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55992652 No.55992652 [Reply] [Original]

i am a 20 year old wagie working 50 hours a week as a mailman. i've saved up over 25k in gold, silver, crypto, and a roth IRA

i live in a cold climate small town and there are very few people my age here that aren't retarded or fat. every1 im friends with are in college and having fun. i visited my friend's school for the night and everyone was nice to me, there was free liquor, and genuinely hot girls came up to me and made out with me which i have never experienced before.

I am left seething, thinking about how I am never going to experience these things. I live with my parents. The career prospects of my peers in college are likely going to be much better than mine. I don't have any "dream jobs" or aspirations and am generally very depressed.. but I know I don't want to be a wagie forever.

My friend is also 20 and he is over 100k in debt already. If I was 100k in debt I would probably kill myself. I might do that anyway.

My question for the intelligent and well adjusted 4chan users on /biz/ is this - do you think it is worth it to go to college? if not what the fuck else should i do

>> No.55992656


>> No.55992677

Community college to local state school
Live with parents while attending school and working a part time gig.
best route for people that don't come from money

>> No.55992714

> I don't have any "dream jobs" or aspirations and am generally very depressed.. but I know I don't want to be a wagie forever.

I'm a bit older than you but had the exact problem. I fell for the college is a meme meme and went to work right out of school while living at home. It feels like you're missing out on life, but honestly when you don't know what you want to do it's a bad idea to go to college.

Find out what you want out of life first. Do you want a house? To fuck college chicks all day? Live in different states? College is life buying a house, it's a huge commitment that ties you down. It can pay off greatly or be a giant chain that keeps you down for most of your young life.

>> No.55992721

*like buying a house

>> No.55992986

why, so he can make 35k a year in a cubicle? Very few majors don't result in this

>> No.55993033
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>> No.55993063

nothing is a guarantee but the median income for 22-27 year olds with a college degree is $52k and for those with no degree it's $34k. Then again, if you fags knew anything about statistics and risk management you wouldn't be on a chinese cartoon internet forum falling for pump and dump schemes.


>> No.55993609
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What's the pay growth like on your current career, with seniority or being some kind of supervisor?

>there was free liquor, and genuinely hot girls came up to me and made out with me
Kek this isn't a good reason alone. You'll have to pay for alcohol when you're not a guest anyway.

You should do a degree if it has a positive financial ROI, and be specific when you evaluate this with your school and course and compare it specifically to your current career.

I'd caution you against doing it just because you think it would make you happy - it sounds like bullshit until you're on the other side, but unironically happiness is within. If you're miserable now, and move to start college you'll soon be miserable there once the novelty wears off in a few weeks.

>> No.55993859

yes go to a state school or community college.

>> No.55994070

that's a massive generalization, you claim to be knowledgeable about stats but are totally ignoring the fact that some majors are massively skewing that data while (most) other majors are not financially worth it

>> No.55994123

okay so stupid one of those majors that isnt a dead end. i studied accounting. i make a mediocre $100k/year with 5 years experience. i'm slowly getting more and more manager level roles spammed at me by roastie recruiters. i figure another year (and my CPA) and i'll be making $125-135k/year. after that comes senior manager participation trophy for another +$10k/year or jump to controllership $150k/year+ after another 3-5 years.

there are plenty of other upwardly mobile careers that require a college degree. within business there is corporate fp&a, procurement, logistics, nondescript analyst level roles.

then there's a ton of engineering jobs, although the comp sci meme ship and sailed. two and four year healthcare degrees are in extreme demand.

>> No.55994130

r u in fulltime as a mailman? does that have a state pention? i cant remember how that works w them.
also dont just go to collage to try n get ass. u can do that w.o paying for schooling. makke sure u have something picked out and actually want to learn otherwise your just like debt friend

>> No.55994168
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Depends on the job. So something that gives you actual skills. Think about RN. They are in high demand. Hours kind of suck but you are a young man with no family, so you can grind. The majority of women in nursing are massive sluts.

>> No.55994300

>that's a massive generalization
no shit retard, that's how statistics work. It's giving you a general understanding of a population.

>> No.55994410

OP I'll give you the real answer. If someone else is paying for it or you're just crazy wealthy and can pay for it without debt, then yeah, it's worth it for the experience and the degree. Choose whatever major you want because it doesn't really matter and enjoy your four year vacation.

If you're paying for it yourself through student loans as it sounds like you would, you have to think more strategically. If you're smart about it, then yes it's still worth it. You just have to choose a degree that will put you on a path to making money and doing something that is somewhat interesting, has societal prestige and you at least don't hate. STEM is always going to be in demand and science can be quite enjoyable and only becomes moreso as you get older. I fell into the "I hate math!" meme when I was your age, and now I like it.

I'm like you in that I don't have a dream job or a passionate life calling. That being said, if you don't put yourself out there and try aspiring to something, 10 or 20 years are going to go by and those doors will have shut, and life goes by fast. Like really fast. You'll still be a mailman, you'll still be living in your town, and you'll probably have regrets.

I pursued a path that ended up in digital signals processing of all things. I get paid good money ($150k/annum plus WFH 3 days a week). It would be a stretch to say I love it, but I also don't hate it, and if I had stayed in my small hometown, there's an 70% chance I would have an hero'd by now.

I know it's a meme, but have you thought about the military at all? No wars going on, you sign on for four years and get a cush cyber job stateside, learn a skill, get a clearance and come out of it with the GI Bill which is worth an insane amount of money. You can also get $1000/month disability NEETbux FOR LIFE with virtually no effort when you get out.

>> No.55994439

For STEM yes, because it’s required, for everything else no. I recommend taking some time decide what you really want in life before going ahead with anything so you don’t regret going to college. Don’t think too much about the money you’ll make, think about what you’ll be doing everyday on the job and if that’ll make you miserable or not.

>> No.55994499

Just become a drug dealer. All the parties you want and no loans.

>> No.55994542

As will always be mentioned,
It must be STEM related, add in Finance/Accounting too because business calculus
And don't just pick a college that parties try to get in a decent school because you can find parties at any of them, people who choose a school for priorities like that are the jobless ones because they go to some no name regional university that holds no respect
Don't fall for the "any university is good bro!" meme, it's one of the biggest memes they sell you as to prop up those other 6000 universities in the country that mean jack shit

>> No.55994630

>is college worth it

It depends on the degree, anything STEM related generally yes. BS like gender studies, film, history, literature, music theory no not at all. What school you go to doesn't matter much avoid the total scam schools but no one cares that you went to some state school ranked 125 or even 300 instead of an ivy league. the big thing people miss about college is employers care about real world skills. if you major in say CS, learning to write code is much more important than code theory. GPA only matter for scholarships. Cheap state schools are probably the best value and if you're not an idiot you can get a bunch of scholarships.

the question you really need to ask yourself is what do you want to do for the next 30 years? Id rather sit around and think in air conditioning than build shit or work outside. Some people are stir crazy and just the opposite and are not cut out for white collar work. nothing wrong with that. Or keep doing mail. The pay is fair, there's good benefits and in lots of places you still get a pension that's guarantee. You could do a lot worse if you don't mind doing the same shit every day.

Find something you love and you'll never work a day in your life is absolute horse shit. find something you can tolerate doing for 30 years that pays decently. There's more to life than just work but it's a major component of your overall happiness. So is money.

>> No.55995013

I did mail processing plant stuff in college as a temp that they'd work me 60 hours a week. Honestly think I'd be further ahead if I just took the exam to become a regular employee and worked my way up. guy working my exact same braindead job working fewer hours was making 90k in 2008. USPS is a pretty good employer and the union is too desu.

>> No.55996344
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>Don't fall for the "any university is good bro!" meme

>What school you go to doesn't matter much

ok wtf

is everybody just making shit up

>find something you can tolerate doing for 30 years
idk if i can tolerate existing on this planet for another 30 years. I don't mean to be overly negative, but I seriously can't imagine a career that wouldn't drive me insane. Maybe I should just become an outlaw biker and die at age 23

>> No.55996438

disagree. any degree that's been around for 100 years or more will be fine


this. if you have a business idea or whatever you're working on, maybe put school on hold. otherwise get the fucking degree.

>> No.55996553

These people are taking massive loans out for this experience anon. It’s not worth it. Just wait until you’re 24, and no longer a ‘financial dependent’, and only make enough to qualify for maximum Pell grant. Unless you qualify right now. Only use the Pell grant money for school, so you get the best of both worlds. Do not take out any loans.

Alternatively, get an FHA loan today on a quadplex today and start renting it out. Maybe even at a place near a university, so you can cash in on these retards and live rent free while attending

>> No.55996598

not everyone has nice parents dumb wigger

>> No.55996617

I also don’t have a dream job op. Used my free Pell grant time to start my own business. Unfortunately made the mistake of taking out loans once Biden came into office to hedge my bets against forgiveness, and now owe $18k. But I can graduate within 6 months whenever i want with a Math/CS degree and my biz makes enough that it’s not worth it to get a wagie job, but I’m still gonna finish and go to grad school largely out of boredom. Just two more weeks and I’ll be there baby