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File: 743 KB, 1524x1899, 38509_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56015183 No.56015183 [Reply] [Original]

I regret spending $70 on this.

>> No.56015189

Also, was this a good business decision? I definitely didn't mean to post this thread in /v/ instead.

>> No.56015190 [DELETED] 

That's too bad op. I can relate because I regret holding my stack down to a mid six figure loss. Sorry about your 70 dollars.

>> No.56015191

You could have pirated it, like everyone else, or bought it from a key service

>> No.56015204
File: 14 KB, 512x512, F4ikY9JXsAAhVtP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate actually, I'm a dobaggie.

>> No.56015289
File: 18 KB, 800x800, 1679647890972178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending any amount of money or time on a "Final Fantasy" after the end of Square in 2003

>> No.56015444
File: 102 KB, 1024x990, B9E5C1F3-FA83-4D58-97E8-1541B3579A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if you think about it, it’s a better investment than crypto.

>> No.56015474

Is that Squall?

>> No.56015606

>buying games
But why? Just play free games.

>> No.56016693
File: 29 KB, 475x343, Tide-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFX was the last true Final Fantasy.

>> No.56016927


>> No.56018627
File: 410 KB, 1459x999, 1686894497031303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was fun

>> No.56018635

>I regret spending $70 on this.
You spended 70 fucking dollars in a videogame? Grow up.

>> No.56018706

thats why you buy physical bud

>> No.56018764

They've literally been copy-pasting their stories since squenix was created. All the same edgy-tryhard and le "quirky" bullshit with none of the sovl. Sad!

>> No.56019227

I heard the boss fights were good but the side quests are terrible.

>> No.56019243

Next week will be good

>> No.56019252

cringe children

>> No.56019349

I never imagined that I would come to like the Dragon Quest games more than the FF games.

>> No.56019359
File: 120 KB, 1100x730, 22694a67d0dc428807e11c1c7c7a7a9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for games
If I can't pirate it, I just skip it

>> No.56019371

Don't worry, this entire site is a trash heap, the mods don't give a shit what you do

>> No.56019413
File: 110 KB, 1440x900, Tales-of-Arise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, Xenoblades, Tales of X, etc.. propose absolutely mindblowing scenarii (which i believe have gnostic/kabbalistic esoteric underlying), but stupid gaijins can't get over their muh nostalgia and actually enjoy real JRPGs.

Special mention to Tales of Arise, who probably have the best story ever made in vidya.

>> No.56019476

ESL garbage angry because they got no games as kids.

>> No.56019591
File: 23 KB, 720x405, d27a3c261e7a40d1bee24eb13fdabc1c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul less game.
Last Final Fantasy were FF X also for graphics and FF IX for game play and story.

>> No.56019638

No you don't.
It was worth it alone for the music.

Besides, don't you see it?
Look at how the game played.
Next one is gonna be an MMO.
Kino is back on the menu.

>> No.56019648

No one ever mentions phantasia and I will not acknowledge anything past symphonia until I see a detailed review and discussion of phantasia by several major channels and sources.

>> No.56019704

surely final fantasy 1 should have been the final final fantasy

>> No.56019714

youre never getting your money back loser lmao in fact enjoy losing the other half of it

>> No.56019812

FFX was shit.
in fact all of them are.
only good one was FF6.
i used to be an FF fan, but when i really thought objectively about it, the games are all garbage

>> No.56019828 [DELETED] 

I have recovered from 90% losses multiple times. 50% is nothing.

>> No.56021119

True but 7 remake was actually insanely good.

FF16 was way too short.

>> No.56021649

FFVII remake is essentially Kingdom hearts for edgy teenagers. Battle system ruined. The only insanely good thing about FFVII remake is r34 3d animations that came out of it

>> No.56021718

I tried to like it, but I found it hard to get attached to any of the main characters, which isn't good for a Final Fantasy. Cid had personality but was killed off far too soon imo. Clive, Joshua and Jill just weren't engaging enough.

It's obious they just went into a meeting room and said 'Hey imagine if we crossed Final Fantasy, Game of Thrones and Soulsborne'. And the result is a disjointed game that doens't really hit the mark on any of those 3.

>> No.56021785



>> No.56021834

7 remake was a 6/10. Would have been a 9/10, but they insisted on adding a bunch of shit that absolutely stank of Nomura (the talentless hack). So much needless filler that while well intentioned, had no purpose, or at worse introduced a bunch of cardboard characters that were as tedious and uncharismatic as they were obsolete. All the additional content also had the consequence of ruining both the narrative and gameplay pacing of the original, and the insistence to hamfist Sephiroth into every knook and cranny, like they were anxious we'd forget he existed if they didn't, was just embarassing. The new combat system also demonstrates just how much square enix actually despises RPGs and everyone who likes them, they really just want to make movies and dislike videogames. Also the fucking ghosts sucked. They were so nervous over ruining the game with retcons they had to ruin the game with retcons PLUS an overbearing and tedious ingame rationalisation for it as well. Thoroughly homosexual.

Both the remake and the extended universe of 7 simply proves to me that the original game was a complete accident. Their attempts at trying to recapture the lightning in a bottle have been the epitome of cringe.

>> No.56022475

>playing video games
holy shit lmfao

>> No.56022522

I just watched someone else play through it on YouTube. I actually enjoyed it so I watched two people's playthroughs. The crazy part is that I've only ever completed a few FFs and only ever once. So, this is the first one that I've been through twice.

It's too bad it wasn't on PS4.

>> No.56022570

>r34 3d animations
would be if they stopped inflating the models, seriously, wtf is going on these days with the blender animations? every model is either off or a balloon animal version.

>> No.56022583

I'm still expecting DLC expansion, no matter what they say. Even KH3 put its true final boss (and all the post-game stuff besides Ultima Weapon) behind a paywall.
Nojima. Nojima's the scenario writer for all of Nomura's stuff. And that's because it's not a remake, it's a sequel that's going to resolve a lot of the stuff that was left open-ended in the original, without sending us COMPLETELY down the AC/Dirge path.
NuFantasy haters have the worst taste in battle systems. All of the ones since X (save XV) mog all of the previous ones. Yes, X-2. Yes, XIII. Yes, XII. Yes, Remake. They all provide a great balance between real-time and menu-based elements.

>> No.56022634

ff12 really hit the ff1 vibes tho. was muh fave

>> No.56022640

>watching people play video games
holy fuck i didnt think it could get worse then playing video games LMFAO

>> No.56022660

think they started focusing on some new rpgs like octopath traveler. coulda swore there was a bigger one

>> No.56022992

Nah, too political but not as interesting as FF tactics. Also too unappealing for old FF gamers because it was Vagrant Story for ps2, essentially, not a true FF. Batlle system sucked. Licenses sucked. The game was essentially Star Wars the rpg. Not good r34, all in all the game sucked.