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56015134 No.56015134 [Reply] [Original]

> 1963 - 19400
> 2023 - 459100

Except that it does. So the value increased 24 times over the 60 years. or it doubles roughly every ~12 years + rent proceeds . Sounds good enough. Btw outside of US people don't rent out officially to avoid income taxes and they drop property taxes(if there are some) on the rent-cucks anyways.

There you go. Just rent out to less fortunate who can't afford housing and live of their backs - you're not only entitled to it but you definitely deserve it. And that's an answer to good life kids ;)

>> No.56015140

Only in 2008 houses stopped following the price of gold and silver

>> No.56015141

>buy my plywood boxes gweilo goy
>Gibs me that worthless moneys of yours
>Please buy my plywood boxes

>> No.56015145

p.s. Rich people share this knowledge and pass it to their kids. You fucks can't even be honest with yourself on anonymous internet image board. Alll you need is some info at where the money is but you just have to hide and and rather go on about people fuck knows what. go do everyone a favor and die.

>> No.56015146
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>what is inflation
it's a recent phenomena

>> No.56015147

>Here are 10 reasons why you should buy my bags that only "rich" people know
Lol advertising baggies

>> No.56015161

>. Rich people share this knowledge and pass it to their kids

By sharing knowledge you mean they buy them a bunch of properties when theyre infants and put it into a family trust, then sure....

>> No.56015162

stfu cherrypicking faggot

>> No.56015186

Well those "rich" people also need cashflow and liquidity, and if nobody is buying there rehypotecization pyramid scheme and less people live in them and pay those "rich" trust fund babys, they are not able to pay for their lavish lifestyles and are soon not rich anymore

>> No.56015203
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no worthless nigger paper is just going down

>> No.56015209


there is always rent market. There is always line of people who are looking for a place to rent. This will never change.

>> No.56015225

Demographic reality idiot. And no, the importation of niggers and spics is not the solution to keep your pyramid scheme alive. It leads to the story told in an old levantine fairy tale book about a tower that fell and buried the old order

>> No.56015256


fuck the fairly tales. people who own the property they really own it. Both physically, financially and most important - morally. They will never par with it. Fucking over rent cucks will always be justified. Just fucking admit it , what's the hells is the matter with you ? I just can't believe it I need to argue about it.

The only alternative might be other asset classes but you need skill time and knowledge for that. Even then you're competing against math professors algorithms and harvard trained investment bankers - good luck with that. Well and liquidity of course.

>> No.56015287

Unable to read your shit post further.
There is nothing like morality, more important there is nothing like morality in an environment where there is no shared culture. The natural state baby, the further atomization goes, the less their is morality and the law of the strongest most "immoral" takes foot. I have a semi automatic rifle, your security forces are in decline, I own whatever I want if I'm willing to kill

You see how the story of the tower of Babel is more important than it ever was, thanks to rehypotecization scammers and their importation of niggers and spics to drive their pyramid scheme

>> No.56015302

Ive seen what kind of wood they use in those homes
$900k!!!! Bur we use that same wood all that those Walmart furnitures use haha

>> No.56015331

No one is telling you to buy it. Keep being a rentcuck and pissing away money into the void

There's millions of smart people who are jumping over themselves for a decent home in a good area

Increasing population + decreasing supply = line goes up

>> No.56015342

>Wahh I'm poor and scared of brown people!!! Wahhhh!!

>> No.56015361

I'm just to angry to about the whole situation mostly because i didn't become a homeowner when I had the chance. So I just blur out some inconsistent sentences about everything.

The strongest write, command and implement laws of morality. That's the thing. In short all I see is rent cucks getting screwed while landlords getting rich. I understand it as unjust but "that's" never going to change.

>> No.56015366

why doesn't supply increase if there's huge profits to be made though ?

>> No.56015370

>always up
Zoom out faggot
There's a reason the FED don't show you pre-60s data.

>> No.56015384

Who is supposed to enforce your morality laws, when the security forces are at an average age of 55 and losing all their trust and failing to fill their recruitment quotas. Yes some are taking in the imports as police force, like Germany, and increasing corruption inside the forces, like turkish leos cooperating with Turkish clans and being involved in home invasions and extortion schemes, further eroding the trust in the state, further driving the fall into Anarchy, just to keep a boomer jewish pyramid scheme from collapsing

>> No.56015392

>people who own the property they really own it. Both physically, financially and most important - morally.
>the NKVD appears behind you
heh, nothin personelle kid

inb4 communism will never happen here
It's already happening.

>> No.56015399

No. Communism requires a top down centralized planning authority able to enforce its policies. That is not the case.
We are going especially in the west further and further into real Anarchy

>> No.56015408
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Your chart actually shows the price going down ~10% in the final year of the chart. It literally kept going up until it didn't. Not sure if you're trolling or fucking stupid.

>> No.56015412

I'm sure the bolsheviks said much the same thing.
>power to the people
fucking kek

>> No.56015438

Only that the soviets at the time had the capabilities to enforce their terror regime. Young population that was easily brainwashed in a majority. While in todays attempt at communism, the behaviorism methods to create shared reality and brainwash a big enough part of the population don't work anymore. Tv era, radio era and newspaper era of mass media don't exist anymore. Gramsci and Barney are not applicable. They reach at best 15% of the population that BELIEVE them, where the rest either ignores them or is openly opposing them

The future is anarchism, real anarchism.

>> No.56015460

>While in todays attempt at communism, the behaviorism methods to create shared reality and brainwash a big enough part of the population don't work anymore.
Look around, retard. Young people think the planet will be on fire in 20 years if we don't stop using Saudi/Russian oil. Young people think it's normal to chop their dicks off. Young people think any form of profit is theft. Young people lined up in droves to get jabbed with an experimental vaccine.
NPCs are more brainwashed than ever. The internet is not a liberating system for the majority of uncritical thinkers. It is a highly effective information control system and propaganda tool.
A series of social, political and environmental crises are being manufactured and you're a fool if you don't think this will be used to enact a new (((proletariat))) revolution.

I'd love an anarcho-capitalist future, but I don't see it happening fren.

>> No.56015471

No you idiot. That's not a majority of young people. That's an attempt to make you believe that a majority of young people believe this crap
It's indirect behaviorism
Maybe talk to young people before you believe the lies from (((demoscopic))) sharlatanes

>> No.56015515


>> No.56015526

Bags getting heavy baggies?

>> No.56015531

>Housing prices were basically stable with very minor overall valuation gains relative to income all the way until the late 90s, and then explode
The fuck happened then

>> No.56015533

It might not be a majority but it's a significant portion. They're literally being taught these ideologies in school. Obviously, as a 30 year old man, I don't make a habit of talking to 13 year olds - but from what I hear from my little brother (14), this is not an insignificant sect of young people. There's a faggot club in his school full of trannies and they have after school clubs where they organise climate protests etc.
You don't think vaccine uptake was a demoscopic charade - do you?

>> No.56015540

That said, I do agree - there is behaviouralist manipulation on these topics. I just don't think the younguns are as immune to this as you imply.

>> No.56015561

>pissing away money into the void

this phrase is always the signal that I'm talking to an inexperienced homie. you haven't even calculated how much interest you pay a year yet.

>> No.56015589

It's a minority. The members of those "green climate" groups are not young people, they are hired druggies and trust fund babies average age late 20s, that don't believe it, but are doing it for money and fame. They are paid by the financiers in hope that they can influence public opinion, which they fail at

There is no shared reality, mass media behaviorism doesn't work anymore, especially with a fractured informational distribution network, with everyone easily able to create a news and opinion outlet at practically 0 costs.

>> No.56015609

Thanks for posting this. You've somewhat changed my mind. I'll keep a wider eye for this sort of stuff, perhaps I have been misled into thinking this was a larger subsect of young people than it really is.
I'm a bong, and now that I think about it, the majority of these 'stop oil' protesters we get over here are boomer hippies and humanities graduates.
You've provided me with some hope, so thanks for that. Time will be the real test to see how this plays out.

>> No.56015617

>Increasing population
all developing countries are experiencing declining birth rate and it's a good thing since we don't have the resources to sustain growing worldwide population. From drinkable water, food to feed everyone and a home over your head, there are too many people.

>> No.56015628
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obligatory anti-plywood poster

>> No.56015670

You are welcome, I was under the impression, that this is common knowledge and everyone is able to see it
Like everything else I write

>> No.56015730

>you're not only entitled to it but you definitely deserve it
Indeed. Indeed.

>> No.56015814

everything goes up on a 60 year timeline retard

>> No.56015823

>Line always goes up
>Growth of everything is infinite
>Please believe me
>Buy bags NOW!
Lmfao baggies

>> No.56015848

i haven't done much research but my guess would be decreased lending standards, financialization of mortgages (trading of mortgage backed securities, credit default swaps, other talmudry associated with mortgage derivatives), and further concentration of population in overpriced, high density urban areas.

>> No.56015857

Houses arent going to go down in price anytime soon. Here in canada, we get 1 million immigrants per year and we dont build nearly enough houses to accomodate all of them.

>> No.56015878

the value of the land mostly goes up...but any homes built in the last few decades are extremely low quality and you need to dump your baggie before its 10 years old

>> No.56015896
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i'm interested to see how these 5-over-1 pieces of shit hold up over the years. they're building them like crazy in my area and the tenant turnover is pretty high, so the tenants definitely don't care about maintaining the property. a decade or two of the usual rentoid water damages should yield mass structural issues, even with pressure treated lumber.

>> No.56016034

That is also bullshit. The value of land depends on economic activity on the territory, security on the territory and population growth, in short demand. Land in somalia is very cheap and doesn't do muah line go up lol

>> No.56016103

Your own chart predicts whats coming. 4 years to the bottom. At least 7 years until prices reach 2021 levels again.

>> No.56016106

Based rentchad

>> No.56016115

Whose says I'm renting? Most people walking the streets have smart phones

>> No.56016301
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>The population decline will reverse because....I feel it to be true
>The govt will import entire countries worth of people because....I want them to

>> No.56016311

>ESL speak in the first sentence
Opinion discarded

>> No.56016774

just stay in crypto mr queef, you're way out of your element

>> No.56016798
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Housing always does go up due to how the economy is built on a growth/inflation model. But it goes up gradually and there's multiple periods where it enters a peak/trough and it doesn't make sense to buy.

For example people who bought at the top in 2007 were underwater on their mortgages for over a decade and a lot of people defaulted or walked away.

Saying that "line only go up" is an oversimplification.

>> No.56016886

>Line goes up forever
>Growth of everything is infinite
>It just is OKAY
>Now please buy my bags
Lol, baggies

>> No.56016902

>rent goes up every year

Thank god I bought pre-2022 and locked in at cheap rates.

>> No.56016907


I didn't say to buy my bags. I said it doesn't make sense to buy right now. We are at the peak of a cycle.

The median house payment is greater than 100% of the median take home pay right now. In no way is this sustainable.

>> No.56016911
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And that's the reason for collapse of activity in the market. No houses are moving because no one wants to leave their locked in low rates for double the house payment. The only thing keeping prices from collapsing is the lack of supply.

>> No.56016963

I bought a house in 2019 for $255k. I just sold it for $375k. Gonna be around 100k profits after everything. My interest was around 3.5.
Gonna live with my parents now, rent free and see what happens over the next year or two while I save more money. I can buy a house any time with the 100k down payment, but no rush now. Let's see if I timed it right in the next 1-2 years

>> No.56016967


Also money markets are paying 5% interest now so there's really not a reason to hurry.

>> No.56016982

Yup, I've never had a HYSA, but gonna put the 100k in there and hopefully be able to put another 2-3k a month from my job. I've seen some HYSA 5.5 offers now.

>> No.56016988
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Not every homeowner is locked in at a low rate. Boomers have their homes paid off. They're selling and buying their next place in cash. Cash sales are the highest they've been in a decade (when housing last bottommed).

You have to pay taxes on interest earned so the return will be under 4%.

>> No.56016990

because in 2008 the fed started buying up all mortgage backed securities and continues to do so to this day

>> No.56017000
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People like to spam "two more weeks" but it will take a year or two to have all of this play out. As the job market cools and inflation still wrecks it's way through the poor and up to the middle class people will hold onto houses with a death grip until they are forced out.

When the tone goes from "housing only goes up" to "housing will never recover" is the time to actually buy.

>> No.56017146


>> No.56017245

>Please buy according to easily manipulated (((sentiment)))
>Ignore demand and demographics
>Just listen to the "opinion leaders"
So transparent
Real estate isn't going to be profitable in the west for at least half a century

>> No.56017302
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Tough to tell exactly. It is true that housing is the least affordable it has ever been. Barring we are in an inflationary death spiral leading to economic collapse, people who bought at the top really do face being underwater for decades.

>> No.56017360

It's a deflationary deathspiral. All data all ppi data around the world is going negative, pmis are going negative, the only thing still somehow up is the real estate pyramid schemes, and it is currently held up by an attempt to manipulate supply, like if it was opecs oil scam

>> No.56017373
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>There's millions of smart people who are jumping over themselves for a decent home in a good area
you probably typed this in good faith as well.

>> No.56017379

it’s the right kind of land that goes up up up. Houses are money pits.

>> No.56017393


So the artificial restrictions that I see are:

>covid mortgage relief effort preventing foreclosures
>massive speculation from private equity attempting to secure homes to rent
>air bnb and short term rental speculation

There's far too many people trying to get rich in the real estate market and we have reached the point where there's very little profit to be made. The housing market is completely detached from market fundamentals.

>> No.56017452

That's north America, Europe has a few more brutal communist laws about energy efficiency and other crap that makes building houses completely irrational. But even those communist attempts at production manipulation only go that far

>> No.56018978


All this cope. God bless renters.

>> No.56019078

>Buy my plywood boxes
>Please you stupid renter just take a mortgage and buy my box
Lol boxies

>> No.56019089
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Fix it

>> No.56019116

>It’s not a majority
LOL. I remember when the line was “these SJWs are contained to tumblr. They’re a small vocal minority. They’ll grow up eventually!”

And now every mainstream institution including law enforcement agencies are comprised of modern day Tumblrinas but now they have guns and have unrestricted access to children. It’s over

>> No.56019136

>housing crashes
>buys more
heh, nothing personal chud

>> No.56019223

Go on, buy. The bid is dead and every seller is waiting for somebody to pay the fantasy prices

>> No.56019242

>Increasing population + decreasing supply = line goes up
I need to get off this board

>> No.56019245

water fu

>> No.56019308

there is still some delusion pricing, make no mistake. but these are the extreme cases. there are still a lot of affordable homes out there.
but there are also
>people on the sidelines waiting for rate hikes
>companies like blackrock whos business plan is to buy up homes and rent them out
>bidenomics plan to get millenials & genz into houses

>> No.56019485

>Muah Larry
Opinion discarded

>> No.56019523


>> No.56019538

There is no way for peace, no way for bribery,only revenge.

>> No.56019546

In bay area you can rent a nice 2 bedroom apartment in a nice area for 2.5K. Why should anyone pay 5K for your crumbling shak, mortgage cuck?

>> No.56019548

And I suppose that plan has some hooks like socialist green ecological fascist hooks. No way senior. Co2 is going up with jew bodies and 90s kumbaya bodies burning

>> No.56020158

Your assuming that buying a house will continue going up and to the right in real terms. Outside of equity real estate isn’t the only place for one to get a (+) ROI

Idk what the future holds though population demographics point towards a decline and at the same time theirs a Fed chart that shows new housing builds being the highest since 1980. Economy is weakening, and wages have been flat for decades.

Anyways home ownership is not the only path to building wealth. Outside of building equity it can become a money pit.

Rich people are rich by inventing/reinventing a product or service, fraud, inheritance, or lottery. You shouldn’t equate smart financial planning with those metrics.

>> No.56020206

true...some land is prohibitive to build on...its possible to find out it doesn't perk or in a flood plain, but you have to be super retarded to fall for that

>> No.56020214

theyre doing up to 17 stories with those sandwiched osb pillars like 12"x16" thick..and they go taller, but they use concrete for the lower floors and still need concrete or block for the elevator core and shear walls. water damage would definitely be a big concern as well as fire...osb is like tinder

>> No.56020243

Another things you forgot to mention is 1)theirs a difference between owning a home, and paying a mortgage for a home.
2) a possibility of an area wherever your at having asome kind of collapse (like insurance companies pulling out of California & Florida or wild fires in Maui)
3)With everyone becoming a landlord/Airbnb host, I ask the question “where the fuck is demand coming from?” If “everyone” is turning into landlords is that going to be weird if there’s 1000 landlord & Airbnb properties for every one renter? Would this not turn into a renters market? What about those new apartment buildings building built by eoy?
4) alternatives - Ppl are going to realize they don’t “have” to get a house when they can get a
>mobile home, manufactured homes, condo, tiny house, rv, boat, build their own house, townhouse, 3D print a house, Amazon house, live in a warehouse, convert an office/house, alibaba house, live in a resort, live on a cruise, buy a hotel and live in it.etc
5) Crypto has so far outpaced housing
Some stocks as well. Gold and silver did okay.

Again even if a “rentcuck” never bought a house just by being a conservative investor they would be a few % points ahead in both real & nominal $ terms.

Ultimately I remember distinctly their being a train of thought
>a house is not an investment, it’s a place to live.

Idk maybe this time it’s different