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56020987 No.56020987 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 8 am
>browsed internet in bed until 9 am
>turned on work laptop
>did some home chores, shaved
>sat in pointless status update meetings
>have shit loads of free time this week because I barely have any work meetings
>plan to go for a 1 hour walk today in the glorious sun

I thought this morning would be totally happy but the sheer pointlessness of my job stood out. I got over it though.

I haven't had junk food or binged for over 7 days now. I don't know how my cravings went away. I'm actually losing weight.

The sunshine was glorious on the weekend and I partly wasted it, even though I went in some walks.

>> No.56020990

tips on how to land a wfh position as dunior dev while also being able to pull it off?

>> No.56021004

Binge eating sensitive London anon is that you?

>> No.56021025


I'm not a dev, sadly. I'm a paper pusher.

>> No.56021045

Paper pushing is the best way to do it.
Some kind of government job, if you can. Apply for everything, even if it sounds stupid. It probably is, and eventually you'll get a job that you can't get fired from. It's basically welfare.

>t. Lazy welfare chad managing a team of other welfare chads and stacies

>> No.56021049
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got told i either return to the office or get fire, i told them to fuck themselves i got fired a week later all their clients are calling me set up a company i keep wfh

>> No.56021614

if you want to live the wfh whilst doing fuck all dream, you have to change your mentality.

The majority of junior devs are gonna be telling you to work hard and try and get a job in one of the big FAGMAN companies or whatever. However, thats just for those wanting to work hard and go places in their career. Places like that are gonna be on top of their shit, and you're gonna be in competition with ambitious devs and thirdies who want to work hard. So forget all that shit about getting a job in a prestigious tech company. In fact, forget about getting a job in any tech company at all, since these people are gonna be relatively switched on.

What you need is a slow to adapt, boomer company that knows fuck all about tech, but has been told they need to hire some developer/tech guys. Some of by cushiest WFH gigs have been finding some small/medium sized company whose office is full of old boomers, and tiktok addled zoomers who run everything through emails and basic spreadsheets. I would literally streamline and VBA all that shit, and basically get to the point where you are doing all that shit for them in about 10 minutes per day (whilst keeping secret that youve automated it) and just chill for the rest of the day.

Those places are gold mines for people chasing the wfh and doing fuck all dream.

>> No.56021661

>woke up
>went back to sleep because it's labor day

>> No.56022376

I have reached the point where even barely-working from home is too annoying to bear. All the fucking meetings.
I NEED to become financially independent, Anons. The sooner the better.
>current portfolio 1/4 million
Going to take at the very least 10 years, if I am lucky.

>> No.56022391
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Decent advice anon. Although you should establish you are necessary before getting comfy with doing fuck all. Especially as a junior you need to produce something that will help and build your portfolio. If it doesn’t work out you’ll have nothing to show for it if you fuck off immediately.
Currently trying this to leverage a wfh position at my job so I can avoid paying rent when my boomer boss realizes the importance of an IT man automating the sales and accounting process internally.

>> No.56022665

I find it difficult to take on a big personal task when not working. Instead I fill my time with short things that can easily be interrupted. Aka watching short youtube videos, shitposting on 4chan, browsing wikipedia, short walks, making sandwiches instead of proper cooking.
It's not fulfilling at all but I feel like I could get caught if I leave my work laptop for longer, also more guilty for not doing shit.

>> No.56022904


I relate to both of these.

>> No.56023521

Based. Never going back to an office.
Hoping the rumors of another covid wave are real. Between the lockdpwns and riots, 2020-2021 were comfy as fuck.

>> No.56023540

Based, but you were outed as a non burger.
No one here works labor day, and if they do, its a wagie hate thread: holiday edition.

>> No.56023561
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what's a wfh job i can do that has me do like 10 minutes of work a day and then chill the rest of the day, and if need be, outsource the work to a fiver jeet?

and what qualifications do you need for such a job?

>> No.56023570

>outsource the work to a fiver jeet?
Don't. They produce only utter garbage, if you try to sell that off as your own, you will get into trouble.

>> No.56024628


>> No.56025816

I did the wfh for a year the last 6 months I only worked 2 hours a day. But I still got depressed because of how meaningless my job was. Even though it was so easy and I had to do almost nothing. The few tasks I did have to do (some emailing, excel and sap lookups) killed my soul.

Then my portfolio hit 500k and I quit. I've been travelling ever since. The past 3 years I worked only 6 months . Rest was travel. Came home and worked in a factory for 6 months then left again.

I can never ever go back into an office wagie cagie. It's over for me.

>> No.56025831

500k is nowhere near enough to live that sort of lifestyle
You’re fucked

>> No.56025879

Honestly, a 500k nw might be enough to coast forever. You would need to be frugal Fred, but if you deployed your bankroll and liquidated $2000 of investments as needed you might actually make it.

>> No.56025924

It is, just don't have kids and save money like crazy. Learn to work on your own car, grow food, repair appliances, etc and you will save more.

>> No.56027480
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WFH is ghey as fuck.
idk how u niggas do that shit. sitting inside the house all day makes me feel like im fucking rotting.
at least if you go to the office you can throw on a clean fit and spit game at stacies or at the very least shoot the shit with some boys.
not to mention going on a walk downtown during ur lunch. sun is shining. running off black coffee and nicotine.
based as fuck

>> No.56027556

What are some low effort WFH jobs I can work? Thinking of just taking on a bunch of jobs and half assing them on my off days and see which ones stick.

>> No.56027565
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I wfh doing fun and easy stuff and go to uni on a tropical island. I dont make a crazy amout but I live like a king and save a stack a month into crypto. Life is good.

>> No.56027575

Nigga u can throw on a clean fit and do all that shit during the day when you're wfh not doing anything.

>> No.56027578

Why do you talk like a nigger?

>> No.56027827

You need to go the fuck back.

>> No.56029087

Wfh made me so lazy.
I would think it gives me more time to visit the gym or learn new skills. But it's nothing like that. My energy level is in the gutter and the extra time is just spent on stupid shit.

>> No.56029240

OP here.

>woke up at 8.15 am
>browse internet in bed
>turn on work laptop at 9 am
>browse internet on phone
>sit in some status update
>do some actual work
>went for my 50 minute lunch time walk in the sun
>now having lunch
>nothing else to do at work today

Yesterday was boiling hot during my lunch time walk (I was noticeably sweating) and after work I did some chores and went for a walk, while seeing a depressing amount of attractive young people. I then drank coffee in the car, browsed the internet at home, played an enjoyable video game, then went to the gym. I could tell at the end of my walk that this felt like the end of summer.

Today's lunch time walk wasn't as hot as yesterday's. Today isn't a bad day but it feels like a shadow of yesterday's.

>> No.56029874
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I can do 1 day per week in-office and kinda like it to recharge those social batteries. Anything more than that I'd have to kms though.

>> No.56030128

lmao in south america you can live well with less than 10k per year.