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55993611 No.55993611 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain me why ChainLink can't pump?

>> No.55993725

Not only is the token not needed - but neither is the chainlink functionality or even distributed smart-contracts as a whole.
Nothing personal chud.

>> No.55993732
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It might make a good pair in a liquidity farm, going up and down $2 forever generates some action.
Other than that, token not needed.

>> No.55993736

the erc20 is unnecessary

>> No.55993739

Suppression. Why do you think volume is so high right now?

>> No.55993740

fat man bad
linkies are mad
no more gains? sad
bet it feels sucky
you'll never get to fucky :}

>> No.55993796

Insider here, just got an email about this link/swift test.
Sounds like the Jews at the top of my particular financial institution are on board.
You might want to have a bag, though I’m not really very optimistic considering the token isn’t really necessary.
>Inb4 post the email.
Post your moms tits

>> No.55993914

Sergey dumps his coin(BTC) when link gains any momentum.

>> No.55993931
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Chainlink cryptocurrency tokens are not erc20 on any chain.

>> No.55994028

It is inarguably the second most needed token in all of blockchain.

>> No.55994210

Are you gonna spam the same threads all the way down to 2 cents?

>> No.55994245

Crypto coins and stocks pump on three types of promises:
1. Existing means to earn protocol/company revenue, with real numbers to back it up, and a perceived low earnings per share (think ETH, GMX, UNIBOT, CRV)
2. and/or, the promise of a means to earn decent protocol revenue in the near future (think most tg bots, fledgling dex or perp platforms)
3. and/or the chance for current holders to sell higher than they bought(think BTC, memecoins)

LINK currently offers neither of the first two opportunities. The third, while implicit, obviously does not pay off, and it likely will not pay off because no amount of memes and news moves the price, so why would it now?
Additionally, the prospects of 1&2 are so distant that nobody except the most well off whales and delusional baggies are willing to make a bet on them coming at some point.
I hope you can finally understand anon. It's a doggy dog world.

>> No.55996264
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Because its a chudcel pissbaby coin
Simple as.

>> No.55996316

Checked and it's either because the token is not needed or because the token is so needed that market makers will want to accumulate it for longer. Either way, you're not gonna profit kek.

>> No.55996392

>Crypto coins and stocks pump on three types of promises
Link has this ridiculous double standard, other crypto tokens/coins moon for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

>> No.55996453

I have been bearish for a while but I honestly think by this time next year we will be in the midst of a triumph

>> No.55997734

>why ChainLink can't pump?
Because it already pumped. That's it.

People don't think altcoins be like they is
But they do

>> No.55997741
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>why ChainLink can't pump?

>> No.55997764

you shitlink idiots had over a year to get out
now hodl till zero

>> No.55997774

Why would anyone buy? I have no desire to buy random shitcoins. You have to convince me. So far I am not sold on the idea of another useless token.

>> No.55998095
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There's literally only one reason.

>> No.55998128

You obviously have no idea what is going on so you're not relevant to the conversation. No one cares if you buy link or not.

>> No.55998129

because BTC is down


>> No.55998141

But why is BTC down?

>> No.55998167

>Because it's a global conspiracy organised by the WEF and Chris Blec to keep my rank #20 down and if it wasn't for those pesky Bulgarians and Michael....I mean Thomas....no wait it's Adem, well Link would be $1000+ right now and I'd be having sex for the first time....so you better watch out fudders, don't make me have to leave my mom's basement!

>> No.55998182

I have an old friend who recently started an internship at a big shot market making firm and I tried to get some insider scoops out of him over dinner and a couple bottles of wine the other night, and he basically told me it was an open secret in the industry how certain crypto teams just bribe firms like his to 'boost up' the price and such, so yeah it confirmed what I always suspected about price manipulation and hush hush 'pay 4 play' backroom deals. He revealed to me some minor anecdotes but that included some pretty big names that even I was kinda surprised by, like even some of the largest projects who you'd think would behave more subtly because of regulatory scrutiny half-openly engage in this type of practice through various backdoors and loopholes, like subsidiaries 'foundations' and the likes. But the weirdest thing was when I asked him about this one specific team that you may be overly familiar with here and he acted super weird and tensed up all of a sudden and then tried to cut the dinner short, telling me he had to head on home soon, etc. I really tried to get him to relax, and he just told me like 'yeah no, this project is not kosher, it's on the blacklist, because of... diverging interests' basically, and he wouldn't say more but his behavior alone said the whole story. I was very shocked to hear that but when I started thinking about it afterwards it started making a whole lot of sense. What a fucked up industry!

>> No.55998198

>dinner and a couple bottles of wine
Thanks for sharing your amazing story on an anonymous poor fat retarded socially- inept underage thirdworlder chinese-cartoon board!

You should add some photoshopped pics of airbnb's, like Moonman, so we know you're the real deal bigtime neurotypical Paul Allen's card businessman.

>> No.55998205

Chainlink needed, chainlink token not needed

>> No.55998292

I don't know about all of those theories, but it sure as fuck isn't a coincidence that this exact same scenario keeps happening: >>55998095

>> No.55998305
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>> No.55998333

ok ill eli5 you dumb nigger
>token demand
no one is using web3 or blockchain, therefore no price impact from usage
>speculative appreciation
it has been proven multiple times that Chainlink Labs uses the LINK token to fund their enterprise, putting constant sell pressure on any resistance level, so you either have a huge amount of cash to counter their market making bots or your monthly purchase of LINK is being funneled into swag and roasties 6 figs salaries

>> No.55998350

>putting constant sell pressure on any resistance level
Sergey selling Link puts sell pressure on Bitcoin?
You sound insane, to be quite frank.

>> No.55998356

>LINK thread
>brings up Bitcoin
imma head out you niggers are retarded asf. good luck with your investment or whatever

>> No.55998361

>Link news
>dumps Bitcoin

see >>55998095
you monkey.

>> No.55998378

where's the correlation apart from your obvious cult OCD? many altcoins pumped despite bitcoin crashing. LINK is simply not a good investment vehicle for many reasons already spoonfed to you... the funny thing though is if you guys had put this obsession into your lives instead of glorifying a russian scammer you could have had better lives, but i guess cults needs their members amirite

>> No.55998391

>where's the correlation

Link has big news, Bitcoin dumps.

>> No.55998395

seek psychological therapy

>> No.55998400

The real-world evidence is right there, anon.

>> No.55998407

take your goddamn redpills, king

>> No.55998410
File: 275 KB, 1807x1525, august31swiftdump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an updated version lol

>> No.55998423

it cant dump either
crabbing for 2 years lol

>> No.55998465

Why do you think LINK and PNK are so correlated? The same type of people buy them. Coins only go up when their demand goes up, that only happens when the crowd pays attention to you. LINK and PNK are technically far better than they were at their peaks, but their current prices are a fraction of that peak. Just wait for the hordes to realise the true value and be there when the price skyrockets

>> No.55998567
File: 145 KB, 994x941, 1684638194172118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should the anons in pic also seek psychological therapy, even thought they accurately predicted what was about to happen?
Or maybe, just maybe, you're the one with the subhuman pattern recognition.

>> No.55999407

it doesnt have a product

>> No.55999666

ETH fee generation is destructive philosophy for the whole space, Imagine running the narrative that you NEED $100+ tx fees in order to stay "profitable", That sabotage the whole thing this space exist to begin with.

The people who pushed this narrative should be lined up and shot, We're reaching a point in which ETH existence and brute force narrative control might run this space to the ground, I'm not even BTC maxi but i can definitely see their arguments here, We need either ETH to lose dominance to BTC narrative or other L1s to actually compete on the social front so we get decentralization of philosophies, But all of them are down bad, Maybe in the bull..

>> No.55999674

>social front
*social and liquidity

>> No.56001022

all erc20s are unnecessary, except for stablecoins

>> No.56001115

>You obviously have no idea what is going on
No, you have no idea. You have no idea how fucking hard you got scammed.

>> No.56001131

Yeah, node operators will make money from running jobs, not you creepy incel lol

>> No.56001156

and the blockchain is unarguably not needed in its entirety

>> No.56001273

>Chainlink bad because crypto bad