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File: 207 KB, 1988x1364, musicisascam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56012793 No.56012793 [Reply] [Original]

I paid $70 for this, it'll net me about $1. And Spotify I am pretty sure only advertises to people already listening to you so I don't know what the fuck the point is.

Have around 10k monthly listeners and 8k followers and it has been like that forever, my music is walled off in some graveyard of garbage of dead bands regardless of if the genre/sound changes, there is no escaping my Spotify prison.

Anyone with >100k listeners have any advice?

>> No.56012798

Not at all. Total atomized no trust no shared reality society

>> No.56012809

I think the first step is to make good music OP.

>> No.56012819

The music is objectively good, and I have been told this by grammy winning producers and artists. The problem is the market saturation and actually getting to people's ears. I am not worried about the quality of the music, I have plenty of proof to back up that it's good enough and really trying my best to escape my personal bias (and I'm pretty self-critical) I think it's better than most shit making money these days.

>> No.56012820

if its good its good
if its bad nobody will finish the video and youtube dumps it to the trash.

youtube is every bit as interested as making you viral as you are. songs blow up when theyre finished and replayed

>> No.56012821

I never used Spotify, I don't know anybody between the age of 15 and 78 that uses it. Total atomization, no shared reality, means no society wide cultural commonality

>> No.56012824

unless you get your 1 great song that immediately pops off its never going to happen. you only know of bands because of a handful of songs as an average person. not full albums like hardcore music ppl

>> No.56012825

What kind of video? Does it need to be like a legit music video? Or can it be some low budget lyric video? What works there do you think?

>> No.56012828

YouTube is dead as well. The highest of the feeling are automated view botting. No humans, the arrival of propaganda media in 2014 killed the platform

>> No.56012834
File: 510 KB, 898x1532, schopenhauer fake art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, let's hear the music so we can judge for ourselves.

>> No.56012836

>Spotify I am pretty sure only advertises to people already listening to you

>> No.56012837

bot farms are the answer

>> No.56012849

You seem like you are a lot of fun at parties

You know I'm not going to doxx myself. I'm not here asking if my music is good, that's not the question.

Let's just assume it's good. How would good music get heard in the modern era?

As a listener, I listen to a LOT. I often come across artists who are making incredible stuff but have very few listeners, and artists making total garbage with millions of listeners. I actually don't think quality is even that important, ultimately, if I'm being real. But assuming you have a good song, my question is how does one wind up in the "millions of listeners" pile.

And I'm not expecting many people here to be able to answer that, but I know /biz/ has some musicians and I am betting some people lurking who may have some truths to share. It's a shot in the dark.

>> No.56012883
File: 450 KB, 1534x534, marquees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe for other ad types idk but here's what it says about marquee ads which is what my industry contacts told me are the only worthwhile ad types on Spotify.

That seems like it just targets your existing audience, no?

>> No.56013329

Sounds like cope
You either make good music or you don’t
You’re most likely not making good music
No one wants to listen

Just how it is faggot

>> No.56013360

You make music for the art. You trade licenses and patents for the profit. Otherwise you're a filthy jew (no offense [unless you're jewish, in which case go play in an oven, shlomo]).

>> No.56013385

You need to stir up some controversy. Say "nigger" and people will start listening to your music even if its shit. See Morgan Wallen for example

>> No.56013524

Who are you to say what is garbage and what is amazing. Lou Reed is incredible, but only die hards know what the The Blue Mask is.

Let us here what you put out and then we can give you an honest answer.

>> No.56013548

Just a pretty background. Doesn't even have to be animated. A cool still image or artwork that kinda matches the tone of piece, as long as it strikes you as a cool visual. That's it. Maybe put your name and the song title in small text somewhere.

>> No.56013561

Why do bands go on tour? To create hype for their music. How are people going to find out about your music? Get out there, get on stage. If Aerosmith could have just sat around and made it big, they would have, no. They put in WORK. Aerosmith worked their ass off for years playing in shitty bands, playing for peanuts. All big bands have put in so much work at some point. Have you really dedicated your LIFE to this pursuit of music? Aerosmith did.
Now, lol, I know it's 2023 and not 1970, but the point is paying 70 bucks for s few shitcan ads isn't dedicating your life to it. I'm not knocking it or you, but it's just not enough.

You could have the best music in the world, but it doesn't matter if I, or him, or her, doesn't know about it. Get out there.

>> No.56013562


>> No.56013599
File: 1.05 MB, 3721x1563, 1693542061270528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, are you set up to actually profit if you get listens and views? I buy artist royalties and you need a shit ton of listens to make money. MERCH is where a lot of bands make most of their profit.

>> No.56013612

>The music is objectively good, and I have been told this by grammy winning producers and artists
So it lacks soul... Good luck OP but this is a losing battle. I literally broke into the indie scene with a $90 yeti mic and a pirated copy of ableton. Yes, it blows that I constantly get compared to Alex G and Animal Collective but that's a small price to pay.

>> No.56013632

Post music

>> No.56013645

only way to make money making music is being lke deadmou5 , watch his documentaries

>> No.56013663

youtube to mp3 downloaders...used to be torrents

>> No.56013680


There are a lot of way to do it dude

Peggy Gou's last track she just released this vibey 90s lyric video and it was great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssKWFlclNFg

Or put on shoes like Tinzo and the rest of the Book Club Radio gang

I do sympathize bc it must feel hard when the algos aren't getting you seen. But also, there are a million ways for music to get noticed now, so the path to success has changed. Rather than, idk, gigging, reviews, record deals, the path to success is probably social media, tiktoks, etc.

Good luck dude. Also link us some of your music or you're a pussy

>> No.56013704

How did you get to 10K monthly listeners? That’s honestly my entire goal. I’ll even pay for fake listeners if necessary, I just want 10K

>> No.56013712

I’d like to hear your songs too. I like those projects well enough

>> No.56013718

I only like music that is featured in video games

>> No.56013731

the industry is kiked, retard. just like anything else. you think the best artists are the ones you know about? are the top shows on soiflix coming from the best writers and directors out there?

>> No.56013735

Getting to 10K monthly listeners organically as an unsigned artist is hard as fuck in 2023. I guarantee you OP’s music is legit.

>> No.56013754

ah geez. i'll post a snippet just so you all can get an idea of how it sounds


>> No.56013775

Have you dealt with the actual industry yet? Like labels and shit. The smaller the scene the smaller the industry and if your shit is niche so is it's community. If you've insulted someone 'important', even by accident, then you will be black listed to whatever capacity available. Make no mistake, they all know each other. I suspect the algorithms work to a point that lets the industry find talent, at which point you will be approached. If you are liked by the industry you get whitelisted. If not you can go fuck yourself. Only other way in is blind luck.

>> No.56014005

Unless you have connections you need to build up your name in your local scene. This will basically consist of you playing a shit of of shows at terrible bars with less than 30 people. By doing this, you will network with other local groups. If your music is actually good and you can perform, you will eventually connect with neighboring scenes. If you do this long enough and, the most important thing, your music is actually good, you will eventually meet someone who has connections to the industry.

There’s a lot of luck involved OP, I know amazing acts that never broke through. I wish you well though.

>> No.56014054

Play live and if the music si good, people, labels, venues, festivals etc WILL come to You

Thats the easiest way, or you can fuck around with Tiktok, but that is more luck unless you hace connections.
Which you clearly don't have.

Go play live shows, unless you are playing hiphop this should be a problem.

But remember, this only works if the music is actually good.
The better, the more objectively fantastic your record/single is better your chances are but You can't delude yourself above this.
So many people think they are the next John Lennon...
You hace yo KNOW, not think but know that your music is factually amazing.

If You don't, you WILL fuck up your entire life.

Go play live shows and make sure your writting si good, retard.
Playing the social media game is half luck and can get you nowhere if you don't do shit IRL
>t. Music anon

>> No.56014098

Anyone that makes exceptionally good music will become popular
Of course there is shilled music from the kikes but when music is worth listening to its there and will become big

I promise you he doesn’t make good enough music or makes mediocre music.
Or he’d be big
He’d have people jumping at his work
But he has nothing and blames the system

Exceptional work has followers
He’s not exceptional

>> No.56014182

There's no money in selling music on spotify. You have to get out there and play shows, make money that way. Keep doing that until you get noticed by a big jew firm that promotes you. I play guitar for a few artists who sell music on spotify and I get a small portion of the sales, which amounts to effectively zero. On the other hand I can live off live music performances.