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File: 426 KB, 640x697, 20230903_012544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56013786 No.56013786 [Reply] [Original]

Housing prices in the US havent even started rising yet kek

>> No.56013806
File: 97 KB, 778x387, suff her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it couldn't get worse until I looked at houses in eastern europe

>> No.56013851

All eastern euros own their homes. This is a benefit of communism unironically and they should say thank you to russia

>> No.56013874

Eastern Europe... Where salaries are $10k/year and houses start at $200k. Good locations = $500k

Legitimately you either inherit or pod forever

>> No.56013922

>I wonder what I should use to indicate the different variables....
>I know, I'll pick very slightly different colour blues on a blue background

>> No.56013986

This holy fuck

>> No.56014252
File: 163 KB, 640x696, 1693718825004352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys federal reserve bank of Dallas checking in!

R8 the clarity of my updated chart for me. Is everything clear and easy to understand? Just want to be sure the info is easy to see at a glance, so went with high contrast black and white, and got rid of alot of the words because they were a distraction.

>> No.56014448

Why are britoids always whining about house prices? See how fucked we are in France, even in small cities prices did a x2,5 in 20 years.

>> No.56014536

In Serbia 50m^2 shoebox apartments in Belgrade cost more than 150 m^2 houses in US/Australia (outside the cities) and average salary is like 400$.

>> No.56014781

> Using a basket case as the baseline
Won't work

>> No.56014794
File: 29 KB, 700x395, IMG_7951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh it’s way worse than that.

>> No.56014845
File: 110 KB, 976x549, p04lk68c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes , don't forget Canada has fallen far behind the USA in productivity, has lower wages and far higher taxes.
In Quebec taxes are 50%, you can't get a doctor, healthcare has basically collapsed and yet it's illegal for your employer to provide private medical insurance.

>> No.56014887

Wow maybe selling all their houses to rich foreigners was a bad idea

>> No.56014890
File: 40 KB, 540x386, EEnE rolf stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically what the fuck is happening to Canada. I remember growing up and seeing you guys as my sister country with colder weather now you seem to somehow be going even more full retard than us. Like a fullest retard or something.

>> No.56014945

And all our schools exist as a backdoor for immigration of brownies

>> No.56014968

not all of them. in quebec they are in two types:
1. state schools that are a sink for immigrants. classes are often chaotic as teachers struggle to maintain order. this week quebec guaranteed not a teacher in ever class, but an adult in every class.
2. state subsidized private schools. these have controlled entry and are often subject to nepotism, with not very smart middle class kids gaining entry thanks to daddy. obviously lots of countries have this issue.
quite the mess.

>> No.56014973

All of europe is way worse for housing than the US. Their homes are literally shoebox size.

British people rarely even have garages or off street parking.

>> No.56014991

I think Canada is the testing grounds for an extreme luciferian new world order.

1. We produce absolutely no life whatsoever. No one in my friends group has any kids between 25-40. When you go outside, in the stores, everyone is OLD.
2. Despite abundant natural resources, it doesnt seem like there is a drive for expansion or usage.
3. We are being flooded with 1 million jeets per year. Everyone has fled the cities and cope in small towns in the north trying to desparately gatekeep.
4. There is zero tech innovation or drive compared to the US.

>> No.56015124

>buy my concrete boomer plywood boxes
>Sooooooooo cheap
>Money worthless better give me money for this plywood boxes
Lol baggies

>> No.56015241

You can't have a tripling of US housing prices because of the sheer size of the US. With 380 million people that's about 200 homes. Where are you gonna find 200 million migrants to buy up all the houses?

Also a lot of US migrants work in construction so they keep building new houses.

>> No.56015380
File: 47 KB, 300x274, Canada.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trudeau said it himself: it's the first post national state. Basically a dystopian multikulti economic zone where your status is not one of a citizen but a taxpayer.

>> No.56015411

These niggers never hear of ggplot?

>> No.56015462

>Trudeau said it himself: it's the first post national state.
He said that?

>> No.56015491

Development has lagged behind demand for 20 years now. If mortgage rates dropped to 0 tomorrow, housing prices would nearly double their current price, as there are many thousands of buyers who have been sidelined in the last 2-3 years. You have no idea what youre talking about.