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56001157 No.56001157 [Reply] [Original]

No posts at all about this, as it does a 3X over the course of a few days. Biz is retarded

>> No.56001172
File: 156 KB, 680x679, 12ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz is late as per usual so nobody has bags to shill

>> No.56001174

Lots of coins have done a 3x in the last week

>> No.56001200

How do we get in something before it gets mass listed like wtf

>> No.56001242

How the fuck should I know beforehand that it's going to pump you fucking nigger

>> No.56001251

How could 1 US dollar treasury be worth more than 1$?

>> No.56001268
File: 39 KB, 1114x431, 28785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scam pump

>> No.56001283

I knew about it and already cashed out. Not gonna share with the likes of OP. Cope and seethe, faggots kek.

>> No.56001289

Yeah i saw that was expecting a major pump and dump. There's shitcoins doing x10 left and right and they dump back to where they where. So basically it's nothing special

>> No.56001335

just be smart and observant

>> No.56001354
File: 93 KB, 800x800, 1514793010047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARKM next sirs

target $1.5

>> No.56001368

Im literally a retard and blind as fuck because im in the wrong circles

>> No.56001376

gene and unironic skill issue

>> No.56001409

>please buy my bag

>> No.56001433

Just remember most of these faggots are 3-4 In line for the ponzi. It just depends what number you’re on.

And all of them are pump and dumps. It doesn’t matter the market cap. Even eth is fake. Especially now that’s its POS.

There is no use for blockchains as a publicly traded “commodity”. Only Bitcoin is real.

>> No.56001476

What he really means is you lack enough a sociopathic personality to knowingly create block chains to steal money from uninformed people. These people have no emotion nor love for other humans. They do a damn good job of faking though. They do get very angry when you confront them about their boosted ego and lack of empathy for others, because they know the facade is up and they’re just another rat, like a homeless man begging on the street except they do it by scamming good people. He is angry reading this right now and that’s due to his inflated sense of importance and lack of self esteem. Can’t cover it up forever you dumbass sociopath. Enjoy your 50s+. By then everyone knows. You’ll be alone until death.

>> No.56001541

this place is utterly the worst place to find new coins

>> No.56001560

Hey man I tried to make a post about a token project and the faggot jannys deleted my post and banned me for six days. It was really not shilling either was just mentioning a free NFT drop.

>> No.56001565

biz is SUPER RETARDED not just retarded. They completely refuse to mention coins on CEXes where every normies knows about.
/biz/ became a board where only retards living under a rock stay. Telegram has more alpha than /biz/. Even Twitter.

>> No.56001671

how the fuck are you jeets so unbelievably bad at convincingly samefagging your scams?
it's honestly Incredibles

>> No.56001702
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ARKM volume going up

>> No.56002274
File: 22 KB, 540x550, images - 2022-07-11T201751.368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about conducting research. If you believe a certain token has potential, then consider investing in it. Remember, everything carries some level of risk. Recently, I added Dua tokens to my portfolio after researching their wallet, which embraces the Account Abstraction concept.

>> No.56002495

still sounds like a skill issue