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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56008184 No.56008184 [Reply] [Original]

You guys all sell drugs don't you

>> No.56008206

>you guys
Gtfo pajeet

>> No.56008219

>he doesn't know crypto is all just slang for drugs

>> No.56009208
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>> No.56009218

I'm merely a purveyor... a preacher... a prophet if you will... of the methylene blue

>> No.56009246

I wish, I wouldn't be water fasting because I can't afford to eat, like I am now, if I was dealing.

>> No.56010032
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Big bags of rice and beans are cheap af. Ask the grocer (daily or every other day) if you can get a discount on any fresh herbs they're going to toss, and mix whatever they have in with that. Wallah, you're now eating again for less than $25/week.

>> No.56010146

I cant socialize with degenerates.

>> No.56010371

I thrive on making peoples days at work
Making them happy when they’re sad
Telling a joke and always being kind
Letting them know the worlds not so bad
Yes the dopamine hits when I make their day. I can see their frown turn into smiles when I say hello
So yes I do get paid to fill people up with drugs in this way

>> No.56010613

I was never cool enough to meet the person who could get me into that line of work.

>> No.56010971
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They sell their holes

>> No.56011017

this along with getting whatever beef or chicken is on sale

>> No.56011028

a&o is that you?

>> No.56011092

esl here, what's wrong with saying "you guys"?

>> No.56011096

maybe in high school

>> No.56011772

Real Americans say
>Youse guys

>> No.56011776
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no I'm supposed to make them and then my boss will sell them
>t. chemist

>> No.56011969

I just do them

>> No.56013313

I also move my hands while saying it while slightly adjusting my toothpick every so often

If you’re not doing at least that much I can tell you’re a third world shitter

>> No.56013347

I work a low paying job and rarely spend money I don't have to.
I'm buying a reloading kit so I don't have to buy ammo, I can just make the bullet heads and powder myself.
Primers are weird but I might be able to get strike anywhere matches to fill in my used primers.
I hate being poor so fucking much but if SHTF I'm going to be okay I think.

>> No.56013350

Is my water poisoned again?

>> No.56013355

I prefer degens, they don't judge you too harshly and don't get offended over trite shit.
Straight edge guys are alright but they're too "stick in the mud" for me.
I had like one beer at a bar before peacing out.
Bars are boring if you're alone.

>> No.56013359

>adjusting my toothpick
Oh goodie, I'm not the only one.
Trip faggot is a faggot.

>> No.56013390

Please no SHTF cope.