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File: 76 KB, 1000x1080, monero-xmr-crypto-coin-ico-vector-20777911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56019753 No.56019753 [Reply] [Original]

I am not shilling XMR, nor do I own any XMR

But after doing research on it, I just realized XMR does what BTC did back in 2010, but no longer does anymore....

So how is XMR not number 1 if it took over from what BTC used to be before BTC got mass KYC'd and stopped being used as digital cash and is no used as digital store of value? IE: A private cryptocurrency used as a cash payment system is XMR and is actually functioning as that right now in 2023.... Bitcoin used to function as XMR did, but that was well over a decade ago before millions of Bitcoin got KYC'd passing through exchanges.

So what exactly am I missing here?

>> No.56019768

The extremely small niche of druggies that source from the internet and the extremely small turnover

>> No.56019784

But its still being used as a Private Digital Cash Payment System

You know.... like what Bitcoin once was before millions of Bitcoin got moved through KYC'd exchanges

>> No.56019799

Sure. But the turnover is a joke and the usage isn't increasing but with a more and more "liberal" approach to drugs, especially cannabis, which was the main turnover, the market is tiny. There aren't that many heroin, speed, cocaine and psychedelic users, even less that source from the net

>> No.56019834 [DELETED] 

bCore is digital gold anon! The currency of the future! That is why you should buy it and never use it as a currency so you can sell it for more dollars than you bought it for to someone else who also won't use it as a currency.

>> No.56019852

The online drug market is important, it'll always be important, but the bond market is way bigger and that's what Bitcoin is currently going after.

>> No.56019884

Retard. That's the stupidest pitch yet. There is no satisfiable solution to the permissionless oracle problem and it makes 0 sense to put bonds on a distributed database

>> No.56020034

I'm not talking about putting bonds on bitcoin, I'm talking about funds reducing their "risk free" bond allocation in favor of Bitcoin due to returns not outpacing inflation and/or yields getting destroyed by rate hikes.

>> No.56020053

Do you think we can get to some crazy price like $100k if the normies flee bonds into BTC?

>> No.56020075

That's even more retarded than what I thought. Lol

>> No.56020097

XMR is what a cryptocurrency looks like without speculators. this is exactly how big the market wants a cryptocurrency to be based on usage alone. that tells you that things like bitcoin are overvalued, not that things like XMR are undervalued. XMR is just closer to reality. an argument could be made that XMR is being suppressed by fractional reserves at binance and other exchanges, but to what extent we don't know.

>> No.56020173

>The extremely small niche of druggies that source from the internet and the extremely small turnover

I wanted to come back to this comment.

Wasn't this EXACTLY the same thing people said about Bitcoin 10+ years ago?

>> No.56020183

Yeah. But after 2013 and the first congress hearings scamstreet started to play games with Bitcoin, since then the Bitcoin price doesn't have much to do with reality

>> No.56020215
File: 78 KB, 640x1015, wagiefreelemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah lmao the way XMR is treated compared to BTC tells you everything you need to know about them.

>*One day* BTC *could* takeover x/y/z
>XMR *only* does this real and essential thing

This was actually something noticed and lamented by bitcoiners back in the day with respect to other retarded projects. As long as nothing real is happening with the coin, people will focus on hypothetical futures where the sky is the limit. When something is real people focus so much on it's current market that they neglect future possibilities. This is despite the fact that the proven use case makes it more likely to actually have a future.

>> No.56020305
File: 47 KB, 627x388, coincards - august 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what exactly am I missing here?

The high usage of Monero increases it's money velocity and can make it harder to "pump". Most people are afraid to touch it because it's scary drug dealer hacker money that's just going to get banned. The development is focused on real-world utility and not fake partnerships, useless market chasing ("AI integration!!!"),or trying to get people to mindlessly hodl.

On the other hand, it's flipped Bitcoin on darknet markets, is nearly at parity with Bitcoin with pre-paid Visa vendors, has a Schelling point in it's sphere, is already known for being used by the Calabrian mafia for international money laundering and transfers, and has a high average IQ, technically-orientated community.

It's a bad investment if you have low risk tolerance because it could get blacked swanned in terms of price action pretty easily, and the risk of inflation bugs are a higher risk mostly because you would have to do an ugly complete rollback to before the affected block vs a surgical removal. Flip side being that if you can stomach black swan risks then it's probably the best value investment (bar none) in the space and it's essentially in the same realm Bitcoin was when it was a niche monetary system for internet libertarians and drug dealers (that is not a hint hint at future price action, Bitcoin having garbage privacy is the only reason institutions are willing to touch it).


>> No.56020686

Not wrong but what you are missing is fact that BTC gets price to go up XMR does not
You can transact in private manner with Monero if price is 1$ or 150$ per XMR, p2p cash is just meh use case for pumping up price there's good reason noone transacts with btc and they pivoted to store of value bullshit narrative
this anon gets it:
TLDR: good private money, bad investment

>> No.56020695

Something about your arguement seems really really retarded because what you have said is that you agree XMR is doing what BTC used to do, but that because BTCs line went up, thats all that matters, not whats actually happening in terms of the invention being used for what its meant to be used for.

I just dont feel intelligent enough to respond to what you said, but something about what you said just seems....very illogical/contradictory

>> No.56020732
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Jew controlled countries banned transactions with priv coins. Like Korea, all of UK, etc. That has kept the price low.

Still, nothing stopping anyone in those countries from buying BTC, exchanging BTC to XMR, and vice versa. The ledger still isn't public so how will anyone know? They've only made it harder to buy XMR with fiat is all.

>> No.56020741


>> No.56020757

>you have said is that you agree XMR is doing what BTC used to do, but that because BTCs line went up, thats all that matters, not whats actually happening in terms of the invention being used for what its meant to be used for

Wtf is illogical/contradictory there lol?

Let me get my crayons for you:
Usage=/=price goes up (also XMR usage is capped mind you, as other anons pointed)
More buyers than sellers=price goes up
Me (seller) want to transact in private way and sell you (buyer) 1kg of coke.
You buy xmr and send it to me I give you coke, I dump xmr for $ because I'm running drug business not business of speculation on volatile asset.

>> No.56020793

Yes XMR is the real crypto.

Its not as popular because it is not shilled and marketed by billionnaires and corporations like BTC could. They is too much risk for them shilling XMR.

BTC is accepted and not illegal because all transactions are public. the NWO really like this feature that is lacking with cash.

>> No.56020847

And why do you apply this only to xmr bur give btc a pass? btc was acting in the same manner for its first few years of existence before people started speculating on it and exchanges started wash trading

>> No.56021070

Because market has spoken witch one is vehicle for speculation and witch one is niche private money lol?
Pppl vill never speculate enough on XMR because:
1/ it actually haves some utility and use case in this shitshow
2/ there are like 432432543 shitocins and papa shitcoin BTC to do it on
3/scared of regulatory black swan

Open XMR/BTC chart and notice how this idea of yours is playing out for last 8 years lol
Man I love XMR and no it's not good "investment"....

>> No.56021229

People don't care about privacy, That's why they use banks and credit cards 99.9% of the time

>> No.56021263

>regulatory black swan
It's already delisted in most countries and people are so pessimistic on XMR's legality that the black swan would have to be something positive like "Monero is legal tender, must be accepted at all businesses, and gives you a 5% discount on taxes". When all the bad outcomes are priced in, you have nothing but upside.

And XMR is up against BTC in the last 8 years...

>> No.56021512
File: 114 KB, 1024x691, B2BC2568-0356-4C08-BBA0-E40EC1E978B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if XMR goes to 1 million USD one day while the other cryptos are left for dead

>> No.56021561

xmr baggies can't stop themselves coping by trying to compare this random fork of a premined shitcoin to bitcoin.
literally nobody cares about monero, it's tech is old, its privacy constantly worsening, it's developers absent, and it's price never recovered from 2018.

if you want to take the risks and use monero, go ahead, but only a midwit would buy this alt and expect to make money.

>> No.56021696

because the majority of bitcoiners are just little moonboy retards, that want number go up to buy stupid things to impress their fakefriends

bitcoiners are retards

>> No.56021709

you're the retard here

>> No.56021721
File: 22 KB, 602x339, gamer obama laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blackpill is that banks are not making money on loans as much anymore and financing of things are going to be more private over time. Smart contracts and shitchains like ethereum are just big banks signing themselves over to silicon valley VCs to come up with new ways to nickel and dime their customers over their transactions as their new money source. Smart money that realized the commercial real estate and bond market collateral game from pre crypto started to frontrun btc before the 2018/2019 bank repo blowout. I would argue smart money is going to frontrun monero as more banks go insolvent and whatever remaining "wealth" that is moved into btc is then moved into monero silently as state powers try to tax and go after old money that is escaping to btc.

I think the cash flow of our time will be:
government bonds->commercial real estate->bitcoin->monero

>> No.56021750

There's still 85 mm usd run through tornado a week. My guess all eth will be eventually be tainted places that have blacklisted tornado wallets will just give up.

>> No.56021761 [DELETED] 

>85 mm usd run through tornado a week.
So 12 Million per day? That is less volume than a busy wallmart.

>> No.56021788

usage can increase demand hence the price, too

monero currently is not getting more demanded vs bitcoin globally (for reasons), money has to be a store of value, the concept of investment will lose meaning if we have real money like bitcoin is attempting to do. a reason why people invest, is because inflation makes everything go up so people want to benefit from it. if there is no inflation, I'm not sure you could actually "invest" as we know it. it would be high risk low reward, some people will still do it and that will involve them meeting actual people, it will be work not gamble.

>> No.56021802

>normies fleeing from bonds, a historically safe investment
>their next best choice is fucking bitcoin

yeah. yeah that'll happen.

>> No.56021948

>money has to be a store of value
bitcoin is down 60% from ATH, nice store of value


>> No.56021956

Don't those exchanges keep records?

>> No.56021978

Anon wanna be a victim before they start caring about privacy, anyone who's about privacy gonna use either privacy coins, anon wallets, or protocols for dank transactions.

>> No.56021990

Digital gold narrative was braindead, inflation hedge was extremely braindead, but fucking bond alternative, thats ludicrous levels of retardation

>> No.56022200

"Historically safe", till banks found out the government can devalue their risk free asset by fiddling with rates. It's not like 2008 where the banking collapse was caused by high-risk mortgages, it was fucking US government bonds.
And it doesn't have to be a lot to start, global bond market is 133 trillion, even 1% of that is huge.

>> No.56022291

GenX faggot, you need to do what you should have done 30 years ago, die from an overdose

>> No.56022322

What's the difference between the three?

>> No.56022332

Is it too late for him now?

>> No.56022355

I think they actually do keep records.

>> No.56022380

Privacy coins keep the privacy within their own network, while privacy protocols and wallets take the anonymity game beyond, making sure anons stay low-key even on different networks and dank dApps.

>> No.56022400

When it happens, and all the pyramid schemes and ponzis that generation bet on, they are likely following their friends that went away 30 years ago. Genx is really a generation of whiny faggots, that got blown sugar up their worthless asses worse than boomers

>> No.56022421

how much are main currencies like euro or dollar down since their ATH? store of value is a long term thing.

>> No.56022531

You don't understand currency, don't you? There is not really something like a "store of value" buttcorns are the least a store of value, it has no demand from reality. Real estate can be a store of value if the population and economic activity on a territory grows, that's not the case for the west anymore. Gold is neither a store of value, the tiny demand from industry is worthless, and the "narrative" about muah shiny pet rock past is dead.

>> No.56022864

Two more weeks till people start caring about silver and you can finally afford a house.

>> No.56022913

Lol. Are you some zombie from the "greatest" generation?

>> No.56022950

>an argument could be made that XMR is being suppressed by fractional reserves at binance and other exchanges, but to what extent we don't know.

this is the main reason I think XMR will never pump. Due to the anonymous nature of the currency, you can't actually check and verify on your own how much anyone else has in their wallet. This is why it's great for privacy. But it's bad for speculation. It means that when you buy XMR from Binance, they might only have 500 XMR total on the site, and until you withdraw, you don't have any. If most people don't withdraw to private wallets (and most people, at least speculators, don't) then Binance and other exchanges are allowed to essentially inflate Monero by selling fake or "paper" monero. There's no way to know how much they have, so there's no way to check if they're inflating the market like this. Other cryptocurrencies don't have this problem because it's all on a public ledger.

However, this is exactly why it's so good for privacy.

>> No.56023033

what are the 3 functions of money?
also read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_equation
educate yourself. and there is a high and growing demand for bitcoin. answer my two questions, don't try to take shortcuts or changing subject.

>> No.56023044

you completely missed the point

>> No.56023068

Did you seriously just link a fucking kikepedia article? I suppose you are the shizophrenic jew screeching at people telling you your ponzis are worthless. Currency is for the facilitation of transaction among economic agents
>Educate yourself
Says the kikepedia linker

>> No.56023168

as far as I know, wikipedia didn't created or funded cambridge. triple moron. so answer my questions:
1.what are the 3 functions of money?
2.how much are main currencies like euro or dollar down since their ATH?
3.is everything mentioned in wikipedia wrong or made up by wikipedia?

as asked, "don't try to take shortcuts or changing subject." you're doing that, so stop, and answer my fucking questions.

he made no point, I'm trying to make him answer my questions that's all, this isn't a debate, there's no debate

>> No.56023427

You are an idiot and the point went so far over your head you think its a ufo kikepedia mongoloid

>> No.56023625

binance can prove how much monero they have using view keys. they just choose not to and people keep patronizing their business. monero getting banned by CEX would actually be a good thing since XMR community does what it's supposed to do with cryptocurrency. XMR community built a robust p2p trading and fiat onramp infrastructure and it doesn't need CEX. they are also building cross chain atomic swaps with BTC, ETH, and even ETH L2. when I look at all the communities out there, XMR community is the only one that can do anything right.

>> No.56023638

You have no freaking idea what the fuck you are talking about parrot. Stop letting yourself brainwash by advertisers and other baggies

>> No.56023713
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When looking at the entire crypto userbase, a majority of people "like" KYC and centralized wallets/exchanges because they want safety and a sense of security with their finances. To them it's better to keep their crypto on coinbase where it could be insured (I know it's not but whatever, it's what these people believe), the transactions can be instantaneous if they transact with other coinbase users, it's quicker to swap and accept different types of payments, and they don't have to worry about seed phrases or accidentally losing all of their crypto because they didn't know how self custody works. For people slightly more savvy in crypto, they can also feel assured knowing that they won't be getting tainted cryptocurrency if they only buy from exchanges or accept crypto from a reputable exchange.

All this is to say, it's a bad sign that the ANTITHESIS of cryptocurrency fundamentals has become more appealing than being your own bank. I totally agree that XMR fulfills what Satoshi Nakamoto wanted bitcoin to be, but all of these questions as to why it hasn't caught on can most likely be traced back to this problem of people feeling safer using centralized exchanges and the convenience that they provide. Another unfortunate thing about people is when they have a bad experience with an exchange, it wasn't the exchange's fault but cryptocurrency in general.

In a sense this whole thing isn't even a cryptocurrency problem, it's a normiepigcattle problem.

>> No.56023726

wrong. almost all of these projects are the same
>epilepsy inducing website, GUI out the door
>try to get listed on shitty CEXes
>build a bunch of bullshit that doesn't work
>nobody uses it for anything
>slowly bleed to death

monero intentionally doesn't do this. and cross chain atomic swaps isn't a meme or buzzword. it literally kills binance.

>> No.56023746

This is 100% true until there comes a time when privacy is actually valuable. If we get the dystopian social credit scores that we're all worried about, privacy all of a sudden carries a gigantic premium. So yes, XMR had performed like shit, but I hold <redacted> XMR purely to preserve my ability to purchase something the authorities don't want me to in the event it becomes necessary.

But your post is spot on, XMR is precisely a cryptocurrency without the speculation.

>> No.56023780

we live in the world we deserve to live in. some people are able to thrive and prosper under little to no direction from others, and many people can only thrive and prosper when their behavior is being directed and guided by someone. incidentally this was an ancient justification for slavery. what's the answer to the normie question? I think the answer is to get the hell away from them as much as possible. having to write down a seed phrase is a simple way to separate normies from wild humans. non-custodial monero behavior isn't for everyone and it shouldn't be.

>> No.56023809

Lol nigger you mad.

>> No.56023831

No. I'm trying to face palm at the stupidity of drooler like you, but neither have enough hands nor faces

>> No.56023919

just like I thought, you are unable to answer my question, you avoided to answer THREE TIMES. three fucking times. because answering those simple answers would be so humiliating because you would be forced to acknowledge that everything you say is retarded. instead you said a retarded statement and examples that are not relevant at all to the subject.
so let's see again : answer my questions, otherwise you're a gigantic cuck afraid to answer simple questions.

>> No.56024045

Your question is pointless kikepedia linker
Go back to pleddit and upboat your own posts

>> No.56024115

it's not pointless considering store of value is literally one the most important thing, unless you live completely outside of society (which is probably not the case considering your posting here) you also need it, but you will likely end up losing mostly everything given your retarded ramblings

>> No.56024164

I use samourai private wallet for anon transactions

>> No.56024177

Will silver build them a house, or BTC & XMR will?

>> No.56024196

Bitcoin is money, short and simple

>> No.56024251

>Railway says hello

>> No.56024787

You just parrot bullshit that got behaviorist into your worthless scrambled brain. "Store of value" is not equal to capital. It requires the knowledge that whatever you spend your capital on has a demand in the future. you can see the future? You have a crystal ball? Can I borrow it? Because looking at demographic evolution and the derivation of demand for everything going down to literally there being less people in the territory, it suggests that there is nothing that qualifies as "store of value '

>> No.56024920

you're a certified moron, because if you own anything, you inevitably have it into things which you consider valuable, that would be a store of value. but since you're a complete moron, you have your wealth into things that are unfit to really work as a store of value, so you have to constantly maintain or work and reallocate your melting wealth, like a cucked slave.

>> No.56025011

My rifles will keep their value, even if the price should go down in dollar, as I can hunt meat with them. My cellar is going to keep its value for me as I live in it, even if the price goes down. The things in my pantry are valuable to me, even if the price for the frozen meat and grain should go down. Those are not really "store of value" as it is sold by droolers like you. Usually your implications when trying to sell the 'store of value" meme, is random ponzi good goes price in dollar up

>> No.56025185

you're a special kind, you're like the shiny rocks collectors, but a little bit more backwards with a dose of schizo on top
I don't think you can ever understand markets, supply, demand, what is money, why did gold still maintained its value for so long, so keep working in your forest cabin

>> No.56025227

I trade commodities for a living
I understand it very well, better than you ponzi gamblers

>> No.56025376

>My cellar is going to keep its value for me as I live in it
lmao you live in a basement?

>> No.56025539
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It is increasing, I buy only legal stuff with it all the time, I just don't want people seeing how much I have unlike Bitcoin and every other clone which shows people. It's also nice not being buttraped by fees for buying something like Hooter's tendies and online albums. Faster too. The only "people" who post against it are feds and bankers (anti-humanists).

>> No.56025783

Yes. An old wine cellar close to a forest at the outter district of a city. Best of both worlds, and cheap as fuck

>> No.56026326

I buy ammo and fuel with mine.

>> No.56026342

Cbdc with controls for meat consumption could be the instant catalyst

>> No.56026429

Interesting. Calabrian mafia or Mexican cartel?

>> No.56026500
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This is the way forward for seamless transactions. However, regulatory hurdles might mean we won't be using the Binance card anymore. Still, I've found the Tapcard incredibly convenient, especially for global transactions.

>> No.56026557

But you're missing the big picture here. BTC has the power to drive prices up, whereas XMR doesn't quite do the same. Take a look at the charts for MLT, KAS, XTP, INJ, and QNT when BTC surges, and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.56026830

Private wallets are based anon, but I also see potential in the ones that implement account abstraction and ID access systems instead of the traditional seed phrase to facilitate web2 logins and asset recovery.

>> No.56027745

(you) are not as smart as you think

>> No.56027768

until people actually stop and think about why base layer privacy is a meaningless distinction they'll keep losing money on things like monero

>> No.56027828

XMR's growth has outpaced Bitcoin's for more than half a decade.

>> No.56027911

and the price hasn't shown it because that "growth" is just mass-deanonymization.

>> No.56027938


>> No.56028941

The biggest flaw of Monero is the developer Howard Chu.

The RandomX PoW probably has an inflation bug using some buffer overflow.

>> No.56028963

>the biggest flaw of monero is a developer that mogs me in every way
>reddit spacing
>useless schizo comment without anything to back it up

>> No.56028976 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 2560x1707, lebxmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is what people think BTC is and makes (((keynesians))) seethe
fuck fiat
>t. living in hyperinflation
>pic related
we all shill and do our part
USE monero

>> No.56028982

kill yourself nigger

>> No.56028998


Thank you Mr Chu for the bump.

>> No.56029009 [DELETED] 


kek, giving credit to Howard
randomX has been proven to be secure, and way better than SHA-256
inflation ?
jfc XMR is sound money safe mode, seethe (((banker)))

>> No.56029031 [DELETED] 

I defy anyone to debate me
especially on the technicals
XMR wins

>> No.56029330
File: 91 KB, 857x526, 8-bit tranny part deux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies don't understand crypto, privacy, or security
Crypto isn't a fungible currency, it is a speculative asset because their nephew is now a millionaire from his buttcorn
And buttcorn is the only 'real' crypto

pic related, their nephew

>> No.56029989

>XMR thread
>baseless claims about the privacy being broken/an inflation bug/unauditable supply
It's all so tiresome

>> No.56030271

you're a fed or on a designated payroll posting here on this imageboard, do something that brings joy instead of downplaying xmr when it actually does a giant favour to all of society.

>> No.56030288

>rely on un-provable, statistical privacy from the goodwill of those sending transactions
>use an adjustable block size to keep transaction feels close to zero
>drag your heels updating the ring size despite transaction flooding attacks
not my fault you guys can't see the forest for the trees

>> No.56030658

I'm not a fed and it brings me joy to shit on delusional religious sheeples

>> No.56031396
File: 225 KB, 1014x896, OPSEC-Rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>rely on un-provable, statistical privacy from the goodwill of those sending transactions
>>use an adjustable block size to keep transaction feels close to zero
>>drag your heels updating the ring size despite transaction flooding attacks
>not my fault you guys can't see the forest for the trees

Have you informed the darknet community about all this? You really must post this on Dread's OpSec sub to alert everybody, they're hellbent on going full Monero!

>> No.56031624

HAHAHAH stereotypical basement dwelling smartass who can't answer a simple question but still thinks he's the shit. kill yourself faggot

>> No.56031823

Dude I paid 30k for that cellar and an additional 25k to make it livable. The average price of a studio of the size of my cellar is 450k around here.

>> No.56031894

post your piss bottle collection

>> No.56031982

My cellar is connected to the waste water system

>> No.56033204
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It's very much the same thing that happens with LINK and other highly tech-based altcoins. POND, KDA, etc., so many great options out there with actual chances at mass adoption being overshadowed by a very divisive, popular, and vocal alt that is nothing to write home about. In a *normal* world, BTC would have died, with Monero taking its place. Unironically.

But we don't live in a normal world. We live in a world where Ethereum is *the* biggest alt despite it merely opening opportunities for scam artists do roam free and pillage.