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File: 421 KB, 750x914, 8604D394-92FB-4E65-A998-7DF526C6FBBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56023644 No.56023644 [Reply] [Original]

What in the everloving fucking does this have to do with link?

>> No.56023650

This is his personal account retard

>> No.56023651

Was this posted from Link's official account?

>> No.56023718

Right, people follow him for any other reason than link info.

>> No.56023749

that's the account he uses 90% for reposting Link buzzwords.

he is so fucking cringe he thinks has a big enough audience to make these "announcements". A whopping 2 people commented.

I won't lie this guy has an amazing setup. Would love to know what they pay him for this "work". His lowest imo was tweeting the word "oracles"... That's him doing "PR" for his company.

>> No.56023750

he's such a midwit retard weirdo, it's embarrassing
only still around because he's one of the "original 10"
needs to get adelyn'd asap

>> No.56023759

Chris Barrett is a human verucca.

>> No.56023771

also, Smashmouth fucking sucked. LMFAO about talking about them as some kind of creative geniuses for yelling HEY NOW YOURE AN ALLSTAR hahhahahahahahah

>> No.56023789

Why do people care about the smash mouth guy. Did he have kids he left behind or something? What did he do of merit? Or just another mediocre “talent” who got lucky then hoarded wealth which could have been used to help people?

>> No.56023858

Allstar is a 2000's classic anon.

>> No.56023889

I honestly doubt he even wrote that. Seems chat-gpt as fuck.

>> No.56023898

It’s a terrible song. Just radio filler garbage. What did he actually contribute that anyone cares about?

>> No.56023928

Imagine if he posted a jimmy buffet obituary. You guys can’t properly see how dumb this is because you saw shrek as a child.

>> No.56024039
File: 66 KB, 640x393, 1692995135516351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He owns 2% of LINK supply. One of the first employees

>> No.56024100

how the fuck did he get in with the team so early seriously? Like what did he bring to the table? Typically your early people are more on the technical side and you can tell this dude doesn't know shit about crypto. He's gotta be someone's family member or something

>> No.56024213

What coins did Steve Harwell hold?

>> No.56024227

There's more to life than Chainlink, dude. Touch grass ffs

>> No.56024274

I genuinely like Astro Lounge

>> No.56024320

I just got back from a week long vacation where I didn’t check Twitter or biz at all. I’m literally laying in bed relaxing and looking at my phone.

>> No.56024376

Smashmouth are awful. This honestly makes me want to sell my LINK

>> No.56025144

>w-well i uh... i just came back from a holiday and m-my first reaction was to give an update on random crypto twitter posts
lol no
you're a low iq faggot who sits on biz day in, day out, posting fud because you thought your real life was going to begin after you discovered link in 2021 and aped in with the expectations of a retarded moonboy
and now you're trying to get a bunch of white people to sell while 50x up because you assume everyone else is actually down on their investments
it's kind of pathetic and you really should just kill yourself, there would be more dignity in it

>> No.56025152

What kind of tribute is that? It's like a fucking wikipedia entry. Is this guy actually meming on his death lol?

>> No.56025172

>bro I only listened to underground freemasonic tunes fuck da mainstream tunes bro

>> No.56025221

People can follow him for whatever reason they want. This is his personal account and it doesn't claim to represent the company. The Chainlink account is professional and not Tweeting anything like this.

>> No.56025252

Nope. I was in Acadia National park camping and biking for an entire week.

>> No.56025306
File: 66 KB, 1350x511, hurrrdurrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"w-well uh... fuck he called me out"
>"i better try to elaborate on my larp"
>"ummm... i'll say i was camping and biking? what parks are good for that? ive never been in nature before so uh..."
>*does a google search*
>*literally just picks the first result he sees*

>> No.56025472

Hahahahahah what a fucking moron
Whats the point of making these threads and lying to people all day?
The board is basically dead at this point, and even when it had more posters it didnt affect the price anyway - so can you tell us which retards actually pay you for your completely redundant "work?"

>> No.56025502

>comes back from a week camping and exercise in beautiful mother nature, feeling refreshed, reconnected and whole
>first thing he does is start seething about some private post by some random twitter faggot who works for chainlink or some shit
I'd say you need another week or two out in the woods, bro.

>> No.56025519
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>> No.56025533
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holy fuck kek

>> No.56026003
File: 537 KB, 750x741, E0C85AEB-C20A-4DE2-91A8-F1B8255DF323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve found him annoying for a while now

>> No.56026037

>pls b-believe me sirs
you should uh.... *checks google*
visit Glacier National Park next! lmao

>> No.56026048

That’s the auto geotagging on my phone
You guys are retarded

>> No.56026053

>gets caught out literally lying about going outside and touching grass
>calls other people retarded
yeah just go ahead and kill yourself
there would be more dignity in it
bonus points if you actually do it outside

>> No.56026054

the more important question is why you came back from such a nice trip to immediately start seething about some random twitter fag that you have made a conscious choice to pay attention to?
Don't you have that post-nature sense of peace and happiness going on at the moment?

>> No.56026056

Lmao this fuddie was on vacation, hahaha sure sure. So funny

>> No.56026134

>Disappears for a while and then comes back when someone points out that he's obviously lying despite being pretty active before that
>Muh geotags?
You mean the thing you can fake by literally just going into photo -info and then using -adjust?
If I were you I would just abandon the thread out of embarrassment. You're clearly too stupid to tell a basic lie, let alone gaslight people into selling an investment.

>> No.56026283

link holders can't afford to enjoy life, have pity on them and let them have this. just say "oh no, you got me, i give up", like you would to a child when playing tag. it will brighten their day, you'll see

>> No.56026334

>"d-don't worry bro, sure you got caught lying about going outside but the people who noticed are actually the losers" - ESL subhuman trying to run damage control

>> No.56026389
File: 989 KB, 3000x1687, jimmybuffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the fact he posted this loser over the king Jimmy Buffett is the most bearish thing of his recent charades.

>> No.56026390

Kek the ABSOLUTE state of fuddies

>> No.56026412
File: 708 KB, 907x909, 1679410759549240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Chris Barrett, and I hate each and every single one of you. As the Head of PR for Chainlink Labs, my job is to destroy Sergey’s image amongst OG token holders to the point that you all sell. Using my Rules for Radicals Communist training, I carefully instruct Sergey to behave in the most destructive ways possible to cause maximum animosity. Do I do it deliberately or am I simply following my idealistic, Marxist programming? It hardly matters when I get the desired outcome of Sergey looking like an out-of-touch fool, and you problematic linkies parting with your tokens. Telling Sergey not to address developer or community concerns about the failed promise of CCIP releasing in 2022, yep, that was my idea, and it worked perfectly. Next I told him the best way to fix the disgruntled sentiment amongst the community was to go on a “community” podcast to talk about memes from 5 years ago. I set Sergey up with our two most public employees, whose jobs are to pose as members of the community, and instructed them to tell people to sell their tokens afterwards. Sergey has spent so much time away from the community he didn’t even question if this was a good idea. Make sure to be on the look out for Sergey’s next public appearance. And don’t forget to sell your tokens when he looks like he doesn’t know what he’s doing. My girlfriend’s bulls don’t cum for free.

>> No.56026416

>brown eyes
So glad God gave me green eyes

>> No.56026427
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Thanks for the honesty Chris

>> No.56026481

Hahahahahahahaha look how wound up link cucks are

>noooooooooo you have to wait “x” amount of days after vacation before you post

Why do you fags always try to make board rules? Is it because you have zero control over getting scammed

You have no power
You have no life
YOU pay for Chris Barrett to take shits on your face

>> No.56026493

Such a gay ass strawman. There were tons of good bands pre 90s that were all mainstream. So much better than all the absolute shit after then. Smashmouth is fucking beyond awful

>> No.56026501

Bro this is strong projection. Dont act like youre not here every day “policing” threads

>> No.56026555

Bro let me give you some unsolicited advice. Dont ever explain yourself to someone whos coming at you. If you give these faggot an inch, they pile on hyenas.

Link boyscouts only understand one thing, and that is relentless humiliation. You have to keep coming at them. Why do you think theyre so loyal to big Serg? Because he walks in the room, whips them, lines them up and shits in their mouths. And what do they do…praise him and beg for more.

These are not normal people, they are degenerate cuckolds whos entire lives revolve around a revenge fantasy that never comes. They spend a lot of time alone isolated from society. They have imaginary brown enemies in obscure countries they couldnt even point out on a map. This is bottom of the barrel of society.

Keep that in mind for your future dealings and never under any circumstances explain yourself

>> No.56026623
File: 227 KB, 516x546, E8F2ED6A-B21C-432E-B317-B2FAA10FCD0C.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angrily writes a coomer manifesto over several posts white-knighting for a fellow fudsister caught in a lie, while claiming that everyone laughing at their childish deception is "riled up"
>is also very careful about coaching them about not "over explaining" things in future because that's how they get caught out like this
Yeah really subtle stuff as per usual guys. Just sold 100k.

>> No.56026663 [DELETED] 

Who are you replying to?

>> No.56026955
File: 54 KB, 720x663, 0B0101ED-1658-4973-8C95-B7C9ECD84649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, just when you thought it couldn’t get worse the fuddies have sunken to a new low. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.56027041

>popular national park gets visited by people
>this is fud
The absolute state of linkies

>> No.56027129

favorite based king smash mouth tunes bros?
for me its based king underground [black] sun. Based masons have done it again!
*flashes cool masonic diamond meme hand sign*

>> No.56027727

Sounds like his heart might have resonated a bit too hard.