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56009346 No.56009346 [Reply] [Original]

Why do mortgage fags cope and seethe when I explain to them that it's the worst investment they'll ever make in their life with undisputable data to back it up

>> No.56009354

They want an easy way out and get upset when you tell them they've been lied to their entire lives

>> No.56009380

>interest rate lower than inflation on an appreciating asset

Beats the shit out of crypto, NFTs, and memestocks.

>> No.56009437

The pleb house mortgage is the only investment they understand aside from their 401k.

>> No.56009443

because you basically insulted their lives, people live to pay mortgages.

>> No.56009475

>rerun of the “chink shill tries to undermine faith in US home ownership” thread

>> No.56009544

this is the answer
telling someone their home value will go down is the same as directly calling them an idiot and a moron because people place their entire financial decision value on that home purchase

>> No.56009636

This. When you tell people that renting a car from hertz is a better investment than buying a car, they get so mad. They don’t realize their car is actually going to lose value!

>> No.56009678
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Eat the bugs.

>> No.56009698

Buying a house is like buying Bitcoin, except its a guaranteed success instead of a speculation.

I am saying this as someone who has put $200k into Bitcoin, where as my brother put $200k down payment on house.

If Bitcoin fails, I end up with nothing, but he will still have his house at the end of the day.

>> No.56009726

>if Bitcoin fails

>> No.56009733

>rentfags paying 100% interest on somebody else’s note with 0 return
>think they’re smart

>> No.56009736

>5% down 3% APR
>zestimate is worth 2.5x what I paid
Ok bro. Gotta live somewhere, the advantage given to my crypto stack if I had used my puny down payment instead on memecoins is negligible and instead of having a nice 2.5x I'd be paying more than double my current mortgage in rent by now. I think I made out like a bandit. Probably wouldn't buy now though, try to buy bottoms of markets rather than tops.

>> No.56009746

>Why do mortgage fags cope and seethe when I explain to them that it's the worst investment they'll ever make in their life
For the majority of people college is a much worse investment

>> No.56009763

I don't think about you at all.

>> No.56009791

ok which shitcoin/brics country are you shilling for today?

>> No.56009794

Can i get qrd on renting and or leasing cars?

>> No.56009851

Yeah if you’re a smart investor then you borrow other people’s things and the more money you make the nicer things you can borrow from other people for a fee of course. Don’t forget to tip your landlord/car dealership though.

>> No.56009857

Here are your two options:
>buy a house, pay $1,000 per month and this will not change for 30 years. After 30 years, no more payments and you have an asset that will likely be worth over $1 million.
>rent. Pay $1,500 per month this year (landlord is making profit). Each year that goes up 10-20% percent. After 30 years, you’re still making payments, and you have no equity in your housing.

Any arguments about down payment are from like 30 years ago when you had to have 20%. That hasn’t been the case for a very long time.

>> No.56009867

Isnt everything priced in though

>> No.56009871

Yes. The landlord making money off of you is priced in.

>> No.56009990

bc its the ultimate symbol of status.

>> No.56010008

Because you are wrong and your data is biased garbage.

>> No.56010225

people are dumb they buy electornic data with no use and they think they made a sound investment while a house is a place u can actually live in and will benefit you no matter what

>> No.56010247

>have 200k deposit
>invest into stock market over 30 years
>can now buy a house and retire

>> No.56010256

yeah but buying a house would be your biggest financial mistake if you did it that way

>> No.56010268

If you bought before 2015 you're paying probably a third as a renter now

>> No.56010271

>Beats the shit out of crypto,
I have been buying bitcoin since 2016 and its the best investment I ever made. my friend who invested in a mortgage has just that, a 30 year debt contract with the bank and he's stuck forever. instead of doing a downpayment of 80k i invested about 100k into bitcoin since 2016 and I my networth is now above 2 million dollaroos. I don't have a house either. I don't want one. I'm travelling i go where I want when I want and when im bored i go somewhere else. meanwhile my friend isstuck in the factory slaving for his mortgage. i'll be sippin cold drinks on the beach again this winter. im not sure where yet im thinking the canary islands, maybe i'll finanlly risk it to go to brazil? idk. i can do whatevaaaaa i want. cause i didn't get a mortgage

>> No.56010277

Hoomes have been one of the best performing assets for the past few years. If you bought ore pandemic you are a financial genius. Factors in play make it look like prices will never crash. You're priced out mate and normies shouldn't have to explain this to you.

>> No.56010278

It doesn't matter because if you want a family and more than a screened in porch, it makes no sense not to purchase a home + land (even if it's just an acre). That's the majority of Americans, not NEETs

>> No.56010281

yeah but the economy had just finished taking an absolute dump all over itself and nobody had any money. I was 26 then, nobody my age was buying a house. Wages were in the toilet still.

that's what people who can't wait for a crash cannot fucking wrap their minds around. they think they'll still be accessing the same income they are now...fat fucking chance. after the housing crash home ownership will be even less achievable than it is now.

>> No.56010290

his mortgage is a loand for 250k by the way. you can get a nice house for 250k where i live (europoors) and hell spend 30 years to pay it back. with 3 weeks of holiday every year. while the rest of my life is a holiday. they can kcope and seethe. bitcoin is a house you can carry on your back. when shit goes bad and the house becomes worthless for (((REASON))) I just take my bitcoin and leave, while housefags lose everything.

>> No.56010305

a house you live in doesn't produce cashflow. its a liability, not an asset. the increase in estimated market value only results in having to pay higher property taxes. it also means you will only ever have boomers for neighbors lmao.

you can sell, and pay a 10% transaction fee and then you have to buy someone else bags anyway if you want to keep being a hoomooner

>> No.56010321

this is the midwit analysis saddled between
>low IQ housing just goes UP and to the RIGHT
>high IQ understanding that building equity in your hoom allows you to upgrade your living situation, and that this entire dynamic exists separate to your other investments

>> No.56010344

the equity you're "building" which is a result of 40 million beaners living here illegally, provides you no benefit until you sell, at which point you pay a fat vig and make a lateral move, neutralizing any benefit you got form the sale.

>> No.56010345

The truth hurts

>> No.56010362

low IQ
high IQ
midwit IQ
>the equity you're "building" which is a result of 40 million beaners living here illegally, provides you no benefit until you sell, at which point you pay a fat vig and make a lateral move, neutralizing any benefit you got form the sale.

>> No.56010391

by the time your mortgage is paid off you are too old to go enjoy your new wealth. what the fuck is the point of having a $1M house paid off at 50. you are 50 and your life is fucking over. you are old

>> No.56010416

Most people don’t really seethe about it, they just don’t care. In America, owning a home is one of the American dream cliches so it’s a common goal for people. Min-maxing the the imaginary Jew numbers, while objectively a more profitable choice, doesn’t bring the same fulfillment.

>> No.56010418
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They were sold on a lie and think now they've won the lottery. They genuinely believe that the price will go up forever. It's the only bet they've ever made and they made it in a time that makes them appear to have made a good decision. It's likely the only smart choice they've ever felt like they've made. Challenging that idea erases the one ticket to success they fool themselves into believing they accomplished by some miracle of foresight, Unfortunately for them the next 10-12 months will be an absolute bloodbath in the housing sector. For most homeowners it'll be the biggest betrayal of the little lie they've been living that they've ever seen.

>> No.56010423
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>Min-maxing the the imaginary Jew numbers

>> No.56010568
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>> No.56010600

housing doesnt always go up. many countries have learned this. americans will too

>> No.56010612

Fucking tell me about it. I was raised on the "do whatever you feel like/interests you". Got 40k in student debt. Now drive a truck because I essentially learned nothing valuable. Big fucking yikes, but oh well

>> No.56010624

Americans have learned this even in recent history. Everyone refuses to understand it so they can live with a more comfortable version of reality. Underwater in a year.

>> No.56010627
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>> No.56010638

$2000 mortgage
$0 equity

$2000 rent
$0 equity

$2000 mortgage
$1,000,000 equity

$5000 rent
$0 equity

>> No.56010643

when you rent you are free to go. mortgage is 30 yeas stuck somewhere.

>> No.56010655

Liquidation. Bank seizure. Market disaster. 10-12 months.

>> No.56010669

you forgot yearly property tax, insurance, and cost of frequently relocating for people with actual careers

>> No.56010670

>buy a house, pay $1,000 per month
>rent. Pay $1,500 per month
feels like mortgages are even lower than that. I'm a rentcuck and my mind is blown whenever I ask someone how much their mortgage is vs how much I pay to rent

>> No.56010672

The down payment for my house was $50k and I got a 3% interest rate. My monthly housing expenses do not change and I currently have $200k invested in the stock market. I am able to add more to it every month (since my pay increases every year, and my housing still stays the same)
thinking about buying acreage with timber on it so I can harvest it while I am waiting to retire.

>> No.56010673

dumbest post in the thread, congratulations

>> No.56010678

You cannot sleep in your bitcoin, you cannot eat your bitcoin.
The only stable coin in existence is arable land you own outright and can grow food on.

>> No.56010693
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>Bro the interest rates are never going up
>Bro the value will only increase forever
>Bro if they do go up just refinance later
>Bro trust me

>> No.56010699

1 house = 1 house

>> No.56010702

Then you turn around and complain about boomers who bought their house for $12k and it is now worth $2mil.

>> No.56010713

Do you know what you're even trying to say? Are you imagining in your head all of these things you've heard before that I have never uttered? Could you be a bit retarded, detached or senile even? Is there an argument in there somewhere?

>> No.56010724

im sleeping in my airbnb i bought with gift cards, paid with bitcoin. I pay my groceries with bitcoin too. I pay everything with bitcoin/monero. you are coping. enjoy your mortgage.

>> the only stable coin is land
im not ready to settle at one spot and stay there until i die. I got shit to do. i'll be at the beach in Malaga in a few months then probably on the beach at the canary islands. I eat steak and drink wine. enjoy your mortgage.

>> No.56010735

if the system fails i'll take the land I want. if the system does not fail i'll be free to eat steak and caviar wherever i want until I die. see you at 8 AM sharp in the wagiecagie! your mortgage payments are due!

>> No.56010750


>wanting to transient from place to place

Stability ftw

>> No.56010758

hey there! nice to meet ya neighbor, we jsut moved in across the street. my name's daquarius and this is my wife leshitta

>> No.56010765

These people are hedging literally everything on there not being a price collapse. They don't understand basic price movement. They imagine in their minds that they will survive financially through a price collapse or that the banks will take pity on them. They fantasy they have around "owning" something "real" is going to be ripped from them and they're going to be pissed.

>> No.56010785

having a mortgage doesn't mean you housing prices fixed, just that they're less variable in one significant way
they're still variable when you factor in property taxes, home owners insurance, maintenance/repairs
my neighbors bought the home two years ago for 400k, they've already put 30k in for mandatory repairs to hvac and plumbing

>> No.56010820

whats a good investment? i have 150k sitting in the bank

>> No.56010831

Storage units.
Berkshire stock but Warren might be kicking the bucket soon and then the price will drop. Get in when it does if you don't want to take a big risk.

>> No.56011019

if you're getting 4-5% interest, that may be your best play for the time being, even if you're losing to real inflation
i expect discretionary spending to fall off a cliff in the next 12 months, so a lot of the stocks i hold are non-discretionary, like utility providers
i'm also positioned for the metals, companies like newmont are stupidly cheap right now and pay a healthy dividend while you wait

>> No.56011037

some people want to live in their own world, what makes you think its your job to tell them otherwise?

>> No.56011055

>After 30 years, no more payments


>> No.56011081

low interest rates??? local job growth?! future earning power? lol lmao

>> No.56011258

chuds think this about 40, 30, and for many things 20 as well

>> No.56011416

Because they bet their entire life on it. Alll in. 6 figures bet

>> No.56011732
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yea taking out a loan for twenty years beats the shit out of 100xing your money

>> No.56011927

>He thinks this is the top

>> No.56011951

Housing isn’t rising.
The usd is crashing.
Your data is based on pre2008 economics. Good luck.

>> No.56011961

That shit is nominal

>> No.56011964

I’ve put about 12-14k into my home that isn’t equity (loan acquisition etc) over 5 years. 3k down and rest is interest and some small repairs basically

If I sold I would have $120k in my account after realtor fees. A 10x isn’t so bad id think. Also I’m not living with my mom or a shitty apartment. Double win for me.

>> No.56012018

There's some truth to that. But fires, safety issues, and natural disasters can destroy the house or make it impossible to live in. Houses also come with taxes, maintenance costs, low liquidity, and legal liability for damage people suffer on the property.

Bitcoin, stocks, bonds, etc. can also be sold short, so speculators can make money by correcting overly high prices. This is nice because you're less likely to be overcharged when you buy. 123 Main St. cannot be sold short, so there's greater risk of being overcharged when you buy.

>> No.56012034

My parents home barely 3x in like 20 years. What a terrible investment desu.

>> No.56012050

T. Desperate bag holder

>> No.56012060

because I can fuck chicks in my house while you're asking mom if you can have someone over. faggot. also I have 2 people paying me rent so I barely pay anything towards my mortgage

>> No.56012135
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its over

>> No.56012160

He'll still have his house the bottom of a housing crash that has turned his neighborhood into a section 8 ghetto

>> No.56012192
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>both inflation and interest rates eat on your money
Retard you're racing against the appreciation of the asset, not inflation, and the appreciation is actually going down

>> No.56012197


>> No.56012208

Honestly I don't want to buy a house because I'm a lazy fuck and don't want to do any house maintenance

>> No.56012237

mortgage fag and rentoid seething has taken over from tick tock wagie seething. it is great.

>> No.56012241


>> No.56012243

great because there can be a thread for seething mortgage fags and a whole separate thread for seething rentoids. double happiness.

>> No.56012270

the only issue I see is people who really stretch themselves to get into their first home (meaning most first time buyers).
They're taking on major risk compared to a boomer who's buying his third investment home but on the surface they appear to be making the same purchase.

>> No.56012275

Strictly speaking you're right but it's not going to change unless we actually deport all the illegals and a lot of legal immigrants or at least mass produce more housing to bring down prices. It's probably not going to happen even though I want it to.

>> No.56012282

Mortgage fag here. Isn’t renting just mortgage plus tip?

>> No.56012341

Okay but I have a family and the same net worth as you and you have uhh..... Some frogposters on the internet you brag to

>> No.56012362

home owner vs renter is a false dichotomy. free your mind. there are more than 2 options. living in an RV or camper van for example is much cheaper, slightly uncomfortable, but unlocks all sorts of opportunities if you are a weirdo nudist swinger.

>waaahhhhh i don't have savings or disposable income
you can basically take a vacation every weekend if you lived in an RV.

this slut lives in a van full-time and the way she talks about it, she makes it sound like it's the most magical choice in the world:

she even got her parents to do the same (look up midlife vanlife or whatever, that is their channel)

>> No.56012378

learn what "opportunity cost" means. learn what it costs to maintain a home if people rent or stay their on airbnb. it's not just an endless free money hack (the tip) as you think of it. houses and condos often need repairs, cleaning. if you are an airbnb host you need to pick and approve good guests and you still need to either clean or hire someone to clean after they leave.

>> No.56012386

by the way i am not saying living in a converted van is the best option, but it is very trendy and "affordable". i don't think could do it because i'm a fairly big guy. it would feel claustrophobic.

>> No.56012416
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>living in an RV or camper van
That’s illegal now

>> No.56012436

Why would you want to exist in LA

>> No.56012447

Because of the wages. Live in an RV for a few years there and you have enough to buy a home in cash in a cheaper state. A few years of lowered life quality (i mean who knows, it might even be comfy) to gain a stronghold the rest of your life.

>> No.56012460

>side hustle = second job
>van life = homeless

>> No.56012478

how do you pay for living costs in a cheap state?
you won't pay rent but you'll still need to buy food and internet as well as clothes

>> No.56012479

What about your main domicile?
And one year leases are much less work. Most ppl aren’t doing vacation rentals

>> No.56012500

Without debt or mortgage and a solid savings account you should be able to survive off a minimum effort part time job. I know a guy who works 4 nights a month who does this. He isnt rich, but he is comfy.

>> No.56012504
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Goynigger normie trash can't into real terms, they always fall for nominal fuckery, why the oligarchs love debasement so much, makes the theft triviality easy

>> No.56012546

The only true High IQ post in this thread.

>> No.56012547

Can I dodge tax and insurance jews whilst owning property by owning a bare plot of land and just living in a trailer or tiny home on that land?

I'd probably have to pay property tax on the land, but since the trailer/tiny-home isn't a real single-family home structure, I'd suspect that I wouldn't need to pay home owner's and hazard/flood insurance

>> No.56013052

Depends on a lot o land and the county. As far as I understand some land comes without an address and to get an address you need to build a home. Some land already has an address and you can put power there and live in a shed if that county allows you to . Land is tricky you must research a lot where you want to buy it, Arizona for example has a lot of cheap land but drilling a well will cost you a lot. I'm looking to buy land and put a shed on it I think most states will allow you to live there without a building but it would need a septic system. What I really know for sure is that tiny house is a rip off get a loft shed they're much more better built and with insulation and power connected to it you can literally live in them comfy even in the coldest winter. Pretty sure it can be done with all the utilities for 20-30k.

>> No.56013104

a lot of shit is illegal in LA. during the pandemic, LA city had the strictest rules regarding masks and vaxxes. you had to show a vaxx card to see a movie if the theatre was inside LA city bounds.

post some examples of high wages you can only get in LA. i used to work in digital ads, and the wages in LA were about the same compared to other major cities. also if your line of work is editing/animation, it's going to be tough working from an RV.

>> No.56013184

Something like this but you can get a bigger one if you want. I think if they are more than 16 or 14 feet wide , not sure exactly, you will have to pay extra to deliver it.

>> No.56013576

Yes, probably illegal, tho if it's a large forested plot it wouldn't be difficult

>> No.56013592
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until government agents come to take the property when your brother fails to meet his tax obligations because he can't pay it when his property is revalued at a x2000% because we need to pay for niggers and pakis.
Then it gets sold to Blackrock.

>> No.56013941

The van life influencer shit is bullshit, look in to it sometime. All these people like the girl in your video come from wealthy families who they go home to regularly when they want to be in a house and their parents fund their lifestyles. Lots of ex van life people have talked about how the whole thing is just for show for social media and in reality it's terrible. All of these people always end up moving in to housing within about 2-5 years.
I watched a lot of videos on this topic during the lockdown because they kept getting recommended to me in my feed. They're fun to watch but they're not reality at all, they're basically all fake.
I watched a video of an older guy in his 50's or 60's make a big vent video about how social media inspired him to sell his home and do van life, he thought he would travel and make tons of friends and have lots of great experiences like people made out.
In reality he was very lonely, the van was freezing, he couldn't even properly have a shower or go to the bathroom or even cook meals properly. He sounded so depressed and miserable and just kept asking himself why he had made this choice. That's when I saw a lot of comments talking about how it was all fake and they were sorry he fell for it.

>> No.56013962

Mortgage returns about 18% IRR if you got a low rate. You're quite retarded. It's even higher if you assume you'll get 1 releverage.

>> No.56014004

Mortgage is primarily protection against inflation and maintaining purchasing power. A mortgage is a short position against fiat, as long as you can retain your cash flow you can't lose

>> No.56014022

Why do we constantly have these mortgage vs rent threads when most of you aren't in a position to buy a house even if you wanted to

>> No.56014056

How much have you made from crypto?
I have debt free properties and 700 a week passive income.

>> No.56014083
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>> No.56014087

>buy a house
Obtaining a life debt isn't the same as buying something.

>t. Freehold title owner

>> No.56015435

you can just sell your house and move

>> No.56016546

Mortcuck alert

>> No.56016685

The system will not collapse, and if it does I have tons of guns. I am two years away from having no mortgage. Do you have two years left paying rent? oh wait you have to pay rent every month until you die lmao.
your the one with the green text, I hope you paid your rent rentiod

>> No.56016704

Yeah but that's the chad path for risk takers. 30 year mortgages are for people who want a safe route and safe life.

>> No.56017052

A place to live is not an investment. Anyone who sees their home as an investment is a Jew.

>> No.56017174

>muh down payment went into BTC
>I turned 20k into 200k! and I paid rent but who cares

you could put 10k as a down payment for a 200k house and get the rest financed, then put the other 10k into btc. House prices go up and turn that 200k into 300k or 400k. You pay 0 rent. Meanwhile your 10k BTC investment turns into 100k if invested at the same time as the retard. Then you've made the same money or more but saved on the rent.

>> No.56017444

Owning a home is generally a bad investment not because the price will go down but because it typically gets outperformed by other investments.
Even if you don’t like crypto just put the money in SPXL and it will do better than housing.
Imagine putting down $100k+ just to still have a $3,5000 mortgage that will over the course of its life have you pay 100% of the same value into interest as you do into principal. Great work guys but hey everyone needs a place to live so I guess that cancels everything out

>> No.56017457

does having a mortgage disqualify you from getting leverage for other investments?
You can get a mortgage with a 5% down payment that you can't default on if you keep paying it off.

Can you leverage stocks with a 5% down payment that you'll get never margin called on? maybe if you're a billionaire hedgefund

>> No.56017502

>what is opportunity cost

>> No.56017520

>you can get a mortgage with 5% down
Ok go do that with todays rates and prices and let me know what kind of house you’re qualified for based on your debt to income ratio smart guy.

>> No.56017543

I write half my mortgage off as a business expense. You jsut got to be smart, anon. Sorry you aren't

>> No.56017575

I just did it and it's working out. I can even deduct some of the interest from my taxes and I'm still free to invest in whatever I want with my remaining money. Meanwhile I'm not paying rent.

>> No.56017588

if you havent realized yet, you are talking to a moron and a poorfaggot. he will be eternally waiting for his 40k mcmansion.

>> No.56017667

I have $150k in cash, $150k invested in an actual business, and I make $140k.
Do you actually think I can’t buy a house?
I’d rather put the money to better use than as a down payment on a place that looks exactly the same as where I currently live but costs twice as much.
I don’t care what the housing market does. Stop assuming I give a shit about owning and maintaining a house just because you and every other NPC does. I care about making money.

>> No.56017699

if any of that were true then you would have just bought a house already, not yelling at people who have bought a house already. i'm not buying it, and you sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.56017712

>discussing finance on a finance board
>yelling at someone
I don’t give a shit what you buy or don’t buy the math doesn’t change.

>> No.56017757

7.5% interest rate
3.2% inflation

>> No.56017773

Man shit I’d rather take my chances on freebitco then actually get a mortgage in this market, that’s how fucked up it got

>> No.56017779

you can use a tiny amount as a down payment if you're as financially powerful as you say. This is leverage that you don't get in other areas of the financial system. They don't give you 20x leverage with no margin call for other stuff.

>> No.56017787


>> No.56017792

Everyone will agree with you once number go down. But number go up recently, so you just HAVE to buy a house!

>> No.56017794

not a chance that you can get any property with the same mortgage as rent in 2023

>> No.56017803

they were correct, the housing bubble didnt happen until years later.

>> No.56017806

Which memestock have you 100x’ed on?

>> No.56017807

I don’t find it appealing because I’d either have to use a huge down payment which takes a ton of opportunity cost I’d rather use on crypto
Or I have a huge monthly payment which locks me into my job which I have no leverage at and if I lose it I’m fucked.
I’d rather rent for less money, keep my cash, walk away from my job, and invest in crypto.

>> No.56017866

Not the case if you buy a 20 year old jap eco shitbox that is fully paid off, bonus points if it's going to be sought after for it being the sporty variety (1997 Celica here). I barely put money into it and it runs like clockwork and it's nearly doubled it's value since I bought it. Anyone who buys a brand new car, especially on a loan are being taken for a serious fucking ride.

>> No.56017897

People "buying" housing have no money to invest.
That's the system.
Make loans only against housing.
Exclude housing from inflation statistics.
Backstop the market relentlessly.
Restrict building.
Endless immigration.
Watch as it goes to the highest level possible.
You now have a system for forcing people to work their entire lives.
And you can claim it's the free market.

>> No.56018051

and what are you doing by paying rent? you're paying some elses mortgage. at least the mortgagee can get something back.

>> No.56018104
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Rent is 3x cheaper than the average mortgage where I live. That's not even including the time and money you have to spend on maintenance on your house.

I'd rather have extra savings every month I can use to build an emergency fund, invest, and travel wherever I want, instead of being house poor until I'm 60 years old.

Also, my landlord barely raises my rent. It's only 2% - 3% once a year.

>> No.56018133

This is a bad mindset. You’re getting caught up in the semantics. The only thing that matters is price and what you do with that difference.
If you’re some mouth breather / NPC then sure go sink all your money into a mortgage because at least one day you’ll have something so long as you don’t fuck it up.
For everyone else price is what’s most important or do you mean to tell me you’d lay $4,000/mo mortgage vs $400/month rent for the exact same thing?

>> No.56018165

no, this is a bad mindset. While you're waiting for le big crash, the people with actual brainpower have been buying houses and renting them out to retards like you. So thank you for paying my mortgage.

>> No.56018233

It’s going to be funny when the housing market crashes 40%. Kek

>> No.56018263

rent = almost mortgage where I live though.

>> No.56018270

Where the fuck are rents $400 a month? Montana? Or let me guess, having to. share a house with 4 more other randoms, possibly one being a single mother with 3 kids and the other ones a bunch of immigrants?

>> No.56018277
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Then it's probably better to buy a house in that area.

>> No.56018356

I’m waiting for a crash in crypto not housing. I already said this. Learn to read.
>brainlet can’t into a hypothetical

>> No.56020031

Well they pay 2x more than rent fags to stay in the place that they don't own.

>> No.56020107
File: 1.05 MB, 3721x1563, notreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $600K in equity and my mortgage will be paid off in <10 years. Problem?

>> No.56020116

Someone give me the TLDR on why mortgages are bad

>> No.56020168

Rare Chinese W

>> No.56020169

Are you like 70 years old?

>> No.56020178

>I have $600K in equity
Why does that matter if you can’t cash out?
>my mortgage will be paid off in <10 years
Counting your chickens before they hatch I see