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56017986 No.56017986 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56017995

I’ll just go back to trying to win that jackpot, freebitco seems to be dishing them out often these days

>> No.56017998

So far we've got backstops for:
- housing
- treasuries
- unlimited deposit insurance
Why not have all companies guaranteed next?
What could go wrong?

>> No.56018003

If they try, it's hanging time. Rome falls then. They have no way to hide it, they have no way to play another money velocity reduction scam to get away without a sovereign debt crisis.

>> No.56018011

> we'll hang you!
>> how about another Netflix series fatty?
> okay thanks
The mutt has no spine.

>> No.56018019

May as well just do the "give everyone $1 million" plan at this point.

>> No.56018036

When the mutt has to pay 5x to eat, while his company gets "saved" he gets less hours at less pay, even the mutt will join in on the looting of the "saved" companies

>> No.56018043

That doesn't work. That breaks the system worse than Argentina.
Then, the result isn't Brazil, but Somalia

>> No.56018060
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Kind of funny how all this stuff seems to feedback on itself into ever more perilous problems. Distortions in incentives are a dangerous path. You might think we had long learned this from our understanding of ecology but I reckon when backs are to a wall, you grab what you can.
As long as the majority of people are able to live comfortable lives with plenty of entertaining distractions, this will never happen. We, meaning the collective normie we, are all bought in, too. People do not really live by principles other than the principle of their own stomachs and they will acclimate to anything which offers them a modicum of comfort. This isn't a defect, it is a survival mechanism.

>> No.56018062

correct (unfortunately)

>> No.56018092

Distortions of what? The whole reason we have to do this in the first place is because we outsourced all our fundamentals to china to make sure line go up more. What we are now realizing is you can't eat finance

>> No.56018108

The solution would be a sacrifice of the Boomer and the killing of the current zombie economy. Short term to mid term suffering for long term stability. But yes. Not doable with the current political system and even less doable with the Coudenhove-Kallegrist communist plan. Short term survival for mid and long term catastrophy is in the end going to go to hangings and anarchy

>> No.56018118

please god tell me you’re a euro lol

>> No.56018119

They’ll just keep rates high and wipe the toxic debt from bank balance sheets and print the necessary amount of money to keep things afloat. They’ll be some foreclosures in the commercial market but residential properties will be fine. Therefore normies won’t even notice the bailouts are happening as inflation keeps trending up moderately right under their noses

>> No.56018149

The working poor are already being fucked, the low middle income qualified workers start to feel the heat, the upper fart huffing middle income white collar droolers are one step away from being fucked and the high income scammers are going to get fucked on demand and goods orders breaking away.
No they are going to feel the heat and its likely going to end in hangings
The slow landing was in retrospective a stupid idea

>> No.56018258

Nah, the fed knows it’s only hope for stability is a soft default. They’ll fudge the stats, keep rates high as they can for as long as they can, bailout the banks and sweep the toxic debt under the rug. Austerity is not a viable option, neither is a hard default.

>> No.56018274

you know they're going to pull another talmud trick out of their sleeve and kick the can again

>> No.56018286

Non austerity drives inflation further, forces more rate hikes, an infinite cycle of bullshit, that would be better solved with a hard landing. But let me guess, you personally are dependent on the government funding for your job to keep coming. Well you are going to hang

>> No.56018291

No amount of "correction" will fix no fundamentals

>> No.56018306

>less hours
try again

>> No.56018369

A hard landing would accelerate dedollarisation and deepen the crisis

>> No.56018375

> because they know what they're doing
They're out of control

>> No.56018381

Each time they do this it's not magical
Real people have less spending power
Living standards drop
People stop working with the system

>> No.56018419

No. why should it? It would make dollar denominated risk attractive. Bonds. High yields, with the expectation of re-growth. The only one against a hard crash, are the current bag holders, boomers and finance scammers from the 80s

>> No.56018455

>But let me guess, you personally are dependent on the government funding for your job to keep coming. Well you are going to hang
Not at all. I’ve been self employed for the majority of my adult life. I got 700k in cash and T bills ready to deploy in a crashed market. I just think we crab sideways for a while as the fed does everything it can to slow inflation and hide the problems while the US reshores manufacturing jobs.

>> No.56018459

Inflation is increasing. Pce came in higher. Inflation is rising again even on scam sites like truflation

>> No.56018493

Dark Brandon nationalizes, no bail outs.

>> No.56018506

Can somebody explain to me how paying higher interest rates to usurist Jews helps fix economy?

>> No.56018518

>No. why should it? It would make dollar denominated risk attractive.
Theoretically. But it would constrain supply and throttle demand at the same time at a time when competitors are moving in on the market.

The "fake" "clown" market IS the dollar. It's fake all the way down. No policy change, no crash can fix this even if it's "extreme".

>> No.56018715

Well then its the can being balanced over a plank put over an abyss, and it's likely going to be an unexpected wind blow sending the can flying down the abyss.

It's uncharted territory and the old models don't work anymore

>> No.56018729

It pulls the rate of credit creation below the rate of wealth creation.
Usurers steal that way, not through high rates.

>> No.56018751

This. The difference is the reduced time between highly inflationary periods.

>> No.56020127

Nothing happens until sufficient number of people get the idea to overwhelm the local precincts or get the police/military on their side which will never happen. White supremacists will sooner take control for ethnic genocide than a coordinated group of people interested in solving the grift and traitors plaguing the money system.

>> No.56020143

precincts are already getting closed due to lack of staff, so we are closer than some people want to believe

>> No.56020220
File: 191 KB, 433x377, alex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they planning:
>Allow one-term of Republican president
>Preferably someone easily controllable
>Bring back COVID lockdowns
>Print money to bail out corporations and save jobs
>How could they help the rich like this?
>Time for another Democrat president in 2028

>> No.56020257

I'm tired of seeing the same handful of coping comments about the real issues.
The problem isn't the jews/elite themselves so much as the people who let them take power and don't know any better.
The problem is the entire ecosystem, not the top of the food chain.
Obviously it's not sustainable and it's leading to a collapse. This happens all the time in evolutionary history.

Even if you take out the top predator you still have the entire prey population.
Another predator will quickly evolve to take advantage of the same weaknesses in the prey and will probably be very similar to the old predator.
But how would you take out the jews/elite? Their prey protects them fervently. This just points to the obvious solution.

Don't fight nature, help nature do what it's going to do a little faster, and take your reward.
Collapse the ecosystem. Be the survivor, ascend to the top of the new food chain.

There are so many glaring instabilities in this supremely leveraged system.
Once you stop being a fucking cuck and stop trying to save everything that's already doomed you can proceed to plan for a viable future.

But of course most of you are just braindead NPCs who can't actually do anything for your own interest and just want to fantasize about half measures where you can become a winner in this system.

>> No.56020286

The way is to make as many people aware, increase mistrust, atomization, fracturization and get more potential predators leading to a cannibalization situation, which should in theory kill the system itself. If everyone feeds on the declining pool of real prey, the system dies, and the griever wins

>> No.56020298

A practical example, crypto, everyone can make a token in 4 clicks, so more people try to compete about the declining pool of prey liquidity, leading to what we see, crypto in its entirety dying

>> No.56020301



>> No.56020307

Feeding on the prey in this system means farming them for money.
The predators won't let you do that.
You can't make people aware on a large scale.
They are literally retarded animals.
There are a tiny handful of actual humans and the internet and society itself are programmed to keep them contained separately.

Again you seem to be talking about half measures and modifying the current broken system into a form where it's still broken but you can get more out of it.

There are good elements in what you're saying, but it doesn't look like you are considering the level of "griefing" that would actually make any of that happen.
The history books are full of examples.

>> No.56020317

Nope. We did it ourselves with central banking shenanigans.

>> No.56020321

The loss of hegemony of the USA and the competition among regional powers is going to make it achievable I think. A new 30 year war is the closest that could make this achievable, and the stars are well aligned.

But I might really overestimate the average human.

>> No.56020334

You’re poor
Truflation isnt a meme

>> No.56020363

There methodology is okayish but lacks in nuance.

>> No.56020390

You have tp pay for the premium stuff.
T.talked to them about it

>> No.56020420

Yeah, goyim cant have free money one more time. Imagine the food inflation

>> No.56020436


I don't see anyone really talking about it, but obviously the state of the world economy is mostly due to these faggot russian and ukranian snow niggers wanting to blow each other the fuck up for a couple years whilst the west funds it. Really fucking annoying.

>> No.56020452

What a bullshit. The hohol (nato) Russia "conflict" is literally just again a stimulus package, this time for the military industrial complex of Moscow and DC, after pharma got its package in 2021. If it was a real war, Russia would have won a year ago, and Prigozhin wouldn't have had to die

>> No.56020458

>it's hanging time.
Never. Gonna. Happen.

>> No.56020462

>refinancing corporate debt
>after a swings of interest rates
>refinancing corporate debt because it has to take on new debt to repay old debt

Just how lean have the last few cycles of record profits left those corporations?

>> No.56020474

The seed of the idea have been planted, the jew and finance boomers have been watering it for years and the land was already fertile for the idea, it takes a bit more sun and publicity, but the meme of the day of the rope has potential

>> No.56020495

you won't do shit white boy

>> No.56020497

You don't get how ideas work my levantine mutt spawn.

>> No.56020715


>> No.56020747

I know you have a hobby horse to ride but you are grossly misconstruing my comment to make some irrelevant point. Further, I think you have a perilous case of democracy brain.

>> No.56020995

Could you please elaborate what you mean by "democracy brain"? Do you mean democracy is a hoax?

>> No.56021024

some companies will be allowed to fail and other wont, thats just the way it goes

>> No.56021330

We've been hearing "entering a recession" or "recession is likely" for well over a year. Why is this storm always off the coast? Jfc, I just want an investable shitcoin market again so I can 10x my cash from 2022. TPTB are making me wait too long

>> No.56021360

sure, the cyber pandemic will be totally unforeseen just like covid was

>> No.56021367

This. Just waiting to dump my cash into ETH

>> No.56022053
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Lol. Chang, nobody is going to buy your bags, no amount of advertising is going to make line go up

>> No.56022145

not by your standards

>> No.56022302

there's one world government you fucking retard
the central banking system rules everything

>> No.56022346

would be not surprised

>> No.56022599

>Just how lean have the last few cycles of record profits left those corporations?
The grand majority of these profits aren't going to war chests, financial remodeling, or R&D/prospective investments. They're being siphoned out of the company to executives and shareholders.

>> No.56022974

We marxian economists told you that it is over. TRPF. But again and again, you all refuse to listen. We are in Capitalism final crisis. Idiots can only acknowledge this after the fact. Smart people can recognize it when they are living it.

>> No.56023002

Not only the most based comment on biz ever, but also possible the most based comment anywhere ever. This singular notion renders all politcal sperging from all sides oth the spectrum null and void. It will fall on deaf ears and be mocked.

>> No.56023016
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We've been in capitalism's final crisis since before I was born. You people are like a broken record.

>> No.56023026
File: 68 KB, 728x410, starcraft-zerg-giant-monster-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big corpo makes us have inflation.
>big corpo makes us pay their inflation.
>big corpo asks for handout for big inflation they pay because because of their own tactics.
>big corpo makes us pay for big inflation when they impose more.
>its like were paying for their inflation twice, plus ours. theyre literal building sized leeches, sucking us dry.
>we keed to kill these mega monsters.
>get yer harpoon weapons ppl.

>> No.56023106

Fed policy has nothing to do with inflation

>> No.56023111

Yes, but it has nothing to do with Fed policy and changing interest rates one way or the other won't affect it

>> No.56023136

>What could go wrong?
pretty much nothing at all, actually.

>> No.56023507

Of course it does. Buying securities like drunken sailors, lower interest rates, lower yield, higher incentives to for investors, the "state" and the population to spend like drunken sailors on credit driving demand over offer to outpace the currency devaluation and therefore driving inflation

>> No.56023514

pay docked

>> No.56023515

Why didn’t corpos saved money when we had low interest rates and QE for over a decade?

>> No.56023536

Because corpos are either lead by retarded short term thinking boomers or genx scammers. You bet, the millennials, the half with a brain, has put a pretty penny for what is happening and what is still coming

>> No.56023584

Nah, bro. That would be communism or socialism or whatever.
Now, bankrolling everything with tax payer money when private companies fuck up is the purest form of capitalism. The entire society is there just to serve capital, or at least capital's divine representation on earth: companies.

>> No.56023604

>it's da evil greedy businesses that's causing the decline of the dollar, not the grifting statists 40x money stock over the last 50 years!

>> No.56023612

You don't understand half of it. Stop talking
The socialization of capital risk with assumed future productivity and reproduction rate (what you call tax money you idiot) for direct profits of a beneficiary and the redistributor is the most defining part of socialism

>> No.56023753


>> No.56023778

Get part of your money out of the bank, they won't allow you to withdraw after Mr. Rosenberg moves 1 billion out of the small bank

>> No.56023788

nothing ever happens. We have a command economy on a global scale we can't have real recessions anymore. Economics has been solved by a combination of computers, internet, propaganda, and television.

>> No.56023836

This. It's priced in.

>> No.56023842

The stupidity of you sheep is baffling. Enjoy the slaughter

>> No.56023906

> priced in
Demonstrably false.
Many huge market moves with zero new information in the past 5 years.
> t work in finance for a long time

>> No.56023937
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britain used to be based (a long time ago)

these are 70s school books

>> No.56024113

Interest rates were at 0 for 15 fucking years and there was no inflation. It wasn't until they threw a monkey wrench into the system with the COVID faggotry and Ukraine faggotry and other bullshit that the economy went haywire and we got inflation caused by supply shock.

The idea that interest rates are what cause inflation is an assumption. It's economic pseudoscience that has never been proven. The Fed operates on that assumption and constantly fucks up the economy by messing with the money supply. The economy crashes because it doesn't work at all like the Fed assumes, so what the Fed does is just fuck things up.

The Fed's monetary policy is like mask mandates. It's based on nothing and is clearly bullshit, but it never ends and the misery only compounds because these narcissists think they are geniuses and can't recognize how retarded their ideas are.

>> No.56024155

He's right, but you're a dickriding faggot who needs to take a moment to remember your own self before you fall prey to homo-hivemind.

>> No.56024189
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>Fed policy has nothing to do with inflation

>> No.56024237

They took out the debt because interest rates were so low, so it's the other way round: they didn't save money because interest rates were low.
Interest rates can only control inflation if it's driven by people taking out loans, you're right there. Interest rate policy is not the perfect tool here, but the Fed also can't do anything other than regulate interest rates and try to patch up blowups. People would be telling them to do something with interest rates, no matter what they were.

>> No.56024243

I for one am a proponent of a drastic reduction in global human population to under 1.5 billion people.
With strict limits to a 150m headcount in Asia, Africa and South America each.

>> No.56024257
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I seriously hope you guys don't keep large amounts of fiat in the bank.

>> No.56024269

What a (((coincidence))) that it happened to happen in direct succession of the US leaving Afghanistan...

>> No.56024284

This socialist capitalism warfare needs to stop.
Let the companies pay or fail as in proper capitalism

>> No.56024286

Seems like big corpo knows how to play the game.

>> No.56024301

>the Fed also can't do anything other than regulate interest rates and try to patch up blowups.
Aren’t they propping up the stock market too? Greg Mannarino said the fed has a trading window

>> No.56024331

What happened to the 2nd/3rd/4th quarter recession 2023?

>> No.56024335

Not sure. To the degree that people react to what the Fed says, yes, but I'm not sure what they concretely do day-to-day except make leverage cheaper, because you can borrow more cheaply and buy stocks with the borrowed money if interest rates are low.

>> No.56024345

>there was no inflation
>real estate
>health care
Sure buddy...
>inb4 that's not true inflation

>> No.56024350

No argument here. Russia/Ukraine is a fake war to feed the military industrial complex. That’s why the US and Russia both have military bases in sudan and have no problems. Russia is currently the frontman for US domination of Africa. They need to beat china to the punch.

>> No.56024386
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>there was no inflation
MSPUS Q1 2000: $165.3k
MSPUS Q1 2019: $313k
"no inflation" as long as you ignore the prices of everything from hamburgers to houses

>> No.56024697
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>guys we got this
>its different this time.
Every time man.

>> No.56024708

They already did that with the US auto manufacturers.

>> No.56024729

> Interest rates were at 0 for 15 fucking years and there was no inflation
You're a retard.
Massive housing inflation.
> but it's an asset
You can't think.

>> No.56024792

The best way to speed it along is for normies, NPCs, to be unable to have any confidence left in government (or "the system".) The cycle you speak of is basically ended by that confidence ending. So, essentially, the current government just needs to be shown as so incompetent to the point where even a new election won't change things. Because of this, the 2024 election coming up will most likely be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back as the power holders pull out every stop to try and keep the other from losing. Through this, I believe we will see the catalyst needed to usher in the beginning of the end here.

>> No.56024971

Interest rates can affect inflation if the demand for money is elastic and interest rates have an effect on it.

The demand for money is not elastic. Every government, business, and individual is leveraged to the hilt and depends on debt to survive. Making debt more expensive is not going to change that. It's only going to make everyone miserable and force small businesses and people into bankruptcy while the government accelerates its money printing to service its avalanche of debt.

We are in a deep economic depression caused by the catastrophically bad policies of governments around the world in 2020-2022. They rigged the statistics and papered over it to make it look like everything is fine when everything is clearly not fine.

Unless banks and major corporations decide to start loaning out the cash they stockpiled over the years to restart the economy, the only way we can have any kind of recovery is by incentivizing people to start businesses with low interest rate loans. The Fed has to lower interest rates. Yes, they lowered interest rates while the economy was shut down and created a giant mess, but that doesn't change the fact that low interest rates are still needed for economic recovery.

There is no good way to fix this mess, but what they are doing now is the worst possible option.

>> No.56025073

>Please gibs back low interest
>So my post 2008 zombie corp doesn't have to go bankrupt
Go hang yourself
Interest rates final please north of 50©

>> No.56025211

>The demand for money is not elastic. Every government, business, and individual is leveraged to the hilt and depends on debt to survive. Making debt more expensive is not going to change that.
that's bullshit
buy house for 800k at 1%
rates go up to 6%
Forced to sell, new borrower can only bid 400k.
Asset marked down, marked clears.
> there's no good way
no way where fuckers don't lose you mean

>> No.56025268

>just lend into infinity

>> No.56025284

>just kill everyone else and become the elite yourself!
ah, yes, that has always been the solution

>> No.56025353

>barely polls at 4%
Ok buddy.

>> No.56025429

I think this as well but normies are going to get fucked hard with layoffs.

it'll be the company payroll to maintain management profits that will be easier to swallow for the majority of people. Most will be a couple mcdonalds protests but labor market will pay to make up for losses.

Msm will the new generation just doesn't want jobs etc etc

>> No.56025450

The only inflation they care about is wage inflation.
We've had 20 years of asset inflation, they didn't even acknowledge it.
Suddenly when we get wage inflation we are told something must be done.

>> No.56025930

Or they could just go all in with Kennedy, drop him like the family legacy and plaster it up as some vaccine avoidable disease (maybe smallpox) and rinse.

>> No.56025951

>bad policies of governments ... in 2020-2022
Been much longer fuck-ups than that kid.
It has been a slow-motion train wreck since '92 at the latest.

>> No.56026024

'93 and billy the cigar man Clinton in cooperation with his treasury secretaries and the jew Alan Greenspan, with a little help from larry the soon headless jew, mortimer and the rest of the scammers

>> No.56026034

what planet are you on? that 800k house at 1% is now selling for 900k at 7%
commercial real estate has plunged, but not residential

>> No.56026044

This won't continue, it makes zero sense

>> No.56026089

they're fake unfortunately