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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56022680 No.56022680 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, what the fuck happened?

>> No.56022728

The post-scamdemic labor shortage (caused mainly by boomers finally retiring and everyone else moving up the rungs to replace them, and not enough young kids to fill bottom rung positions even with all the illegal immigration) caused a wage spike (remember that? The first time in half a century wages actually rose after adjusting for inflation?) which then necessitated raising prices (plus there was tons of inflation on top of that from Trump's scamdemic spending and gibs), then to stop wages from rising further and really fucking shit up, Biden ramped the inflation even higher to bring wages back down and ironically prevent inflation from getting worse.

In the end, everything is more expensive and even though wages are nominally higher (and taxed more, conveniently), the wagie class gained nothing and now can barely afford was were considered cheap luxuries a decade ago (fast food).

It sucks but at this point your options are to overpay for goyslop, spend the same amount on a decent sit down restaurant, or save money by buying prepared food directly from grocery stores or just eating ingredients directly (assuming you don't know how to cook or are too lazy like me; currently I'm surviving off half-gallons of milk, bread products like bagels, deli meats, protein drinks, etc).

Personally when I want fast food, I save up to go to an all you can eat sushi restaurant instead. It's only like $5 more than a fast food meal, it's more food, and it's slightly fancier.

>> No.56022764

Bidenomics is working!

>> No.56022773

Pay up.

>> No.56022790

food inflation is only 4.9% over the last 12 months, good. have you considered substituting beef with sawdust?

>> No.56022796

fast food is for niggers. are you a nigger?

>> No.56022814

>biden is paying people to post on 4chan now

>> No.56022846

You could at least make yourself some sandwiches. I'd make you a sandwich, but I'm not going to suck your dick.

>> No.56022935

You shouldn't be buying fast food goyslop anyway.

>> No.56023012

Honestly this. Something like McDonald's shouldn't even exist. Without low IQ customers they'd take their imitation food product slop and fuck right off into the void

>> No.56023143

I saw something awful the other day. In KFC, a seriously obese man chomping his way through a party bucket. His daughter (just drinking water) said "Please dad...the doctor said you need to lose weight...I don't want you to get ill", but the man replied "Don't fuss, honey...you know daddy loves his KFC" before stuffing another thigh piece into his mouth.

And the worst thing of all?
That man was me.

>> No.56023429


>> No.56023442

If they didn't discontinue heckin Reddit gold I'd give you a gilded heart valve right now

>> No.56023527

use coupons...and stop door dashing, i just know you do you poor piece of shit...nobody making less than 200k/year should ever do such a thing

>> No.56023545

If you're good with the app, look for price inefficiencies, always go for the promotional deals (whatever that happens to be at the moment), don't customize or add shit to items, and use reward points, fast food meals end up costing about the same as they did five years ago. You just need some technique. It's really all about the apps now.

>> No.56023555
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You were born with low iq.