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56021581 No.56021581 [Reply] [Original]

You seem awfully concerned about something. It would appear you're no different from the rest of the individuals here. Your heart is heavy with worry. You should just step back and observe with apprehension, as you've been doing. And then you'll witness the economic cataclysm that will engulf us all. Mark my words, all of you who tremble with anxiety.

On September 20th, the world's financial systems will crumble! This is an undeniable truth! Both Shiroyama and Takashima sacrificed themselves for this prophecy! Financial collapse, that is the message of doom! Financial collapse, that is the undeniable truth! Why is the impending financial crisis a prophetic message? Because many have tried to conceal this impending disaster! So we must discuss what is being hidden! The first culprit is misinformation! The second is the media!

In countries like ours, misinformation has become rampant. The media has evolved into the ultimate authority in the world. Misinformation and propaganda have been embedded in our minds through various channels. The biggest deception is the denial of the impending financial crisis. We act as though our financial stability will last forever, even though we know deep down that it is fragile.

Education and the media play a significant role in masking the reality of our financial vulnerability. They present a distorted version of financial security, making it seem like an unassailable fortress. But we all know that the financial peril grows nearer with each passing day. It is an impending reality.

Recently, someone dismissed my thoughts as mere "financial nonsense." As if to label me a "madman." Am I mistaken? Reflecting on financial matters has been a cornerstone of human thought for centuries, through economics and finance. In essence, contemplating the financial future, something often associated with religion, seems to this person as an act of madness. Am I mistaken?

>> No.56021582

To me, it appears as if this person is excessively attached to their notion of "common sense." They cannot tolerate anything that challenges their preconceived ideas. They brand any divergent view as the ramblings of a madman. Modern society has reduced the looming financial crisis to an abstract concept. It is a society that treats the impending financial collapse as a forbidden topic. Only those who cannot think for themselves would consider this correct!

In past generations, contemplating financial crises was a fundamental aspect of economic philosophy, was it not? Wasn't the potential financial collapse the most pressing concern? However, contemporary governments and societies have conveniently brushed it aside, as if it were irrelevant to our lives. I believe this is your message. You want me to provide evidence that the significance I ascribe to this impending financial collapse is legitimate. Well then...

Do you know how we distinguish between legitimate financial analysis and baseless claims? Yes. How do we differentiate between credible financial analysis and financial charlatanry? The distinction lies in whether the analysis offers unique predictions. This concept is rooted in the philosophy of Imre Lakatos. It enables us to determine whether financial analysis is genuine or mere speculation.

The term "prediction" may sound somewhat mystical, doesn't it? To put it simply, a unique prediction is a forecast that, although unconventional to the layperson, can be derived from the financial analysis. In other words, if the predictions I make based on my analysis come true, then my analysis is valid. The theory of financial collapse has forecasted many events that have later been substantiated by economic developments. Therefore, the theory of an impending financial crisis is valid.

>> No.56021590
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Now, I shall present several unique predictions. As they come to fruition, one by one, you will all be gripped by fear. The financial collapse on September 20th is a harbinger of greater change. Those unprepared, along with the old financial order, will plunge into the abyss of economic turmoil, enduring endless suffering. Everyone is aware...

That the world is saturated with falsehoods! That the truth is concealed! The naive speak of financial stability! But everyone knows that the world is financially unequal! The naive speak of economic security! But everyone knows that true financial security is elusive! The naive speak of fiscal prosperity! But everyone knows that fiscal prosperity is often deceptive! The naive advocate for economic restraint! But everyone knows that financial misconduct is widespread! The naive uphold fiscal transparency! But everyone knows that the naive themselves engage in financial misrepresentation!

Those who embrace the falsehoods perpetuated by the naive only deceive themselves! Yes, their falsehoods! They were all falsehoods! The belief that the financial world will always remain stable... And that financial security will last forever! They are all falsehoods! The path we tread leads to...

Financial ruin! The global financial collapse is imminent! It is undoubtedly true! As proof, I shall make three unique predictions. Firstly!

The thickness of financial instability in the air will be affirmed with yet another financial crisis! Secondly! A multitude of people will witness the economic meltdown! Thirdly! The financial experts will speak of...

The ultimate collapse!