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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 667 KB, 900x1125, KEKFUDDIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56020996 No.56020996 [Reply] [Original]

Remember: we WON by doing nothing. If you have spare cash and want to see the fudders squirm, just dangle the buy orders in front of their coomer faces.

Prepare for staking v0.2 accordingly. Your great grandsons will sing songs about your prowess during these days of constant attacks, and how you endured it all.

Pic very related

>> No.56021006 [DELETED] 


I hope he got the slickest soap

>> No.56021021

Based fuddiegoader i shall buy some today. Feeling the strength coarse through my veins

>> No.56021030

you held through the pico top of linkbtc and didn't sell
you objectively made the wrong decision and now have to wait for a 10x move against bitcoin to just break even from your mistake
which, of course, isn't happening to old alts

>> No.56021069

It's like when you hear stories from lazy degenerate richfags about how their great great great grandpappy got rich in the wild west by being an early cattle land baron or winning an oil field in a card game, this is what it feels like having bought into LINK at .20, my great great grandkids will be spoiled degenerates, disgusting, should I consult with a lawyer asap about my will so they get disowned?

>> No.56021103
File: 441 KB, 3745x1973, Screenshot from 2023-09-04 01-15-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56021134


>> No.56021165

No, just put a caveat in the will that once a year they have to visit the descendants (if any survive) of a kekfuddie and remind them of how shit their grandpappy was so they'll curse his memory

>> No.56021190

Itll be better than that. If your great grandpappy won it in a card game its a great story, but it wasn't really difficult. He just got lucky. Youve had people calling you out for years, saying your investment is shit, begging, threatening, pleading with you to sell it all the time the price dumped...and you stood tall through it all hodling to valhalla. Its truly epic.

>> No.56021295

it would only be hard or epic if we cared
rn its just boring

>> No.56021298
File: 666 KB, 1080x2340, 1664220745292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some are gonna lose pretty big at the end of this

>> No.56021470

No one cares about BTC do you think people who own Microsoft stock wake up every day comparing them chart to Amazon? What does BTC do? I want dollars.

>> No.56021537

>average link baggie iq
what do you think linkbtc represents when you compare both against usd, genius?

>> No.56021658

fuck I love unhinged people. You guys are the content that makes life interesting. Imagine the smell if you walk in mid goon sesh!

>> No.56021671

Answer his question
What does Btc even do?

>> No.56021776

Based and linkpilled

>> No.56021977

it's funny, on one side of the wager is linkies gambling their cash, the other side of the wager is fuddies gambling their lives if they're wrong, and zero upside for being right.

>> No.56022051

Lol aris juels smart contract finishes soon, and linkes will be able to do whatever they want to fuddies

>> No.56022105

Fuddies have more link than shills do. We will see whos contract gets fullfilled first.

>> No.56022137

If they want me to dump my bags, have moonshot to $500-$1000 and I'll sell ALL of it. I could not care less if it shot up to $37,500 the next day. I'll ride this bitch to the ground if you think you can shake me out, why, because it makes them seethe and delays their "plan"

>> No.56022310

>incel revenge fantasy

THE cuckolds of crypto. Also, chart