically can't run down in that lifetime and hand operational control to your eldest son

>> No.56027851

To maintain a level of wealth you need to earn at least as much as you spend.
The decendance of rich people often spend more than they earn and hence eventually go broke.

>> No.56027862

How do I maintain my generational wealth if I don't have a wife and children or any other family?

>> No.56028051

Pay a woman to carry your son.
Then raise your son, you wouldn't want to adot, then Tyrone's kid will become a kang.

>> No.56028068
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I want to fuck that Namicat.

>> No.56028092

/biz/ is a loli board, don't post big-tittied girls here.

>> No.56028103

delusion, inheritance tax, financial incompetence, not valuing it because you didn't earn it (taking it for granted - seems to be human nature), excessive risk taking. Divorce as well, crazy ass women are a threat to any family business.

>> No.56029171

In a case that i have heard of is the wealth wasn’t being actively used (land) so the gov confiscated it with no compensation in any way. If not in the region of billions multi millions.

>> No.56029205

division between many heirs
inflation (which is a stealth tax)

>> No.56029212

Mostly because a lot of wealth is just a fluke or one smart person. Even if you were born in a trailer trash family there is a small chance you could be some genius who gets lucky or something.

But these people do not have the instincts of nobles/aristocrats its not culturally ingrained

>> No.56029220

There's an insane difference between being a one person outlier and a family of Elites.

>> No.56029581

retarded parents make retarded kids, they "invest" and lose everything, or simply waste it