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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56020699 No.56020699 [Reply] [Original]

Why is biz so obsessed with this token when literally no one else is talking about it outside of this echo chamber?

>> No.56020719

partly for that reason, of course. we feel like we're in on a little (huge) secret that will make us all rich. and normies have no clue. it's the secret club mindset.

the other reason is that that's all true. chainlink is a once in a generation investment opportunity.

>> No.56020742
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There is no talk about the token. All that exists here is third world esl fud.

>> No.56020777

>check in on biz
>it's deader than it has ever been
>but without fail, the team of retards that barely speak English still have 6 fud threads up at any point in time 24/7 that they have to recreate over and over again "for fun"
>smile and and go about my day, not changing my steady accumulation
i mean you could ask the fud pajeets who their intended audience even is at this point and why it needs that many fud threads but they seem to be incapable of answering so idk

>> No.56020781

partly fundamentals, partly that it made many here very rich, partly that those fundamentals have got better and better over the past few years
just crazy that no pa at this point
the swift report is great read

>> No.56020788
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because the power of concentrated autism tells us this is the one

>> No.56020795

Checked divine 7s.

>> No.56020828


>> No.56020861

same reason you are

>> No.56020867

I did my research no alt coin can exist without the link.
> t I own 0 link

>> No.56020940

smelly esls like this one >>56020777 create fake fud threads, they’re essentially xrp 2.0 holders

>> No.56020997
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>no one else is talking about it

>> No.56022072
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checking them digits

>> No.56022079

swift is just an organization. it has no value

>> No.56022087

Bullshit. There are 10 times as many fud threads when amerisharts are awake.

>> No.56022147

White guy checking in. I dunk on linkies daily. Its pretty addicting not gonna lie. That infographic was in my routine a yeat ago but Ive moved onto more recent material.

To answer OP - this became a Link board in ‘17/18. It was a great investment at the time. Now with higher rates / all the cheap money tried up not so much.

Linkies got real arrogant and then their project crashed and so now theres a backlash. Same as Gamestop

>> No.56022152

There are no fundamentals. You should research what that word means from a valuation standpoint. Ill give you a hint, start with sales revenue (there is none)

>> No.56022166

SWIFT is one of many institutions which will utilize Chainlink, and it also happens to be the institution that connects 11,000 other institutions to Chainlink.

>> No.56022215

sergey probaby posted here so people are attracted to him now

>> No.56022220

ok now you're just being hilarious

>> No.56022238
File: 1.18 MB, 1125x1665, E3269612-FB60-441C-ADAD-DB4DF9BF07F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget about Swift for a minute, lets talk about the value of African crop insurance. Because if theres one thing that people who dont even have computers/internet need, its BLOCKCHAIN

>> No.56022536
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checked and lmaoing at how it describes the braindead ESL fudfags in this thread

>> No.56022560

This place knew how important it was at 0.50c and were vindicated.

>> No.56022582

>It was a great investment at the time
And it is once again a great investment at $6, don't miss out :}

>> No.56022692


>> No.56023878
File: 158 KB, 861x877, 1692720944203203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey is such a cheap fuck he can only pay for biz marketing and nothing else. fat faggot needs all the money he can get for extra caviar.

and now for your daily list of better projects you could've bought/can buy but won't because you are a stinky linkie:

>> No.56024416
File: 283 KB, 870x495, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based hahaha

>> No.56024828

>swift report

>> No.56025065

ah, it's the increasing stack of things, a classic. it was well received by bagholders of the time, it lead to many token sales

>> No.56025143

Because it's a coinflip. It will either make them trillionaires or it will go to zero. They are banking on theoretical use-cases that MAY come to fruition, they may not. They are really banking on some autonomous intereconnected information society far more meticulous than even what most people think of for people in the next ten years. Every organization will be sharing information and using blockchains and doing this or that when they could realistically still just used centralized servers, APIs, permissioned data access and authentication in-house and so on. So it's theoretically possible CCIP becomes so huge and everyone needs link to buy and share data to do this or that or it's entirely possible it's not. It's just like BTC. It could be the currency of the future or it could just be a sort've post-tech memory where people go 'remember BTC?'. It's a coin-flip in terms of outcomes and just like BTC maxis they are super autistic and retarded about it.

Will they be right? idk

>> No.56025156


>> No.56026750

Jannies are the ones posting chainlink threads.

>> No.56026920

Fuddies are just attacking their own past by fudding link. They hate how stupid they were to buy high and lost everything. All they have now is time and this unending grudge against link.

>> No.56027583


>> No.56027658


>> No.56027825


>> No.56027835

the obsession with gets link bagholders has says it all

>> No.56027855

sunk cost

>> No.56027876

Because link was the original golden ticket back in 2017 that /biz/ actually managed to get right. A lot of the stuff you hear on here is either old, coming from another place or, in most cases, just plain wrong. Link wasn't. When link first started getting shilled on here it was worth 0.03.
Many many people on here actually made it because of link. Unlike other places however, /biz/ hasn't made a single other correct prediction. The board failed to foresee shib and even doge, and actively shilled against it. Same thing with all the others 1000xes.
Just no Link.

>> No.56028216

on top of that /biz/ kept it as their own secret coin and didn't bother shilling it anywhere else so there was no FOMO from normies. Shib and DOGE has the memes going for it with the masses. Sure the SWIFT thing turned out to be extremely true, but normies are so averse to cryptocurrency at the moment that there is no FOMO even with good news.
>/biz/tards claim LINK as their seekrit coin
>FUDed LINK when it was talked about anywhere else
>Shilled LINK to other boards
>"they don't know I hold the ticket to the 4th industrial revolution, fucking normies"
>Legitimate SWIFT integration news comes out
>Surprised when there's barely any price action
That being said, it sure is odd that there is a sheer insane amount of LINK FUD threads. No ones making fun of ADA bag holders, XRP schizos are contained in their general, no ones shitting on GRT bag holders. But somehow LINK cause people to go insane with FUD.

>> No.56028464

U sound like a faggot

>> No.56028878

this question and who is paying them also intrigue me
i mean the dozen of us that are left here that have more than peanuts invested arent selling at this point and its not like there are newfags to fud against buying in
so why spend the money

>> No.56028910

Nobody is being paid to fud. Take your meds.

>> No.56028920

is sir gay still dumping his bags on yall or did he already get rid of his whole stack?

>> No.56029029

lol thread didnt get a reply in 2 hours and sudden you two show up in 2 minutes
try being less transparant
but do ask your bosses why tho i really like to know or failing that can you tell me what you yourself get paid

>> No.56029094

Because when a dead thread finally gets a reply, it gets bumped to the top of the catalog at which point the second anon saw the thread and posted in it. TAKE YOUR FUCKING MEDS.

>> No.56029113


>> No.56029141

its kind of hilarious to see these incels have literal psychotic outbreaks on a board for school shooters

>> No.56029396

everything is a "conspiracy" to linkies. They have so many made up rules about you can't post in "x" time frame or can only have "x" amount of posts. Fascinating

>> No.56029481

Can't they be banned for 24 hours? Link literally hasn't achieved anything alone on blockchain. They are just securing partnerships with Avalanche, Fantom, optimism, Allianceblock, Arbitrum, polygon etc to dwell on their glories.

>> No.56030315

you keep saying this phrase but do you even understand what you are pasting in from discord
please enlighten me exactly which meds just i take for what precise medical problem you have diagnosed me with
i'd like to know

>> No.56030360

Tons of people in Africa have smartphones and old laptops. People in African countries are some of the biggest adopters of crypto.

>> No.56030600

lol why are you emotionally invested in this, faggot?
someone is clearly paying you and we know it isnt gonna stop so just spill the beans

>> No.56031001

>won't because you are a stinky linkie:
Are you high on codeine or just daylight shitting on KASPA and KAVA, without consideration of MATIC and NXRA that's building compliant DeFi.