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56016727 No.56016727 [Reply] [Original]

"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
Bizraelis exactly what THE FUCK did Jesus mean by this?

>> No.56016740

Change rich man to jew and there is your answer. Jesus was an antisemite which is why the jews were seething so hard and convinced the romans to have him executed

>> No.56016752

Doesn't rich man also just include rich men regardless of faith as well as rich jews?

>> No.56016757

He meant YNGMI

>> No.56016849

New Testament is made up bullshit to keep goyim poor and downtrodden.

>> No.56016851

Overabundance leads the unconcious person to ecessive ego association. When this association provides recurring positive feedback loops and their overall suffering is minimal. There is no incentive to seek anything outside the endless pleasures of the earth. If they were to let their ego die(part of awakening), it would also be the death of their wealth identification. Something a strong ego just cannot allow.

>> No.56016863

Isn't the old testament mostly just hebrew shit? Isn't the New Testament all the stuff about Jesus Christ, the namesake of Christianity?

>> No.56016864

Camels were smaller back then

>> No.56016882

What is wrong with "hebrew shit"?
Are you a single digit IQ anti-semite?
I guess so, since you are so obsessed with chr*stianity...

>> No.56016923

>Are you an anti-semite?
I wouldn't call myself an anti-semite, I more schlomoskeptic. I'm not a Christian either, but I was wondering what Christians thought about this quote considering /biz/ is all about making shitloads of money and plenty of people LARP as Christian here.

>> No.56016924


>> No.56016935
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Jesus said, "There was a rich man who had much money. He said, 'I shall put my money to use so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that I shall lack nothing.' Such were his intentions, but that same night he died. Let him who has ears hear."

>> No.56016959

This doesnt mean what you think it means. Who can make a camel go through the eye of a needle? God, as in no matter if you're rich or poor, only God can let you into heaven.

>> No.56016972

By rich man, Jesus is referring to greed. And those most greedy of all are jews.

>> No.56017116

So the real meaning is that all those who accept God will be allowed into heaven? And a rich man who doesn't accept God will not?
Why isn't he just referring to rich men?

>> No.56017120

Because most rich people cant accept tte fact that salvation is a free gift given to those that believe the gospel (Jesus is God, took your sins upon Himself, died on the cross, and was resurrected). You have to understand that it's a free gift to receive it. Rich people are prideful and cant accept that and would rather work themselves into heaven by being good or doing good deeds etc. things that are dependent on what they do and how they live rather than what Jesus did, rather than just fully trusting in Jesus.

>> No.56017124

The earliest written demoralization cope to demotivate ambitious goyim

>> No.56017137

jesus was jewish though

>> No.56017149

he was fudding to suppress the price of link, of course

>> No.56017372

Good answers

>> No.56017381

>If you just change the words around they mean what I want them to mean!
Smartest /pol/oid

>> No.56017427

There are 100s of antisemitic jews.

>> No.56017445

The eye of the needle refers to the yokes that they used to park their camels in or something.
To get into the yoke, the camel has to get on it's knees and allow the human to place the yoke.
I believe the quote was something to do with wealth reducing an individuals subservience. It's difficult for a rich man to get on his knees, even before god. Or something like that.
My grandma told me this many years ago, she was fairly based and methodist.

>> No.56017451
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Right, it's a Jewish plot which is why Jews vehemently hate Christians to the point of not even writing crosses (look up where "kike" comes from) and attack Christians when they stray out of the containment zones in Israel
We should all go back to being based Norse pagans, truly the salvation of Europe

>> No.56017477

>or something
So not just the eye of a needle, which is what is clearly written down? Why not refer to the yoke if that's what he meant?

>> No.56017480

And to actually answer the OP
Through God ALL things are possible. "Difficult" does not mean impossible.

>> No.56017630

English translations should be taken with a grain of salt, even something as meme worthy as the so-called new testament.

>> No.56017649

It means buy a good blender.

>> No.56017936

Christians are so insufferable

>> No.56017958

it’s OVR

>> No.56017979

>"you must own nothing to be happy"
christianity is a rule set for slaves

>> No.56017981

kick your kids out at 18 and blow their inheritance on cruises or they'll end up in hell for all eternity

>> No.56018045

At least it is possible for a rich man.
Poor people are fucked.

>> No.56018275

Very few rich men don’t become evil. It is possible but takes diligence and intentional efforts.

>> No.56018281
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you don't get to take any of it with you

>> No.56018290
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>Jesus was an antisemite
Jesus was Jewish...

>> No.56018294

It also appears in the Quran 7:40

>> No.56018462

The correct translation isn't "camel" but "string."

>"It is easier for a string to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven."

Wow suddenly this passage makes 10000% more sense.

>> No.56018654

Oh is another episode of poorly read and shallow thinking OP posts about shit he doesn't understand.

>> No.56018733

enlighten me oh wise one

>> No.56018786

If you aren't willing to give up what you gotta give up to go where you "want" to go you wont get thete

>> No.56018810

It just means as a rich man you have more responsibility to do God's will in this world. Be charitable frens

>> No.56018850

money and material wealth does not exist in heaven thus having a rich man in heaven oxymoronic/impossible.

>> No.56018908

As >>56017630 says, translation issues. Jesus didn't speak english.

>> No.56018950

Latin Vulgate is the only valid Holy Bible

>> No.56019021

It means the same as the central message of all spiritual faiths and it's so fucking obvious why if you fags do any reading at all on the traditional perspective or perennialism

It means that a wealthy man, because he is rich and well taken care of, is unlikely to ever seek out his own spiritual growth and fulfillment because he is mired in maya, aka the illusion of the value of the material world
You've seen analogs of this your whole life, the kid who is oversheltered never learns resilience, the people on the generation ship in wall-e grow fat and lazy from never needing to do anything, people in Western nations have grown very soft compared to their ancestors even 100 years ago due to industrialization, etc
Similar to these analogs you all are probably weak in spirit
From never needing to be healthy, moral, strong, or good, you have grown degenerate either in body or mind or both
And the spiritual realm is virtually inaccessible to most people in the West due to the general course of involution

You can be rich and spiritually wise as well (like the buddha was) that point of data is irrelevant, but you must be completely unattached to your wealth, something only someone such as a holy king is likely to have the mental and spiritual fortitude to do

>> No.56019096

People often forget that Jesus was asked after, "how can anyone be saved then?" He responded, "Through God all things are possible."

Personally, I believe all souls will be saved in the end, but those which cling to vanity and materialism will have a more labored path to salvation, both here and in afterlife.

>> No.56019102

>rich man
Rich men do not become rich without exploitation of fellow man. This has been known for thousands of years. Doesn't matter what race you are or what religion you believe.

>> No.56019104

Jesus was a JEW. So he wants you, the GOY, to be poor (not influential)

>> No.56019108

Cringe ass slave morality. Fuck cuckstianity and fuck you for making this thread.

>> No.56019739

You can't enter the kingdom of heaven if you're materialistic. A rich man having many possession is pretty much barred in this case. The camel going through the eye of a needle is easy once you remove the empty space between the atoms. Likewise, a rich man once parted with his possessions can enter the kingdom of God.

>> No.56019833


> When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”
> Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

>> No.56019839

wrong. read the next verse

>> No.56019882

Do not die with your estate in shambles. Bequeath your wealth as gifts before your death so your spouses do not succumb to in-fighting in your wake.

>> No.56019886


>> No.56019932

you sir are intelligent and have probably made it.

>> No.56020284

That one is not about money its about pridefully ignorant disbelievers, its just the same camel needle analogy.

>> No.56020682

to be entirely technical, Jesus was an Israelite, not and never a jew.
Abraham was an Israelite, but never a jew.
any time you see the word "Jew" it is a reference to anyone from the Israeli tribe of JUDAH.
they believe an entirely different interpretation of the scriptures and became extremely ass mad that the blessing was passed down to Joseph, and not them.
so "jews" by definition are not "gods chosen people" because the blessing was never passed down to the Tribe of Judah (where all modern day jews originated)
people forget there were 12 tribes of israel because the tribe of Judah has spent billions on propaganda engineering to make sure the illiterate (most people) have no idea this is the reality of the situation.

inb4 some turbo assmad JEW from the Tribe of Judah tries to refute this. protip, all the Jews in the tribe of Judah even do is cope, seethe, eat hot chips, and lie.

>> No.56021116

I promise I'm not a turbo assmad jew, but I remember having discussions as a teenager with my grandmother about Jesus's genealogy. The crux of the argument that he was a Messiah depended on his direct male lineage from King David - this was used to convince a lot of Jews during Jesus's time that he was a messenger of God. Back then, there was no mention of an immaculate conception - which certainly contravenes the idea that Jesus was a jew.
If he was a direct male-lineage descendent of King David, that would make him a member of the tribe of Judah and therefore a jew. If he truly was born of an immaculate conception, and literally the son of God, then he was not a jew.
I think this is all entirely besides the point though, because whether he was a jew by blood or not has no bearing on whether he rejected the degenerate rabbinic teachings of his time. Cleansing the temple wasn't so kosher, and the rabbis of the tribe of Judah certainly didn't accept him as one of their own.
Personally, I think a lot of this is ancient propaganda to push a narrative. It's hard to say what the truth is.
Also, the reason people forget the other tribes of israel is largely because they were eradicated both ethnically and culturally. AFAIK, the Samaritans are the only other tribe of israel that still exists today (and allegedly the Ethiopians are some cast of sect too but idk about all that.)

>> No.56022001
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>It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

Well it's just a mistranslation.
I happened to come across this topic few months ago. Same phrase is also in Quran. So in original aramaic or Sumerian?, I dont really remember right now, "Camel" and "Rope" is same word or very similar.

So the correct translation should be "It is easier for a ROPE to go through the eye of a needle".

>> No.56022013

wrong .

just keep reading retard

>> No.56022021

This and its 100% true.
Wtf I love the bible now

>> No.56022109

lol someone else already called it here.

you are just a retarded ape.

>> No.56022470

Rich people tend to be immoral, hedonistic, and constantly going against the word of god because they have the power to do so. Money also corrupts man. Maybe once you hit a certain level it’s impossible.
>t. Chinese billionaire raping women
>t. Jeffery Epstein raping kids
>money is the root of all evil.
It’s why I stopped caring about becoming ultra wealthy and started caring only about having enough.

>> No.56022495

was going to link brother Nathaniel's channel, but it seems to be scrubbed lol

>> No.56022525 [DELETED] 
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>turn the other cheek
What the FUCK did Jesus mean by this? You're telling me you're supposed to let people take advantage of you and then give them MORE?

>> No.56022540

Read the original version of that, not the kiked up KJV or laters and you will know what it really means.

>> No.56022577

Televangelist, Prosperity Gospel cope ?

>> No.56022588
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>> No.56022606

Yeah it's SO much better for Europeans to follow jewish folklore and culture than their own "pagan" heritage. Fucking idiot.

>> No.56022867
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>> No.56022926

>buildings mean jews good!
You're just like the people advocating for mass immigration because of foreign cuisine. Just kill yourself.

>> No.56023056
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>(you) can’t conceptualize the macro scale
Pagans are faggots more so than jews. Kys retard you’re ngmi if you believe in sodomizing yourself, rubbing your nipples, and having sex with men’s butts for warrior spirituality actually does something besides giving you aids.

>> No.56023082

>>>(you) can’t conceptualize the macro scale
Oh do I just need to trust the jew god's plan? 2 more weeks and all the non believers will regret making fun of your death cult. Funny that christians will call pagans faggots while pastors and preachers are well known boy diddlers.

>> No.56023103

This passage was created to help poor people cope with being poor. Christianity is a death cult that just tells people with miserable lives that they will have it great in Heaven for eternity after death that way they are pacified and do not do anything against the rich and powerful Jews that rule over them

>> No.56023122

>>>2 more weeks
>ignored every point I made about pagans being gay
>ignore being gay and pedophilia go hand in hand
>>>but Christian’s have pedophiles!!!
Yeah retard, and so do public school systems. You’re obviously a retarded pagan. You’re not worth my time anymore.

>> No.56023134

Actually the first Christian people of the Roman Empire were known to visit the catacombs and have sex orgies. Christian’s were the original SJW degenerates and equivalent to our present days modern left. It is no coincidence that the great empire of Rome fell when Christianity became the official religion and all Aryan “pagan” relgions were banned. The only other religion besides Christianity that wasn’t banned was Judaism funny enough

>> No.56023146

What point faggot? We're talking about buildings and you're thinking about penises.

>> No.56023367
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This. It is a religion for filthy, disgusting rabble. Always has been, always will be. To fully understand this you need to sort of understand pre-universal religions, where the point was to jealously guard your worship against outsiders rather than try to recruit every disgusting wretch you come across, a notion which would have baffled the ancients. Anyway, that is why it has been so successful up until now: it is memetically designed for growth, not exclusion. But now even more revolting forms of egalitarianism and universalism have been invented to supplant it and it is walking dead except in backward places.

>> No.56023438

i went to catholic school (aka rich kid school) so all the kids were butthurt about it, and the teacher made up some bullshit cope like, "oh well not literally the eye of needle, that's what they called the main gate into the city back then, so they just had to go slow"

>> No.56023444

jewsus means you should stay a poor faggot and work for the jews and be happy about it

>> No.56023671

the Jews are the weak one in this scenario. you're parroting nitsche except this is mixed up

>> No.56023682

I'm going to keep posting this. why do people feel the need to make up these copes? it literally explains it in the next verse


>> No.56023715

I think this is one of the hidden gems in the bible. A lot of what was in the bible was false but there are some truths within it (same with the Koran etc.)

Fact is most religions are not "mystical" at all with their origins. They were simply written by a small family/group within the elites of their respective origin countries. We know that Christianity was developed by the Hebrews and partnered to obtain power through the empire with Constantine and introduce Pagan europe to the Abrahamic dichotomic form of thinking

>> No.56023760

The phrase "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" is a biblical saying attributed to Jesus Christ. Its meaning has been interpreted in various ways, but it generally emphasizes the challenges that wealth and materialism can pose to one's spiritual journey. Some interpretations suggest that the "eye of a needle" could refer to a narrow gate or passage, highlighting the difficulty for the wealthy to detach from their possessions and prioritize spiritual values. While interpretations may vary, the core message is about the potential pitfalls of wealth and the importance of humility and spiritual focus.

>> No.56023787

I think it has 2 meanings or it only has one but it's DEEPER

>> No.56023828
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no he wasn't
Jesus was an israelite
israelites were a group of people who descended from a man named jacob, jacob was given the title israel

Jesus denied the jews as being the same genetic line as him
>I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
>But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me

this is because one of the descendants of israel was named judah, judah's descendants were judahites, judahites created the kingdom of jkudah
a group of people who didn't descend from judah took over the kingdom and killed the judahites
they then began larping as if they were part of the line of judah, thus pretended to be israelites but never were
>Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Judahites and are not, but are lying — I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.

we know this from greek historians to be true
>"The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans(Edomites), and by the lake [Sirbonis], The Idumæans (Edomites) are Nabatæans (Caananite-Mixed Race), when driven from their country by sedition, they passed over to the Judaeans (The Kingdom of Judahites/Israelites), and adopted their customs.
-Strabo, Geography 16.2.34 (23 AD)

>They [Edomites] killed Hyrcanus four years later and then they kicked out all the Judahites from the Temple.
-- Josephus (Antiquities XV, 6, 1)

so Jesus wasn't a jew because israelites nor even judahites were ever called jews
only the group that took over judea was called jews, jews created judaism and the talmud
the israelites never followed judaism or the talmud
they followed what was called the testament, now old testament

there you go
now you're no longer a retard who will repeat
>Jesus was a jew
because jews told you he was
deceivers deceived you

>> No.56024438

>because jews told you he was
>deceivers deceived you

Nigger, christians read the old testament and worship literal jews. You cannot be retarded

>> No.56024478
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>Surely those who receive our revelations with denial and arrogance, the gates of heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel passes through the eye of a needle. This is how We reward the wicked.

It's not about the rich, anon. It's about those who deny Allah and His signs.

>> No.56024511

But I get to make my children and race more powerful. Had Europe continued as it had untill 1900, we would still rule this earth through wealth alone. Let alone everything else.

>> No.56024882

God is not a jew. Christians worship God and, by extension, Christ who is Gods flesh on earth.

>> No.56025009

So, white liberals hate white people. At least Jesus had actual motives to be antisemitic and not decades of propaganda vomited to him

>> No.56025118

The needle is a gateway in the old days not the needle in a sewing kit. It's still possible for you to enter paradise but it is just harder due to all the temptations available to you when you live in luxury

>> No.56025182
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jews are the canaanites in the old testament, they carry that dna to this day
they are not israelites as israelites were at war with the canaanites (jews)

>Observe thou that which I command thee this day: behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.
>But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in all the lands you inhabit.
>But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves:
>For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
>Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice;
>And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods.
>But shalt kill them with the edge of the sword, to wit, the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, and the Canaanite, the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee:

>> No.56025194
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>> No.56025714

if you are rich the capacity for sin is easier accessed

>> No.56025763

I heard the jews thought wealth meant you were blessed by God meaning a wealthy man must be righteous or he wouldn't be blessed with wealth. The next part is Jesus said through God all things are possible. So even a rich man can enter heaven through Jesus.
I had also heard eye of a needle was a specific gate into Jerusalem and camels could only enter if they removed all the luggage but I don't know if that's just a rich man's cope.
Either way, Jesus is the only path my friend.

>> No.56026441

"IN GOD WE TRUST" - US FED dollar bills

>> No.56026448
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>> No.56026496

Where is this from?

>> No.56026538

Material wealth is worthless in compassion to spiritual wealth is the message. As the apostle Tyler Durden said, the things you own end up owning you.

>> No.56026546

If you're white, learn your true history. If you're not, believe what you wish

>> No.56027130
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>> No.56027133
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>> No.56027150

as true as this is, it is never said you HAVE to live in poverty. you should be encouraged to provide as much as you can for your family while on earth, arent there passages that support this?

>> No.56027748

the Kingdom of the Father is spread over the earth and men do not see it.
>they're in it already
>they just don't know it

>> No.56027865

Jesus was a brokie in maxcope mode because the son of god larp couldn't get him enough gold coins to buy a farm and a nice African Stacy.

>> No.56027879

Cope, Mammonite.

>> No.56028303

Wow weird thing for a jew to preach to the goyim
>listen, goy. The last thing you want is a lot of money. It's best to just give it away to niggers
- Rabbi Yeshua

>> No.56028595
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Yeah well 2 verses after that, theres this one. Basically he's saying, "its nearly impossible for a rich man to be saved, but through God all things are possible". Because in order to get rich, you have to make evil jew decision #1, do you fuck a bunch of people over, or do you sell something to them that they need. Now, if they really want it or need it, theyre going to buy a lot of said thing. Now comes evil jew decision number #2, do you (A)-price gouge them or (B) charge just enough to cover operating costs? Okay so you chose B. Now your operation is gaining support exponentially.. Time for evil jew decision #3. With all these resources and all this power, do you (A) Join a secret society and start employing and importing only niggers in order to lower operating costs of hiring white people? And begin the death spiral, Or (B) NOT live in a giant mansion keep hiring white people, and the life cycle continues.

Being jewish isnt just a bloodline or fraternity, its a way of thinking, it is greed personified. Leaning towards materialism produces evil and slavery, while leaning towards spiritualism encourages life and happiness.
Thats what pic related is all about I feel like, yeah it may be hard for a rich man to enter heaven, but with god, its not impossible.
We were put here on this world to toil, not have someone else toil for us. This world is a test and if your first inclination is to cheat, youre probably failing.